The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 8PB ;EIGHT LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK -NOW, ONTARIO y ERNE -904. e, 41.7q, 2.nd, 1961'. ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY, ATLAS BATTERIES!. DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) e' AT REASONABLE . PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics, peel Alignment and r;, rr ti • Ba!anciflg: MOTORCADE;' DEALER ' Young Couple To Reside In Ashfield • ALTON '' PROCTER. Belgrave. United, Church. , was' decorated with baskets' of pink peonies,' white orange' blossoms • and. ferns' on Saturday, July 8th. when .Ruth Procter became the bride r: of Kenneth , Alton. The bride.is 'the daughter of Mr. &. !Mrs. Stewart' Procter, Rai,. 5, :brussels and the bridegroom is the', son of ' Mr, and Mrs, Bert _ Alton,::lt.R. 7, 'Lucknow. • Rev.. J. H. Anderson. officiated and Mrs,• John Nixon was. at the. organ and.played. the processional "Praise My: • Soul the• 'King of Heaven" and. Lohengrin's' wed ding mach „as. a recessional: ; She also_accompanied the soloist, . Mrs. George Procter, Brantford;_' who sang "0 Perfect Love," Wedding Prayer" and "Wedding, Hymn'' • Givenin marriage by. her fa- W. A. "BUD" HAMILTON HEATING OILS= GASOLINE OTHER' FARM PRODUCTS• PH.220 W -LUCKNOW tYer, the bride chose •a ''gown of white silk 'organza over bouquet taffeta ,trimmed iri ale'ncon lace and fashioned in princess. lines:. The portrait, collar of alencon 'lace framed• the neckline and formed: a deep V' in the back' of the waist, The • full skirt featured 'a long circular train. A . cluster of wax. orange blossorns on a ring heid her elbow length veil of silk il- lusion,' Thebride wore a brooch which had been worn 'by her grandmother at her wedding. She: carried,, a bouquet' of pink'' roses,, whitechrysanthemums, '; and ivy. As matron of. honor. ' for . her sister,. Mrs, Charles aThomas of Brussels, chose. astreet-length gown of white organza with. a headdress of pink and '. white Bowers and a short:veil, and she carried „a -bouquet of :,pink' roses and White chrysanthemums.' As :bridemaids, Miss Mary Alice. :Arstrong.-of Wingham: and Miss Eleanor 'Walsh of Belgrave, chose ensembles the same,,as the matron, of honor. The flower girls, Dianne •Thos, mas and Louise Piocter, nieces of the, bride, were; dressed alike In frocks of white organza . with pink Sash and ; white floral head dress. Each carried basket of pink roses, and; white chrysanthe mums:' The:best man' was' Douglas Hac-' nett, R.R. 3,•• Lucknow- and the 'guests ,were, ushered by Charles Procter, Halifax, brother..' of the.. bride;. '.and David Elphick Luck - now, •.brether-in-law of the bride_ groom.. . • .For a wedding dinner in 'the 'church •parlor,; ' which was de- corated with pink roses'and.White; orange blossoms, the bride's mo- ther •received the guests. in. a blue: lace dress With a pink` carna- tion cottage. The. another of the bridegroom. assisted • in' 'a green organza -over flowered taffeta with a .corsage' of white carna- tions. For travelling the; ''bride .• chose. a green organza duster over fig- ured fig-ured taffeta dress with beige ac- cessories and a' corsage of Talis7 znan roses. 'On their return, they will reside at' R:R 7, Lucknow. Nanaimo Nuptialsc.;fiocaI Interest; HEWAT LINDSAY Roberta Jean Wilma, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William. Lindsay of Nanaimo was: united .in Mar- riage to, Robert Arthur.; son ,of Mr. and Mrs. William Hewat of Edmonton,. Alberta. The. wedding took. ' place '. at Brechin United Church. Nanaimo;. 