The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-08-02, Page 5• DNESDAY 1961, •• . • • • * • Luottrow SENTINEL, LUCKNOWq, ONTARIO 17M a'ORorriei MOST (3914:ViNOT.1 )O rooms and suites with: :•• tub, sllovier, TOO 814 TV• deme• of. the Cna&au. Pump Roora-Dancing • no cover, no lehgalornt Ample free:m*100R parking. Fine Convention '• Facilities. Family klan '0111YEASITY AVENUE AT KING .STREET 1.1sphons,PApIre 2-1848--Tslix 0224S8 MONTREAL teephone tiliversity 648111. OTTAWA telephone Central 5-3333 . TORONTO OBITUARY WILSON: „,..,- 'JEFFERSON •Donnybrook • United .'Church *44, decorated with baskets of delphiniums, madonna lilies and shasta daisies on Saturday, July 15th when Rev, R. M, Sweeney, of SelbY,Ant.,-united in marriage Miss Louise MarilYn Jefferson, eldest daughter .of• Mr: and••Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, of Ponnybrook and MUrray James WilsOn, Sqn, • of Mr, and Mrs• James WilS'On of RJR. 2, Auburn,, in a dotibie- ring ceremonY'., A4ES'EDWAR,O CONGR.A.M, !harles Edward Congram,• -,R:R.. Win@harn, pasied away, At igham General'. Hospital on, day, 'July i4th,after a lengthy ess He .was. 72 'on'January le was born • on • Concession 4, ifield.Township; a son of the ? Thomas COngram and Mat, On •Novernber .16th, Oihe. Married• Ada Belle El - "of West,: WawanoSh Town-' p,• Who predeCeasedhin in, y 1952, '• • Congram. farmed Col '4,. Ashfield before vino.to 'East •Wawariosh ip .11e. re,tired following his '.es death but continued e to. re - o :the..farm ' With Ifs •son, /[r., COngram Was a ember :of . , righarn United..Clairtt. arii . of rriing • Star MasiOn'. Lodge, . • . L'he funeral service was held, the Currie Tune:ral.'Hone•on July 1?7th conducted by v.. D, Clark • assisted by in COn,grarn. • "• • •• • • • ?allbearers were Ralph .1Vlun-. !, Alexander •CamPbell.. Milo semore, Robert Arbuckle, Har, Adams, Donald :McKenzie. nver bearers were Leslie, Cecil d Charles Congrarn and Hugh . . . ma• i 4...0.44.i.alkaluaa.agualgaiglatiiiipas...ii.10,11.a,,,,•1111...M11.11(110111111.11.111.11111, • . . . • •• at• • t . , a . „. . • • • • •., a ., - • - 1„...r.,.-,-.0 W . III • W a • ill 1' • W • IW. . W, , • I-1 is • . W • • a a ' II IN 0 . a a •• a a e - -. W• •- .10 • IN •.-- IN III II N IN IR IN III • / • • , .....". A,''WWW 111; • The . organist, Mrs. Willi's V4n■ a . Egmoncl of Clinthn,qalayecl tracli- -.. ' 7-----...„,i.1, 11 • • - •a tiohal -Wedding music •and accom:- ik, :r 'N.,- ■ . . Panied• the soloist, Mrs. Donald i .',',:`$•--,1*-,;, a a ' Andrews• of Clinton, who .sang • • .41..„.... • "The. Lord's Prayer" before the • .a • service, and "0 Perfect LOve" .1 . a • . • a a , during the signing of the registerLucknow . a . a • il • a her father, looked loyely in° an a original design floor length dress : District Co-op : i • The bride, givwi in marriage bY all . of peau • de spie withlace appli- 0 . I . que • and lily 'pointsleeVes. TheI • • Phone' 71 • , • • P . veil was held with a Pearl tiara' ilmiammilimammamammaalaiammaalima•••••••••••■••pamismaimiamoilamamammamaiiiiii•N She carried a cascade bouquet of VIr,s Congrarn is -survived by o sons, HarOld of East :.Wawa 3hTownship ' and Harvey of tchener; and by two brothers, tired Of Wingham' and •Gordon, Con. ,4, Aihfield and by three mdchildren. He waspredecea:s- byhia Wife. and 'a sister,. Mrs. . . • • pink •rOSes, iv9. and White rose: buds, • •. • ' • Hs3nor Departing The'bride's Sister, Miss. Mary • • • Retires. 