The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-13, Page 12IRAGE, TwL VE S .,NTNF, hU{CKNOW;QNTA RIkLTHE 'LUCK NOW r NEW SHAPES t In Cloche,. Caplet and Pill Boxes NEW MATERIALS" • Maribous, Feather, Fur : Felt, Velours, Wool' Felts ;and Mat Felts also rves and Gloves in matching shades. FOR : KINCARDINE '°.CLEANERS d Moea and 'Thursday Delivery ! . sdi '..aad Men's:, Wear, ow KIM aniseed to YOUR epceiticstiow SUNS STY/2 foss TOIm • adielsomairi 1,4 ?,oTAtISF+t Luc now SefltineI When . there's nothing left 'to= Have You Renewed : Your :Sub say, some nitwit gets up and says. ` scription? " it. THAT there • .are a `few'. High School Year Books which ' hive not yet been picked "up. Extra books.are obtainable ' from the High : , School principal, 'viz. Howlett or ,at .The ;Sentinel' Of- . fice. THAT Barbara•:. Murray, daughter. / 'of' Mr. and Mrs P• .A 'lviurray. • of Kinloss, and Joanne Hunter, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs.:,Ver non Hunter, of Lucknow, leave on -..Friday for London ;where' they \will attend Ursuline Col- lege. The girls will take a -three-year- course majoring in home economics ByThe Sentinel .THAT` Marjorie 'Alton of Zion is one of a class of 22, students. who recently commenced train- ing ` in the certified. nursing as- sistants course at ' Wirigham. General Hospital THAT ,Mr. and . Mrs.. William Schmid and Doug, and Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Fraser enjoyed a fishing trip to 'Mani- toulin Island the first part of this week. THAT John MacRae .of town will observe his 93rd 'birthday on Saturday, September I&th. He 'was hospitalized for a time a few months ago, but • is regain- ing his vigor and spritely step • and, is "down .town inost, every day, THAT Mr. and Mrs. ,Phillip hillip Ste= THAT Wallace, Vines, who has taken • over the. Mullin Bakery,. has named the shop. "Carnation • Bakery. Mr. Vines, ,an experi- enced baker, xperi-enced:'baker, is offering,. a wide • selection: ' of. bakery ' products,`. and t introduce his p pies to the o p 'public, has.a'n introductory of- fer. of a, doeen cookies, free with - each pie. THAT Rae Watson found out its expensive, to • forget' when you; are summonsed for jury: 'duty. Rae .was, busy In London at the. time and ov'erlooked, his notice'. to appear on a jury panel, in Goderich. It cost. him .$25,00. ,Rae referred, to the • incident at Lions meeting '` on Monday and said he is going . to take a mem- ory • refresher ° course.: wart assisted with the music •at. the 96th anniversary of Knox, Presbyterian ',.Church • at Cran brook: on Sunday., Mr:/and'Mrs.; Stewart ,contributed a duet 'and Mrs. Stewart sang a solo. The anniversary nin seer was Rev. Lockhart Royal of:Knox church; Goderich: ' •' THAT a com-bination of .poor writing and proof reading at the Sentinel last weekhad a ' wedding; dinner served.' in the "Bougdet Room" at the ;Log Cabin Restaurant, ' . "Banquet. Room" is 'actually.- what . we were, trying to say;:. but for at- mosphere sake, the name we • . gave .it wasn't, too` ;' far .out of 4.. 31� m_�..•,..T FS Y.. , SEM. . � ,196.. 1961'. Lucknow Fruit r YOUR. BARGAIN FOODLAND# ' ag r crane SuperSule' 4 : lbs:.. Delmar For Table and :Baking Cookies For School . . 3 pkgs. $i....._ Save 17c. Mixed. Any 39c pkg. Your Choice SweetMixed Pickles.2: jars 59c _.,. Brand. 16 oz. Feature., .Save, 11c. , Rose Peas .Kount Kist. Save 16c. Standard 15 oz. Sale. Ice Cream Sale. ' Half -Gal. Save 10c. Silverwood's Deluxe. 8 tins IC GET YOUR PEACHES HERE NOW. FINEST FREESTONE ARRIVING DAILY. Always Top Quality; Abrays Lowest: Price. "V duiei Effective We Sell. For.: Less September 14, .15, 16. Phone .119, Lucow', CARD . OF : THANKS. THE MEMBERS' Lucknow Lawn Bowling : Club would like to : thankthose who donated ; prizes or cash or helped in any way to make their Labor Day Tournament' the success 'that , it was. place; at. that. ° ' THAT, a local 'resident desires to •1 obtain a copy of the special;. THAT Hugh . Cleland's sale . ofillustrated issue of .The Sentinel Holsteins- and farm' implements ;• that was published'. in tonne- tion with .the 1910 reunion. Has' anyone a copy with which they • would, be .willing to,:part?'