The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th,, :1960 CULROSS CORNERS Congratulations to Susan Wil-. son on winning a Christmas cake in a draw; rat i.0 lv 11's . Store in ren, Port . Credit, Mr. and Mrs. TIIE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . ' PAGE FIVE Mrs. Frank :Brown, and,''.` Reg. Christmas guests of. Mr. and Mrs: Jas,. Wraith, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Donaldson and child - ,Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. 'Don .1Zabertson and family, • Georgetown, have retailed. 'to' home base after spending the .past two • weeks holidaying with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs; John Seh'uniacher' and other relatives., Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Shelton,; Maaike . and .Dinah Vroome, Parkhill, spent, . Christrnas with n. Murray Henderson and family, Lucknow, Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Stobo, 6th con an4' Miss Betty Ann Stobo, Stratfo d. . Mrs:Earle Earle Hodgins, Teeswater spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson and family'. Mr. and Mrs. :,T3hn Ross had. dinner on Christmas with Mr. and . Mrs,; Alex.4McKay, Walker - to . That's right your..$1 0,000 00. For, believe it or not, ou'll likely earn more than that during your, working years. Question is: how much will you keeps?: Right now is. the time to resolve to keep a larger. part ofwhat. you earnirhroughout this new year And theplace to keep it is in a B of M Savings Account Make saving: every pay. -day :your No•1 New Year's. resolution this year. The B of M can't help you' , resolve: to stop eating between meals or get youto work on time, but it can help you save,. Why not start your account tomorrow at "MY BANK'? it's a good oodplace to: accumulate a / g � portion of the vast sum. you will earn during your working years. It takes just one dollar '= and three- minutes —'to open .your B of M Savings Account. • BEOE-PRINT. hr.,50001111 tumid i.1 Frilly WWII • • Here's a` resolution `keeper . ':Ask, sit your neighbour hooitB of•MVI branch for acopy of our. booklet"`Blue-Print 'for Successful Personal and •Family.Financing" It will show' you' how to make up a. workable budget' that will keep,your 1 New Year's resolution intact. .' • i . /07 M/IUOM mows v"' M 13,4NK.'0.F , 0 . MILTON N R AYNI;il, Manager t�ea'�kntyw Branch. 1Vi' RKii rNITH CAt4AplAI�S I EVER 'WALK (F LIfE Sll� s 181 s • • , Mr. • and Mrs. Tom _Stewart,: Bud . and ) Harold Were Christmas visitors'with Mr,: ' and Mrs. Ralph •Qoesel and. family, %Kiln cardine.._' N Mr. and IMis. MorleY • Wall and . family, Mr: and Mrs. 'Elmer Wall .and Mr., and Mrs.. Frank Thompson and, family were the 'guests for Christmas dinner at, the 'home of Mr.. and Mrs , Bert. Shewfelt, Kincardine.. , - . Mr.. and ..Mrs. Clayton Meyer and family spent a few days in Hamilton: Mrs. • 1VIary. Wall' (Grandma), who • is a patient in Wingham Hospital was .' able .to spend Christmas Day at her .1 -,orae. here She returned to the hospital Christmas. night, • ;Mrs. Howard Whytock ,and. family., Teeswater, were Christ- mas, Day visitors with Mr, : and Ms. .Don Donaldson and family. Messrs. Bob. and Al .:Stewart, North Line, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and• Mrs. Tom Stewart: "Mr. arid, • Mrs. Ron Stanley and family, Kinloss Visi- ted is -ted at the :carne home. - Mr. and Mrs:. Morley. Wall and family arid Mr.' and Mrs. Clayton Meyer, and family were dinner guests '•Christmas night,:- of Mrs R.. 