The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-23, Page 5rEpNESDAY, Av ,lard. ;IP101 "THF LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ,LUCrOQW;• 01sI',J'ABIC �ebentw es Denominations: $500 and; $1,000 Dating and Delivery: September 15, 1901. We offer these Debentures as principals, .. if, as :and When issued. Individual maturities. due December 15, 1970 to 1981 inclusive, are available. Price: 100 and interest Orders array be placed ..with Frank Thompson , Telephone; Teeswater 6461 or direct to• Wood, Gundy & Company • 36 King Street West,Toronto' Telephone: EMpire 24433 Pk1RPLE-GROVE: Mrs: Walter . Paul, Cheryl, Ric :ie and Lori of' Detroit ' visited' tr..and 'Mrs.'' Howard . Thompson. • Mr.. and Mrs Victor : Gawley; Marlene and Gladys,. visited Mr nd 'Mrs., George .Kennedy., Shirley. and.. Ann Mackay vis- ted Mr: and .Mrs. Burton Collins. Loran Fry .visited Ronnie: Dore: ;;Rev. and Mrs. George .Honour Ind 'Beth".of Marathon; holidayed: with •',. Mr. and' • Mrs: , • Howard • rhompson. , Mr, and .Mrs/ Richard Kidd' of `Catharines spentthe week - and with Mr. :and Mrs. Frank' John and .Allan .Mackay visited 1ohn'Collins ' ' Mrs: .Gordon Stanley spent a lay'_ with, Mr and Mrs B'urton ,.ollins. ' Mr. ,and nrdon-];V1acDon= a d attended a reception for Mr. and Mrs.,Delbert Nesbitt... • Miss: Catharine Bushell is ,em- .ployed at,•,Jack's Ranch, Under- wood. Mr: and : Mrs.. . Gordon, Mac- Donald ,were ,'Sunday visitors with kr: and .Mrs. Joe Guest. Mrs. Frank Dore, Mrs Richard Kidd;; Nancy and Dianne' Dore visited .Mrs. • Wlliarri 'White• on. Sunday Mrs.:Agnes Leeson'spent .a day in' Owen Sound: Mrs. John. Colwell .visited 'Mrs. Donald. McCosh.;. . o . Joan • MacDonald of Uranium' City. isvisiting •1yIr and Mrs. Jas. Brooks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Claude Dore- .on the arrival of a baby. boy. Mr. Frank Dore and Mr. R,icfi ard Kidd spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Claude Dore Esso Gasoline' gives you maximum power, maximum work per dollar Here's a gasoI ,e that meets' the dein nds • of tractor engines ..:. • and gives quick starts, fast warm=up,_pawer._and:...`_ economy:, And for diesel • . poweredunits, Esso Diesel Fuel has been proven over • and Over again to,give peak. performance, LUCKNOW ALWAYS LOOK 'TOeIMPE.RIAL FOR' THE BEST. Kairshea "��I For ' Open House. Mrs, Harold Campbell was hos- tess to. the •Kairshea Women's Institute on Thursday evening, August 17th with the, "president,,' Mrs, Farish Moffat and eec.-treas..' Mrs. Ira .Dickie in .charge, The scripture, reading was by' Mrs. Cliff Roulston. A minutes, silence. was observed in memory of Mrs.. Walter Thompson, who has; °pas- sed away since the last meeting. She .was a valued member and will be missed,- As a memorial a donation' has been. made to the Cancer Society. • •The' roll call "The newest and. the oldest implement or tool used on our farm" brought. forth some interesting 'replies., Miss 'Dean MacLeod gave a splendid topic,, "If .you don't believe in co-opera- tion just watchthe wagon when the wheel conies, off." Mrs. Harvey Houston and .Mrs. Virden Mowbray have beenchos- en leaders .for the 4-H club`'girls, with training school in Lucknow, September.:. 20th, and .. 21st. The new. - drapes • which.. have been purohased. for the ' Kairshea • Hall were ori display. Cash donati'olis Will . be •gratefully. received • from members 'sand• especially' those•. -unable` _to 'atten°d the work and paint bees held, earlier in. the 'summer. .The. 'treasurer has 'al- ready.• received• a number _of don- ations.' Anyone Wishing to don- ate useful . items for the '.hall, they would 'be much, appreciated, as well. Plain are under way to; have:. a Harvest Tea.: and Open,'House at, the Hall, both afternoon and. .evening of . Saturday, September 2nd. All members are asked for sandwiches. and',`,' fancy • cookies as Well as donations ,for the bake table. ,Mrs. Wm.' McIntyre,, Dickie ;and -.Mrs,. Roulston were apppinted, to.' •siyake arrangements for the Fall 'Fair exhibit. Delegates .to the :Bruce County ,Rally at the Walkerton town, hall on . Thursday, August 24th were Mrs. Farish Moffat and Mrs. Cliff Roulston with', alternates Mrs,, Ted Collyer and .Mrs. Harry La;= vis. Miss Grace MacDougal 'favour-, ed With a piano:' selection. Mrs: Roulston .conducted.. a spelling•. match; with • the champions being ,Mrs. . Evan Keith and Miss Dean. MacLeod:';`',Cake. and ice-cream •were served Eby :the. ;hostess • and Roulston and,';Mrs L.:•Mac Dougal at the ',close of the meet=: ingi ULIVET Nancy • and Susan McGugan' of Brampton; are • holidaying " •with Mr. and Mars Norvall' Stewart • Brenda and Janet Blackwell of London, are spending two weeks holidays, with. