The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-09, Page 3)l3NEkp•t •yAUG, 9th, 1961. THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO; KrflfI D�hj...e Slices 4 varieties„` save 7c, 8 oz,. pkg. vuncan'pBeans bfor. 95:c with .Pork,,' save 22:c., 20' oz. tins • Conotio,'13'rfini.)finegoi:. 73c • save' 6c, gallon size. Sugar, 10 lbs. 85c GRANULATED Sun.spun; :Ice Cream .. save k.c - int bricks. Iaspbe.rryi Danish Buns. Weston s, reg. 39c, 6 to pkg. 35 ^FREE! 16 .oz. . Jar, Red and. White PREPARED • MUSTARD with the purchase. ,.of 48 oz. jar Supreme Sweet Mixed: Pickles at reg u!ar price ! t Baskets We pay' .5c for good, clean f " qt, baskets' PHONE 26.— FREE .DELIVERY; , i ii ii � -;iii -✓ i :Dr. ,and Mrs. W; Thomas of Niagara. "Falls visited on civic lolidary, with their ..cousin, Miss Laura' Archer. Visiting at' the home of Mr, and Mrs Don Steeves this week is Gloria Steeves. of Waterloo.. • • Visitors with Steve Stothers, were Mrs', and J. D. Schueltz of Burlington and Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Stothers of Islington who attend- ed the Andrew-iLai e reunion. on, Monday, • Mr. and ; Mrs. Calvin MacKay (Eileen •Valad) and their two. • sons, Blaine and. 9Lawrence of Windsor • are holidaying at Boiler $'each and were callers in town ►< on Tuesday. C • 402.• oeal and general Ir. 'and Mrs. Hugh 'Curring, aria and Billie spent the. hol'i- week -end with her 'parents, ,• and • Mrs' • Charles Steward:. Ir. and Mrs. Cameron Finlay- ; Roddie, Mary Ann and Sandy ted last week with his: mother;; A.. R, Finlayson. • Piss Sarah MacQuaig of• Chica-` is .holidaying at the, family ae Irs. Harvey Hotiston and. sons; nes. J. and. Kenneth spent :the Arend on •French Bay as fists aat, the cottage ' of •Mrs. i Taylor,,' Walkerton. Ir. and Mrs:,•Archie Docherty,, othy and: John, of;Wawa, Wawa, Ont.,. s: Thomas 1Iouston wand grand ,: Donald Houston, Pinkerton'• iced during, the • week with. Mr. Harvey: ' Houston. Ir.. and Mrs.' 'Fr.'ank Scott re- ned 'to their home in . South - e, Michigan;' after spending a, with Madelyne IVIcMorran. (Mr. ,and Mrs. J.' McKendrick:' :y also had as their guests on day, Mr. arid. Mrs. Cuyler Ra- ge and 'daughters/ .Avril• and oda. ,of Chicago'. ' lir,.and.Mrs .Glen Tasker,; and r • children,. Douglas; Sharon,• !ce and. Paul have been visit- in the community. Glen has n.„osted to the' R C.A.F. 'Sta- i at Rockcliffe after spending years at Greenwood, Nova . LUCKNOIK i, UNITED C U.CHA Reil.• Howard. :'Strapp !' • • . Minister ,SUNDAY; AUGUST 13th (1:00 a,rn..: Church School. 1'=00 aril,' Morning Worship .,r. rte.,ieKYCwIw.M1 .r1M►..w.,..10t.i 4...4 • r Lucknow Pre''sbyterjan Church • Rev, Roderick Macl cod Minister ' LINDA AU GUST '1lth t • d 0 Ol)�'� �, 5unday S�'hool .00 r ,. p' an:.'Morinxng: Worship 1 • i Mr. and Mrs,, Robert Thonpson. and., , Rgbert, John. and Paul. of Windsorhave been `holi (laying here this. Ipast '.Miss` Lorna Ca �pbe11 of ' To rohto ,was . a , weekend. guest,. of 1VIr.'