The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-13, Page 7WEDNESDAY pied.: Su At V.i ncouver CIiCSTER. CQU! TER'. Chester Coulter, a.' native. pf .Whitechurch,, died suddenly on • ':quesdav of :last" week, 'Septemb..er 5th from a .heart attack, He .was ‘' 45 and had, oever: been ,sick nor lead a , pain: Chester had gone t(i Work, as ' • •usual' and• was ho„meward bound at the .noon hour •when stricken with 'a multiple seizure. He swerv- ed tris car to the curb and• two; city. police who were` in .the traf- . fic lane, went immediately to his 'Th 11th; 19.61 my aid and summoned an ambulance 'but Chester was,: dead before. • reaching the' hospital • Mr. and .Mrs Coulter reside at 5649, Clinton. St, .in South Burn, aby, B.C., Mrs., Coulter Is the. former Dorothy.. Webb, daughter ofMr. Mrs.''Macl(enzie Webb of South Burnaby It was 14 years ago this month . that they went' West, • Besides • his suddenly .bereaved widow, 'Chester is •s.urvivedby four' children, Brian, Judy,; Bon - rile” and Scott, the youngest of which is 'about • one, Year old. Chester was the son of Mr • & • Mrs. Frank. Coulter. of White- church, His mother, his .:brother,, Alex of Whitechurch, ` his sister. (Isobel), Mrs, Hugh•David 'Mac Donald.. of Whitechurch.'and 'Mr.. and 1VIrs. Aldin Purdon' flew from Malton on . 'Wednesday to attend the .funeral held at Vancouver on Friday: mate _Ljghter• B0. were: 0 ' .s osa: erm FALL FAIR. Arthur ,Ayton Bayfield Blyth ,..:. Brussels , ' , , Jray.ton.•, ,.,.;S Dundalk .• Dungannon Exeter ,,,,.., .,,,..,. Forest A ,...1 ,;., . Gerrie , Kincardine THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL„ LUCKNOW, •OI DATES Sept. 27, 28 .. 'Sept. 15, 16 Sept. '27,, 28. .. Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 28, 29 ept, • 16 and 18 • Sept. 12, 13 Oct, 4 • Sept, 20, 21 ▪ Sept. 22, 23 • Oct. 6, 7 Sept, 14, 15 Sept, 28, 29 Slept. 25, 26 Sept. 27, 28 „ Sept. 22, 23 „ Sept.' 26, 27 • Sept. 1'8, 19 • Sept. 15, 16 Sept. 18; 19 Kirkton Listowel Lucknow , , , Milverton Mitchell Mount Forest New Hamburg Paisley Palmerston . Oct.2, 3 Parkhill Sept, 21, 22 Port Elgin " Sept.' 15, • 16 Ripley ,Sept. 29, 3.0 Seaforth . Sept. •21, 22 Stratford • Sept.; • 18 20 Tara .Sept;. 26, 27 Tavistock • :Sept. •:8, 9 Teeswater Sep t. 29, 30 .. Tiverton' ''Sept. 21, 22 Walkerton . Oct. 25,•26 • International . Plowing. , Match, Hastings •County, •• iBelleville, October,. 4 - 7. • Note. Dates are subject •to change,and and confirmation: 19 Beginners At .Ashfield School '(LOCHALSH NEWS) Beginners at the Ashfield.: North School were Harold 'Keip, .Ricky. Barger, Kenneth . Farrish•, Robert ;.� Simpson, "•Maurice Hayes,' John, -Simpson, : Mar1oMcDolil",: Di= anne :MacKenzie, Brenda ''Mac- Lennan; Bobby Wilkins, 'Leona. :Hogan, • iVioyra ' `Johnstone, Greg Hamilton, Brent Boak, Steven •Wyids, Mary Louise O'Neil; Paul, Hogan, Dennis O'Neil and Dennis 'Drennan, nineteen ' in :all :There •. were 112 pupils 'registered' on• op,. ening ',day, Wednesday.: Mrs and Mrs: Dave B.arkwell' of. Winnipeg 'called. on. :friends; sand relatives in the • community our= ing the week, • • 011041 414A IMPERIAL -41,500. BTU .' output. Modern • design in beautiful Platinum finish. 53,000' BTU taodel • ,slightly higher: Exdvslvel Duo -Thera° ;SELF -Lighter -Turn • tle' :diol and: electric . SELF- Lighter lights' the fire au- tomatically. No matches. No fuss. No. mess:' ..• Exclusiv.l Duo -Therm Power -Air Blower Automatically forces heat to every part ;of home. Moves "lazy" ceiling heat to' living level. 'Saves up to 25% on oil.' Automate• Thermostat ' -Set and 'forget. Keeps the tentperoture° just at • Yeti like':it.