The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-09-06, Page 8IT'S d • . The Last Word Is! • T1,UCOW • � SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, �n� a�d Barbecuing` equipment It cooks froin' the ;inside out, therefore holding all the flavor and moisture, 1't Tenderizes Meat and Foil' Food cooked;• from this machine is just: delicious.. Try °it served in our restaurant, or take. out . Either way you'll 'like it.. • FOR. A... TAKE-OUT TREAT TRY• A •.HALF .OR W. HOLE CHICKEN: WITH CHIPS RESTAURANT :. 7. Phone r 'on tu AI1R.:• . „.. . 162', Lucknow' .• • KintaiI ''Kintail 4-H Klub met at 'the Institute Hall• on Thursday dight, ust .list, The :project for :this fall is "Featuring., Frui The 'leaders,' Mrs' 'John -.Collin, - son and Mr's `'Bill Ross opened the . Meeting: ' Bull.etins . and. writ :ten ,sheets were ' h'anded :.out to. ,each of the members.. The election of'Iofficers was as f ollow•s: President, Kathleen: Galton; -- Vice -President, "Barbara. L Mac-: Kenzie;; Press reporter, Mary Lou Collinson,.; Pianist, :. Barbara ,J.: .MacKenzie., ' • MrsJ s. �oh' n Collinson read; the : ',IM ortance: of :eating •more`fruit. P. for each meal': so that. they .cavi" be used: as body building mat- erial, Mrs Bill Ross demonstrat e ;tkie careful . and correct way to measure: ingredients for- each recipe. Tlie: members 'ofthe' club are as .follows:' Shardn Courtney, .. Kathleen • Daltpn, ouise:Dalton, Jean Dren nen} Margaret `Anne Farrish, Verna Farrish, • Donna ' Hogan, 'Hose -Mary, Hogan;, Lirida 'Little; .'Barbara J. MacKenzie, Barbara• L. MacKenzie, Kathleen O'neila, Mary 'Lou' Collinson. A name.•'will be chosen for the club :'t 'the • next meeting. WALKERTON ''COUPLE 'MARRIED ,AT `HAMILTON On Saturday,Aug;ust 26th, Marie Edith,Murdoch,'daughter of Mrs'. Olive Smith and the. late -Mr. Philip Smith of 'Walkerton, was 'married In St: Paul's United rely'-amilton, to Mr .. d Cartwright, son of Mrs. Gladys Cartwright and the late •Mr: Her- ibert• Cartwright of • Walkerton. Reverend .Fred Ellis, cousin of the.. bride, ;'.officiated., Following the wedding, the couple . left: on a trip through the .Northern States, :•ltaekett : W.M.S. Meeting • The August. :' meeting • of- Hack- etts.W.:MS. was held in ;the base :`anent of •Hacketts Church` with 8 members and:; 10 children,..pre-: sent. The' children provided .. the program :for this meeting " The scripture lesson Was taken by Joanne Alton followed by prayer With. ; Mrs. Jim`:. Nelson, :,;.ynda, Cameron ag• ave an •.accordian num- ber: 'followed by a . piano solo by Fay Henry and also' Janice Kilpatrick. Mrs:. Jim Nelson told the children a ' ,Story and 'hymn, 384' closed the ' children'sP art• of the meeting:, Thank -You notes were read and ' the study book was 'taken by Mrs: Dynes Camp- bell. Hymn : 252° :was; sung :.and Mrs., ' Jim 'Nelson closed • the meeting with., prayer. Lunch was served after the children, had 'played, some games out , doors - ON`UMENTS.. For sound.counsel and a'fair price on;a monument correctly designedfrom• quality.. Material,., rely on t SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop.. Established Over Sixty Years' Walkerton s Phone 638-w Ontario A YOUR CAR the easy ay.. CAN :G[T. YOUTHEBENEFITS OF A CASH DEAL Remember—before room buy your cat; consider the benefit* • of • One -Stop' Service through The Agent