The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 1241. PAGE, TWELVE THE. LUCKNOW —SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .0 RBIECLP.ES OnI :B.ARBEUE Bridal Shower Held At Amberley CAMBERLEY NEWS) AUIA WEDNVAVQ g.4 ?, x'OR. Cha rcoaa1 and Charcoal ' Lighter Outing -,Jugs Fine River United Church` .an. zual garden party was- held on ,'• Thursday, July 20th; with a good crowd inattendance. Many Pine r Rive friendswho: were former residents of this: vicinity were back to enjoy the sumptuous re - ,past prepared by the ladies of: • the 'congregation.. and. to renew • *acquaintances. Friendsfrom the. resort areas as •well as ;those from, the surrounding district. are always. welcome guests. awing to e 'inclement . weather the PrP - gramme . which was ordinarily held on the church 'lawn was I held in Reeds • Corners. Comma- .. nity hall with a capacity. crowd attending. With Rev, J. C. Hut- ton • as chairman the programme opened with, "O Canada" follow- ed with a step dance number by. M.r. Aurel Arm`stron'g and sods. After •the chairman's remarks a trio by Corinne MacDonald, Anne Gemmell and Dianne, McCauley Of Ripley was enjoyed with Mrs. John C. MacDonald accompanist.. A duet by Ardhie, and Bob Court ney . and violin ` music by Glen Boyd accompanied. by Mrs. Ro- bert Courtney was given, Two fine solos by Mr Tom Berry of Kincardine,.accompanied by -Mary` Ellen Shielis` were .he:ar.d. After piano ; selections by. Mrs., James .Nesbitt, .Lynn and Carl Lowry accompanied by Betty Emmerton gave,. two pleasing, duets which .brought the.program to 'a close. After .s'n in Go Save The. A g g d F Queen" the crowd dispersed, pick-, ing their .Way to 7their cars after the heavy rainfall of the evening. :In •the'church basement the, usual activity of . selling •any..leftover. baking, sorting: .out <diShes ' and. clearing 'up, ;goes on, each One wondering "will we have another.. garden party or riot "" . • At 'Pine River United • Church Miss Alberta Wightman. and .Miss :Grail Boyd sang . •a pleasing duet :at the Sunday Morning service. They wereaccornpaniedby Mary. Ellen'•Shiells. • Misses Thelma Smith. arid Jan7 ..\,,,, ice '.Fraser: of D+etrdit• are: spend- ing g :holidays with. Mr, and Mrs. dine on the arrival of .a son: A community shower was., held an Reids Cgrrlers• •Hall on Monday evening in "honor, of Miss Shirley . .Courtney, bride of the month: She • was. escorted to. her • ',chair ,of .h.onour by • Misses Linda Reid & Betty Ernmerton. ,With .Mrs. Ross S•hiells as chairlady the program opened with: an: instrumental by Betty Errirnerton and: humorous. The regular inonthly.meeting of;'readings 'were given by Mrs. J. C. Branch 309 Royal :Canadian Le- Campbell, Mrs, Will•. Collins `and :gion was held Tuesday, Judy 25th Miss Sadie Johnston after which PRFSERVIiVO, • KETTLES.' and CANNERS • SIEVES, 'and . ROTARY RICERS ',INSECTICIDES , and PESTICIDES guy This Month .and Save.The Tax i. • Murde Son Hardware , -= Lucknow . A BRIEFS. ROJ . NEARBY The +safe .at. Hensali Post Office was .blown recently with the loot obtained by the thieves totalling close.:to' .$6,000 in ' • cash, money orders and stamps. *' * -twenty-two members : of the ' Dungannon .4-H Calf Club recent :1y• held judging' classes,, at the farm of Tom, Webster ':of ,West. Wawanosh. Club • leaders are' • ,.Chester Finnigan,andhn Clark. At• ` the Mildin.a bingo.. two^ weeks; ago; the$ jackpot prize • plant' to, minimize •costs„ The pre- sent staff will be maintained, but whereas Walkerton employees had: to cdmmute , to Hanover, now the Hanover employees,m111 have to drive to'and from Wal- kerton., • Mount Forest• merchann ts' are, o; different` : than in . other centres in; their variety 'of 'opinions' as' to holiday • observance In a recent, ballot,. 20 voted to • close all • day Monday; 37 favored a continuance of Wednesday half +holiday. and 8 would close all day Wednesday. Eugene Devereaux, a 'natit"te of. St. Atigustlfie, has been appoint= ed manager .Of the Beaver Lum- •ber' Company in •.Win,gham ,'He has. been with the. Company at Stratford for the:.past two- years. �/' Doug. McGowan, program . dir- ector at' C ,NX -TV las..accepl a. position. in Ottawa. Mrs.. Mc Gowan is the former •Betty. ;Ann. Giesler. 'Ken McKague, of Con.. 6, Cul- ross had ten Hereford :cattle krl- led: bY/ lightning . during a; severe electrical storm.; They had .taken shelter., ., tinder an• ' elm• • tree. Mrs.. Dan McInnes and the ptip : ils of S.S. No. 8;. Culross placed first ` for • the greatest irriproye-. ment of all school grounds. in Bruce No. 3' inspectorate. ,• more could u ask for in a Cha. . . • CUTS BRUSHING TIME INHALF ..MORE BLISTERPROOF Than Any Other Type of Paint • DRIES IN 30 MINU.TES.. •:KEEPS ITS,GOOD LOOKS YEARS LONGER • C -I -L ACRYLIC -LATEX EXTERIOR PAINT Is Available' in a Full Range of Attractiye ,Colors • Telephc Hours 14; . Monda; GERAI DOCTO KINC Daily' Tuesday Get full information* this "Tema r abl uod •. • uct view g from.'