The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-27, Page 8m:.
Hackett's, U#Oted; Church W.M.S,
The. September meeting of Hac
kett's; W.M.S'. and W.A. was held
in the form of a Young . Peoples
meeting at the home.of.Mrs, Tom
Hackett,. Jr. Vice-president, Mrs.
Beit Alton,• opened the meeting
using the theme –"The Gospel
According . to You." Jesus calls.
us . oe'r the Tumult, was sung
followed by scripture by Mrs;
Frank Alton; Devotions c ,n this
:wer-e,,discussed_ by Mrs; Bert Al'=
ton followed with prayer. Barb'.
ara Nelson favoured.`'with a .solo
accompanied by Joanne Alton,
The offering was received.; and
followed . with : prayer. Three
visits were reported to shut-ins:
The. Study book for next year is.
to be ordered at the sectional
meeting on. October 24th. Seven_'
teen answered the rollcall.. with
a ,Church Vocation that T would.
:like . to know more about. Mrs;
Arnold Alton gave .a very' in-
formative talk on in the
church, telling "of '.the. basic re-
quiremen, s,, educational needs &
schooling, for full time Christian
,work. 'Then , she • explained,. how.
we May 'share, in 'part-time' fel
lowship by' using our buried tat-
lents.. and. accepting Four', daily,
Challenges', The' study book,was'
read :by Mrs. ;Chester' Hackett ,on
•the''Atom Botnb: victit is of, Hiro
sherna and Nagasaki. The. meet
•ing •closedwith the ;hymn, Take
my Life'. and let. 'it Be, followed"
by prayer:' Lunch, was; served by,
Mrs. Tom Hackett and . Mss:
Dynes 'Campbell. The , hostesses
for the ,,.next meeting.: are; .Mrs:
,Arnold .'Alton and ,;1VI,rs: Frank:
Alton and the roll call is a. verse
.with. "Thanks."' ;
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Lucknow •Presbyterian Eve. Aux. World with the younger., Chur-
ches'. was . taken by. Mr.' Jack.
Fisher..An, invitation: was receiv-
ed . fr,om . the.'Dungg anion' VV.M.S.'
to ..attend: their October meeting:
MViembers'were urged' to subscribe
to the "GradTidings" for • "the:
coming year, Mrs. Norman Taylor
moved a vote of thanks Ito' the
Social Coimittee: ,The . .meeting
closed with !a hymn and .the.
The • annual, pot ' luck.:' supper
was heldin the Church ` base
Ment• on: Tuesday, •September 19th
,with • 25•: ladies ' present., The
meeting ;'wasp 'in charge . :of Mrs:
• Jim Aitchison and opened . with
a. hymn: followed• ;by, the .Lord's
•Prayer and the scripttxre '' •read.
in • unison. Mrs; •Petersen gave the.
..Bible Study on the "Life ' sof
Sarah." :The . topic "into 1A11 the, benediction;
St. Peter's W.A.,
The Septeniber Meeting of St.,
Peter's, 'W.A. was held qn Tues-
day evening at the hOrne •of Mrs.
W. E. Hodgkinson. The meeting
opened with hymn' 2.7 the W:A.
prayer partner's. prayer & Lord's
prayer. Scripture, was read by
Mrs. Durnin from Psalm 103, It
`.:was,decided„ �o.ln.ave the annual
Little Helper's meeting at the
church on .October lath at 4:15
p.m, and 'in o place -of' the: Little
Helper (Bale, each child, is asked
to, bring a child's gift to' be pack-
ed • and sent to, ' the . Rev. , Peter
Harris at Fort McMt tray, Alber-
ta, to be given to the .children
there. It was moved •. by Mrs. -
Roberts and seconded by Mrs.
Wright that we give the building
I fund; $25.Q0. All were in favour.
Moved by Mrs. ;Hodgkinson and
seconded by. Mrs. Durnin that we.
pay the Little Helpers' supplies.
The, roll' call Was answered' �by.'a
Bible ,verse Containing'. the word
"mercy.": The . Bible, study.Was
then taken .by .Ruth Thompson
from the book• "Toward ;the Cen-
tre:" :Mrs. Wright favoured , with:
a `piano instrumental which all
enjoyed. The meeting closed with
-a hymn ': and prayer by Dorothy.
Cooke•.,.A social' time ;followed
� r
Zion 1/17.114:S. Meeting c •
The ,September meeting ' id the
Zion W.M.S.: was held at '•the.
home of .,Mrs..!Gordon ,Kirkland
with 15 ladies, 7•• visitors and 3,
children present. The' 'meeting
opened with' 'hymn 44+1• followed
by. the Lord's Prayer repeated,
in ;unison.,,:. The devotional , apart
was ,taken by Mrs. Jack McDoh-
agh and Mrs. 'Charles Anderson
read the' 'Scripture. Mr. Kaiser
gave.;:a very interesting summary
'of the last.. chapter of the •;Study
Book.. The Christian Stewardship
'reading. was given. toy ,Mrs. Earl.
Swan. Ther.prograni, consisted of:;
readings ;;by ' Mrs Gibson :and
Mrs. Frank . Ritchie; and a', solo by .
