The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-13, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13th, 1960 • ° THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO PAGE NINE GE ..:ALD N. C ROQ.KS DOCTOR, OF CHIROPRACTIC ;Phone 545 .KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. • Office hours: Daily : Monday to Saturday . Wednesday a;m: • • Evenings'" Tuesday,. Thursday;, ryaurday` McLENNAN ' and;: MacKENZIE FliNER AL SERVICE. Services conductedaccord, ing • to : your wishes at ygur Home, your :Church, or at our .Memorial Chapel at no .• addeitionai: charge. Phone: 181, Lucknow,, Dayor 'Night WINGHAIVi MEMORIAL. SWOP • We' Have " Been Memorial.' Craftsmen for : Thirty -Seven, Years, 'Always Using' THE 'BEST' GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship.' • Prices Most Reasonable • •.Cemetery .Lettering •a: Specialty' S POTTO N. 'Phone .' 25r, '. W in gl am, ;' Ontario ►LAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist Officer' on, Patrick , St., Just :; off the: Main .St. . in ' ' WINGHAM Professional Eye. . Examination:;' Optical Services For appointment, •'Please .Phone •770, Wingham�'` R ~W:A1�lDR'EW` Barrister•. and Solicitor, •LISTOWFL, ONTARItt IN LUCKNOW ` . Every • Wednesday and 'Saturday . Afternoon Office in' the Joynt Block // Telephone Office' 135 , Residence 31-,) LUCKNOW DISTRICT '•. CO=OPERATIVE' ING� Phone."Ltucknow '.71 • TEDCOLLYER Registered ' Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • Specializing in • Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR SPARTON, TV and • All Electrical_ Appliances 'Phone 46' r 25; Lucknow Kenneth J. MacKenzie,. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. , ' • •at the former 'Wrona Jeweler store. Ripley, 10 'a.m. to 9. p.m . WEDNESDAY; JAN. 20th' • and every Second' Wednesday Eyes examined,,- Glasses' fitted , For appoin.tmen't ,'phif'ne Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley, Chartered ,Accountants . West Street. GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone JA ROY N. BENTLEY 'PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • GODERICH, ONTARIO Box 47.8. Phone JAckson . 4-9521 • A:. R.' DU VAL Sp.0 'Chiropractor Physio' and Electra Therapist Wingham .' - -. Phone 300 (Office' located in former, CKNX building on the -Main Street) • INSURANCE • FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE, :.AND.•LIFE •I'o Protect'"Your Jack, [nsure With Jack' Today.. J. A. McDONAGH:' • tt.1R. 3, Lucknow;, OHt; 'Phone' 61-5,, Dungannon' S.- HETHERINGTON, . • Barrister;' Etc. • Wingham and; Lucknow IN `,LUCKNO:W Each • Monday and Wednesday :heated in the Municipal O'ffic 'Phone Winghafl Office' 48 Residence 91 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOB1 LE miSU'RANC°E Investigate Before Investins:. KEI)BEN WILSON. R.R.. 3, 'Uoderich' Phone 80-r-8> rurgannon .a • J:OH NSTO'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 4 , Day or. Night USE OF FUNERAL' HOME At No Extra Cost dloderate Prices Established 1894 .IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, aid • 'quality products, contact; B.. R. GHISI OLM 'hone, collect I)tingannon 19 -r -z:. "Always ,Look To Imperial • • . For The Best',' The• regular :meeting " of the Paramount Women's: ; Institute will be held at the 1iome of Mrs, Walter 'Dexter" Ladies are asked to ' ` renember : artices for the sale. ",Say, waiter, how long have you been employed. "here? • (`About .two weeks, sir." "Then you ..couldn't be the orae Who took my order;" . 1. 1960 COUNCIL- AGENDA (Continued from page ,1) deliberatiorns..• • . To •Continue. Paving A • continuance of the road, paving prograr . received first mention' on the Reeve's .4960.. list Miscellaneous ° of recommendations. Other 'suggested projects in- There is , still about a mile of elude completion of the Town secondary roads to be aved. to Hall renovation,' with public corriplete a hard top pro�grain of toilet installations • in the base - all 'streets in thea village -5650 menta coat of'' paint for the arena 'feet: to • be exact: .Streets men- and a •thorough inside:. inspection tonecl in• the •.prograrn are Clyde; of .thestrueture as to' its safety;' Hamilton's West, .P,almerston, a "look into" the 'town. shed. •Walter,; Bob, Woolesley,•Wheeler which has been closed; consid East, North 'Delhi and' Hay" On eration of the introduction ;of the" latter tWo it Will be straight buildinig • permits :.and a zoning. construction• work, but. the .over- 'iby-laws; eventual • shoulder • wid- all program is hoped. to be Com- ening of ': hard topped roads pleted' in' 1961.