. Physio Wingh.a . (Office 1 buildin AVAILABLE. A' E.. CC and GIFT SHOP Wallpaper, C -I -L Paint's Phone 218 Lucknow Insur STA Murray' Walden and' family.; • • Congratulations; go' to Mr. and. 'Mrs. Floyd Johnston. •of. ' Bogdan,. dna Furnkture CO. of ' Walkerton closing Ifs. H,aitoVer factory aridl,•3,vill'. con- fine operatiens 'to the Walkerten • Pupils of Mrs: Dunean Simpson. who succ,essfullY .Passed. the Royal ConseryatOry of Toronto Th:eory 'Grade II:, 'Firet Class HonoUrS, Shirley. Steele, MarilYn Carner6n; Honours,. Barbara Jean Mackenzie. Theory Grade I, First Clais Himours, Barbara Lillian MacKen?ie; Piano /Grade V Hon-. ours, Eleanor Bminerton. F'resented east President -Medals with the pre iclent; Earl Cranston community singing led by Mrs. in the 'chain and a. good atten- William Kempton and Mrs,. Rob - dance. Guest of the evening was ert Courtney was enjOyed'.. Vocal ,Ross MacDonald., Ken' Cameron duets ' by phylis 'Bradley and read 4 letter from the Memorial Esther Gibson accompanied , by Chapel •Conimittee at .the. Bruce Mary Ellen Shiells Were , given. disCussion arose. .as to .hoW to. Ferguson Was accoMpanied. raise the al‘location. It wasf:de- Mrs. W. J. Courtney. Mrs'. Eldb.n.' :aided that • all Legion members Bradley then read an addiess and. Ladies' Auxiliary Members the bride with ail good wishes donate One dollar; If any meinber for her future, happiness,. Assist,. Of' the. public/ or ncintLegion ex:- Mg the bride in. opening and dis- service persons.,,.or relative's. of :playing her Many • lovely gifts servicemen. wiSii to contribute; were Phylii Bradley, Esther Gib - their dOnations wili be ,very.,wel- Son,. Betty Emmertbn, Linda Reid come. 'and •Mary Ellen Shiells. Shirley made. a . Pleasing reply,. 'thanking everyone and invited them to Mr. and Mrs,... Llbyd Courtneys cottage at an:gar' beach where her trpUsseaU was 'disPlayed, • 01, • Draw prizes tor the: llth of November were discussed .and 'suggestions made. Final selection 'Was left to ' the .Chairrnan, Joe King. • The President presented .pasti.Lunah,,waS •Served • and' a 'social president medals fo' Harold Ritt time • was enjoyed. The evening chie,, 1956,' .1957 and 1980 ,and was arranged , .MrS: Bldon Garnet Henderson; 1958 and 1959. .Bradley,. Mrs. Robert Courtney. HOLIDAY .PROCL A Hereby Proclaim Monday, August 7th A Civic Holiday For The Village Of tucknow. And tall 'u0.64' aft 'citi2.0tia..t6 jOYNit BIRTHS tal on, Friday, July -28th. to Mr. grid Mrs,. Glen Hodgint (Rosa- lind Loder) Of LucknoW a son, on Tuesday,' July ilth, 1961, ;to Lucknow, a. daughter, COOK — At Wirigharn General Hospital, . on .8unday, July 16th, Mrs. T. Bell, Mrs. Rdss Shiells Miss Velda 1-lilehey of Owen Sound was the guest of Miss Atla Smeltzer last week. John 'all enjoyed a -Weeki vaca- tion in Northern Ontario, The.Ladies Guild of St. Luke& Anglican Church at Lurgan cat- ered. to the wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Harris on Saturday at the P,arish HAIL ' .Mr. William Pace. v,,''as heine for the weekLend. Mrs: Pace, accorn. panied him back to Barys Hay near ,Ottawa Where, she. will visit for two4, Weeks. g4ests 'with Mr., and Mrs. ',George MonCrief of AM- "berrey *die Mr. and •Mrs. Korn Of• Springfield- Pennsylvania, .M.r. :Walter Harbiek of Vancouver,. Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Evans of .Bell and family Of 'Lachine '''Mrs. Wellwoocl, of Kin- ,cardine• Visited on FridaY with Mr. and Mrs.. Archie ,Courthey„ bridge. is visiting with Mr. and' Mrs. T. He'll, Mr..' and Mrs.. Glen Campbell, also attended the Evr ans • and Nicholson' wedding at • Kinlou,gh on Saturday'. ' the community hall on ,ThursdaY , with Members froth Lisburn' and „,• Ripley. Institutes attending ter:the bUsiness part of the Meet-. was' Brtice South District delegate conVention which was. held, 'in Va4cOuver in• June, gaVe her reportAnterest,ing high lights pf her 'trip txraS the beau - of the reauchart .Gardens. 'She . brought many interesting :items . from China TOwn and other sou, George' Stewart. frOin 'Lisburn In-' stittite gave hurnbrotis reading Nature . .getting Neurotic," which 'was enjoyed. Mrs. Walter ,„ Farrell aiso from Lisbtirn Insti- tute gave an inspirational read- ing .on "CreatiVe Home 'Making." Froin, Ripley institute, tWO. turn" and "ConsolatiOn" Were the closing ode and 'grace, lunch, was Served. and a' social time. was enjoyed.. CoutteSy rernarks wore given by Mrs..H. Cleland, of Lis-. bvuicitr,un tpear,r‘ie.sdid.Menr.ts'.?fD, otnhr'4ieRiMplaeCyncinti-. Investi LIS Eve Office in 'renewing his ,ttISSCririfiOn, ay8 looks forward .to reading The eaeh wook,. they' think don't enough. • Mond Office 48