'After Long Service After a period of. 23. years'ier7 vice in the Salvation Army, Mrs. J. 'H. Johnstone o,f 'Qodericli is retiring from active work, She enteredthe work ra year •before the start, of• World War II. Appointed as the local Red Shield resident, •she. labored 'in that. ca-, Pacity with 65- other ladies for 'eight years. She' was enrolled as a soldier at the:beginning of 1942,•and ws commissioned shortly afterWards„ to be a 'Company Guarcl. ,• ' Twenty •six. 'Zurich merchants are •co-operating •"in a, holiday buisiness promotidn campaign which will ctilrxiinate at Fair time 4n September with a prize draw for. a deep freeze. , • • W: H. Robertscin; former. • edi,. SeffersOn . of Donnybrook, was maid . of honor, Her dress was. White organza over .white taffeta with ,ntattve':. organza 4sash and• mauve Petal hat and white •ac- 6essories.• She carried cascade b6uqUet of • yellow .chrySanthe, The bridesmaids, Miss Eleancir Smith, cousin of the bride of Blueyale, and Miss Sharron. Jef- .fersoriisister of;the bride, wore identical .dresses and flowers.: as. the. maid of honor. Junior brides, maid •was, Linda Jefferson;, young- est Sister' of the bride. •She;wore, a similar • dress. 'to the other, at- tendants . an 'carried a nosegay ofyellow mums. f' ' . 'David Durnford, of Willowdale, brother,in-law of the groom,' was best marraird ushers were Robert Jefferson, :brother' of the bride and Lawrence. -Smyth of :Strat- For the recePtion held, Pt the. church :parlour the bride's mother wore a. Mauve printed silk under' mauve .organza :in. a ,stroller - length coat and a white'•chrysan- the/1111M .corsage, She was assist- ed by the .groom's mother, wear- ing •a., green' printed silk and a yellow chrysanthemum corsage. • 'The bride's table. Was ,centered :with •a four -tiered wedding cake. 'The :Church parlburs were deter- ated with pink arid. white ,tream • ers and the tables were lovely With bouquetsof sweet peas., The: wedding dinner was served by the ladies Of the church., For a :wedding trip'to 'Eastern Ontario; ;the bride donned :a green. dress. with •matching jacket 'and beige accessories and a .cor- sage; of bronze .niuniS.Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside on the groom's farrn on concession '6; West WaWanosth. Roy Risebrough (Ida) of Willow= dale, .in March of 100. Gaviller,McIntosh; • _ CHARTERED • ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON ' t KENNEDY, B.Ed, C.A.—'Resident Partner 'Telephones: Businesk. 633; Residence .1'06 • • , Economist • ' • Brace South District of Worn - en's Institutes and -H'clubs, was represented at the •Walkerton town hall Saturday eyerfink, July 29th. when the home economist, Miss Mary Lou Black, was •Pre- sented with .a .gift of a• projector. Miss Black has been transferred :to Perth county, .with he:adquart- el's, at Stratford. , • The.Pre'sentatiori was made fol- lowing a short Prcigram, presided: over by Miss •Bessie .Moffat, Teeswater, Mrs, Harvey NOUS1)011 'read the. ad•dress • frOM •truce • County Women's. Institute and Mrs. Les Pilgrim, Eden; Grove,: the 4-1 %Club.' Leader's address. Miss Beth "Patterson .presented a corsage from' the -institutei. Mr: Wilson :Gregg,. president. of' the Jr. „Farrners read the address, from the Jr. Institute .and jr. Farmers; The presentation, Was made- .:by Miss Alice ..Dickison;• :Teeswater.' During the program' Misses' Mary Finlayson 'and Wendy:Mac- Kenzie presented a Irish dance froz-n the Lucknow 40.