• partici. larly in . the 'vicinity of If a• satisfactory paving price ,the,business area to Xroyic1eoff- can'. be, obtained this ,year; it. is. • the-streett parking. hoped' to pave as `much as pos-:Strike Committees sible of.'these streets that are •In .'striking , the ''committees, ready foe paving Council 'members were:.furnished' Widening and' Sidewalks , • With details 'pf the duties of; the Another recommendation is respective. departments, 'the :first; the :widening •. of Campbell. ' St. named ' being the committee:: (the ' 'mainstreet) from Inglis: chairman • . ' a. (Masons Garage) to Havelock General Government Joynt,• St, .. which would require . tree; Brooks, MacLeod,. Webster, Sin; - removal, on an-removal..on ,•;the •.hill, The widen ; derson: . irig Would. facilitate parking •and - avoid congestion where; the high- way narrows.' Maim St. sidewalk repair ` from -Ross -to . Outram, with Manhole. hazards being eli- Ininated, and a ;:new .walk along the north, side of the, Arena to. the municipal rest •rooms Ne* . Leighting'-, ', Another . proposal is installa- tion of 'moddrn flourescent 1tghts'' . Protection to Persons. and on Campbell St,, :and improved Property Sanderson, Mac •lighting at the north' 'end of. Leod, Joynt, 'Havelock Street and on . adjoin , Public Works' •MacLeod,, Ing Ludgat•d Street. Joynt, Sanderson, Brooks,' ' Truck . and Ladder . • Sanitation and 'Waste Relnov Consideration:• thust also ,he al Webster, Brooks, 'Sander- given .;thisi year -to purchase of son. a nevi' municipal truck and, an • Health - .. Joynt,; MacLeod,' aerial ladder to •replace • the in- ,Brooks. adequate and dangerous, g Social Welfare •• MacLeod,, ., shift arrangement now, in make- • — use, Joynt, Webster; Sewage Clean Up • Hydro' Sanderson,, • Webster;. • The Reeve pointed • out that it MacLeod; . Joynt, Brooks,- . Would be necessary. for: indiyi- . Water and Sewage, --• Brooks, .dual '• correction of all. sewage Joynt, McLeod,: Webster, San- •pollution .. areas, ' to. save ' the derson, • - • , .municipality $250,000 for. a sew- Industrial Joynt,,: MacLeod, :age disposal • plant which Water 'Webster. Resources "will force, on ' us if° " : Boards Personnel. we don't take action." :: Community Centre (Legion Hall) . — Garnet Henderson, Harold: Ritchie; Harold Thomp- son, Clarence Greer, 'Stuart Coll- yer,, • George Joynt, Omar Brooks. Recreational — Robert McIn- tosh, .Lloyd ; Ashton, Wm. Johr- stone, ;r E, H. Agnew, Ken Cam- eron, George ' Joynt, " M. Sander W:: BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH F. T. 'Armstrong Consulting Optometrist , The Square (Phone 'JAckson. 4=7661) FURNACE • OIL,':; STOVE .OIL; ' •KEROSENE, GASOLINE' ":• •'See or `call ..;, WM. ' A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone '226-W Lucknow District Agent for. Cities Service Comrnunity Centre (Parks) Ken' Cameron, Clarence Greer, Fred' McQuillin, : Robert .McIn. tosh S. :S E. Robertson, George Joynt, . Alex. •MacLeod. Community Hall •• (Arena) Russell,. lilutton,, : Cameron Mac- Donald; .Charles 'Webster; 'M Sanderson, , R., C.' ' MacKenzie,` ' George `Joynt, Harvey Webster. . Library Board 4- Mrs. ' Grace Howey, p3 years, •..P ' .W...Hoag 2 years Mrs, ' Gertrude 'Treleaven,, one year • W. B. Anderson Was . re -ap- pointed to `:represent ••Lueknow '1:. on Wingharn • General ^ Hospital:. Board. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH A 2=1957 CHEVROLETS, A-1 1-1959 CHEVROLET 1-1954 ' CHEVROLET, . like ' new, , good condition 2-1953 CHEVROLETS, A-1 ;! , 1:--1953 PLYMOUTH, completely overhauled, 1-1948 DODGE, m . real good condition 1=-1954 MERCURY, real good • r4 BIG SPECIAL 1955 MONARCH HARDTOP, loaded with accessor- ies. This ` •is a real ' beauty and replaces'' the Mercury Monteray which is gone. SOME REAL • CHEAP : CARS AT. $100:00. .i rvi Phone `55 Lucknow. Bill Hunter 'FEED. CONTRACTS•'- DAILY` SERVICE Begged or Save on Binh /: (rninitnum • "5 tons). Blown' In Your Bins. owest ;Cost :Calc u•a for Grade :A; Eggs LLMAKE CONTAINS' 39% PURE 'CALCIUM IN BITE SIZE FORM Feed Free Choice or Mixed with Feed, to force calcium Intake,. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE IN CRACKS and GRADE "A"? This product hardens the shells and puts 'eggs in the, better bracket for you: DRIED MOLASSES Now Available In. Two Grades --.= Is A Wonderful Conditioner & Appetizer When Stabling • Of Stock. t eFtiR+r Kneclitel and Sort: LUCKNOW BRANCH, .'PHO ,. NE713- There's . A New -Life Feed, or Every Nei �r,Pt�}fs:P a 440444.0,4