'whichwas artistically decorated in white and pink summer flow- ers en. Saturday,. July 22nd, Rev, William. Van Druten officiating: Miss Bobbie Jean Burns' was solo- ist, acc•onnparied by Dr. W. A: Nicholson, ", • Given in marriage by her fa ther, , the •bride was a vision of beauty in a lovely ,gpwri.of nylon. chiffon,, swept to lavish fullness over three skirts of nylon net & satin enriched by daintily em- l roidered rose motifs ,of French applique. Sheered inserted.. paneis were' held in 'place by the applique. & the train • fell 'gracefully.. from. „a two-tier bustle . at ' the back • A. crown in .pill=box design of: ny_ fon chiffon held .a. •waist length bouffant illusion .,,nylon .net veil. She carried a shower bouquet, of white orchids and stephonotis. Maid" of honor, • Mrs.. Robert •B'axt'er' of North ' Vancouver;. bridesmaids, -.Mrs;': Don ' Thom son, sister •of the bride. of Nanai_ ins and Miss • Nancy Hewat, sister of the groom Of Montreal, 'Que- bee; and junior bridesmaid, Miss Sharryl 'Thomson, niece. of the bride of' Nanaimo; Were the ` at- tendants.' They were .dressed in. identical romance blue •,'silk argan'za, the self pleated squared neckline and cap sleeves. , on •a fitted bodice; formed' to a flowing belled -Skirt They carried crescent bouquets of flamningo pink glamilas:.Mat- Ching ' `blue organza headdresses held a rose' shaped flower ;and at -tached. ;shoulder: ;veils of , nylon: net.'o . • Flowerirl , Miss Heather g Mit7oocr RoDnaoa UND1ER ONE ,'ROOF:` with the 'MY.BANI r> (Aswan \\ mance LOW-COST,'LIFE4•INSURRD LOANS FFP29' Lindsay, four year-old niece ' of the bride was .• in a door •length. nylon sheer'. gown , with ' . square neckline, fitted bodice and dainty' puff, sleeves and she carried a basket of .roses, ,dropping the petals a 's she. walked down the aisle. „Donald Thom*pson• of T�ucknow, was ..his cousin's • best Man- and ushers were Dr.. `Rod Lindsay,. brother of `the' ',bride,'`-Nanaimo, and Robert Cowan of Vancouver. Thebride's mother received 'at the Harbor Room, Malaspina. Ho- tel, wearing'. a ' champagne silk organza 'over taffeta,, fashioned in pencil ;slim skirt with lace. overskirt and pleated bodice: Matching accessories were accen- tuated by a 'cyinbidicim: brown Orchid corsage The groorn's : `.mother . wase in delicate 'rose silk' organza• with matching hat and gardenia flowers. • .• For a Y oneyinoon on the.- Ore- gon .coast. the. bridewore. a .pure silk • 'frosty: pink dress designed, with a three-quarter length -overskirt molded above, a pencil. shim :sheath,, styled a fitted bodice and below elbow: sleeves: A sweetheart rose corsage set off the accessories . Ther couple will reside _ at '2445 West Second street, `'Vancouver. .Out-of-town guests included: Mrs. R. H. Thompson, grand: mother of the groom; Miss Helen Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell Thompson, Patricia and ' Jo- 'anise, Mr. & Mrs. Donald -Thomp- son;, Mrs. Margaret Sproul and William Sproul, all of. Lucknoiv Mr'. and: Mrs. Byron Seney • of :Dayton, Wash.; . Miss Margaret Saunders of Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. A: ' Morton' Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. George W, Richmond,, Mr., and Mrs. Leslie R. 