The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-27, Page 11WEDNESI?AY„ $EI'TR' 27th,. 1961 ROY. N. BENTLEY' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ▪ GODERICH,. ;ONTARIO Box. 478;'' w k -Phone jAckson _4-9521 tr. 1, i A. M. HARPER: : • AND• COMPANY Chartered: Accountants 33 . Hamilton St. `GODERICH, ONTARIO; , Telephon'e JA 4-7562 THE. LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,,, °ONTARIO, PAGJ FT•E'. J. B. ACT•ESON,D.C. • (Doctor ' of Chiropractic) Wroxeter, • On tario : ' Telephone. Wroxeter • ;10-1'71' Hours' '10 to' 4:30, Monday Friday Monday, Tuesday,' Thurs-day Evenings, . 7 to .9 ►,R.DUVAL D.C.,.:Sp:C. Chiropractor Physio and 'Electro Therapist Wingham' Phone 300 ;Office located in former CKNX building on ' the Main Street), • INSURANCE • FIRE,, WIND, CASUALTY •AUTO'MOBILE' AND;; LIFE tTo:Protect Your Jack, ,e Insure ' With Jack Today: J. A. McDONAGH Phone 306, ' Lucknow • STATE FARM .:MUTUAL AUTO:MOB1 LE . I A' C �R �1 N.SU Investigate Before Investing REUBEN::WILSON ILL .3, "`Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon r,; n, ,e': • R. W ANDREW Barrister- and Solicitor • • LISTOWEL, .ONTARIO • •'` IN' LUCKNOW Every. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon• Office in •.the Joynt 'Block • Telephone.. ' .. Office 135' • ,Residence 31=3 HETHERINGTON,' Q.C: Barrister, Etc: Wingham and Lucknow e „ IN : LUCHNOW` Monday ,,and Wednesday Located, :in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone Wingham alike ' 48 ' ' Residence 97 i, • ••. • .. • ;.. e. • •. • %' • • • , • • • . • • • • • '• • • • • •. • • IMPERIAL OIL. PRODUCTS for prompt service; and quality products, contaett • •' GItANT CHISHOLM• •• Photic collect llungabnon 19 -r -t or ' 10 L'acknow `"A]ways 'Look To linperia ' 1 i • .N ' For The est' ' B m .REFILL, P,RO$LEMS. ` SOLVED •Micropoint ball point pen re- fills solve ' :that "c1,0e it • fit". problem for all pens, They fit paperrmate, eversharp, scripto, waterman,. sheaffer,. W:eareyer and 183 other, popular snakes. See for yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknow Sentinel; phone 35, Lucknow. • MacKenzie Memorial -.Chapel •, FUNERAL,. SERVICE Services conducted' 'accord- ing to • your . wishes' 'at your Home, your church; or ' at • our .Memorial. Chapel ,at no additional charge. Phone i 181, Lucknow, • Day, or Night INSTONE'S'. iERAL HOME Phoyorne Nig Da • 76 ht ° USE OF • FUNERAL ' HOME, At_No Extra Cost . ' .. Moderate Prices Established. 1894 WI' NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Havre Been Metn,orial Craftsmen for ' Thirty Seven Years, Always 'Using, THE, BEST ,GRANITES Along With .'Expert ,Designing' and Workmanship; • ?ices Most Reasonable Cern' Lettering ' a Specialty Ce... r3' g • P y R. A SPOTTON' Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario. Study Processing' I�flts For FAME (By J. Carl Hemingway) At the ,regular .meeting of the Huron Cqupty Federation of Ag Iriculture o'b. September 19th the date for 'the County Annual Imeeting was set for November 29th. This date is only tentative_ and may be changed to the wish: es , of the guest speaker. ' At• .the ' last meeting "of the' Board -of Directors • of Farmers Allied Meat Enterprises , on: Sep- tember 21st, it was reported that share -sales are continuing to in- crease satisfactorily. ' In view. of this a committee of the president, Mr, 1Vtclnnis, . Mr. Frey, Mr. Becker' and Mr. ' Hem- ingway was appointed to make a preliminary study'. of types 'of' processing plants. • It is hoped that,' by the. time this study has been completed ..and a decision has .been made, share 'sales will be sufficient to permit •a• study to :be made on plant location. When a. decision on location is possible we' are quite hopeful that capital will • be' at hand to im- mediately let contracts` for con-' struction.:. • It was reported_ that'processors,'. had made. the 'statement that they were ;curtailing the. sale of fresh pork .as much as possible: ;since this did not:. bring as . high profits, :as cured'and . processed. 