The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-13, Page 8b PAGE; .EIGHT THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, ;LUCKNOW ONTARIO "' United' Church W.M,S The September meeting .of the United Church W. ..S, Afternoon Auxiliary was; held .in S.S. Room. of the. Church' with an attendance of 24 members :and 3, visitors. Mrs, R. • Cumming, the 1st vice-presi- dent 'presided for the opening exercises; Roll' call was answered with thename of favourite" par able. Reference was made to, the Autumn. Thankofferilig service to be theld on Tuesday 'evening', October 3rd when' Mrs. Holtby_ has been .invited toy 'give. her re- port, on the McMaster ,Con:ference. which , she attended, last June. • This 'IS a joint Meeting of ' Even- ing arid. Afternoon Auxiliaries: Mrs .K. MacDonald gave a talk ...on the life of the bible woman... Rhoda. ,Mrs. R. . Thompson told of, meetingthe Rev. John Mc- .. c-•. Dougall, a pioneer missionary the West; at an old historic church . in Edmonton.: Mrs..' Wightmar, convener of the programme com- snittee presided for .the following interesting programme. Scripture ,reading by Mrs. A. Breckles; Mis- • sionary items were read by • Mrs. H: Ackert, Mr's E. Taylor, and Mrs. Treleaven. Two beautiful. solos by Mrs: H. Haldenby. were much enjoyed;' .From the Study, JroaOtfro'S Most. Cb 1vErrnum SOO • rooms and suites with .tub, shower,.radio and TV. :Home. of the Canadian. Pump• :Room Dancing ... no ;Wert n.. llolnimum. Ample free overnight parking. Fine Convention Facilities. Family Plan • • ITTAVU1UE ATEMS Sr' Til ons EMpks;'24848 -Tolac 0224S$ MONTREALhliplici s UNive sity,6-06111 i%a'OTTAWA teliplane CEnttal 5-3333 TORONTO Book "Our Turning World," Mrs. O Brooks took the chapte "New Nations and Old Pro•blerris based on the authors observations dur- ing , a recent visit to the Far East. inggliiding India. and Burma. Fol', lowing the closing ,hyrnn and benediction, 'lunch was served by Mrs. Wightman, Mrs, Ackert, Mrs.. Breckles and Mrs. Q, 'Brooks..• • St. 4%Ugustine, C.W,L: The • regular monthly meeting of the C.W.L., of ,St. Augustine was held' at the 'home of •Mrs. Theodore Redmond, on Tuesday, September:5th at • 9 p.m.: with a fair attendance. It..,was . decided to .gather up broken. toys to be collected 'and' taken to the. Dean- ery meeting at •Stratford' for the veterans at Westminster. hospital. Mrs. Gus Devereaux offered her home for the next meeting on Oc- tober 3rd,The meeting closed aye with prayer after 'whi �h 'lunch 1~ p F ,was served by the hostess. South Kinloss W.M.S.. . • • • • The • September meeting • of South Kinloss W:M,S. was • held on . Wednesday afternoon, Sep- tember 6th at . the home of Mrs. Harold 'Campbell,: with Mrs. Evan. Keith and Mrs. Jim Burt as dir- ectors. Mrs. 'H. Buckton , presided and they • secretary,. 'Mrs.•, W. F. MacDonald, read correspondence' and' thank -you notes received. The scripture lesson was read. by ,Mrs: Rod MacLeod and .• the. Bible study was . based on • the 11th chapter of Hebrews called some- times the`.; Westminster. Abby • of the .scriptures. Reflec tion§ on vari= ous, heroes ,of faith • portrayed' here proved .interesting.' ,The: fact that some were delivered. and ,others were -not was 'brought oat it a. poem, by Annie: Johnston 'Flint, called o. "Sometimes"' which was read, by .Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes, based on. .the. closing. 'verses of. this long chapter. Roll responded to by a verse C�gthering Enjoy Pipes, Dc.ncing. The MacDonald reunion held at" Reids Corners Hall on Saturx day; September 9th was Well re- presented; with over 80. in at- tendance. - The afternoon sports. were looked' .after by George MacDonald. After' a, .few selec- tions. on the bagpipes by Murray MacDonald; lunch . was served., Part of the clap then ,dispersed to attend to 'their farm chores and to assertible. ' again., at nine o'clock to the skirl of thea pipes; by Murray MacDonald and Tony Autrie, a friend from Goderich,� Modern and "old time dancing, with Glen Boyd's orchestra sup- plying the music, was enjoyed the hall. Special skill was, : exhib_ ited in.:Scotch Reel dancing by 83rd ' year, and ' had been hospit- tiouise Campbell, Mrs. Clive Mun- alized for only a week, and for, ro, ,Andy and - Bert; MacDonald.,' the 'first. time in his. life. After lunch the past -president, a ' His