The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-12-13, Page 8a'. • fksa�tt• *Y. ki ;d. :PAGE; ;FIGHT VIE . LIJCKNOW' SENTINEL, TAICKNOW, . Ol\1TAIIIO WEDNESDAY* DEC. 13th,, ..1961; United Church. Groups Make Wqy For Dis h f th New • Or�anizati her in the group :and for all to anCi To Took forward to thenturelesson in t e mofe On Chri trnas Mrs Lewis lead very, n rsting ° • i to eand uplifting in prayer. Mrs, Whitby moved a opening exercise centred, around Christmas,. Mrs. •J. W. Joynt, Mrs. W. Drennan, Mrs. W. B. Ander- son,. Mrs.. N. J. MacKenzie and. Mrs. R. Rgbertson, pant , presi� -dents.. and Mrs. E. McKim,, Mrs.. R. Cumming' and Mrs. E. • Wight-' man, life , members, were seated` on the platform, and read scrip-' ture passages • ' interpersed with Christmas Carols. sung; ,byr.,the group , with Mrs. R; Ackert as soloist, ;' e d' ' of greeting. Secretary. from Mrsrea, Ga:. Andrew and Flora of London and also reviewed a few highlights and activities during the past• 20 years in the Society. Past Presidents,, included Mrs. John, Joynt,' 'Mrs.. John Button, Mrs,. S. C. Rathwell; Mrs. Nelson Bushel'1, Mrs, George Andrew, Mrs. Allan Turner;' Mrs, W. P.: Reed, ,Mrs: Corn 'Pecker, Mrs. W. B. Anderson,: Mrs. Wm. Muinford, Mrs. Russell Roberts'on,. Mrs. N. J. • 1VIaeKenzie, .Mrs. Wil- fred' Drennan, Mrs. P. W. Hoag, Mrs.: J. W. Joynti Special anni- versaries arid meetings and visit- ing rnission'aries were, . recalled. ' Mrs:.. G. McDiarmid .was Con- vener of programme and lunch committee. .assisted • by . Mrs. Sproule, Mrs.• A. McNay,, Mrs. 'B McK,irii, Mrs. reckles and Mrs. Cameron. ';,Scripture readings were given by Mrs, McDiarmid, Mrs. Breckles,• Mrs. McKim and .A: carol The First , Nowell .was• • The. Afternoon. Auxiliary of United Church W,M.S.. held their last meeting on:Tuesday, Decem=• ber 5th with 33 members and 7 visitors in attendance: A special programme and, pretty Christmas decoraaions were features of this unique occasion which brought back happy memories° Of, years, of fellowship arid service in the So- ciety; The President, Mrs., J. W. Joynt, planned ;and, conducted a the prof it -making brown: eggs'come from QJt1TP/IL • SELF -:SAL -LINK LAYERS. from For .consistent top perform-. ante • in brown egg, .Iayere, unt: on the money. -make ing Sex,Sal-Link. ' V I OF' FICIAL PROVED. N�.AL •, FI,C LAYING ,TESTS Income -over feed and l ' chick costs* 8 7, Sex -Sal -Links a 48`: .cent per bird adiran- tage over average of .all other entries ' *Western New York'Raedoln $ampte Test -500 days_ 1959.60 . DOUBLE-CHECKED PERFORMANCE AT SWIFT'S RESEARCH FARM In., a 1959-60 • laying test, the: Sex -Sal -Link's income' :• per,: hen was a big $3.78--. • on 4% pounds . of feed per. ' dbzen;eggs In production, you can expect from 240 to 255 eggs, per hen housed per. year. • • Order your profit-making Sex -Sal -Link. chicks from Swift. . SWIFT'S HATCHERY 'releaven ' Milling Cia..1:•itooknow. Phone:Lucknow 9 vote of thanks to Mrs. Robertson fol a she had. 