'products , which they, are actively, 'promoting. This hardly' conforms • with'' the idea :.haat :the .trade provides' what; the consumer -wants but rather .would indicate that the trade pressurizes the 'consumer ''into' buying:• what is most ' .profi'table , to • the trade .. ,. Also while the selling of fresh G..ALAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist Office on Patrick;St., Fust off • the Mani St. in • ;, WINGHAIVI, ; Professional Eye Examination 'Optical • Services For appointment ; Please Phone 770, Wingham IIAacKENZIE, OD Optometrist • . ,.. NOW ' IN' RIPLEF EVERY :' WEDNESDAY Office' Hours 10.00'a.m. to 0:00. p.m. Phone , '.Roy , MacKenzie. Ripley 96.-r-24 for appointment:, W. BELL OPT OMETRIST ,GODEICH F. T. Armstrong' ;Consulting Optometrist The'.: Square ,1. (Plione JAckson 4-7661) LUCKNOW. DISTRICT, CO. -OPERATIVE 'INC, Phone 'Lucknow 71 ' TED: COLLYER .Registered Master Electrician ugulitICAAL• CONTRACjrOR' Specializing in Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs All electrical' Appliances Phone 268-r-25, Lueknow I' meat` .may. 'not 'be`. as profitable' to the ' trade ' it may : very well. be snore profitable 4o. the pro ducer: • Just..another reason for'. producers looking after their.'.own business. • On September. ,19th; CINX: cal-, led. a meeting of the .represent- atives of the . County Farm For- 'pin., or- ' um.., With 'suclu a late 'harvest' it hardly seeins possible that we arc. again approaching the Farm, Fora um . seaso'h. point of" ``View, 'which closely 'follows the Tarin' Forum program will .begin on ,Sunday, October lst`and will con,. tinue to the ' end of;. June ram. Forutris have been on the decrease'in.. past :years but •• it seems that the . depression• 'cgndi� FURNACE ' 01L, STOVE' OIL, KEROSENE, GASOLINE, See .or; call , , A "BUD" . HAMILTON• Phone, 220=w•. Lucknow , District Agent for 'Cities, Service Lhmflhfh l , u,u �uuu l,u■I uuuuon,u•aueuu . h.�. Mons pl STOCKER SALE tuber 16th 1.:30: P.M. sr soi us• ■ uns •■ • a is . ■ ■ in so Is • • Handle Up To 400 Head n . ., •: ■ B ■ a LUCKNOW COMMUNITY' SALE. is• . • , • is Robert McIntosh le i • ■; Phone Ripley 164-r-11 or.Lucknow 300' a is is . is m::. si ss e ssiumissosesimmesasimmismaxaminsuitisiommilmis SEE T with every c needed typing feature INCLUDES.•CARRYING EASE.' NTIN.EL PHONE 35 .LUCKNOW, •r: tions, which created, Farm Forr- um are not too ' far removed•. at the "moment A .bad';crop; .Sikh* as• we had several years in: the early .forties, might very: well' bring back the loss of; larrns as in the, .depres sion . years:.: ° Certainly the farmers .position ` in our ectinomy, needs improvement.. • Farm Forum revival `could, pro- vide us, with ideas and . informa-. tion that could help, us just as it did •in• former "years When For- ums were ;most active.'. During the 'next: month let us. all ,take a serious: lookat forming a group. in our community so' that. it w. ill be ready to' take part at the first of Novembers :.• Niagara: Sports. ,Equipment Co: .haspurchased the .Chesley..Manu- facturing Co. building in' Ches- ley,: and are fitting it .out' for the manufacture', of snow 'andwater skis' and wood . specialties. BRIEFS NEARBY For the. second time • within, a month thieves broke into Tobey's. store in' Tara. and rifled the safe: • , * J; ' H . Stafford, a native of Port Elgin, and.• manufacturer •of. , y a' well., known ;line of fountain', '. sauces . ,and • other food . products, has, purchased the Port Elgin Times, which was offered for', sale . following the death of ' the editor,.. Ken Pettis.. The bailey bridge just' to the' south of Zetland bridge .is ready for' traffic. 'Road ,signs have been erected in preparation for work, to commence: on dismantling the old bridge at,,.a . later date : when it .. _. 1'1: 1 w be •�r'epced a d with a :new structure. BULK FEEDS Deliveries onday 'Thru Friday) LIFE CONCENTR irHog...and Poultry Are carefully balanced and blended'. to suit you 'need. Concent- rates spread over the whole year, will save , you costly feed accounts next :spring. Priced right. MAKE'• OUR. TRACTOR OR IIVIPLEMENI`. YtIDE EASIER ' Y W1TH , A 100°0 iredded. Foam Rubber, Waterproof: Cushion Draw Cord Adjustment, inecliteli an Lucknow "Brand', . Phone 78 .'THERES A NEW LIFE FEED FOR. EVERY NEED" , At • r 4 • ,