Autohobiie: . Finance Pian. Get the funds your'want, plus the insurance you • need, with all benefits'a•cash deal: It's.;eeonomieal, confidential and convenient. For further .particuiars,•telepho te: before your buy. . • 4cDonagh KI rant horse 300t:. Lueknow'' •-. I Brother and Sister Died Sane Day (HOLYROOD-NEWS) The sympathy of the commu- nity is. extended to .the Harris family in the death of Mrs,, Thos.. Harris in 'Wingham, Hospital ;ori' September 4th. The funeral is from, " Lucknow, Thursday, Sep-•• tember 7th, .: . Sympathy• .is extended to ' Mr;. and Mrs: Max Bushell in the death of his aunt and uncle; Miss 'Maggie Montgorinery pas= sed away Monday; September.4th at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home in Lucknow' & Mr, Robert Mont - gomery passed, away. •at• Wing - ham Hospital the same day. A double ''funeral .will 'be", held• at Linklater Funeral Home, Kincar dine on 'September, 7,th, ' 'The September -meeting of the Holyrood, Women's' Institute which was to• have been held Thursday evening in Holyrood Hall will be postponed till' Sep tember .14th,', on, account of the • death of ',one of their life. mem- bers,. Mrs Harris. Miss Doitalda-McQuillan, To - 'Onto, Mr. Allan:' McQuillan, ,Lon don; spent the holiday week -end; With their parents, Mr, and.; Mrs.' Richard, lVlcQuillar, Mr: ,and Mrs, Donald Smith & Brenda, Toronto, ;Mr:..'and Mrs: Douglas • Smith . and ' Chris,` Kit- chener, were holiday visitors' with' their' parents,. Mr:d1V : an'•rs.. Jim Mri. and Mrs;. 'John Peter'baugh and Miss. Maly•Gant, Bervie ;were .,recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' William Eadie: Douglas Eadie .spent. the past. week • with; his cousin,'. Druce 'Col-. well . John'. Ackert, 'son of ••Mr. • and. Mrs: -Lloyd Ackert, who had the: misfortune to .break his leg ; at the Boy -Scout picnic' at Holyrood'• in June had his cast removed this past' week}, '• Mr: and':`Mrs , • J'im Sniitli . visit= ed recently with .Mrs..Abbie=Bus- sell and also. Mr 'and 'Mrs: George Young,' Kingarf. Rev. 'Father John Hog an' spent 'a 'few days lastweek visitinghis : .brother,: Mr..'"W: ;W Hogan Miss. J:osepline •Barret; Mrs. Willick, , Miss ,Young .and,: Miss MeCormick of Port Huron visited ,Mr." Frank Sullivan on Saturday. Mr: P: E. ' Murray of :Detroit spent .the, holiday ' week -end here; Mrs. 'Nrurray and Donald Will:. return with ;him:• , Mr. • and.', Mrs. Jim Sinnett . and family' :Of Alpena; : Mich.,' :spent the •: week -end with the: 'Fred Vasella 'family. Mr.Paul Kasper• and: Miss Mary; Ann McDonald of ` Grosse Pointe,' Michigan,: axe spending a •few days with Dr, and Mrs: Kasper who are holidaying at Mrs: Ken- ny's. tOrne.' en-ny's:'Iiom,e,' . Mr. and .Mr's. Maurice; Edwards'. and family .of 'Byron, Mr and Mrs. ' Michael Kinahan and'son, John and Mrs. •Genevieve Kina- hen of London, Mr, and. Mrs. Bill. 'Kinahan , of ..'St.:' •:'Aug.ustine. spent Sunday ; with.;' relatives here:' Miss •Helen Courtney returned homeafter:'spending her `holidays with : the Edward's• faintly; of Byron.. ^ Mr, and Mrs. Nick Perry . of Detroit and Mrs:, T'. ,J.:Drennan of Goderich spent Sunday with - Mr - and Mrs, Earl ' Drenna i.. -"Miss Mary Lou Drennan 're- turned: to Goderich after spend ing a week at her hoine'here,' Miss Patricia O'Connor. return- ecl home? after holidaying with the Sansaterra :family of Detroit. Mr,, `and Mrs; John Van Osch. and son, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Tobi iVliddegaal of Blyth spent last weekend i Detroit: . Mr, " and Mi,s, John Dietrich and family of Clarkson spent a fevv days last w,veek. with 'Mr, and VZr s.