The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-01-06, Page 3WEDNESDAY, „JAN. '6th, 1960 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE. 1 • •I 1 • . WHAT WE GIVE ' AWAY AT• OUR STORE ARE 'PRICES; 14'11 Fin` @S the.. 'ver "SAVE CASH AT RED &r WHITE" LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE Save 8c., 48oz. tins .. GEM .MARGARINE Lb. pkgs. Save 7c , , , .. HEINZ KETCHUP Save: 25c.,11 oz. .... . GRANULATED SUGAR.. for, 79c ,.. 3 ,for 67c 5• for $1.00 Save 4c. 10 16 bags 79c Red & White Homogenize Peanut Butter 16 oz., Save 6c , .. • ,29c R. & W Evaporated .Milk Save 8c tall tins .:.. ' $ for 79e Sunspun No 1 Grade Butter, lb. . , 66c Sunspun Ice. Cream, 1/2 gal; 89c Sunspun Ice Cream Bricks: . . , .. , 25c TURKEY DRAW : WINNERS Ron Forster Mrs. Lawrence McLeod .•and • Donald Hanilaon. PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY Mr. and Mrs.. Les Hallam. of Ottawa;' ¥Vir•. and Mrs. Fred Hal-; ,lam, ,and . •IVlary ; of :Kincardine were Christmas visitors :with the • boys' parents, . M. ' and ` Mrs. Charles: Hallam: • ' • . and Mrs Donald Johnston: 1VIr e .. of 'Toronto;', Mr add Mrs., .: Al Guse, Doug and Donald of Lon:. 'don, 1VIr. and Mrs. M. • C.'. John ston,., Sharon 'land Diane' of. Lon- _;__ xlczn pent Cl�r.ist ras with..: Mr". and '.Mrs .P.. NI: Johnston. ANGLICAN CHURCH.'OI'` CANADA ST PETER'S UCKNOW UNTIL, FURTHER •NOTICE 11.10` a.m.. Morning . Prayer Communion Sunda Holy n Y in .the ''month, MONDAY, .JANUARY 18th: Annual • Vestry Meeting in'the Council Chamber,'' Town' Hall. OTHER. `SERVICES'..'.IN THE PARISH • • 9:40 •a.m" .,St. Pauls, Ripley 2:15 pni. St. Pauls, Dungannon 3:30 . parin: 'Christ., Chu''reli, Port ,Albert •x t Luckno�v , :' �. Presbyterian Church Minister. Rev.' Wallace McClean �. SUNDAY,. JANUARY/ .-10th 11.00 .a m, Morning Worship 12 15 : p.m Sunday School 3:00 p.nn;.. Dungannon` Laval Et menera • • -Mr.. and' Mrs E, H. ',Ago e w ''spent'Christmas in Detroit ith 1V,[r. ,and Mrs, .roe: Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hend g , ersonspent Christmas ,in' Sarnia with Mr. ,and Mrs..Don Graham ?Dr.,.W"• C.'MacGr'egor of C'hiea- go -Visited .last :"week with•'his sister, ',Catherine- 'MacGregor. Mrs. R. J.' Horton spent . the holiday season : with • .1Vr.`': and' ,Mrs..G..0. Bere 'of: Nile. 1' 1 ilMnro •-•, Arm, 1.�a�.. :: ,...a} r.....,...aM,. ►�1 r.1.,Y11��►,,t�ll�bllil)'•�'r1�11�N1�1/�•1.�� •• i. LUCKNOW i UNITED CHURCH 1. • , .,Minister: • I Rew,.. Gordon lc: Geiger, B.A., B.D. I; SUNDAY; JANUARY 10th. 1 10;00' am. Church .School • 1 11.00: dat...:Divine Worship —Holy Communion :..' mmun ton Sermon theme `Strength For the Journey", • .... Nursery church during.. Thought For The ,Week ' A 'smooth sea never made a skillful utM r finer , +r.u4riiill►Fr40.4Abiaa►brbor4Y11iie . • Mrs._ J D. Anderson.: spent the; .holiday season'. in :Detroit with Mr 'and :Mrs: Bill • Bluer Mr. and; ,Mrs . Harold'.Freeman • of ,Syracuse, New York,' spent '.Christmas with .Mr. 