The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-09, Page 11WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9th, 1961 • g.114, LWCK.r.NOW $F411T.. ^.— �-i} LUCKN,OI Cl�sing'C.eremonies. E4F'MF•�i • nj ONTARIO= " PAGE BLEVE 5'hooIs S.S. NO.. 3 KINLOSS ;Changing' methods'''. Of rural schbol tuition . is,. gradually, and on occasions, 'rapidly resulting in the :disappearance of the "little ,red'" school house. ' In:the formation tion ' of the '$•in- • t . loss School.' Area, •six'school' sec- tions are. •incorporated with stu- KINL' S.S.SS ,SN0.8 , A "month ago' • former ;pupils, teachers and residents of . the S.S.' No. 3. School section, '.Con. 10 Kinloss, gathered for' a •clim acteric Aget-together and on 'Sun, day; .a 'similar • reunion was held at S.S. No. 8 ,Kinloss; Langside. school, dents to be ' transported to the central :school at Ho1yrood, • . There, Is a'certain: nostalgia to the closing of the old home school ,which " has ' been . evidenced by school section reunions held in Kinloss this .'summer.' • P4. Ed • es Lacknow Fo n Trophy . NIW S (KINGS�'BRIDG.E: ) NESS Adeline O'Keefe of Cali- forn..ia hisent her holidays, with. sP Mr and Mrs. ' Joseph. O'Keefe'. Rev. Fr; Cyril ' O'Keefe of Tor- onto visited, the. 'O'Keefe, family recently. Holiday. visitors Were, Mr. and Mrs. Niek Perry of; .Detroit, Mrs.• James, Moore,": Algonac, . Mich., Mrs.' Nora Sintiett and daughter, Shannon;: Mrs.• Bernadine Kenny, Mr.:Jerry Murray and friend, Mr and Mrs: Albert,.O'Laughlin, Mx. and Mrs.. Henry 'Brace all of . De-. ,troit, Mrs: J.• P., Sullivan of :Bal- ton, - Mrs. George• Whitmore of Washington' D.C. `:.iVir. Fred Courtney of ` Toronto and daughter, . ; Theresa • -visited. over ; the week -end.' Theresa re- mained to spend . two weeks with. her . aunt, ,Mrs • John' Austin and other -relatives ,here • • Misses •Bea'triee. and. Jean Kee.= non Visited the O'Neil family.. over the ;week -end en :route to British Columbia. Mir and, Mrs.. Ted 'Reynolds &. daughter, Lorna, Mr:, and Mrs. Harold Deighton and son,' Harold from Sudbury. spent. the„,week end with /Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dal- ton. , . , Messrs, • John ` Van :Osch, ; Terry Dalton, Tommy . Hogan, Albert Heffernan, ;George Collinson left on ,Sunday for Langton: to .assist: with the.: tobacco• harvest: ' Mr. -and MTs. ,Ray Baker and children: • of Woodstock . 'visited' with Mr. and Mrs.- Leo Courtney during the past week. Recent visitors,with' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff 'Austin were Mr. •and:', Mrs. John Austin of Trnmons & •Mr. and Mrs.\ Ambrose .Hartman "and family of Kitchener: Miss Kathleen Dalton is'slpend- ` ing her. 'holidays with relatives. • in Toronto ' and' Sarnia: • The garden party on Saturday ,evening was well attended,: Monty Snider, from .CKNX .was in 'at- tendance and presented the John Hanna trophy to James 'Doug= herty, captain of the Port Albert hall t • eam who won over. Luck 'no`y"a .score of 4-3.14r. Snider alsoconducted the draw for • the Prizes. The winners were: -1st, Thomas Wallace transistor' radio 2nd, 'Mrs, Carl Schneider, Gode- rich, 420. ' cash, prize, Goderich Mfg• Co.; 3rd Mr. . Lanav�a � s,Helen H . G y, Goderich, table. lamp, Shore A pplpl rances; 4th, John R. •Gilmore, Lucknow, R. 3, Shop. camera, •Denomrne Flower Shop; Nlrs, Mary Dap', picnic hare, O'B'rien's • Butcher' Shop•* Miss Agnes King, Hamilton, tray with crearn and sugar, :Reg Balla,. 