The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; . LUCKNOW, " ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, is "J • 6th, 196a FOR SALE FOUR SALE-ladys white skates, size' 8, 'practically new. Apply Mrs.. Barry McDonagh,: Lucknow 183. ' •• • WOOD Elm slabes now avail- able arid, beech and' maple. •Slabs: Will be .available sometime in January. Place your order§now.. Spence Irwin, Lucknow; FOR SALE --2 , Holstein heifers, 'one duenow; the other in 'about: three • weeks. . . Jack McKenzie, R. 3 Lucknow, • phone • Dungannon. FOR SALE-9largeglobe light • fixtures; . 5 blackboard, .illuminate tors, Apply R. L. Campbell, B.R. 1, Ripley,, phone 115-r-17 Ripley. FILTER QUEEN'Sales and Ser= vice, ..repairs to all makes 'of vacuum cleaners: Used cleaners of.•all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone .Iensall 696 r=2 WOOD FUR SALE. — good' hard rnapl'e` wood? in. • truck, load lets. McMillan.'lBrothers, . Lucknow. '' IF YOUR ;-TRACTOR NEEDS an. overhaul, see Harvey .Hagedorn, dealer ' for Cockshutt, George White, and Gehl farm. equipment. Ripley, phone' 61-r-16... / • 'T:F • .CTRICA'L '=- �reparr. ' work, radfos•'' toasters; irons, . electric fences, 'anything in the electrical: line; prompt :service,'reasonable prices; L .ons. "Radio' Shop, hone � Y p, P. 84, Luclhiow:. • AUCTION SERVICE; • Allan ,MacIntyre: Licensed.. Auetiorieer. ,Lucknow •` ; •• • Phone 281 ,AUTOMOTIVE Glass•=-SteeringBod .Repairse'; y ' Lubrication;': etc. For 'Quality Service, see { DAVIDSON'S (TEXACO 1 • SERVICE Phone' 320 Goderic1 No. 8.• ' Highya x 'MEAT FOR SALE ; . Good, ,beef or ; pork in ' large -or Small • quantities: Meat :Slaughter- ed . •on premises inspected. by the Department of Health. Custorri killing , by ; appointment.. •Cattle killed every day and hogs every Tuesday morning. RAVNARD• :ACKERT;-ilolyrood Phones. '24-2k;. Ripley, ' and 101-r-13,, Lucknow • , WANTED-, - WANTED—Emden gander,_ Ken- neth. Purves, Ii,R • 1, Lucknow,. WANTED -used' platform •.scales in good- working •order. Will pay reasonable price. Lucknow , Dis-. trict Co-op,` phone 71, collect. • OPERATOR NEEDED at :Duni-. garinon Office. Apply in writing to .Huron • and Kinloss: Telephone 'Office, • Ripley, °'• .CUSTOM BUTCI1ERING • cutting. acid • wrapping, meat; sold by • quarter, . For • appointment phone 54, Lucknow.,: .BUTTON . MEAT' MARKET MUSIC :TEACHER, WANTED Music Teacher: required for Ripler'School, 3 rooms:: Duties to commence immediately.: Write stating qualifications and . salary expected' by January 1 .to Mrs. John •C. MacDonald, Sec. Treas., R.R. 4, ' Ripley, Ontario.. • CARETAKERS WANTED For each. school in.: West, Wa- wanosh School Area. !renders to be in hands :of. .secretary. not later 'than January -.18th,. 1960. Lowest or any tender not iineces- sarily accepted, • • •. •• " .W. ; A. Stewart, Sec'y.,. ',Dungannon,;Ont. SALES" HELP WANTED, M E Are you' tired of farming, 'l- ing g, ina: -or whatever' you: do? Thous .ands enjoy: and prosper, as Rawleigh • Dealers. Good opport unity, in Bruce County. -Write a once for 'information. ' RawleiGgh's• �: =De :t --A--271-9.1- - '.4005 Richelieu Montreal: ' „ WOOD TENDERS WANTED for. S.S. No; 2, .Kinloss, X10 cord' elm :body wood, 16"• 10 cords maple or beech, ' 16''; to be'' •delivered: and , piled • on'` :the' property of Kinlough Se eel on ; or before June 15t1; ".1960. Tenders •to be :.received ,:by..the secretary' lot' later, than'` January ,15th," at 2:00 pm • May Boyle,Sec' Treas.,': SSS.' .:No. , 2, . Kiniass R R.. 1, T_ ^ . _ MAGAZINE SPECIALS For a limited time, only, Sat- ', urday Evening,; Post,; 60 : issues` $4:79; 110. issues, $8.80; Ladies Hoe Jotirnal,..16 : issues,, '.