Mrs; Jack Gardner 'The visitors
for'August reported' on their
visits and Mrs. , Jack ' McDonagh
and. 1VIrs.` Marshal 'Gibsonare to
do the ' ;visiting, for September.
Mrs. Kaiser .• extended an. ,invita-•
tionon .behalf of the Blakes ladies
to ''a 'bak'e sale ' at the parsonage
on :September .:22nd:.' Mrs.•.:'Earl
Swan is . to get the program for
the meeting to':•be ',held at Mrs:.
Graydon 'Ritchies for October. A'
bank -`you letter was., read' from
Mrs:. D. A. Hackett. Mrs Gordon
Kirkland showed 2 layettes that
,had been 'pu'rchased A vote of''
thanks to Mrs Kirkland and Mrs
Jake ,Hunter ,.for their work in
getting and making ;the layettes
was. made; :by Mrs Frank Ritchie.
Remnants of yarn and the used
stamps, were requested to be
brought• to the next meeting. The:
President thanked:.11r,s. Kirkland
for. ;herhome. a:
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Asbfield • Presbyterian IV.M.S:• '
The Ashfield' W M.S meeting
was 'held at the home of ` Mrs.
Duncan . Simpson. •Mrs. W. Ross
was ; in charge of the program
and .openedthe meeting with
prayer. Hymn 30 was sung• and
the Purpose repeated, in unison.
Mrs. Donald., Simpson had the
devotional and meditation. Mrs:
Duncan Farrish'„told` of 'the life
'of John. Knox. Mrs. George Mon-
crief read.a .paper, "A proposed`,
Presbyterian ,Confession of Faith.:
Mrs. ,Pete, Farrish read a letter
from' Miss' Bessie MdMurchy, a
missionary;:in India. Mrs, Stewart`
MacLennan ;read a poem on
"Love — The Great Watchman:''•.
The roll call ,was answered by
a :verse of "Love.' ' Mrs. Earl
Howes gave . a paper; . on Dr. A..
tan'. Cunningham reports from
India on the Jungle Hospital for
the Bhils and the fine, work
that is being done by Miss Ida
White,,R•N' Mrs'.' Jack McCreight
read a poem 'Not I But Christ.".
The. • Dungannon W,M•S, invited
our Auxiliary ' to attend" their
Autumn Thankoffering meeting`'
to be held in the church 'bri.O-
tober 20th at 2 p.m. It,was`moved
that we accept their invitation;
Mrs Bill MacDonald sang a solo,.
"An l;vening Prayer.”. The clos-
Ing: 'prayer. was given . by Nfrs
Bill Ross. 'Grace was sung and,
hlnch was served 'by the hostess
and the committee in Charge,'
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1gs •
Presbyterian C.G LT. .•
The Lucknow.. C. :,I T. group
net, at. the Presbyterian Church
on Thursday, ' September.; 21st.
They, discussed the 'candy sale
they are having at the Fall Fair
on Thursday., There were thirteen
girls present.
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UP10,5 years m, Pey
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Some .men;toi:I so their. sons''
;won't have the problems that
'made men : of•'their dads
Last year it 'was. •compaet cars
This year, we're'•gettirig'compact
refrigerators, , coro p t dishvt�ash-
ers,'cernpact• freezers. -To keep up
With.. these 'challenging:' times, men,
you've' got, to. think .small.
ie ' Ontario Municipal " Board
Notice of Application
P F'.E:• '1$7;7761,.
oration of the Village of Lucknow To
Dispense with . a �lote of Electors
1. 'the.';Council of the Corporation;. of the. Village • of Lucknow
intends to carry out the works referred to in Schedule "A"'
..hereto at.the estimated, cost of $16.,680 •shown• in such schedule;
andthat the sum of :'$9,800 shall be ,.raised by the :sale of
debentures payable out of the general rate over a ;period; note,
exceeding ten years.
2, Application has :been: made to The Ontario Municipal Board • •
for an order to•; dispense with the assent of the elector's. and:
• 'fen...., approval' of the said works. Any ratepayer May; : within
21 days after the • .first .publication of this notice file :with
the Clerk " of the Village of .Lucknow ° a notice in writing,.
Stating: his objection to such approval and: the ;.$iounds of
such objection.
The Oritari.o Municipal Board nnay order,' pursuant. , to the';
statute that , the. assent of the 'electors shall ' not . be required •
:and may approve of the said works, but -before doing so it
`may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when,
';any, objections will lfe• considered
DATED at Toronto this ' 12th day of September, 1961. '
- . % COST
' To complete sidewaik construction on the north and
and south side's of Campbell Street , ,
Construction of bridge .and culverts on Walter, North
Delhi and' Ward Streets; and .paving. of North Delhi,
'from Gough to Ludgard;. Hayes from North Delhi to..•
East to Dead -End• Walter. froni Campbell' `to Nor
to Dead -.End; Wolsley from. Havelock' ,to East toy
Dead-EDead-End'. and Bob from: 'Willoughby to South to $ 13080:
And ,to Debenture' .$ 'MO
■riiiuiiiiiiii i iiiiiilp'iiril ilii iiiiiiii�i�iiiiiiiiiiri■'ioiio•sai
... y F 1��