• THAT Mr. and Mrs G. Dorscht, Nancy . and Susan of St 'Helens,: have returned ,' from a five- week annual trip to the tobacco fields. near Langton' Where Jer-' ryis..yearly :employed., by. . the same grower.. • THAT the Lucknow- ° Fall Fair prize •lists have been, available for several weeks: They miaytie obtained from. Mrs.:, .Fred Mc Quillin, the secretary, or at The Lucknow'Sentinel. Dates of the Fair are just two weeks away - September 27th :and 28th. at Con: 12, Huron Township to have ,been . held on Saturday, has been . postponed until Mon-, day, September. 18th:' Good'har- 'vest weather„ at last, cut ;the crowd and forced the postpone- ment. ' , • THAT effective next Tuesday morning, monthly health clinics for • pre-school children •and in- fants will:.•be resumed at the Legion :Hall: by Bruce County Health Unit officials.. The :clin- ics , were: discontinued: for July and August: THAT George Henry: Kemp who resides on Havelock St,, just north 'of' Morgan, Henderson's'. „.residence, willobserve his. 89th birthday on Thursday; Septem- ber 21st. He is enjoying fairly • good ' health ,and ` •frequently • walks ' down town and ' back. Mrs. Phil . Smith .. of Walkerton and formerly cif Lucknow is, 'a daughter. • THAT maybe the . top has:.been j■■■uu■aaa■mimmuu■m ile.uatuag■■iser aa■u■11a■■ 1r■e. reached for'we've•had no more. 1 * tall corn stories' this week, so. • ■al LAST OF THE . ' SEASON•, far. as the 1961 crop. is ,con-' •cerned: Ernie Ackert, however ■ " recalls that the 'tallest stock, of is i' ■ corn he ever saw' .on his faun • w• a'S r n O INI.': • a. Jew years ago measured .17 I • • feet, 4 inches: (•Must111 Go). ■ ii ■ ■ ■ Commencing' ■ ■ . ' ' � at 9' p.m, . ■ 1--$500 SPECIAL 3—$100 SPECIALS ° y ■ 12 GAMES—r- $5 0 Each Special Draw Prize, i' ARENA . FRIDAY, THAT ,Miss 'Betty Jean Wood, or daughter of..Mr. and Mrs.. Har- m •old Wood, •Belgrave, left Fri- day' forLondon where she en ., tered. - the School ' of Radio- graphy,- Department of 'Diag 7/ nostic 13,adiology at • Victoria' Hospital, London fora course as' Reg. X -Ray technician. THAT Mervin:, Earhart of Port Stanley has leased Al John- ston's. Meat Market' business & will take over next Monday;. Mr, and Mrs.. `Earhart' were in town the first of the week do- ing 'some "house.hunting.", They ,have two pre-school age *sons, Erian, 4 and Tim,, 2. The John- ston Y family 'will . rernain in Lucknow, as Al_is planning to do some 'trucking and livestock' r■ le Extra 8t, Special Cards 25e, 5. for' ,$1.00' r:. A miss;`& ---- $1, ; , Y . ' it , :, a' ■� • Sponsored by Teeswater Lions Club , . •r` lw■■ eu iaaaamoUel■11Na■SRa■aeallea III; aI1ui■aaiii , buying,. . i ■ Y• ■, THAT, effective •the: first ,of :the month, :Eldon ;: Henderson asl sumed the caretaking, duties at • Lucknow United Church.. He succeeds Bruce ;M•acKenzie • who resigned the,,,,duties .which he' has performed for the. past five •:. years. / ers THAT, we'Urge ' . r'ess ireporters • P 1? and contributors. of news items' ;. -..to write distinctly, particularly. where names Ware ` concerned; For the , most part the, .reports, we :receive are written, ' with care, but there are some which' are scribbled out in a fashion "that the devil himself couldn't decipher. Some of .these, times,, in such cases, we'll,;.be tempted : to 'send' it back with -the 're= quest that it • be rewritten, is a legible :way and properly composed in sentence .form: Mail +e�' Chaple„,r 1 present a FASHION SHOW F�shion' Portraits" at the , Goderich District :CoIIegiatei Auditorium at`8:00-p.m..on 4 Tuesday, September 1 9 COFFEE PARTY TO' FOLLOW . karry Colclouh of the• H'eatl er Beauty Salon, Goderich;,will, present a show, sy =antaHair-D�ades In Pastel Shades Favors, . Lucie;' Draw, ' Prizes .Galore Admission/ ..,.: 51.00 /1 •' iiii�iiiyir-ii` iii ��y/i//'