•and Mrs. L. C. Thompson at Arnberley Beach. • ' :Mrs. Harry Whitney has left on her return trip 'to Tampa,' Florida, after a 3 we visit with her sister,' Mrs. George. Brooks and 'ot'her relatives.. and friends. Mr. and Mrs.' Dick Arnold • and Donald 'of Lethbridge,. Alberta;. Mr. •Reg Arnold Viand: Jimmie of Killarney, Manitoba, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold and Mr. and Mrs;:.' Walter Arnold. • "Ann Ritchie, daughter of Mr:. and: Mrs': Frank Ritchie and Don- na J'ear Ritchie,=daughter :of Mr: and' Mrs. Alf: Ritchie are. visit= ing this:;week ih Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Eastinan,'•Th.ey motored to the Capital and will return' by ;train. . • Alrner , ;and Kevin Ackert of Holyrood"are visiting with, Lynn and Elliott Courtney at Pine'` River: f Victor Baker of '' Kitchener. visited here with Mr. 'and :'Mrs. Al Baker. Mr. :and Mrs, A. C.' Ramage Wand • daughters,. Avr.il and Linda of Chicag'o;•.:were callers here last week, •, Cuyler' is an electrician with General Motors • . Mr. and Mr.'s. Alfred Andrew of Orillia were week: -end visitors here .and attended. the :Andrew Lane' picnic. Mrs. M. J. Webster. •.has re- turned .home. from•. Whitbywhere she has spent a fewMrs; .E. Fells. v weeks . visit. ing Mr.: and' Diane Holmes of Windsor is visiting with Mr: and Mrs Olaf - les Webster, and Judy. Charles .Stuart of Regina is a visitor in the community with his brothers, George and Joe' ' Stuart and 'other relatives. • Evan Agnew is employed in the Parliament Buildings at, -Tor- onto. having commenced his: dut- ies about ten, days ago. Mr. and. Mrs. Isaac Nixon, Mr. arid' Mrs. Ralph : Nixon • and Mr. and Mr's. John . Emerson spent: Sunday at ,Hamilton ' visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Victor Whitley. . • Miss KaKathleenHackett• of Lon- don on do n visited. her 'parents; Mr. and Mrs.. T. Hackett Jr., • during the holiday. Miss Hac ett is employed. at the ' office Of the Parkwood Hospital.. During the• past year. she .attended Goderich Business. College and was.. granted •; Sec- retarial Diplorha• With honours by the Business Educators' . As'socia-.' tion of 'Canada. • • ' NIRS.• WILSON IRWIN IS ;ILL' ° PAGE 2' HEART ATTACK FATAL TO; PORT ELGIN PUBLISHEI . Death came suddenly on, S141,0. day,.July, 30th to Kenneth k, -pot, ' tis editor and, publisher of the Port Elgin Tirnos. He was 62 had ably and creditably publish ed The Times for the past •text years. .• A natio. e of Toronto, Mr, Pettis had been in the advertising buss-, ness and was located at Sarnia, prior to achieving his ambition a,decade ago:to purchase a week- ly paper, and,•thisfield of jpurn-• • alisrn is the poorer by Mr. Pet- tis' untimely' death. He 'was guest .speaker at an International Conference of Weekly Newspaper Editors in. Illinois in July and had .resumed his duties with his usual vigor, Early . S,unday morning he : ' was, awakened'. with the surging pain, of • a heart attack to which he succumbed "that .evenin, Mrs. Wilson Irwin of .Lucknovir., who. i's' iii ...her9.0th year is . ill • in Victoria Hospital, London.; :About; ten, days; ago Mrs. Irwin` under- went a tear duct•, eye operation in London: She'':was' about -to be discharged when. she 'suffered a seizure on Tuesday,. and her con -4 :di.tion was riot' good. I ;' with BIRTHS ''Recent visitors at the ,home ol'• . Mr. and Mrs., Fred ::Martin were Mr. ;`and 'Mrs: Norman Finlayson 'o'f , Detroit, Dr and. Mrs. ' G.. 