The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 12411 .til( ti yr rfd ¢r, PAGE TWELVE` THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW„QN•TARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT; Oth, no it Dep#e� Showing Of NeW For.d Linos Mr. and Mrs. ' Gordon Mont- .gomery last week attended the dealers preview, of the new Ford lines . for 1962: : ' The three-day event • opened with a reception Thursday even- ing at the Royal, business ses- sions', es-cions', on Friday at the Queen Elizabeth ` building and the new • cars preview at Oakville on Sa turday, complete with dinner and entertainment. Ford Motor Company ,of Can- • , ada : Limited, indicated acknow- ledge/Tient of the high public ac- • ceptance..of its 1961 Canadian- made passenger cars ' by offering refinements of 1961 basic styling .concepts in its' 1'962 models, and introducing major • under -the:' hood mechanical improvements. additional to 'those built into last year's vehicles. The company, will also: unveil. two :all-new., welterweight models, • larger : than the compact Falcon and '.Comet and smaller• than Ford of Canada's standard size ears,. each designed to: meet the de,-: Mantis of a new segment of the Canadian. • autainobile" market which we believe to be develop- ing.. '.Major styling refinements in- . chide elimination of thevfins ..on• the Galaxie,•• .and, rear • end modi- fications . on„ the Mercury ;Monte.- -.key and Mercury Cornet. • John D Kinig.Ford of Canada's price -president marketing, , made these ' statements . on ".the :eve formai . public introductions of. the .company's 1962 vehicles Assembly of the 1962 lines has:: "been underway at Ford of Can ■da's1 Oakville- assembly ,plant, since August ` 28th.—Cornponents are produced at Ford of anada's Windsor `manufacturingplants &' in the glass plant. at Niagara Falls; & lri various independentiy own- ed Canadian ,plants., • VA= KJNLOSS'MAN .PASSES• `. The death :of William John "Henry-: of Kinloss • occurred. on Saturday', at his ;home at the age. of' 63: Requiem Thigh.: • mass , was. • held on. Tuesday morning at S&c red Heart Church, Teesw•ater. '• ■ .uIiuui.ai. *p op ��t ■ ■ ■■■�a■atai��: ■� uuI$uI■��■uue■el��o� -• a ��� �� p■�uua■� �� �a N • ■. . • • • • It . .■ • ■ , • r .• is.. ▪ •7.■ ■ ■ ■ • 'e ■ ■ � . i ■; .. ■ • .■ ■ ■.• • .. ■ . ■ ■ •r• ■ ■ . ■ . ■ •■ ■:. ■ ■ : •. ,1:, •■ • ■ • '. .. ■• •■ ■• ■ • • , •■,. 111 •.1 ■' a .. ■ ■ k. • I 'WOULD LIKE TO'INVITE all the citizens of this community to come in and meet me in person. • • WE WILL 'SPECIALIZE. IN` cutting top . quality beef ;fdr your freezer requirements. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■. ■ •■. ■ •.•• • ■ 1 • ■. ■• N. • ■ • • ■. •■• •■. MERVIN EARHART. TO, ALL. THE FOLKS of this community I would, like to take this opportunity to ,thank 'you for such• pleasant 'business : relations and I hope yittuyou will .Y. continue'togive ° Mervin- Earhart the satne support , me. in the past • 2 i/2 years, AL JOHNSTON you have ' given iDl :I1CKEN H.KKEN • LE BREASTS COUNTRY STYLE $AUSAI 21bs: 84c sh PricesEveri E EAN►HAI�T MI:A"l" $,I$$.$.kZTI■ UCKNOW, ■ . 1' ■ 1 1 ■ ■■■■a• ■■.t■eiaar•■ ,■i•■■■a s;t■:a■■•ai■aa.aaa■uu n111111■u11■16111;aa■as.