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family. 'Linda ;Johnston of Bervie visit- ed last week.with Sharon • Colling.. Nand. Coling of Ripley spent the' week -end., with 'her • grand -t parents, Mr. and. Mrs. •John Col - ling. Susan Cameron. of 'Hamilton is. holidaying with her grandparents, M and Mr`s ••• Orville Finlayson.. 1\ arilyn Finlayson ' . of 'Stratford 'spent the :week -end ' at her home here: • • • Barbara Mangrum; , and Kathy Coiling of Detroit . are visiting- for a. few'days with Mr, and-Mz•s: Sandy MacCharles and• family. ' , 'Mr. and Mrs.. Alex MacTavish. and Beth. ;enjoyed a two• days mo- tor' trip recently. •Many'. from: here • attended the. Canadian Legion Carnival in Rip- ley on Friday. PAGE; FIVE "A Legacy Prepare for a Business 'Career by, securing a diploma issued by the BUSINESS EDU,C•ATORS' • ASSQPIATIQN . OF CANADA, ' ' B.E.A.Sr. and .Ir• Courses., Qualified Teachers. * New Electric and Modern, Manµal ' Typewriters. New Mimeograph, and Dictaphone Machines: • • Monthly. Tuition $26.. 20th Annual Fall Terni opens: September 5th. G�derich. Business College JA •4-8521 or 7284 .S.S0 SERVICE'. FOR TOP .QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES`• (Most Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE ; PRICES! ai to All Makes•of .tars and 'Tractors Repairs 3 Licensed Mechanics. peel Alignment/ and Balancin MOTORCADE : `DEALE'R. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grain of Pilot Mound, -Manitoba : 'spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 'Rice. Mr. • and Mrs. Irvin• McCabe of Windsor' were week -end vis- itors. . with Mr. ` : and Mrs: Frank Me'Quillin•.• Mr. and Mrs. igen •Grewar and Nancy' .spent -the 'week -end, with Mr.. and . Mrs. Havey Webb • Mr. and Mrs Gre var :and.Nancy leave. 'on Monday for Sudbury : yviliere.., Ken is sales representative with the • Taylor Instruments with,•' headquarters In 'Sudbury.'• Mrs. Dan Rose of Newmarket spent, 'the -.Past •two weeks ,with her, parents,'. Mr: and Mrs.: Har- vey Webb. Mr and Mrs William:' Ruther': ford celebrated 'their 40th wed- ding, anniversary on Thursday. Friends and ,relatives called on them to extend :their best wishes on . this happy occasion • Assisi" nsilts ■ m.iiii■01111e.11ias11,11n ■ari.INaa ref, ��• :// . �. GERALD N: 'CROOKS DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545 T INCARDINb, ONTARIO Be ' Sure ''bili' r , HEALTH INSURANCE INCLUDES CHIROPRACTIC • CARE. MODEL a ■ : I. ■ '. . . a ■ IN R Two 1961 Pontiac,Laurentians, power'•steering power M. LI brakes,: automatic, fully equipped $2,995 `• •i` 1960 Pontiac 'Stratochief sedan,, fully equipped ■ $2,375 ■ 1959 Chev Coach,. V-8,. automatic . $1,995 • .;1959 Chev ,Belair: sedan " l > .., $2,051 '.: !` 1958 Ford Coach i .. i . , .iii'.i" i . i $1,450 NI ■ 1956 Fordi Caston sedan, automatic YirY 64..6.4•: .i:......... 9951 r 1957 Mercury. '.Automatic ;; Automatic J.i._ . $1,450 �. • 1957 •Buick Sedan, automatic,$1,450 ■ 1956 Chev 4 -door' Stationwagon $1,095 .. • 1956 Meteor Rideau;. automatic $1,095 1955 Pontiac Deluxe sedan Y ii . $ 895 ■ • l.Y+.. ,t..,. ;. ; `_ .,.Yii : $ 895 ••' 1955 Chex '.Sedan • 850' 1955 Buick_ 2 -door ',hardtop i i i.i ,i"11 ESE • •MANY OLDER' MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM - ..r . ,_. a r -�: • ■ • ' , .: TRUCKS! TILUCKS!!: •�, • 1- 955 Chev 3 -ton Dump 'Truck r11i4iiii 61.iiYaiiY iiii.iiiYikiiiiiiYi ia. '$995 . n • • 1• 956 OMC j/,' -ton with • long box• a a•iiiiiYiii,.•iikl :ii Yiii.i Yi:.ii• 1661 ii $895 ■ ■ II MI 1 .•,, ..• .. • • lsatOrs,:.al. •�russe . pities Serviee '.Dealer : -: Phone 1'73y; Brnssets` lit 'firiiiiirliiiiiiiiii■011Iiiiiiiiillitillaiiitlicolulale■■■•■■•■11111 i 4. • 40 • •