'Whitehead; Teeswater. • ....Mr. and . Mrs::Bob ' Fischer, and Sherry, '.Kitchener;."and Miss Mary Collison, •. Galt, . spent'. Christmas :week -end ' with .'Mrs, Catherine O'Neil. ' - • On ':Christmas night; 'Mr and ; :,Mrs., , David :Ross and, family .en- tertained" members 'of his ,family to' a dinner, Mrs., William Brew ' er and :Wayne, ;'.West Hill, ..Mr• aird' Mrs-: Don..Ross, and -Mr: ,and ;Mrs; Bob: Million :.'and' Sandra; i Toronto,-; Mr:_. and Mrs: :..... Alen, McKay, Walkerton; Mr, and. •1 Mrs. Norman •Ross and family, Wingham and Mr. and : Mrs Ron 'Brewer,• :Cargill • Mrs: :Hugh Nicholson, Mr:. and •Mrs. Harold Nicholson • arid fain-' ily and. ' Mr. and :.Mrs.:': Harvey Nicholson and Hughie: all• of Bervie': were dinner` guests .Sun- day Sun -day evening of • •Mrs.'. .Frank Brown and ,'Reg. On Sunday 'evening, Mr. and Mrs. Morley. Wall. and family.. entertained Mr and Mrs.. Grant all . and.. family, . Walkerton, Mr.. and Mrs: Elmer Wall, '8th Con. and Mr. and Mrs.Don Don- aldson and. • family.'.' ': Mr. • 'and . Mrs : Tom Hae1ett and ' Doug, ,.Ashfield, Miss • • Elleda Irwin,.':: Toronto, and Mr. ' 'and. Mrs Eric Hackett ',arid. family;, Paramount - ::were • the guests Christmas. of Mr. -and• Mrs.Mid= ford' Wall and Donnie • • ;: On .' Wednesday .: evening Mrs Pauline Schubach.and girls, of' Teeswater; 'entertdined: at '- a 'birthday• dinner ;in honour of Mrs.' Frank. Brown.. Congratulations :'to . `.Mr. and Mrs.William • Haldenby': • (riee Irene. Roulston) on'• the 'birth of a : daughter. on Wednesday, De= cennber 30th. in Wingham • Hospi- tai.: • •'Mr, *and` Mrs. Tom Hackett'and Doug, Ashfield, Miss Elleda• Ir- win,* Tor.orito,; and Mr'. and Mrs. Eric'. Hackett • and 'Aridly, Para - Mount, were:: the. .guests ..on Christmas • of Mr. and.. Mrs. Mid ford, Wall ' and. Donnie. Miss Ellen McBride,. Cooks- ville : spent a` few days with. •.Mrs. Frank Brown :arid Reg, Mrs: R. Whitehead, Teeswater,' and Mr:. anal Mrs. Morley Wall and family. were • dinner , guests. New Years of Mr:, and;Mrs �- Clayton Meyer and family, ,,,, .Mrs. Ethel Wilson .and ' Mr. William' Kidd, Toronto, have been visiting at the home. of the Wilson Brothers. ` Mrs. Frank .Brown. and Reg. spent New years •with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Shelton,' Parkhill. Mr. " and Mrs. Jas. Wraith Were the .dinner guests r' New Years of Mr. and .Mrs. 'Murray Henderson and family, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock spent New Years with Mr, and•. Mrs. Lloyd".Why'tock and family,. Wingham, ' ' ' .e • Our . teacher, Mrs. Sutton, re', si;.'ned her pot 'f fSn. 'l+w'Y .K ,Y"a P• (isikK("'r . rr There's no better way to cart fer- tilizer 'costs than to take advan- •tage•of.the early season discounts ° on Co-op Fertilizer. meatoloom efor Plus an.. Additional. 7% BY PAYING CASH IN 10 DAYS so the children :-had' .a .new : tea,' cher Monday morning: We wel- come her • to. the community. Little Ruth Whytock Lang side; is spending: a : few days. with. her: grandparents, Mr. and .Mrs. Alex . Whytock. spent . Sunday .evening wi,tll^. Mr. and Mrs. Midford. Wall and Don-- , nie. on- nie. Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg were dinner guests., Sunday -ev- ening -of , Mr. -and, Mrs.: , Jas, Wraith, .. Arsi, ;'Mr. 'and` Mrs: Art llodgins ` = Happy` New Year ,td all. PLUMBING; .and.' HEATING ESSO OIL BURNER' SALES 'Arai:'SERVICE Phone 73 Lucknow: ' lar Ring Out The Old Ring:' In ' The New To my • many friends with whom` I am .not- not— in dire •'c t contar to Please accept my sin- 'cere good wishes for prosperity, happiness and • good health in t 960. :re eti .g • Always At Your' Servicer " Your Federal Member, ELSTON CARD 9 FF • rA y., • 4^