$2.80; 22 'issues '$3.85 30 issues•:$5..5.; American Home 25 'issues $3 25• Holiday,,' 15 issues s, sues, $8.25:, The Lucknow': Senti.- .•nel, phone, .36; Lucknow:`' COMING EVENTS Mr. acid *Mrs. John. MacChar- CARD OF THANKS ' CASH•BINGO •. Cash bingo in the Legion Hall, Thursday, 'January 7th, at 8:45. p:m. •12 regular gashes,' 3 ,share - the -:wealth games,- Jack -pot, game, -5.7 numbers for $80.00., RECEPTION FRIDAY A rgception will. be , held' in honour of Mr, and Mrs. :Ste:wart Stanley '(newlyweds.) in' the Le- gion .Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, 'Januar 8th: Carruthers' orches- tra. tra Everyone welcome. ' NOTICE_ Having. suffered a • fractured Wrist, ' my Beauty Salon will .of necessity be 'closed" until Febru- ary .15th. • . Mrs. Ken Mowbray. RE. TELEPHONE SERVICE , During the sleet Storm ,disrup- tion of telephone service through, the Dungannon' Exchange, your Esso . Oil Dealer, -, can be reached. by phoning 'collect 'to CARLOW 1406. b .. B. R CHISHOLM and : SON • Booster tickets te, '• help •.: the Lucknow - Intermediate :Hockey Club 'are ' available from all, players, Tickets. entitle you to admission ;to the first game and the chance on a draw for a: ;cash' award. lie*. the ., newly formed hockey 'team ',by the purchase of a"ticket "Farmers • interested in •joining a.. Bruce, County Farm Manage, menta ' Association should signify their intentions to.' -the Depart 'Ment ' of Agriculture,' Walkerton, .at an early .date: Contracts -will not .becsigned - until' a meeting.; in early April G. R. `.Gear, Agricultural .Rep. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs.- Gilbert Hamilton wish ' to • sincerely: • ' think - • the, neighbours. -and :Lucknow Fire. Department for their. -prompt as sistance ' at the time their ,:home was threatened : by . fire.. • Mr.. and . Mrs. ,Garnet "Fender- ,son: wish toexpress. their heart- felt .thanks arid appreciation, OLD HORSES WANTED Old horses wanted at 3.%c per lb.; dead . cattle at : value. 'If, dead, phone at : once. to Gilbert. Bros. Mink Ranch; phone collect God.- erich : 1483J4 or; 1483J1.: WOOD WANTED .,The; West Wawanosh: ' School .Area wants the. •following • quant- ities of wood: St. "I•Ietens, 25 cords;. Fordyce, 20 'cords;. No., 3 Township •Hall; 15 cords; No. 2`'. Plunketts, 25 'cords; No. 17. "Dig - gins", 15 cords. This .wood—.to he all hard . maple and'• beech, 14 inches longnot ever. 10 inches or . under . 6. ,.inches- in diameter, to he .piled in school yard 'not • later than June 30th, 1960.. Tlowest or'.'anlie I y• tender. not:' neces- sarily de . ,These: tenders eco p td to be • in.: hands. 'ofT the. secretary not '. • later than' January - ' 18th, 1960. A. ..Stewart, Sec'y..,. Dungannon, Ont.: $3 75 3 i 0 DEAD STOCK REMOVAL FOR: - Fast Pickup. Service and Highest Cash Prices call RIPLEY.. 40 'COLLECT An associate of ?arinig Co., Chatham, Ont. t SO p 11 those who' • we' bee o veil • a t ose ha n { • y kind,. :thoughtful and'. , helpful duriang Garnet's ..`'illness.' MAGIC M&1ZKERS Because cf. so -many requests, •Vve now have available the handy '"Magic Marker”. Just lift the cap and' 't writes cm :'anything.. dries instantly. ' For home, work and .play,' it • just can't :be beat Available in 8 colours, only $1.10 .at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone. 35' TENDERS, • • I wish to express : my, sincere. thanks to all 'mil friends and neighbours who remembered- ' my family and myself in so •:many Ways while 'I"• was, a' patient • in Victoria H6spital. ' These kind acts were 'very muchappreciat- ed. Mrs. Jim Boyle. les wish • to thank all the: kind people, who sent parcels , .and cards.. at Christmas.. `They will long' be remembered. - I wish to 'thank all, the 'people who were so kind to ane' in dif- 'ferent way's .while I was sick. Miss. L•aura. K.' Archer`.