'and,: Mrs. J W. Joynt. Mrs;• ; EcT Thom and. Mr.;.'and' 'Mrs. L C Thom son , Patricia p •and Joarine were Christmas vis itors:.at.:Norwood _with. Mr arid Mrs.:Ron Rothwell: a•' Mr., and' Mrs. J.'h:MacMillan were Christmas... visitors in St. Catherines1 with ''Mr. . and Mrs. '.C'lifford MacMillan. and. `Mr: ,and• Mrs Jinn MacMillan. ' The Luck'now' men's Insti'• tute will rneet • •in, , the Town Hall. •on Friday; January • 8t i, at t:'30 `p.rn.;::visitors ,wel.corne. Mr. and • Mrs. John ,: Emerson visited'. last Sunday at the home of , Mr ; ,and:1\1rs. John .Nixon •.of • Belgrave:. • Mr,' and, 'Mrs. R.. J, . Barkwell,• Carole'• and : Murray spent a few days„ with ..Mrs Evelyn :Barkwell of town,' Mrs. :Charles .T'wamhey, ., 'of London -.spent Christmas .with her• sister, Mrs. -,Sam Sherwood and Mr. Sherwood; 1Vhr: .and Mrs Frank,. Maclx- Cosh of Windsor 'say "We look fo'r the Sentinel like a letter `from home."'. Chuck McDonagh and Eric Schistad of " Elliott Lake were Christmas .;visitors at the/ horrie of Mr; :and Mrs. Jack ,McDonagh. • • Mrr..;and Mrs A. Ed Millson of .Milton, :and their' grandson, Gar- ry 'Giasford of Rexdale Were New. Year guests of Mr.. ;and Mrs: W. Joyntr • , • Christmas'' guests with Mr. awl Mrs. Graydgri Ritchie, were and Mrs. J.: G. Ritchie, B'on riie and, .Kenneth Of. Mitchell: ,Mr, Mfr. and Mrs. Arinstrong Wilson and Jityi of •Lucknow; Miss Mae Ketchabaw of Ldndon.' it is a matter of •,disappoint- ortient. that ,so few peoplebother to, tell us of their holiday visit- ors, 6r if • they .vis' d out-of- town, It is only wj i1 we are in- formed Of these items that they earn be. ac,�urately reported We lvelcorle tholn .at all. times, Mrs:. Wilson Irwin . returned home• from Wingharn Hospital 'prior to .Christmas. 'Mary Anna ..:1\ficholson Wright of • Saskatoon spent Christmas . •with ` re,lative.s in : the, `coXnrrrunity,,' . Dr. •. E H.. "Salkeld •, of" the. :Science „ Service, : Ottawa; • anad Miss Margaret: Salkeld; B A.,.. of the . Calgary - High High •,School teach_ • ing.:staff sperit the .Christmas'. olidays` .with. their ' parents, ' Mr. and ,Mrs. T. J.. Salkeld.. Mr :And 'Mrs.. 'Albert Morton and Ian. were Christmas visitors with -relatives in ''Montreal,; where they were ;joined' by :Mr. and . •Mrs. 'Robert .Morton Bob: is. stationed ".at Seven ' 'Islands, Quebec with ;the R.0 A:F; • ,Holiday, visitors at -.,the :: home 'of S. B. Stothers, were .Mr.. and' Mrs, W'Whale ` and Brock, Jr., 'of.';Cooksville'•'and Mr and .Mrs.' J. t'.'.'Schultz .;of Burlington. M.r. Stothers;' ,spent • •Christias with Mr. "and ' Mrs' Passmore and family- at ,Pembroke "Mr. ''and Mrs Frank Cumming ' of Huron; . ,Clarence : Cumming of Detroit,. , Mr." and Mrs. W. H. Lindsay.; and: •Judith Ann, Brenda. Sternall• and 'Waiter. Lindsay of Walkerton, and Mrs Walker' of Lucknow were Sunday guests 'of 1VIr. ` and,: Mrs. ' Ross'Cumming. ,Christmas : Day visitors • with Mr. and 'Mrs...HarveY , Houston' Holyrood were: Mr.. . and. Mrs.. boy Taylor "and..Derwyn of Wal- kerton : and Miss Barbara Anne Taylor of Sarnia.' Other visitors' during •the ; week -end were 'Mr. and Mrs.,Howard Clark, Betty and Jack of :Owen :.Sound• and Hugh Houston, Ottawa.. ' Christmas visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. _ J. 