The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-12-13, Page 13WED• NES Mks 190.1. TOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. ' PAGE THIRTEEN; _sesXeT 4t �s SII of Lucknow • And all, citizens, are requested to observe it as, such, � LUCKNOW UNICIPA�., COUNCIL • V. • • W,. Joynt, Reeve'' E. H. Agnew, Clerk—Treas. • OBITUARY MRSaTHOMAS HOUSTON The death, occurred • of one Of Greenock Township's most high-- lyrespected senior citizens, Mrs. Thomas Houston:. She died: in 'Cliesley and District Memoria4l • Hospital. after. a ' lengthy illness. She was in her 83rd year. 'Mrs. Houston was the :former Theresa: McAfee.,' A .daughterof the late. Hugh McAfee and Isa= bell'a Arnold. McAfee, she ,was • born in Greenock Township;' She attended Narva School She spent a� •o ft it 1': ►U' ift fe in :0, fig ell' You'ven seen it o TV;"You've .... read about it in' the papers and, magazines. Now we have it. A «brand -sew fabric: An intimate blend., of 65% Terylene and' 35%,eottonr a'blend that give .you the the long -life and easy - launder of Terylene, the look and, feel of fine cotton broad cloth: This . fabric stays cleaner— !seeds less;washing—lasts longer -saves yotii' money: It ean'be washed by hand or machine; dripped or tumbled. ,dry; only needs touch-up.iron- ing;'if.at all, • We have• white dress shirts. made of it, with Pal (fused) or .. Pic (soft) collars. And we have plain -shade sport shirts,' • .pajamas and shorts.: Terylene and Cotton shirts fight:off wrinkles ..°.'stay fresh All day: , Y yew n4..• . 1 y�� t 4�+h ASIITON .AD.• tete :Queen and Institute geese., . yE5 and MEN'S WEAR ..... � • .. - The •cnsnretiute'e in , c'ha; s;e served hone 75~-VVr Lucknow+ • practically all her life on the ,14,th of Greenock.. Years ' ago, as', a dressmaker, she used', to ride horesback to 'serve her, patrons: at Pinkerton and ' Glamis In 1902'• she ,was. married to Thomas; Houston.They • took , up fanning on, the..14th concessiori, and there Mrs: `Houston 'spent' the remainder of her ;life. Mrs Hou- ston predeceased her .in 1935,• bpt Mrs: Houston has continued to live . on the farm, .now occupied by, her son, Wilfred, Mrs..Houston was .a member :of Pinkerton United Chur..ch and while health permitted had ''ta- ;ken an 'active. part in the Women's,_ 'organizations. ' She '.was a life member of . the W;M.S Surviving are two .daughters; (Christena) 1!Irs•"Nelson'C•: Howe, 1.2:th••con. Bruce Twp.;`(Mamie) Mrs Archie Docherty; ,of • Wawa, ,'Ont; four Sons,' Hugh of • Ottawa, Wilfred, Greenock Twp., Harvey, Lucknow, •. and.. John, in Owen • Sound; •two sisters, (Bertha) Mrs: ; Ernest : Seerin�g' of Miami; Fla,, (Phoebe) ••Mrs: ,Charles Fitzsim= mons of Pinkerton,' and 'a brother, Edgar of Toronto: There ;also are •15 grandchildren .:and one: great grandchild Mrs.: Houston .was; predeceased by : a : daughter, 'Jessie; in . 1926 The funeral:. service. was. one • of the most .largely attended ever• held at the Stoddart funeral home and was conducted.by Pastor A.1 fred Fry. Burial took ,place ;.in Purdy's Cemetery. • -s-paisley Advocate. 'Iqn- Meat Course VOCATIONAL ;SCHOOL' (Continued from, page 1) tion costs would be the respon- sibility espon sibility of the Boards, sending students to Wingham. The sugges- tion was advanced that if Luck now and Ripley were both inter- ested they might be able t_ o pool •transportation costs. Grants would be channeled back to the respective Boards,according t. their costs.: Defer Addition Here The Lucknow Board had pre- viously .. made application for a three-room• addition locally, to relieve overcrowding which now makes, -necessary the use of the auditorium and the stage,. The :application was ' deferred. by the Department. pending ' vocational school developments, •which it was ,pointed out .could relieve the overcrowding locally and post- pone, .at least, a .building prog-• ram. It •'was readilyadmitted that .the cost of vocational training is higher than. academic training, y basicall•because. fewer students can be accommodated per class,' room, meaning more :classrooms' and Mere ' teachers, as well as associated maintenance costs. • Mr. Hetherington • felt. that be- cause be cause. of• the :economics of . trans- portation Wingham was the only logical location . for a school to .serve Lucknow and Ripley ,. if theyshould come. •in, . .However, if the school is to be proceeded with an unconditionai. committment is essential from participating schools so they could not. withdraw..at• .their own plea- sure. There., are over 170 Boards in Ontario . undertaking vocational' projects at ,:present, '.and :while the cost' factor is not argued, even with governments :paying the "full .shot", those who don't take •'advantage of being part of 1 the vocational , program; willin any event, be.. helping :to.•pay for those who • do. I.t was pointed out that , this Meeting' .was., primarily': to obtain. 'views ;.and opinions..and'- had no power• to • act. With no .debenture issue involved the decisions must come from the Boards, but it was felt that Councils should be ca.l led in, ..as they s'hay.e a duty 'to, .the, public t6 see that .costs don't, get out of li•ne.' A new composite addition., at W inn harn . "is the ' only practical solution," Mr, Hetherington sum med. up: In . attendance to ,'clarify ,vari- Ous points an to answer guess tions , from . the floor '• wet;e, Mr: Wrn Stewart, 'Assistant Super- visor of Education: and •Mr. D. 'W. Scott, S'econdary. school .inspector operative by September 1962, will include 4 and 5 -Year courses in each classification, 'e Govern - meet has set. March 1963 as, the deadline far 'completion. of voca- tional school construction;: which was questioned from, the floor, There did not seem, to be any' authoritative answer to "why" this deadline.. • Neither ,As To Costs • • Another unanswered question was what wosild be the cost of vocattorial school tuition., 'Some mental ' arithmetic was. 'resorted to, but none could hazard a. guess as what this unknownfigure might be, • ... '•It was.•agreed that costs would Abe . higher per pupil . until the Grades 'filled, -and full advantage of grants could be taken, It was considered. that "in the long run it should not be more expensive," Mr. John Reid, chairman of the Ripley Board asked for clarifica- tion as to how and when..teacher, parents, and pupil could decide on what course to adopt,,' What's Future Here? Charles Webster, of the Luck- now Board • asked for a straight answer on what might be the ,future of the Lucknow school•if Utley. adopt the Wingham propos- al: "Is : there any chance of it being closed?" hp asked; ' and we' would "be left with a White elephant." Mr, :Stewart replied, in effectthat while he couldn't. forsee .the circumstances 'of , the futur-e,:, the Department has : no . plans to close the school:, These decisions are made ,by the people 'concerned and no one. Will force you, he 'said. Wingham = has asked for a 570, :10,%, and 15%' attendance from, Luckno'w:on.. ;a. sliding scale over the neat three , years. The ' pre 'sent enrolment here <i's 220 : stu- dents: . Jack . Ackert questioned ,about the deadline . have such ,schools been proven; : and can we afford across Canada to build and equip 11/2 million dollar schools, :