6R0''Harisford, 'Galt, laWri chair, Lodge Furniture; Miss' Mary Gil- more,. Calgary, y er,s, Joe glassware, Filsing- oe Hansford, Galt,• pin -,up lamp, • . •'Blackstorie's • Furniture;; Mrs, Larry . Brown, Don Mills,. $5:�. cashprize,; 'John Jeffery and. Son; Mr.E; Garter, Lucknow,$5..: credit:note,:�Blue ,Water Dry .C•leaners.; ' ,Mrs. . J: P. Sullivan; :Bolton,, $5. cash . prizes 'Trench Dry, Cleaners;; Mast'br Harold Mar- tin, ' Hammilton, Casserole, -Orin., andy's; Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan; London,• ; thermos jug, Worsell's Hardware Master Jimmy Frayne, Kingsbridge, .. vase, ` • Henderson's Book Store; John Van Roy,;. R. • 3 Goderich; 'cigarette :lighter -tray,• Cornish Electric; Austin St, Marie, .toiletries, Enirnersons Drug Store; Mrs::'Vero:ica • Woodley, $3. cash prize., McDonald Electric; • . Mike :;Dalton, 'R: 7 Lucknow,..,$2. cash '(prize,.: Plante and Worthy;•. Mrs, Ray Dalton, R. 7' •.ucknow, picnic; ham, Remington's • W.M.S. Entertains• Mission. Band. Olivet United Church W 1VI.S.: held ...their August meeting on Thursday afternoon' at the.•'hon e 'Of Mrs 'Melvin Coaling and, en tertained. ' the: rnernbers -of the Baby Band and Mission• Band, The Mission 'Band, led. by , Jean= nie MacTavish, opened the .meet ing with the Mission Band purr., pose.'Marilyn . Brooks .'gave • a reading. ; "I am Thine 0: Lord" was .sung ; by, ' Joanne Hamilton, Pat. Tout; Evelyn and'Ruth' White. "Jesus Loves Me" was sung fol lowed by the: Lord's Prayer: The: scripture was. . read by-' Patsy MacCharles. Billie Black offered prayer. Mrs, Melvin Coiling read. a ' salute to :theleaders of the. Baby Band and c Mission Rand. Mrs4Walter. Dexter gave an••in teresting. ' account' of "An. aero ,,plane Ride". "Can a Little Child Like. Me"' was sung. The children With their leaders, then enjoyed outdoor, sports.' The • results of the races were under 5 years, Joyce , Black,, Nancy Swan.;. 5 & 6 years; Susan Cameron, Laurie MacCharles; .7.& 8 years, 'Susan Coiling, May 'White; '9 '& 10. years; ;Sharon Coling, Bertha Van Darn'; 11 &' 13: years, girls, 'Pat Tout, Evelyn White; 11. & '13 boys, Don- nie. Casler, Billie Black. The meeting • continued with a reading by Trudy Henning. Mrs,' Melvin Coiling gave an account of the :origin ' of "Idolyy. ,Holy,' Holy:": Mrs.' Doug Henry gave a reading on He HasThe Whole World in His Hands. The roil was answered by ' nineteen members with' "My favorite 'hymn" with two Visitors 'present. Afterthe business appreciation was expres- sed to Mr:. 'Dexter, ,the hostess, and group. "Cone, Let iia Sing 'of• a Wonderful 'Love" was sung followed by the;'MM.& benedic- tion, Lunch was .'.served Cin the lawn': i!rJcK.9Pp9SfS Vocational School Carrick Township Council ,is opposed to the vocational school plan• besfig• :