sister • was in her 82nd John 1VlacMurchy cabled the meet-, year and had been . hospitalized ing to order to lay .pians and at Wingham and Pinecrest Mantis elect officers for . the coming for ,several weeks. • Year, with the. following. results: Their parents were"William N. Earl Tout,.president; ' ;Leonard Montgomery, a native of Ireland', Courtney vice-president; George and. Mary : Brett of Hull. Both Ro- MacDonald,• sports; Andrew, Mac bert and Majgaret were born in Donald, program; James MacNain, Huron Township, he on December Treasurer; lunch committee, Mrs. .31st,•1878 and she on October 31st; Grant., MoLenrian, Mrs. Earl Tout; 1879. • " and Mrs. ,James MacDonald. ..Mr. 1Vlontgomery, had.farmed . A very enjoyable. evening was all his life until failing health brought to a close. with a duet forced his retirement this spring.`. by Archie and Bob Courtney ac -His sister had,kept house for her. companied by Mrs. 'R.obert 'Court-, brothers. xiey. , Surviving , are a ,brother and:' sister, Ben Montgomery and Mrs. Double BuriaIFor. Brothr,. Sister • ROBERT JOHN MONTGOMERY` MARGARET J. MONTGOMERY b A rother, and sister who had spent their lifetime together on: their farm home rn ,Kinloss,; were separated in death by • only a. few' hours.. ..Robert John. Montgomery pas-. sed away in • Wingham Hospital on•Monday,, September 4th .at .and. eight hours: later •his ,sister, Margaret, Jane Mont- gomery, died at the Pinecrest Manor .. Nursing Home, in 'Luck now. Her condition was such that she was not aware of her brother's path. Nlr. •Montgomery .wase in his• fall thankoffering meeting, to, be Stella ' Bushell of Kinloss. They October 3rd at 8:00 .o'clock; This .were :predeceased • by Williain. being on the : regular meeting' .4ight_it yeas-decided=toThave--just- 'the one meeting in October., In. her' Christian ,Stewardship re - Port; Mrs.' C. Thompson' asked, some questions to ponder "Are we witnessing Christians. at this wiles war and aes : n g y, �Relaecca :Mon-tgor-ner--y-and-'Ha-nnah- -Miller.. • :• They '' were members of the United Church and '.their: pastor, Rev. William . Carson of'Bervie, officiated at the funeral ,service call was lovely •time of . the year' " What for • brother and.sister, .held on with ' the kind of a picture ' of Christ are Thursday, Septeriiber ..7th at the word: "Faith: The missionary we ,parotin in ourselves for '.Linklater . Funeral Home,. Kincar-` study on new 'churches'' in ,varix ) dine. Interment" was in Kincaid - those around us to see. Mrs. ous mission fields was taken by (Thom son `.,closed her talk .with Mrs. J., Burt 'and'• ';Mrs: �iarold i p Austin. had the :study , on "Lydia:" a prayer for... .our missionaries. Mrs:. R.• Ackert presided for : the Readings were contributed by programme consisting of an `a'C- Mrs.• . W. Downey and Mrs: Evan i cordian solo by Miss Peggy But - Keith .. and the offertory. prayer given .by :Mrs. R. Macleod: At the conclusion of the meeting °the directors: and :the hostess .served. cake and ice cream' United Church Evg. Auxiliary l On Tuesday, September. 5th at'. 7:00 ooclock,: Mrs R; Ackert, Mrs. J. ,MacTavish,.Mrs. J: Ackert. and Mrs. Rus Button and Peggy serv- ed a delicious pot luck: supper • to members of the.. United Chuich, Evening Auxiliary afterwhich Mrs. Leonard .Ritchie. conducted the business'. and announced the lives 'atune to God ..to do -our. A hymn: and ine cemetery. Pallbearers :.for Mr.. Montgom- ery. were Bill. Stanley,'. Albert.' Young,' Delmar. Lindsay, William. Heilds, Frank - Colwell and Ivan ton, . reading, 'MrsAlex Andrew 'Geddes.' The' pallbearers for •Miss and duet•; •Mrs: •J ',MacTaVisli and I Montgomery were: Perry, Morley,. Mrs. IR: Ackert: Mrs.' Ackert in- Donald anal Max. Bushell, Donald troduced Mrs: Ross' Shiells of McEwan` and . Herman Fisher Amberley as the guest . speaker . Mr. Montgomery was a member for, the evening. Mrs. Shiells spoke of Kinloss Orange .Lodge. / on "Religion in our daily .life" stating ,the; mark of °a.:Christian is love of his fellow man."Love is a ,personal ;quality; given .to us by' God and'we'Must be:'gentle;, tor all.. around • us :even as , Jesus showed love and gentleness all' through his.life and it did •more. than any.,otler• qualities of any leader. She Urged us to keep our, MONUMENTS For sound .counsel . and a fair' price . on '.a monument. d fro .lit