■111■0*.uut•a••11■un•11i1•1aa,t THAT 'Jo nne • Alton '.is ' a attend'- SEPTEMBER .MEETING . OE SILVER ' LAKE W.I. The Septet ber 'meeting of Sit. ver Lake WA. was held .at the' home ,.of Mrs. ' Elmer Bannerman on 'Wednesday evening, 'with' a. good attendance. The Ore.'s' Merit, Mrs: Bill. Campbell was in the chair . and the meeting -opened' with the `Ode and Mary :' Stew:art ompiete Stoc� or R I Etc. IN SASH " x`12" Glazed I" x 12" Glazed t. 10" x 12" Glazed 0"x 12" Glazed t. 10" x 14" Glazed: LYWOOD On Hand NDERLA' It. FRESH. CEMENT 1 N STOCK 1 • ' Lucicnow, ,'Ont. Phone 150 : • z 'Collect The ::scripture was read her fuslough• and will, be study by Mrs.:.Ray Stanley 'The,•• roll ' . ing : at Emmanuel College in call> was •answered with "A home s Toronto during the year: :hazard intend to . eliminate.", r >< • THAT a class 'for two market Mrs. ' Clarence Moulton gave an wen ht "bacon hogs s . has. ,been • g, g, excellent report of the Rally Day, added to • the ..Fall Fair prize � P ,, lien in Walke on in. ... August. dist. First prize is a grease gun.. d• � and � of scar rid sand the re- • package t r�i Tri' bfel 11 a • Mrs. Br • C P gavethe second.. prize: is . $3.00 in port of, their day spent at The . Log House,Southam ton on Au- cash gust 22nd when, they . had 109 THEAT a 'miscellaneous shower. visitors.. Mrs. Bill Stanley and was ,held ' by•' former ; school Mrs. Tom •McDonald accompanied her there Reports of standing committees• were given by Mrs. John Hodgins; Mrs: •Ab .. Young, Mrs, Clarence Hedley..The new leaders• for the 4-H • girls ``Sep- arates ' for Summer,'.', are Mrs. Glenn young and Mrs. Ellison ilndgins..One of our •girls,' Mari-. lyn Thacker,was one, of the jud- ges es from Bruce County. at London Fair., Delegates are being sent. to • the Grey-4Bruce Area • Conven- tion , at Hanover .on October..26th and 27th. It was 'votecl to hold the meeting ,in the ''afternoon. The theme of the,: meeting.• was Home" Economics and the motto ;"Feed your family : what they.' require,' hot what 'they elesire':, was pre= pared by • Mrs. Bill Stanley , and• read by Mrs..' Stanley° Cooper;. Mrs. Harold •Bannerman' gave 'a. demonstration on Canted, Peaches. She was presented : with ;a' gift. Mrs. Will Smith• 'and Mrs. 'Tom McDonald were judges for: the contest on jams and jellies, with the •prize for the best flavored strawberry jam going to 1Virs, Bill, Campbell; the best ' wild straw- berry jam t6. •Mrs. Ab Young; raspberry jam ; to Mrs, • Harold Bannerman & rhubarb pie to Mrs: Stanley Cooper. The 'judges were' presente& with gifts.' Mr$. Clan'. :Ace, Moulton,, Mrs. John Hod- gins and Mrs. George Young sups' ,plied home-made buns and they ,were spread with ;the jams .for lunch: S THAT Miss ;Vlat oir. odgins, for- rilerly of Kinloss, who ha,8 been rn the home iiission servioe of the 'United Church at ;Pincher' ';reel., Aibet tai is concluding. SEE:.. By The Sentinei' ing .Grade 13 in, Lucknow Di's trict High School. 'Joanne • had intended to take the Grade 12 .two-year'• • eourse at 'Stratford Teachers' College, . but • over-' • looked making the proper., ap plication for admissfon &. could. not be •: accepted 'this• terra THAT in ' the past: five weeks' three:, Persian. kittens .have dis.- appeared from the -home 'of Mr. and'' Mrs. Bryce • Elliott,. to 'the `friends .on Saturday 'evening at .,disappointment 'of the children, the home of Mrs, Don: Cameron who would like to hear from , in Lucknow, in honour` of Miss Normae Murray of West Wa- wanosh, :whose: marriage will take place in early October., : anyone who might' know where .they •are Is ` Your :' Subscription . Renewed?' , .:t PROBLEMS? Out Of Nod Watery 4 g Don•t be caught ht short again/this. winter . + ,. install' a larger water heater now. ' We have the newest heaters,' ready to install for you. Price and rates are Low; "take tirne to pay. Call 'us today Phone 50 to -day cowit • ETE PLUMB.INC SERVICE WEBS`CER and MacKINEION:: YOUR LOCAL ,CREST •HARDWARE, P6one'50 Luckdow; C] se w vi Jo ' rig co at 41, le en St • vi to nn he Cl tit th re al, ce • ce ;so: Cr ch er ' he •'in. •thi vo ed ac, the • of sal • an gr( hip sal ':try •�1VIr rn ,' cal