'done for the g. p Members. "o e be s, .answered the roh call by gifts for the .Christmas, Cheerio boxes. A review idr.the past' year's. minutes was given by the, secretary. The Treasurer re- ported $235.Q0raised to date Sand the cheerio . committee reported on cards and:visits made to sick members and, gifts, flowers` and fruit given. Ther• • • three group meeting was announced for •De- cember 12th, Tuesday afternoon in the church. Mrs. Edith Web– ster's solo• Was enjoyed. Mrs. N. J, MacKenzieintroduced. the guest speaker, Miss Mary McLeod, who gave an interesting talk on Claxa.it mas . with Bible references. ;Mrs. A. McNay expressed appreciation to Miss McLeod on behalf of the group. Mrs: Breckles . mouth•or- gan selection was., also enjoyed. Mrs. Robertson' .closed the .meet- ing with prayer., Woman's .Association, Group, II Group II of •• Woman's ' Associa tion held their farewell meeting in, the• Fellowship Room of: 'the Church. A, ' bountious ,pot -'luck. supper was ,enjoyed by 24 mem:- Meeting bers. This was our' last before re -organizing. 'as United ChurchWomen. Mrs.•-MacDiarmid opened, our ,business period: by repeating 'Canticle. 747 in unison. Mrs. McNay.• Rev: H. Strapp ac- sung Favourable; reports were gi companied by Mrs. R. Cumming .Ven •of ',the year's work. The' :played. trumpet selections :which roll call was 'answered with .gifts 'were' much enjoYed „ I for the, Cheerio•; boxes, The 'carol, A ,delicious .shipper was served l'Silen 'Night;, .was /su,ng,', Mrs.. by•; the, Committee. at the • close .Of .L George. nt conducted the ,wor Jo ,Y. the 'meeting.. Mrs. E., Taylor on behalf' of the Society thanked Mrs. Joynt for"her splendid, lead - .ership. The ;oldest member, Mrs . ship service which 'consisted of a'. Christmas, service . of Worship. Mrs., Cliff Crawford Mrs. Joynt and Mrs.' Alex Andrew took. part in this which consisted of sicrip-- ture readings and carols. Miss Flora Webster read a Christmas story, Keeping Christmas. Mrs. Robert Campbell and Carol Anne favoured us, with a ,duet. Carol; Joy to the World and benedic- tion closed ..,the meeting. Mrs. Howey expressed : kind Words: of thanks to Mrs, MacDiarmid and. the executive for their leadership during the ,past,three years and Mrs. Mac Diarmid (Thanked the membersfor. their co-operation and faithfulness during this time. Group III, .Woman's Association The last meeting for. Group . III sof the W.A. was held in the church. •fellowship 'room. with Mrs. Bryce Elliott presiding.. Fif- teen members and 6 visitors. were.' present. The meeting was' opened with. the reading of a Christmas poem by ,Mrs. Elliott, and the singing of hymn 55. The scripture, Matthew 2:1-13 was read by Mrs. W. B. Anderson, .the. meditation and prayer was.taken by Mrs. E. Taylor. Miss Ada Webster: re- ported on visiting .and'' Mrs. A. ichards .for the sewing...commit tee:..The .quilt recently made was. •displayed and it was decided, •to hold'it for • the time being. Arti- cles' left from the spring bazaar disappeared with the tactful salesmanship Of. Mrs. .E. Taylor. Mrs.,' R:: Ackert, presided for' a' fine Chriatrrias progfaMme;'., S.he thariked .the leader• and other' of-' fivers; .for their .efficient 'work during the past year. Mrs., J. W. Joynt•• presided at the.: piano .for a. fine. 'sing -song of ' Christmas Carols. A lovely readhng,'"The. Road to, Bethlehem"..:was given by , Mrs. L. Ackert. ' Mrs., A: :Hou- stop delighted "' the ,ladies' With -several Ch.ristrnas melodies on the piano,' A reading by Mrs., G. MacDonald was r follOWed by'.