correctly' designed m quality material' „ g q. Y • rely . on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop., • Establistied• Over . Sixty Years Walkerton ' ` 'Phone 638-w Ontario FINANCE' YOUR 'CAR. theeasy :way: . CAN GET YOU, THE BENEFITS O•FA CASH` DEAL Remember—before you buy your car, consider the benefits , . of One -Stop ;Service through `Tho. Agent' .Automobile, Finance Plan. • ' • • Get the, funds you:. want, plus the insurance you need, with allbenefits Of a•.cash deal. It':1 economical,' confidential and convenient. For further'particulars, telephone before you buy. cDanagh Insurance; Phone 308, 'Lucknow dailytasks . better. h • benediction, closed the. meeting • Pre yt W.M.S.. The ,Afternoon Auxiliary' met i;. thechurch on Wednesday, September 6th with Mrs. Morgan Henderson in . the chair,' assisted Miss . Nellie Malcolm, the sec- retary. After , opening •,' exercises and' business details by Mrs. Hen- derson, the scripture Was read in .unison` and • the . Bible Study on The life of "Lydia!' was/ given by Mrs. N. G. MacKenzie. The roll call. was answered ' by •a pit- tune; of a "missionary and a brief; synopsis, of their work. Mrs. William'Porteous gave a splendid review of the work carried on by :the younger churches in the east, dealing with. Formosa, India and' The Korean , Church in Japan. Mission work in...Formosa has Changed !greatly, with the: passing 'of the years. Formerly it was in. the hands 'of ,the missionary, to- day it• is a partnership -between' the Formosan and the missionary as they work together under 'a General' Asseinbly, Ir India the, church has not ,progressed as far as the Formosan church but is: ore .on m a local level.. The Igor:- ear church in Japali is only, 1>5. years old., /They are keenlyin- terested in Christian education, and leadership- training ;and also social welfare•, work' as Leprosy is', still prevalent, She conclud- ed 'by saying thaat those new churches, '',Peed ur ' utmost. sup-. port. The rieetng closed, ' ,With prayer. 'by • the President. 1 ULROSS CORNERS The community .,extends. sym- pathy;.to Mrs. Donald McEwen in the:: passing', of her uncle, Bob Montgomery 'and a few hours. later her ..aunt, Margaret Mont- gorn,ery • , passed away. „A ,double funeral , was .held , at. Kincardine WEI?NES AY;,, SEPT;. nth pot W. A. "BUD" HAMILTON germ PH.220 W-LUCKNOW HEATING =G S OIL' GASOLINE : OTHER FARM' PRODUCTS. GERALD N. CROOKS, DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545 `•' KINCARDINE; ONTARIO Be Sure ' *our. HEALTH INSURANCE . INCLUDES `CHIROPRACTIC CARE. _on-:. Wednesday: Dr. and. Mrs. Don Willitts and family, ,Mount Albert,' Spent the' week -end` with Mr. and Mrs.,; Dime ,Tl ompson..., Last. week :saw a full week of real harvest weather. All avail able' combine and threshing macli- ines •were pressed into 'service' & . in . most 'c!ases. were kept busy overtime. We extend sympathy' to Mrs. Mac Thompson in the passing of : her, aunt, Mrs. Joseph : Fisher, Kincardine. • Miss Elda Wap was home .from, Clinton for thea week -end. •Mr.. and Mrs::John MacDonald;, and Doreen, Ripley were callers. at .Browns„on..Sunday : Mr. Floyd tanley;.haa gone =to Stratford : 'u hcre he :..will ' attend' Teachers' College.' • f ..Mr. and Mrs. Leroy .Elliott, 8th Con. spent, Sunday evening” with Mr.' and. Mis. James Wraith. Neighbour "'My wife is pro- longing' her holiday. I need'her • at' home but it seems useless to. suggest that she return. ' Other neighbour. "Get one of • • the neighbours to suggest . it. %rfif .. //f J:r''a' t%f.� •r �y s {•• etr.e a.ent Evely. e:a THE ALASKA BROWN BEAR is' the biggest meat -eating animal in the world, often attaining a fieightof ten feet' when he rears up on his hind legs. Like all bears, the • `brownie hibernates 'in winter. Soon after the first snow falls, he finds a cave or a deep shelter under an over- hanging ledge of rock. There he curls up and sleeps until spring.. 'The bear `retires': for several months every year, sustained:by°the fat stored in h body. When human, beings retire, however, they don't receive the same. help from, Nature. They turn instead to life insurance. Nothing can make a•man's retirement years morel. financially secure thana portfolio of Sun Life policies tailored to his requirements. Let me tell you how./ m. 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