• Markt. Balton and: family. ,Mr and Mrs, gill Vat Oscl family of Toronto spent tho :cvoek-, end here. (Too -Late rot. Last Wcck) Mr',. and Mrs:' John Kelly cc- ONTARIO' VIVg.DNDS.PAY, S 'i :6th, 1901 • • FOS . GASOLIN FUEL 014 and STOVE CAL� IRVING REID' eIL. Agent For:. : E. MaeTA'VISH . Phone. Luckrow 253 or 332' le'brated their fiftieth.. wedding alnniversary. recently. All their •family were homefir the occa- s on.. Mr.. and Mr -s. Jim Kelly__& son,' ,.Glen of .Sudbury.; Mr. • 'arid Mrs 'Dan Kelly and family • Sarnia,' Mr; and Mrs -Fred Wocks (Eileen) and family sof Windsor. ' and; Mrs Bill.'.:Hodgins (Bridget). .of,Sarnia, Walter Kelly , of. London, 'Mrs:•- Mary l#ssery at Mine: Oh • behalf .of the C'.W.L.. Mrs. "Walter Clare presented' the conp-le--w?iti --a • gift. Many ,friends and neighbours •calied..;during the day.,; to exten:d good 'W'ishes.- , Dr; and Mrs..•J. • A. Kasper of Grosse Pointe, Michigan; • are Spending ' their holidays. in • the community. Miss Frances: Dalton ;Ts - orne after • completing ,' her ' summer school course, iri London: P. ;E. Murray %arid son,- Donald. on,Donald. are spending .their , va= cation, at their home .here. Mr. and ' Mrs, Joseph`:.Ma:rtin spent the week-endwith,' Mr, and Mrs. J., B. Martin. • Mr:: and Mrs Bruce ;Hansford •and son" spent the week -end -with Mr and, Mrs. Ray, Dalton. :.The C.W.L. 'catered' •,for the :Sports.. car, racers' banquet.' on Saturday evening. There were two ;hundred and seventy„ racers • .and fans. •Miss. Ursula Courtney returned home ; after . visiting • at 'the Norrie OIL of .Mrd. and Mrs: Bill Kinahan. of ' •' St Augustine, . Miss Helen Courtney is visit- :ing, Mr aped rs 'Maud- rice E wards and family of Byron.•' .., Mrs;Genevieve Kinahan of. London . is . spending a -few; days Visiting her, relatives here,, • 'Mr. Eugene Frayne is confin- ed. oderich Hose � ital:' 'We. wish ; ed.t G P him' a speedy recovery: `; Mr: and Mrs.' Albert 'Langevin' and daughter, Sharon' •of : Toi:onto•. `aTe� v1sthng' �'Mr: -a-nd-Mips . Jak�a Howal:d. • ; Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Ausfin.. and daughter of:.. Toronto. "are ,,' spending their holidays with me, and Mrs. . Cliff' • Austin. ' - Maureen, Louise, 'Denise•. and Mary. Ann.:,; Dalton:. spent• a ;.few days. recently in ,Detroit. with their, attnt, Miss ,Dolores Dalton. •CROPS - CROPS ARE .POOR AND '. WATER' Is'. A • PROBLEM. Bil Good ;of .Waucho • e :}Bask, and a Sentinel `'subscriber for many `years, writes about wea ther• conditions iri. his; district. He says, "Crops are poor 'here with wheat ;from four' to .:eight: bushels per'' acre Most of the Coarse':: grain ...has '.been” cut for winter stock feed. Water is :a problem:. The sloughs 'are dry and • most: • of "the dugouts" „ .Guaranteed free-flowing at application time. * : Less. than one-half as much moisture as regular fertilizers. * Semi -:granular texture -- at regular price. * Nest economical per unit of plant food. 7IIC. Plant fo id .nutrients readily available. FERTILIZER uatit'y .• • Buy CO -op eKnow Dista Phys' Wingha (Office build Qf: Office Moi Loc obi