• UNDERipvit ToRS' APPR"oVED , Webster and Mackinron CREST •HARb WARE +]4r.» and Mrs- Elliott;'Sandy. en- tertained relatives and friends on Sunday to a picnic on.: their lawn. Miss Doris Wylds of Toronto visited recently with: her parents, Mr. and Mrs 'Dan Wylds. Services are .being •,held in the Free • Presbyterian ., Church -dur- • ing the month ,of September. Mrs. K.,' L. ' MacKenzie •has re= turned to , her teaching duties in Mr.' Ray MacKenzie of 'Toronto' spent the; week -end' with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mac- Kenzie. • The Mission, Band of Ashfield Presbyterian Churchheld their' first meeting of the season • . ori Monday with .Mrs. George .iMon-' Grief as leader. Anniversary At. Kin�Qs� Ch��ch� Anniversary services were held -on Sunday at Kinloss (Black= hor„e)i United Church, which has. been'redecorated and transformed• in appearance, to the ,credit of the congregation. ' • At the xnornin,g service the pastor, Re,v. Wm. J-. Carson .conn ducted the service and. in • the evening Rev. Howard 'W. Strapp' of Lucknow• was guest Strap • 'Miss Bertha Blue was guest soloist at the morning service & in the evening -special, music was• ;provided by the Bervie 'United Church choir. Choir, W1., Honor St: Helen's Ladv (ST;. HELENS NEWS), '•Following• the Sunday morning •service, the choir, presented Mrs,. George .'Stuart. with a necklace, and:` ear • ring set and a .leather, ;hand -bag. Mrs; Stuart,• , who has •been. ' a faithful member' of • the choir •for .the past • folly, years, will be moving 'to Lucknow this week:: • Mr.: E. W. ,Rice ' addressed Mrs. 'Stuart in a few well chosen, words • and Mrs: Lorne: Woods made the preseritation On Thursday evening. •at the': W.I. • meeting, Mrs ' Stuart was 'presented with 'a, farewell' tiff. from the St: Helens group.• Mrs. E. W. Rice "spoke : a few words 'of .appreciation on: behalf of . the. W L for her many, 'years of .ser - .Vice. M%s.•,, Stuart •replied. • Mr, Foste. Brain of Hornby is Spending a few days. With Rev: and'AMrs. Be.• r.'!. Green: Attend Grade ''':.9 at LINE'S '• Meeting the,schoo1 bus. for their first time fro"n this community are •;Gary and Brian Gammie, Barbara Purdon; Wayne :; Tod'd, Sheila ' McQuihin, Susan Dorscht, Sharon Jefferson, Mike and Ron- ald.:Fioran, ' J•Oliti Pritchard, Pat- ricia . Carrick and Lucy Morrison.' These all are Grader 9 students at: Lucknow District High. School, Mr. Ken ,,Gaunt of Lions Head'. was. a . ,Sunday •visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt Recent visitors 'with Mr: and Mrs 'Lorne. Woods were Mr.•'and• Mrs.' F. . Waterdown hallof rn and 'Mr.; and Mrs. Roy..' Hawley ;of Oshawa. Mr. and ` Mrs. , Ken • Grewar and Nancy of Sudbury were week end Visitors: with .Mr. and Mrs Harvey • Webb: The sympathy . of this commu pity goes 'Out to the, bereaved in the sudden death • of Mr.:: Chester 'Coulter of Vancouver, B.C. which occurred on Tuesday, September 5th from a . heart seizure. Mrs. Coulter is the former Dorothy Webb.' ARIO, 'sem Guaranteed. free-flowing at`. application time. * Less' than one-half as much Moisture as regular fertilizers. Semi -granular `texture at regular price. * • Most economical. per unit of plant food.:.'.. * Plant food nutrients readily. available..' .••uy QUa'11' FERTILIZER Buy Co-op' newsency GENERAL INSURANCE AGN'EI • Tweny , t y •ladies answered the -si x • roll call;' '"a, verse of ' scripture pertaining'. to Agriculture" ori Thursday evening in ' the ,ha11. A short 'course, "Women's Institute' Procedure" is `planned for. Janu ary.' The St Helens institute were. asked to plan, a birthday party in November for Huronview; the iCounyt Horne ;in Clinton:; The Fall 'Fair, 'Exhibitwas discussed as well : as a wedding dinner in Oc- tober. Plans were ,made for the entertaining of the neighbouring W.I. braric.hes'in mid-October. The topic . "Agriculture and :Canadian Industries"' Was ably given by •, Mrs. JimAitchison,. Mrs: William''' ,Purdon "prepared the motto, "If you plan. ta seed of character or' kindness in the home • , it 'will • bloom •in'the community•and Miss.• Mary Murray.- read it: Since Mrs, Stuart -is leaving our community, Mrs. E,. W. Rice gave.. a few . re= marks' and, presented her, with: a lovelycup and saucer: on ` behalf` of the W.I. Lunch;; was served by Mrs. L.orne, Woods. and Mrs. Gor- don McPherson. To turn ideas: about things you'd like to Kaye info real, honest-toagoodness . reality see your neighbourhood branch of the ', B of N A low-cost, life -insured, loan under the B of M Family Finance Plan will bring many of the 'things you`ve been dreaming' about within your reach right' now! /0 /iiiii/Ott4051Aitit 3ANR'. iie �. w .A 4A •