• The family of the late; Mrs. • Robinson Woods wish toy ack- nowledge• with, heartfelt thanks. and• .appreciation •the many kind acts and' expressions 'ot sympa- thy extended them at the time of .the death of ',their ; dear mo- ther. • Mr.. and Mrs. •• John Craig, Whitechurch, wish to thank their many. friends. and .neighbours for their kindness and gifts on : the. occasion of their 50th w,edding'' anniversary, ; I wish to: thank everyone _-Who remembered me while in hos- pital • with cards,'. #lowers and visits, nd special -thanks' to Drs. Corrin and Finlayson: and nur- ses at Wingham . General ;Hospi tal. Mrs. ;Wilson; Irwin. Bert Alton wishes to sincerely thank ,. his. many 'friends who kindly , remembered him in se many,. ways.' while' ,he was . *a• patient in ' Victoria Hospital, London NOTICES NO'T'IC•E TO '`CREDITORS In the Estate ' of - William McDonald ALL PERSONS having ' claims against. the_ estate of >;the; above mentioned, ; late -of the Village' of Lucknow, ....in • :the . Gounty of Bruce, School :Teacher, deceased, 'who .died•'on.the 14th day of. December-',': 1959 it ,the Village of. Lucknow, ' are ' required ' i oto file proof of. same with •' the under signed on Or .before the.23rd- daY. of ,January, 1960. After . that; •• date the executor will •. •proceed .to distribute the estate having regard ,Only to the claims ''which `:shalt' then' have been received,. '.:DATED :at, Wingham, this`28th• day••'of December, 1959 Crawford and Hetherington. om, Wingham Ontario. Solicitors' for the ,,Executer. Marked', sealed. tenders will be received by the undersigned until, January Oth, 1960,for care- takers for U.S.S. 4 Lochalsh. U.S.S. 8 Dungannon and S.S. 1 Port Albert in Ashfield Town- ship .. School Area. Dutiest o•corn.• . McOce February. 1960: ,,,Loweat or. any .tender not necessarily ac- cepted. '� ' :it. T. Kilpatrick, Sec;-Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ont. WATERLOO; CATTLE' BREEDING .ASSOCIATION: "Where., Better 'Bulls • Are Used' ARTIFICIAL :INSEMINATION:. SERVICE': FOR ALL BREEDS OF ` CATTLE Farmer . owned and controlled''. • Call us, between,, • 7:30 /and 10:00 aim: week : days • arid 6';00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday • ti evenings at Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine. 460 . DEAD STOCK SERVICE. HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses • also ' Dead Cows and Horses at Cash. Value Old horses 4c e'er pound GORDON :TAYLOR, Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow . R.R, 2 Lucknow 24-hour service •11TOTI'OE TO:.: CREDITORS In' the Estate of Garner! Stanley • ALL 'PERSONS haying • .. 1 claims .against.'••the ..estate' of • the. above . mentioned, late.: of the .Village of. Lucknow in the `. County 'of,. Bruce, Gentleman; ; who died or:. the _27th day of 'November A.D. 1956,' are. required to file proof of same' with the undersign' 5 ed• on' or • before :the 9th day of Janu'- ary; 1960. • After thatate the dexecutor Will proceed to; distribute the estate having regard ,only to 'the claims ..of . which he shall :: then.. have had `. notice. ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin., cere thanks: and appreciation :to our many kind friends,• relatives and neighbours, for the. kindness shown in :our : recent 'bereave . rnent. . Special thanks to • the Thompson • NunHand 'staff, the Rev. - N. McCgomjomebie 'and Dr. J. B. ;Tyndall: Mrs. Donald:' T'hornpson sand family. We would like at this time to ' exEress our sincere- thanks on behalf• of, the patients in ,,our . Home to all the people who. re- membered - .them , "at ,Christmas and: helped to .make it '4'..Merry one:"' Special .thanks to Kairshea W.I:; Reids Corners. W,I., Luck- - Ow uck'now United Church W .,' Sal vation . Army of Wingham, Tees water Lions Club,: , Mr. Ernest Ackert, . Messrs. , John and Dan MacKinnon for their' gift and all,: their. kindness.' To Mr. John D,.:' Thompson for' his ..gift.. Thanks also to all the people'•who called`.' and ' extended • their good wishes and to the ones that have brought .and, sent flowershere during this past year; It was 'all ` • 'deeply appreciated. Grace and Elliott: Carruthers.