'Richmond and Bruce, ' Mr: and Mrs.' G. 5, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baxter and L. Richmond'. an of Van, couver. ..9001 0. like f .red pare areles! A' ;duke they wills ignore.. F ;red 1Nas warned ;to,. flx .his ladders ' E ,ver'Y dpy, it cracked some morel .he day the :ladder broke • ' was 41'1 10 joke!.. Y ' .ou should have heard the yell •: when Freddie fell! F 'rem FOR to.bottam down be went, 'n.almo'st nothing; flat!' R result .:..four cuts, ten scratche.. , S ix.bruses, one s-quashe4 hall;• • FT he, next time, Fred may be alert . and make repairs so he. won't get hurt! arlieL \e'er 41,1**Tatir 414, • Every year, over 2,000 Ontario farmpeople• are hurt in falls! Remember to be careful, won'f you? Canadian Farm Safety Week Jury 23' to 29 e ators •nsui ance Association 1 d Gaunt Reuni on H el WawanoshWest� . .•In There were about .70° • in a tendarice at the 15th annual Gaunt.. re -union which was••held at the ifatrn home; of Mr: and ,Mrs Arid-. rew. Gaunt on 'Saturday, July 15th with. ideal -picnic weather, preyaiiing. An interesting.: :game of ball; •was played . during the, afternoon. , ; �.. .• "r The Sports Committee' was `• Mrs. John Gaunt -and ;Mrs. , us - sell Gaunt. The; races results were as. follows; Girls'' 6 :to. 8 Verna Aitc eson, Christina: Russell;: Boy's 6 to &;.Terry Reid;.Girls•'8 toy 10,, Nancy Mole Boys 8 to 10, Tim :Keen, John; Phillips; Boys .10 .1U to 12, 'Jack::Aitcheson; Dave, Button.; •Boys.12,to.16,.D`on.Gaunt, Ted, :Keen; Young : ladies: 'race, 'Mrs. Jean -Errington, Mrs. Cecelia Aitcheson, . Mrs. Ray ' Russell;. Couples Fie' Plate race, M. and' Mts.. James. Aitchison; Kick -the Slipper, Mrs. R: Russell, Mary Phillips; Necktie-race, Mrs. John gant than 'blondes' binnettesr "Nope • My wife's been all three and- she always spends' motley like crazy." Gaunt, ; Russell • Fh hips , : Three-. ' leg race,, John and Fred Phillips; Wheel barrow 'race;;Jini.Aitchison and "Murray 'Gaunt. • Mary 'Phillips 'won' the prize for having her, 15th: birthday: nearest the .15th of July at...the .115th• re- union. Oldest . gePtleinan, Thonias Gaunt Oldest lady, • :Mrs..Sate Durnin. Mrs'. Annie Keen came, the farthest"distance. 5 -weeks -old betty Jean •Errington. was the youngest: Guessing candies in jar; Mrs George Pihillips. • A ' delicious, picnic . supperwith birthday cake and' ice cream. was served " and... all sang "Happy Birthday_. to- "Au 't Kate'.. Durnin., .who Was : celebrating: her 82nd birthday` at' •the' picnic, '• • Election .of 'officers resulted' .as follows.: President, : Leonard Phil= ips: 1st. ,Vice -Pres., •'Annie : Keen; Sec. Treas.., 'Jean. Ross:. . All .joined in . •a :hearty • vote of thanks to' Mr: ' and ,Mrs.' Andrew Gaunt 'and Murray for• their how pitality and. Mr.' and • Mrs. George Phillips.' invited the inernbers to their hoose for the 1962 -reunion to be'+held the 3rd • Saturday in July:... F • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • exp Wh an Kinlo In, Le is Aprielsltdi ectors. .0 done al ary end terian • in 1 • 1 • 6: '14.111/1111 11'996611: 211-999555199996 :al! 119955: 1957 :111411.111999555556' 1141 111111 11i 99 56 65 I CAN GET YOU THE BENEFITS OF A CASH DEAL Oet the funds yon ivant, plus the insurance yOu need; with an.benefits Or a cash deal. It's econornical, confidential and'convenient.: ' For further particulars; telepbonellefOre yon buy': cDonagh Insurance Phone 306, Lucknow MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair ptite inontithent SKELTOI Established Over .Sixty yeete n. Phone