'Irw•were:' Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Alton of London; Mr: • and Mrs'.,••Roy •Hud sort, Goderic,li,' ;Mr'. "and" Mrs. Calvin Irwin . and family, . Osh- awa; Mr. and_Mrs: Charles Riach and • . family, Woodstock; • . and; Mr.. and Mrs.. • Charles Wilkins and family.. • •: 1VIr. and Mrs'.' W. R, Howey.. •had as' their guests at the Christ-' mas . week -end, his sister, .Mrs. Murray: ' Ross arid' Mr. Ross.. of Btuevale''and their ;sons,. Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Ross and Ninny and Mr:' and Mrs; •Willner. Ross of Preston Mr. and Mrs, .Howey spent Christmas `day at the Ross 4home at Bluevale, . . Christmas visitors' at'the home of 'Mr, and .Mrs. John Etn'erson were: Donald Gil - Mr, and Mrs. lies and Valerie;Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gillies, Mrs. Annie Graham, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Emerson and. Hilda, 1V,154', and Mrs, ,John. Niton and fa'mlly of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs.. Carman' Nixon of Toronto,'' Ralph, Wayne and Delbett 'Niat on, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon. San LADIES' and IVIEN'S 'WJ R! FASHION MILLINERY on ' CAMBRIDGE .:MADE -TO. -MEASURE. SUITS or t , EXTRA PANTS FREE Choose ' many bargains from this: sale.. % OFF TROUSERS,: JACKETS, COATS,.. • SUITS, SHIRTS;. PYJAMAS. SKIRTS,'' COATS, HATS, DRESSES; JACKETS, HOUSECOAT& Mrs. John Carruthers 'went: to.' Victoria. Hospital,' London;, on Tuesday,.. where she will "under=: go a hernia' operation Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1Vliller• and sons, Allan and' Harvey were holiday . visitors • in Kitchener. with :1VIr. and, Mrs.. Art . Hinsch- berger. .. Misses Bea and • Margo Parker. spent' • the New Year's.. holiday' '.here :with 'Misses . Flora and Olive •Webster, who'.aceorapanied. them.•on Sunday as they'.' return- ed by. .train: to' . Toronto,; where the.. Webster sisters- will spend the winter. Christmas:: visitors with -1VIr: :and. :Mrs; Oscar' :Hodgins. were: Mr: and' Mrs, Ed; Marsh of Wing, - ham, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hod- gins and' family , of Holmsville, Melvrn•,and Allan ,'Hodgins, Miss Alma Ricketts, and Miss, Barb-. . ara Howard' of London:' : Hank Kreiiger•. ''of •De'troit visit ecl relatives here last week. Rs "turning With >;him ' was..., jack Gil- lies who ' had spent. Christmas in Detroit' with'.: Mr. and Mrs. K'reuger:,, Christmas holiday visitors ' at the • home •• of. ' her parents, Mr. and.'1VIrs. Charles •Steward' were: Mr./,:and Mrs. Hugh. Curning : •Gloria. and' Billy: of : London Fred • .and Gordon Steward of London.• visited recently ,.with their parents'.: Mr...:,and Mrs Harold .Burns . of •Toronto;: their son.: David who is• attending.. "Western' University and .Mr. and ,;Mr's. 'Stanley ` Burns of "St:: Thomas 'were . Christmas visitors . with Mr. and .Mrs.; Tho- mas H. Burns, • Miss Margaret MacDonald of Sarnia :and ' Mac:' MacDonald of. London ': were `• holiday visitors with their' arents,.Mr r and Mrs: ei p.... W. F.: MacDonald; and all were Christmas •guests of Mr. and Mrs Graarn MacDonald at Wat- ford. 4 "; Mr. •_and Mrs. Mark Johnstone of • Holyrood spent. a ' week'` in Toronto' with their; 'ion; Wayne. Roy Collyer has been a patient. in. Wingham"Hospitai with .pneu Nelson, 'Webster of''' Windsor Was; aholiday Visitor, with :his • aged,' mother, ,.;Mrs. Dave. Alton, 'and other relatives here,• Lorna,: Campbell . of :