'V. Helwig of .. Toronto`' •and .'. Misses Margaret and Mary . "Stuart.' . of EganviLle..- : • CYTOLOGY TEGHNWt_AN—Ern melinc Miller, ' .l -W . Hospital• d technician has receive special • 1 concerned' with the rxiier os•copic `atudy• of body cells. Detection of ca g,.nce• cells can be done'•throi �h � ,. -.. c training in cytology, ' a sciente •! `cytologyr • • • GLENN=At:•; the Wirighani 1 era`l "Hospital on Sunday,: July 30th; .1 61:,. )to :Mr.': and Mts. Oliver :Glenn,.•Luck.now, a' daughter, Mary Lynn, a• ,sister for Janine. SWAN• -- 'in Kincardine' Hospi- tal on 'Saturday,, July; .29th,. to Mr. and • .Mrs.. Russel Swan, ,a. daughter, Lynda Dianne....• MacINTYR;E : to Mr. and Mrs; Donald C. McIntyre.aof; •R,R, 6' •Luckriow on August. . 5th in Kin= cardin.e : 'General. Hospital,. a: dau'ghter,. Norma ` Jean, a sister ;for .Margaret • Anna. • ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS? •Miss' Joyce Marilyn'Ferg isor anc John Richard Abel have an.,. nounced weddingplans for Sat- urday, August 12th in All Saints" Anglican Church,'' London.' bride -elect is ' the daughter Mr. and Mrs'. James F. Ferguso,,L,� St. ' Thomas, and her fiance: is°. • the son of Mr. -and Mrs,‘;L •Sydney Abel, London. Both ,are,graduates of the University of Western 'On- • tario and the: 'Ontario College of Education and are presently on the :staff of G. Wheable C41- legiate Vocational Institute,. Lon . don:: "Dick"; formerly tight at Luckno . District strict HighSchool, of SE >RIVE=IN PROGRAM Goderich Highway 8, 'East of .Town •Wed., Thur., Fri'.,• Aug. 9,1%11 • . Tuesday 'Weld and Mamie Van Doren "SEX KITTENS ` GO TO ' COLLEGE" Leigh, Snowden, Joey Forman ."HOT ROD RUMBLE" Sat., Mon:, Tues, Augq:12,14,15 George. 1Vlontgornery and. :Marcia Hefferson "`CANYON RIVER" • Richard.Basehart; Alan Clifford "PASSPORT TO CHINA" 1Wed., Thur., Fri.,Aug.,116,17,18 Michael., Forrest, Frank Wolff "SKI' TROOP 'ATTACK" Ron Kennedy, : Richard Devon • "Battle Of ' Blood Island", TWO . SHOWS NIGI3TLY' First Show at, :Dusk' Children under 12 in•;cars.FREE 'Playground Refreshments The . Air- Conditioned GODERICH For; Comfort: & , • Entertainment ; 1. Now Playing . Antler hilarious British comedy hitt "DENTIST \IN THE CHAIR Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday, , August 14, 15, 16. Adult Entertainment ,THE `. SINS OF. ;RACHEL CADE" lri, Technicolor Unforgettable! The. story of ' a beautiful ' missionary the. Congo. Splendid cast!Superb stoi ! Star' Angne Dickenson' and Peter Finch. ` . Thur., ' Fri., Sat., Aug. 17, 18, 19 Do'ub/le•, Feature Robert Mitchum, Anne Heywood and Dan Cr Herlihy- Filmed. erlihyFilmed. 41:Ireland, •A story of upheaval in Erin • "The Night fighters" Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, The• Keystone Kops, the Sennett CIA, plus many other oldtimers in a feast cif 'fun , n Luughter" Day►s �# Thrills a d Coming,"The Apartment" , Academy Award Winner,' +► i� +i i=+� + ♦+ r a a+ .1P+4-41-41.4 .4 • • • 4 it i 4 • r, , •A afi