The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-20, Page 3WEpNI SDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1961 TIDE. LL'GKNO:, , SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ''THREE • Quaker Oats Quick. or Instant. large pkg., 1ner Catsup . 2 for' 11 oz. bottles. im Dandy Leaner Liquid.: Giant Size. (8c oft; pack) Rose: Brand. Jam Raspberry or Strawberry, -'24 oz jar.; IC, 'eston. ruffs 31c Kraft -Cheese Whiz 16oz;.far..:. • , Ontario Potatoes 4! No. 1 Grade-- 50 lb .bags. Blanket Premium l 8 Delightful colours -- "Roslyn" brand.. Blankets,; full . 72" x 84" . size, .6" satin binding. Only $3.95 with $5.0.0. purchase:. 'PHONE'26 FREE DELIVERY. ,u��ili� .UaNITED CHURCH'; ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER •24th: ._Services At, 11:00 a.m. and 8;00' p.m: Guest Minister; r.. �REV.'JAMES I :.ANDERSON,; BA• , of Beigrave. SPECIAL:. Music In the morning— Harry Lear, Blyth, 'soloist. In the evening- . • Quartette. : "from . • Lucknow United Church: L,UCKNO- 'UNITED. C R Rev. Howard . W.Strapp ''Minister. • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10:00 a.m. Church • Schools •11:00 a.m. • MorningWorship • 24th . • . .+fes.�r•:.-r..w...�n��.+.i�e:rJ�.:... . Lucknow iI. !` Presbyterian Cl urch 1:. Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister SIINDAY,'. SEPTEMBER 24th' .1 1 10:00 a.m. Surfday" School i • • 11:00, a.m.. ;r:g;o;1p •..........:., Rmnn!on and' Jim of Oak. Park; Ill, Local an General Mr.: and Mrs.'. Harry Torrance -cif–North Bay spent�-the-.w`eek e". d - with : Mrs.:. ,'J D. •Anderson: • • 'On •Satu.rday,: Mary. Macintyre attended '.the wedding ;in London of one of :her, ,• classmates;::'M,iss lvelyn.' Raithby. Pa]:rner Irwin: has been' a :patient. in Wingham Hospital • for the • past.; few _weeks with a stubborn attack.. of '.eczema: Mrs: Verna Myers of, Kitchener. 'wa;s amdng;.tbose in •attendance at. the Harvest: Home 'service in .S't. Peter's, the, old 'home church, on Sunday;,.iriorning.. Beverley MacKenzie,.. daughter of Mr. 'anal• Mrs. Bruce. MacKenzie, was .admitted 'to. Wingham Hospi:- tal last • We•dnesday •with :ear trouble. Mi s Jean MacLennan, daughter of •1V,�r. and:iVlrs; Malcolm • •Mac- Mac- Lennan of •Barrie, visited ' last e we.,k. with; Min �:an,d '.Mrs, Eldon Henderson and:. other ` friends in the area.: . ' Mr. and M s ;Melvin Hodgins and Jimmy of; London spent the Week -end • with his parents;;;1Vtr': and .Mrs. •Oscar 14lodgns.• Dr. and'• Mrs. Alvin Cameron (Frances Spence) of Ottawa and Mrs:» 'William . ,T<arr (Nf ldre.d Spence) of Oshawa were 'callers' in the.old, home town on Monday. Dr: G. W..MacGregor, Dr::, W: C. MacGregor and Bert Kiielhorn, all 'Of Chicago spent the. week -end. .at Catherine MacGregor's• 8t with thee Stuarts. • • • • Recent• visitors at the home of •iVtisses•- Jessie and Annie MacKay, Were Mr. and °M.rs, Bob: Rossi To= ronto; Mr. • arida 'Mrs. ' Stewart Dewar, Wheaton,' I114 Mrs.' Flor- ence l oven, Riverside, :Ont.; •Mi•s Ben Ruttle, .Kineat-di:ne; Mrs. and Miss Rose; Paisley- , Mrs. Bob W at= son, Charles, Dennis and Barbara, Waueonda, III.; Mr. Gordon Mac- arvest Thanksgiving Services . John's Anglican Church,' Bervie Sunday, September 24th. (O arm, ,pari]: • Morning Prayer The Reverend, Wilfred Wright, 'Rector: Lucknow Dungannon,• Port Albert, ,Ripley. ' • Evening • Prayer. , The Rector:: 'Rev.: Lyle Bennett. eci*i ined •'Choirs I or Both... Services • e fe•l•e•s • • • • . • •' 'Ladies:.and Men's Wear —� • ': P'ashon. • 'Phone ' 85, Lucknow i • Bruce Dry Cleaners • • HATS ATS -HATS • k. •, •, •. • • •• • Large assortment of ,Fall and Winter Styles, Newest Colours in Magenta l M ` Plum, , Teal, Pink, Blue, Eggshell, , s' 4 • • Coffee, Copper, etc.., 14 ••. • • •. •• •.. •: • • • • . .• • • '• ••• • . . •: • • • • . • • • #; •Materials ' are ,shimmering with .satin •,trims, bows and • beads Ideal for travel,' weddings and every day • wear: • Scarves arid Gloves' to .. mix and match, priced. for •• every, pocket. • • • e • • •. • .•.01• . • •:.' •' • . •• • .. • • e . • • New Shipment .Of .MEN'S' 'HATS - • 'SHIRTS •. and. ' TROUSERS Leo 'BeauchapnP is . a''Patientin• •. SPECI'AL..Plaid ' Wingham' hospital with: a recur • ,' ;hent heart condition. ' . • In gay fall colors -=- 8 . to ''20 Warm: • - l r• ';, Ge -or e "W -�Ma-Gregor of=11�u••• ;�• r : • Clii a. o he wouldn't like' 'to'. G g says, I Slims • miss'. .a.• copy: of the• ,;home: town. Misses Shirley Brooks,.., of To- ronto o ronto. .andAlice 'Brooks.: of 'Lon-. paper. • • don .spent the Week -end at: their A number of ladies., from this home• here. , community 'attended, the', fashion' , show and'',hair styling '.der•ionstra Mr. and - Mrs: