The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-23, Page 2VII .1` 4 ik • • TAM TWO THE Lilt KNOW SENTINE4 OA, •ORkAA,R. • THE. LUCKNOW $ENT1, Et. Thirty Years 49, "The Sepoy Town" ,r•-• On the, Pkr044$.1100., •1344.1141417 Authorized, as second class mail, po§t Office. Depirtment, Ottawa Established 18737—Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the O.W.N.A. and the 0.W.N.A., Subscription Rate, $3.e(1 a year;, in advance to the U.S.A., P*,91 • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, • L. Campbell Thompson and: Donald C. 'Thompson, Publishers, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 23rd, 1961 • L.00KIN-G BACKWA.RDS „ THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES •Ten Years Ago wife Dr. Anna Nicholson Wright moved from Saskatoon to Barba- dos .in the British West Indies to make their home. • Mr. and Mrs. George Gilchrist Were 50 years. married, Andrew Gaunt was president of the Agricultural Society.. Red Croia campaign receipts in • • .1950 Were $1642.50, • • Sariniel Culbert Nicholson 19 - year -old Belfast resident, died from a crushing - blow On ' the • head •while unloading logs. .at the. Lucknome Sawmill. • Two Blackhorse 'families, Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Cornish and two children, and. Mr. and Mrs. Eu. gene Keiswetter .aticl•5. children were • left homeless when fire destroyed theirduplex residence. Mr, and 'Mrs.. John Jamieion. • •were 55 years married. • While. Kenny MacDonald,. 'Year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, William MacDonald was, asleep at the lune, of Mr. ,and Mrs...Sid Gardner, a . cfrantic midnight • search.' Was •'Underwayfor • the • •lad.:'.The Gardners thoUght*. his • pqrerita were aware Of his where- , Deaths, Mrs. Jack Grant; Miss, Mary Alton, 'Fred M. John7, • don, •Mrs: J. W.•• Stewart, Mrs. • Ben: Naylor; Davia. Horne, Mrs. John li Wall, Mrs:.. J W,.•.:Altcm; • • Ford Brotchie George 'Middle- .. ton; David Mrs. Annie • Carcipbelli,'Mrs. Peter Kee; Mrs. Thomas. L. •Treleaven, W. P. • ,Reed,' -John 8. PurVes, Dan Gra- . ham,.. , David Huston, Mrs. William.: J. Spindler. 'Luekriew joined municipalities ,-art , , , • ' , • . . • . • • . • • On :the Kincardine -Palmerston' line to protest the CB proposal to cancel passenger, express and mail . service by rail, • to be re- placed by bus, and truck trans- POrtation, , • , Twenty Years Ago Harry Prest, •• son •of • V. • N. Prest,, local bank manager. and Mr's. Prest, was killed in an air training crash near Brandon, Manitoba. • • '40.• • Marvin • K. Brown; of Point Clark was killed overseas while- serving with the R.A.F. • • The Village,-Couneil purcliaie_d_ .what was known as the Geddes Block on. Main St., • new occupied by Cyril Brown.. , Cecil Treleaven •of, Dungannon •died in. St. • Joseph's Hospital at • the age of 52. •• . • • • . Two •Cevro-Anson boinbers' frorn•Port All.ert ir Navigation School. collided in the air near Barrie, killing, seven of the eight men in the two training planes. • Mrs„ James We'bster, suffered a. dislocated hip when the cutter. in which . she was riding • upset on a snow bank. •• Mr.• • and Mrs. William' 'Robin-. • son of East Wawariosh observed • their 56'th: wedding anniversary, at the home .�f their daughter, Mrs. John. Kilpatrick • and Mr. Kilpatrick:. • " , • An Ashfield. ToWnship. Unit.of • the Federation . was organized with Gilbert :Frayne as .the first president. • ••• • William A. • Henderson...gradu- ated from Knox College and "was 'ordained into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church. .• • . 0NTAF?10. • • is now open in to serve BruCe and Grey Counties Retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers • and all others who will be collecting • Retail Sales Tax are cordially invited to visit this office if they require ad- ditional information. For your conve- nience, it is suggested that you tele- phone in advance. District Office At Owen Soun 986 Third Ave. E. . • Tel. FR,6-1610 • District Tax Administrator. • ..• Thetrial of. the McNeil Broth- ers, Harvey and Gliford of Tees - water, charged with bank rob-. bery at Brussels, aroused wide- spread interest and was the first such trial in Huron 4 The jury could not 'agree on a verdict, at the first trial. • In. early 'March a gang of 22 men started work of installing the Mains tor Luelsuew'S domes- tic water system. ' Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Mullin observed their 56th, wedding an-. niversary. • ,• • The Lucknow Women's Insti- tu:te was making :a final' appeal fOr 'names of World War 1 Vete,' rani to •be inscribed on .a roll.Of honour in the Town Hall. Lloyd AgneW was secured to do the art wOrk. . The death occurred of William C. Johnstone who for niany years had been in the furniture and funeral business in Lucknow. Rev. 'Janes A. Jamesa former minister at South •Kinlessi died at Ailsa Craig. •. • • • C. L. Oberle was named man- ager of., the local branch of the Bank 4 of Montreal, succeeding R. M. MacPherson.': • The 'Walker Store in Lucknow closed out the business, one .which dated' back to early days. It had 'long been conducted by Connellithen by Hebert. :Brown, :and ,then was taken over by the Gordon' MacKay Co. and operated as :the Walker Store, With Jack McIntosh as the. laSt. • manager. •• • . • Dr. Donald Paterson, LucknoW dentist ,for. many Years, died in his 85th year. : •• , , • • Forty Years,..,Ago' ' , verge on ganibling, the tone �if the' place Would be bad and sink4fole for the Money of .those faseiriated by the game. • Reeve Robert 'Johnston a mem- ber of• the. Village Council since. 1913 and . reeve by acclamation continuouSly. since 1917 was elec- ted' warden of .I3ruce County at the January session( in 1921.. James. Anderson,: director of • the Methodist ChurCh choir for many years; died in his 54th year following a long illness... • The Methodist 're -opening was 'marked with special,services; fol-. lowing a.renovation ' pi-9gram, gir the installation, of• hydro light- ing: A ,,tablet was unveiled . at °this time .in memory of :Cleve- land 'Aitchison, Arnold •Rathwell and Melvin Clark who 'gave their lives in World War 1• • •:Dave' MacDonald advertised a cattle"sale at: the Cald'Earn with Jack Purvis the auctioneer. • The 'death • occurred of Miss AnnieBoyd .of I4icknow. At Belfast, Kathleen M. Welsh was, teaching- these students:- L. Hackett, O. Alton; M. ,Vint, 3. Irwin, A. Bowles, D. .Cook; C. Hackett, , M. Hackett, R. Istichol-' Son, :A. Cranston, T.. Hackett; Bowies, M. Hackett, E. Nicholson, G. Henry; T.. Henry, N. Cranston, G. .Carneren, E. Vint, F. Phillips, P. Thompson, R. Carnerori, Lasenby; R. Nicholson. ' Cameron' Murdoch *'Co..Were holdieg• an "hou sl For iri- staece,.: • at '10.00 a.m., you could get. an Ibex blanket' for 4,95; at 1:00 p.m. a. coverall apron for 8.5c; at 4:00. p.m.,' a pair of eOr- sets for $1.76: • Mrs. W. E. Treleaven; the'for- mer Margaret Miller, died at the, age of 52. . • , Elliott Taylor sold his 'dray business td: Ritchie Brethers, of • Ashfield. • ' [• ,Bob Cross, hostler at the Cain House barn, 'died...at the age of ',Lucknow merchants were act- vC'rtising for Dollar Days. Those,: • participating were Cameron Mur- doch and Jcihnstone Eros., Lucknow Hardware and Coal Co., Taylor and McMillan, Wm. Con- nell, A. R. Finlayson, Drinicrwater and CciuSins, W. J. Davison, A. M. 'Spence, Con Decker, Thomas E. Smith, A. Blitzstein, E. A: Ren - Wick, T. W. Smith, Rae and Port- • eous, J. G. Arrn8tfong, Ackert & Rathwell; Peter Graf, Dave Mal - lough, W. J. Little,' Alex ROss, R. 3. Button, F. T. Arinstiong, W. W HiII D. R. MeIntoili, • MacKerizie; N. L. Canipbeli, WM. A11in M A.•Treleaven. , I WEDISTO$DAY 'AUG,. gard l961 i i ) . . 1110.00,41.110111,111.11,11111110,004,14111ligNIP-1.0•1•11.10111111as • a ! II . TE.X11.;..opoK ,..INFORMATION - .: .. .. . fOr • • ..lucknow' .District ., .. ': • • • I' ' • ' High 'School Students .. • for' ihe 10044 term : • . I - . • • • • • . it The TEXT BOOKS to be used ht. the High School this 1 year may be PURCHASED. DIRECTLY. FROM( THE 111, .., . • 1 SCHCIOI,....4' , ' . , ,,,. ,, • .,: . '.., . Text Books to, be.used in the rniOuS GriX414 ire , • I as follows: • . •GRADE 9 • ▪ ENGiAkti. COtttAiAOSITION Creative .,ComOosi#en (Longmans) ' ENGLISH LITERATURE. ' ••• • — The Merchant' of Venice .(Copp Clark) -- The Book of Myths.•(Clarke Irwin) • • • — Invitation to Drama (MacMillan) • • ' • .— Moonfleet (MacMillan) • . „:-L. Realms of Gold (Longmans Gi'een) 1VIATiltIVIATICS . • ; — • Intermediate Matheinatics, BO* 3 (Copp Clark) • • Basic General Science, Book 1 ,(Mac*Aign) ,• HISTORY _. • • ' • .• Proud Ages (Ryerson) ' • ' ▪ GEOGRAPHY • • 111 "-- In Many Latitudes (Holt, Rinehart & •Winsicip) FRENCH •'. • . • Premieres 'Arinees (Clarke Irwin) ; •• • . ▪ BUSINESS PRACTICE . •.•• • t• •• . • • • Essentials of' Business Practice (Pitman) • 811 • • ENGLISH is' ENGLISH • • ▪ • ' ••••• GRADE 10 1 1 . • 8, • . COMPOSITION • , • • English Practice • LITERATURE • • Romeo and ' Juliet (CoPP Clark) • • Novel To be chosen • Realms. of- "Gold (Longmans) . • • Short Story Magic (RyersOn) • — The Modern Era (Clarke Irwin) GEOGAPHY Eurasia (Copp Clark) • ▪ .RENtH • — Premiere Annees de 'Francais (Clarke Irwin) • III TYPING is • • SCIENCE • • ••• • .1 • .s. a • • • a. • • ENGLISH • ENGLISH HISTORY • LATIN TYPING - SCIENCE Living Latin (Clarke, Irwin) •. . • New Course in 'I'ypewriting. (Pitman • , ., • General • Science; Book 4 (Dent) Intermediate Math, Book '4 .',.•(CoPP CiRADE.`.. 1 1 . • ' • COMPOSITION. :• Style and Structure (Dent).-. 'LITERATURE• • Julius Caesar (eopo Clark) Our ToWn ...(Lprigmans) New Horizons (McClelland and Stewart) Essays"and • Short. Stories (Dent') • •• Under the Greenwood Tree (MacMillan) The Story of San Michele : •, • • • • The Enduring Past (Ryerson) • ' Cours: Moyen, Book j (Clarke Irwin). LiVing. Latin (Clarke New course in Typewriting (Pitman) Modern :Physics •for. Secondary Schools ' • • E - ' •,• • • (Copp Clark m • NLATIIEMATICS ' • . a • • . • , • —• Deductive Geometry .and Introduction' to Trig 0 • • ' . •,(0Opp Clark GRADE. 12, • ' * .. , ,.. • ENGLISH COMPoSITIoN" . , .• . • .• " Chosen• , . - ' To be • • . , ,_ . Ill ENGLISH LITERATURE ' gi • , --Hanilet '(Copp Clark) • • . . mi '. -- • Pygmalian . - . •• •' ' • • . 1 4. •• -- • ew Horizons • --, Essays, and, Short Stories ' ." • ; : • • " --- A .Tale of Twe 'Cities (Copp Clark) • la 1 . • t • „ .17 • 1 • • • O . IXTV111M. am: '.saLtulorydcaly. o c a . in.uvriewtoeer • • 1.0.1. . ' , ,, familyDoi• ofwtftiaihnA I ir. typehgMr. an liwt of ai i°e0sr itnIfii • O P. • ni • . ). i .-• LhiCsndhil°otni°111.1,e • 1 • if , Ili •• curably. )' '1111:m .• ' .,' drv, ;saint • 111110 ' MefanilicLielYod°. • • ii• , , : McLeod's . mil , ..,• ptoleiMeana p risri. 0.E4r - ., ., O is ' ---,," • The Return of the Native. (MacMillan) . • m ; --- The Modern Age (Longmans) ' • . • • • • _011 HISTORY • ' . • . . • 0 rRENOH /. I: ' • It--.: Cours Moyen, Part 1 ' ' % • • • * 111 LATIN• • , a . to • — Living Latin (Clarke Irwin) • . II • 2 • • .g -- Selected " Latin. Readings (Dent) --, u is • i BO PING • • ' 111 il • • . Basic Bookkeeping . (Pitman) ••••• • • • . . a ' : t . ' • -I..' Globe Set of Werking Papers .. • .' , a 0 . ,. us SCIENCE • t • • ,• • - • • 111 " III MATHEIVIATICS' — Chemistry fbi Secondary Schools (Copp Clark) IN --• A New Algebra :for High Schools •(MacMilla ) ; . ; rzt. at• IsH co•mpo• smoGNRA. DE .13. , • ' ' ' a O ••• . a', ••. a • : Exc•l.,' L.w.---, L•AITERI-IaAndTbuta9oltE:of CoinPosition (Clark,e Irwin) . 0 N . • ,,...• . Macbeth (MacMillan) ' ' • •s 0• --- Longer Poems (MacMillan) • ...' a a • .111 — New Horizons 4, * • a ....' , -- Essays and •Shert Storle8 ., ' • in or : — ' 'Youth (Conrad) • .„ ' ' . ,11, i , ,,... .. ,..„.,- ThaeesaOrldanMd acilleaonpdatrtahe(sSheaawe(Hnlingyvay) , 0 • HistOry, French Latin, Math and. Science as gitscrib8c1 0 . 0 by .the Printipal utton request. . • '' 1 : by the Department of Education. This, list will 'be giver • BRIAN 'IL HOWLETT; PRINCIPA. lj 1 • V V 41.11111111111i111111111011Milililliiiiiiiliiiiiiiinliiiiiii.11111111111111111111 10: 11;