The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 12s; it et THE LUCKNQW' :SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARID IA a fashion from Kayser Squats new luxury. nylons ata pod -news price/ 1 1,1 resat name stockings • that stand for beauty, luxury and value. ".. News 'Comes from Kayser .in stockings that live up to their famous name in beauty, yet strike .a new value -note: lit this first-time rice! °Seamless and Seamed styles, yles,Y ou'lffi d.:fas -thO hion=high -in-the newest range of shades, besides! AGENT FOR, KINCARDINE CLEANERS ree Pick -Up and Delivery Monday.and- Thursda.; Ladies' aid.'Men's ' Wear •--• Lucknow Young Couple .`i• � ResrdrHere.n BARGER • -- SINCLAIR :The marriages. of Shirley. Jean Sinclair of '•Lucknow, daughter. of Mr.' •and Mrs. ' Roy Sinclair, of Toronto, ,and Kenneth Gene Bar; ,,ger, ; ion of Mr. and. Mrs; Gordon Barger, RR: 3,. Lucknow', was ,solemnized 'at the United 'Church, Parsonage, •Lucknbiiv, on ' Satur- day, . August 26th' at 7:00 "p.m., with Rev.,' Oliver •Sttapp" officiat- ing. • Thebride, who was . •given: in'. Marriage by Mr. 'Alvin Hamilton of Paramount, wore a' waltz :length gown off white. rosepoint. lace over slipper ;'satin;. with sa : brina jewelled neckline, lily- point . sleeves • and •a bouffant • panelled skirt on princess .bodice. Her• shoulder length veil had.. an embroidered edge With head- piece of matching lace and• her rl z. . THAT••' hay fever sufferers have been having a bad seige of it' for some •time, with; the, rag - Weed ' season adding its irri- tants to bloodshot eyes and' membrane -Swollen noses;; THAT 'a . reception was held in the Lucknow ,Legion Hall , on • Friday, night ' for Mr. and Mrs. 'Barry • McQuillin, newlyweds. __Murray Gaunt read •an address" of bes: wishes and.LorneFor-- ster presented the couple :With a gift 'of .:money: • ' • • THAT 'Mr,. and Mrs: Elwin'. Hall= and . family tookup residence • here last- week in ' the 'home of the late-: ' Mrs. .Elizabeth'.'Con gram on Victoria St. Mr. • Hall • is a• member of : the L.D.H S . staff, coming' here from Ayr.; Mr and Mrs: Hall' havee' -three . • children, Bob in Grade 2;.' Billy in Grade.1, and Susan .of.'pre •'school • age. • • SEE By The Sentinel THAT Teen -Town , activities; , are' getting off. to a early start this fall with the first dance of . the season, to b e held in . the Legion• • Hall on Friday evening. ' THAT •wet and humid weather, is .a.threat to potato blight and rot, and it looks as if ,thio,` "spuds" 'may be ,harvested'.. earlier .than usual this year.. THAT :in . the costume parade• at the .-Frontier Days celebration. in, Wingham;the cowgirls , prize: was won by Lynda and. Nancy ' :Walden; daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Glen: Walden of Lucknow. flowers were a • red rose corsage. Miss JoAnne Conley of Luck now was bridesmaid. 'She chose a short azure blue silk organza gown " with pleated bodice,' short l d white . s eeves an w i e accessories; Her . flowerswere a corsage of sweet 'peas., • William Barger :• was grooms- man for his brother: A wedding dinner followed . in the new ;. bouquet room at' , the Log: Cabin Restaurant. ;in Luck now. For ;a wedding trip to Hamilton, Toronto and other Ontario points,. the bride donned • a whiteand Mauve . cotton dress • with match- ing accessories.' • • Mr. and Mrs. Barger will .re- side in 'Lucknow.' Benjamin Franklin :once .said "Doing' an injury :puts yoU below yourenemy revenging one makes you but even with him; : forgiving • One sets you above. 'THAT Mr. and :Mrs Charles Ma- 'Soh and • Mrs. Huntley Dawson the Munr and :Lind.attended '. a.,o, and Hudson wedding 'last .Sat urday at Brick' St. • United n After the wed Church; Lo dons � :ding 'dinner at 'Hook's. Restau- rant,; a .reception for relatives and. friends was ' 'held, at the bride's 'parents, "lovely' country home:.near Pond '1Vlills. THAT Chuc cDona gh son'' of ,kM g.� Mr and' ••.Mrs.:Jack McDonagh of Lucknow, is presently work- ng' in a.. mine at'Keno Hill, 1300� miles . north . of Dawson :'Creek: Chuck is not too far. ' from Alas- ka :border :and,reports,'anew ,for three days in. his letter...home, Chuck is'.situated. not too `far ``•S from Mayo where -Harry Camp- bell, formerly of this commu- .. nity; has'' been for seine` time: .Harry IS. a son of Mr. and Mrs, ' Cyril +Campbell of Lucknow c'POflaI THAT for, this year : at least, home economics and shop will; be dropped from' the Ripley District ' Hugh School curricu- lum. ,A heavy ` enrollment at Kincardine made it impossible to work in: the Ripley students:':. These two courses have been', taken at Kincardine for • the