+ DATED`- at Wingham this :12th. day .of. December, A.D 1969. Crawford and Hetherington,. Winggham, Ontario, :. • Solicitor.' for,' the Executor. WHITECHURCH Intended For Lai ( Weei) :. Russell Taylor o#. Wopdstock • spent ,Christmas';with his 'mother, ;: Mrs.: W. ` Taylor,. and. Charlie Mrs Brian Boothi•ian 'of Al berta is: spending :the., Christmas, holidays 'with ,her. parents, Mr and, Mrs. 4 • E.' Buckton.: Mr. '•and ` Mrs. A; . Pu urdon of Lucknow; :Mr` and ' Mrs:' Hector Purd_ on: and fanuly 'of '. Sarnia,, Mr.' .an'd Mrs R. ; Falconer arid" family: of Sarnia spent Christ : mas :with `,: Mr. and Mrs C.. Fel- Mr: .arid Mrs.: Jack ' Gillespie: '.and family 'spent the ,Christmas ` holiday ' with Mrs. G Gillespie and :Mr. and Mrs W.: ',. ' Farrier, Mr, .and Mrs. R. Spotton 'and daughters of Toronto spent the Christmas . week -end' With. het. parents, . Mr. and '. Mrs.' Robert .Henderson.:.' Mr.: and Mrs. Ross .Smith and; Kathy'.. of Toronto ; spent , the Christmas week -end:•; with • her:. parents,- Mr:. and Mrs: R: Chap ✓nail. Mr. and Mrs. a4, .E `Buckton,..' Mrs: • Brian Boothman• spent Boxing Day at the home of Mr, and Mrs: ` Herb Buckton. ' : • Mrs.. A. Dowling; and Laverne sperit Christ/nat..with her: father,, Mr..., Rooney'• of 'Mt. Forest 'and .... also visited her • mother' in, Pal- n erston • Hospital Mr..:and: Mrs.. 'Carman . "Farrier and farnily, Miss W. Farrier of, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. ' C, 'Far- rier and. family ,,of ',Galt, :.Mr. and Mrs.. R.' Farrier and daughter - of Wingham spent Christmas with Mr. .and Mrs 'W. R. 'Farrier. /,,'Mr. and Mrs. ' Dick. and •family'" of• Toronto spent Sunday . with Mr. • . and 'Mrs. '. J. McInnis. and : 'Mrs.', Roane . Mr, and Mrs. '.Tom Morrison,; Mr. and Mrs. A: Buckton, B. Boothrnan'visited at the.home 1. of Mr. 'and Mrs Jack Barr of cover. Kinlough . on • Sunday. NOTICE To. CREDITORS•' In; the ;Estate of Duncan. Cameron ALL PERSONS -having. •claim's against . the: e;;tate ;of • the ':above mentioned, late- of the • Village. of Lucknow;..., in the County of. Bruce, Retired Farmer, who . died on or about the '28th day of No- vember, ' 1959,, are redy.red Ifo file 'proof of same with' the' un- dersigned on or bre'fore the 9th day of January, 1960. • After that' date the executor will proceed to .distribute *the estate having ' regard only to the claims of ,which. •he shall then have had • otice. DATED at Wingham' this 1.2th day of December, AD. ' 1959. Crawford and Hetherington, Wrnghan'i,, Ontario: Solicitors for the Executor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick,,., Mr. ' and Mrs. W. Conri and fan•. •ily,. Mr.. and. Mrs. R. Ross' and family, `;Mr.. and Mrs:, William Caslick and fathily,. 'Mr. .and Mrs. G. Scott, 'Mr... and Caslick and, family, spent Christ. mas Day 'at the 'home of NIT, and Mrs... R. Coultes. Mr. and Mrs, Robert 'Mowbray, Mr. and. Mrs., Durnin and:' family: visited ' MrS. Jane Kennedy. On Christmas ' Day: . Mr. and, .Mrs.. Jack Mitchell and family of ,Wingharn. visited, at the • home sof Mr. and. Mrs. Tqm Morrison on Bo,ing DaY - Typewriter ribbons for -ail make of machine are now av able at the •LUcknow, Sentinel. 'No matter -What the machine, we have the ribbon. Phiine' 35; Ludo now.