•a duet': by Misse`s''Jurie •Aokert and • ROY HAVENS Plumbing and l=l`eating; Esso Oil Burner • Sales and Service ELECTRIC HEATING Phone 73, Lucknow FOR SAFE, DEPENDABLE Convenient budget terms— up to 5'years to pay .SAYS IOW TO,IMrEII*LFO!nit sea Karen' Carruthers: "Hy"mn 04 and the . Mizpah benediction closed the meeting:. A. contest •conducted •by Mrs.L. Hall •and'a social time concluded our' W.A. •activities. You . ,can't 'sta.y ahead of ,your • bills if you allow them ;to d o all the , running. C. "Mac'Donald, aged . 92, ,.cut the ,; 4#ta4u r?u 1 ilantoow!0#14t+Q414 Q +i ti i 0+ I I? tt I' 1#,mat 4/44/1.14? ►+ir,a :ur , fruit cake donated by.: the Presi 'dent,. ,'/ • Regret was expressed that some • • of our most faithful and valued (' meinbers were.: absent. through '2. ;illness.. i ; !Evening Auxiliary Final Meeting.: Mrs. • Leonard, Ritchie. opened Meeting of the the� Dec tuber. get e g Evening Auxiliary of the with scripture, hymn and .:grayer. Committee reports were''given by Mrs. Campbell Thompson,, .Steal'- ardship; Mrs., Harold `Greer; Mis-•. sionary ' Moiithhly;• Mrs Harold Ritchie, Supply Mrs Ritchie 'an nounced • the .allocation" for Mis- sions -for is sions•for• 1962.: Mrs. Cliff .Craw ;•ford reported on. the treasury: A reading on Stewardship was gi ven by Mrs Carni Thompson fol lowed by prayer: Mrs: Leonard Ritchie 'thanked the Evening Aux il.iary members : for ;their co-op= eration during the past year. 'Mrs. • Harvey Webster;: as,convener, `' , took the, programmereading, "The' Loom, 'af ',Christmas" was 1 given by 'Mrs. H. Webster.. Miss,'ti Audrey Federlein played many t and seconded by Mrs. A. Andrew. I Rev, Strapp , thanked all the .wo" men for their work in the • past years' in the church. Rev. Strapp offered prayer to close: the, ,meet- '. ing, Cake and i c'e cream Was the lunch served following ,,the last' meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the .W.MLS Christmas selections on the vio- lin.' Committee members, Mrs. Harvey Webster, Mrs. Lloyd Hall,, Mrs: Roy Havens and Mrs. Elmer Reavie gave "The Christmas story" •with the, singing of Christ- . Mas hymns by ' the members. The Past Presidents, Mrs. Vernon' Hunter, Mrs..' C. Thompson,. Mrs: A. Andrew, Mrs. H. Webster, Mrs. K..Murdie and ,Mrs. L. Ritchie lit candles with prayers' for the . fu- tune organization and the work of the.church. The executive was thanked 'by Mrs. C. 'Thompson .Woman's Association, Group I in the church Fe. Group .I :met member's o Fellowship room of the church for the December meeting Twenty' -one ladies sat down / lillebster to a p pof luck• su peer at 6.30 which WAS much enjoyed.'i After a `OUR LOCAL ` a sing -song;' Mrs,: R. Robertson . p CRFsS „ HARDWARE t opened the meeting with a read; �'<I Phone 50 I,ticisrto�+` � ing and thanked the members for . it'''' • the ,support that ,had been given ., e 0.# t' s 91 tf t10t 'bls1b W-0101 b'a li b pis ri0# t01�1 �4 ' ' , ..., o-:•.••.::•»::;b`C{,.;r,`.:..'.•Y+>?4;..C•�>�f>...•.•.1..:>:..w.:>:::,:.� Fi..... f+t�,?..h .. t?•' • :• .`.:�i�:•:..., , • ti ...:..�.. VISIT OUR TOYLAND make ;your children's Christina; Complete` We have just about everything for.the kids. that Santa would think' of. putting in, his pack. IT'S CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TIME it our toyland, and we have the selection a of gifts for your children*:and anyone else in. the •family. All at LOW CREST HARD- WARE W PRICES TOO. 4th ososi D U wish_ t w1 c -0t ip. 4 4 1 4