past" eight years; , Receiving this tuition at L' uckriow was' •' con sidered, but sufficient teaching time was not available to make: it ' practical.; • WFDlFJSDA'it,. S1?Ts E IL,ucknoWFruit Mar YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND IIafld ,Pride Coffee fur exclusive top seller E.1.. -Tea Bags. pkg. 60 count package.: Save to 8 Sale . tins 85c:- Orange Juice 'Donald Duck, 48 oz., save 1.3e .. • .2�'ars, 59cSweet Mixeckies 1 Rose broad, 16 oz.,: save..11'c . Mixed . Candy, `' Sale; 2 pkgs., , Save 8e. Any 29c 'package, :Your .choice ' Ib. 5'Oc HEADQUARTERS, FOR AIL FRESH `FRUITS 7. and VEGETABLES _ ' Apples, Bananas, Peaches," Tomatoes, Lettuce, ,Celery Peppers. .Values' • Effective Sept: 7, "8 .:9 We Sell For Less 'Phone 119, Luck:ow: THAT Gerald Wagner dug up ,: a freak potato • last week, which bears: about ' as close a resemb- /� lance as::•you could get, to Pluto -`Tire Dns _THAT with duck and deer hunt ing. seasons approaching: • at- tention' is 'being .drawn to : the. need to be in. possession of: a: • gun licence: 'A ,.hunters' ..safety training •Course is quite Valu-, able -.in rrlaking application,ior • a licence.. Such "a course is to, • . be held: at the Lucknow District' High School :.next Tuesday. ev- ening by. Hill. Hunter and Wally Breckles:. THAT the September ' meeting of the Lucknow and . District Horticultural Society� 'will be hejd'. in the .Town Hall; this Thursday evening; September 7tmonthly g h' .'.The meetings are regularly held the 3rd Friday, but because,of business planning was set forward a . week. until the 8th, : and 'then • changed to Thursday.. to. `accommodate ; the writer, :who' Will give ' an il- lustrated talk ' on ' a trip to :the West .coast. THAT' Mrs.''Elizabeth, Suter 'mov.. ;ed to Wingham •the;tatter .part of the week, where. she• ,.is, a •member' of, the W.D.H.S. Sh had ' been language teacher qn the Lueknow stilt -tor six years USE POLE -CLIMBING' .SPIKES TO: MEASURE!, CORN. HEIGHT. Donald Pannabecker,. pro=. prietor of. the former Miller. Store'at Si. Helens, may, have started something by:his tail corn contest The Winning stalk: in•the St.. Helens area. contest' measured 12. feet, 7 inches.. There's ' corn• " in . Gordon• �Kirkland's .fine stand :that beats this ` by three inches.' • Jim ,Watson arid Donald Kirk- land are authorities<.for this. To measure the stalk they. strapped on a pair of climb= ing. ; 'spikes. No, they- didn't clurib.the corn ;talk: they. did ascend "a :hydro,:pole- ad joining, the' field in order'- to take an: ; authentic: nieagure= meflt. Can' ',anybody '. beat that? ESSO SERVICE:'. FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNL P TIRE$ (Most Sizes In Stock) '• AT REASONABLE • PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors" 3 Licensed • Mechanics : lgflment and Balanciflg MOTORCADE DEALER `THAT the Teeswater News in • reporting •on' theirflower.-how said'.. in part: C. R. Bristow. of Lucknow . was` the judge. As ;' he . spent .;three' hour's judging over 316 exhibits, he said it showed the general worth of the exhibition. In his remarks he gave many useful points on judging the various ' entries, which should be 'a guide for future flower shows. For in-. stance,judging rules call for tglads to be 20 inches, in 'length_ --one-third • stem, one-third bloom., and one ,third unopened btids; for roses Oto have two leaves. He stressed the neses- sity for e,thibitors ' to show',. exactly the number' called for on the prize list. ' AllillaalawsnailumailafkaikasAusidialmunbaskaukabilaiisa NOM'S' •THE ; TIME TO ' BE TIU 4KING OFA. NEW MceLAit MORE ADVANTAGES with McCLARY`HEATING' Economical! Guaranteed! Automatic! :7 Compact! Clean! .Attractive! Quickly Installed! Efficient! Effective!' Quiet! Enjoy • greater heating ef- fiency combined with compact, attractive` de sign with. A McClary unit. nniuoner x,00,.'' Had Trapp L1.oyd and feed with de was bur hours in Thefrea ual one happy e Lloyd used in business the w+he ter prob thermo>a grain, bin. Lle Which r "14' by Wheat; 1 theittion Lloyd .was wo, grain` :a1 the• bot that the .6n the 1 'be rem from :1 tLieyd ".ti Alert Wheat; :.waste a .possible summnol Lloyd's the • 'roc was te. bottom. Llo the. We • stretch! knots 'Lloyd : Rayn Cour Parl Park the .sii St.' are and .ti bridge: annoy a Prot milted • The' :tures, at thei "No have area. it ••'Veil congei are nt in Jutl at tori conteri satisfy and. sl "bunts in lin tore a of 11 80% sent 1 the e; The taken Teal was We' .uckr 3oarc o''pr ng .v owar Garai he s toiae' }1e b1 'hem ince Lai va.s arif'e oer rangy c $i hey FURNACE TENDING BANISHED ' Enquiries Invited No Obligation Phone