-H group. Winners o the ,Tr: Fanners' live- stock judging competition which had been held 'that day. Farrier's. Orchestra played ,for 'dancing, . • , 'A. O. snihrn. wAs.FogmgR. WINGHAM PUBLISHER " • . •Recently We reportedir the. 50th !wedding anniversary .of Mr.'. and rMrs. A. G. Smith (Jean Irving) of ,Toronto. . • Smith Was in ...the news-. .paper businesS • in Wingham for several years. and the .AdVance-• Times gives some ,the in. this regard.. ' Mr. Smith was; employed by :John: Joynt as „Managing editor of ,The Wingham Advance from •1915 to 1919: At • that• time Mr. •Joynt became .interested 'in.pola- •tics and sold the, paper- t'o' Mr: Smith, when the fOrmer, was elec- ted,M.L.A. for North Huron: Mr. SMith bought The Wingham 'Times from H. B. Elliott: in 4924, when it became evident to both editors that , amalgamation was the only answer to rising costs of production. In the years between 1924. and 1927,.Mr: Sinith • pur- chased The Gorrie Vidette° and The Wroxeter eWS. He sold to W: Logan Craig in 1927. LATE GRAHA1. HUSBAND. PAggIES • The death of William Laird Ainlay occurred. at '.Scarborb General Hospital on Thursday, June 15th in his 82nd year.. He was a 30th degree Mason. • Funeral service • Was held on Saturday, June 17th; with inter- ment in• Mount .Pleasant Ceme- tery, • ,Mr. Ainlay was predeceased by his wife, the former bahlia R. 7Graham of Lucknow. He is survived by two daughters, 'Mrs, Shultis (Dahlia) and Miss Gynetlt Ainlay,. ,tor Of the Goderich Signal;Star was 8/1:on'J9Iy .12th..He was re- centlY :discharged from Goderich hogiltal .Where • he • had been, a patient for several Presents;:.Goel. To iVXis. FariSh Moffat *as hosteas • to the Kairshea .Worrien's 'Insti- tute Thursday evening • at. the Kairshea Hall.Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dotigal read: :the scripture. During the business period a letter of appreciation .was .read from Mrs. Morrey for a donation floWer vaSes to .be Used at the Wingham hospital., The roll call, "What I would choose for •a career . if I' were not a house- wife,!' brought forth many in- teresting: answers; 'nurse, teacher, deaceness,.. secretary. Mrs. Allister. Hughes reported ,for the,Historical.ReSearch,..vOic., ing the request that members write up,interestirig ;histories' for the Tweedsmuir book: Mrs. Gib Hamilton 'reported for' :Citizen- ship and Education. Envoy and Allister Hughes, Mrs. Harry Lav - is, Mrs. Gib, Hamilton. Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre, Mrs. Houston,. Mts. , 'Ted CollYer, Mrs.' Lloyd MacDou;. gal borrowed; the • lives: Of %well • known • 'iril'oss 'township ' :and Lucknow residents. Very cleVer.., • • ly :Worded corninercials by Mrs...; . Evan Keith, were read: by Mrs; Harold Campbell,. 314-s. Jas. Burt, I. and Mrs, Allan Maclntyre. • The • Courtesy'rernarks, were given by:. Mrs. Bob Gilchrist. An interest- ing nieeting..: was 'broUght to a . close with. the singing of, the' • National' Anbhem and .the Inti- tute grace. The Directors, Mrs.. • .MacDottgal and Mrs; Bob Gil- christ.served sandWiChei and tea, • And a Social, tune enj'ciyed.. • • . • IVIrs. Newman of th,6 .Saiva0on Army, Wingham, attended and addressed . the Meeting. Arrange- ments:were made for. Jury 31st; when, Kairshea. was hostess at .the Leg Cabin, SouthaMpton Museum. An invitation waS,,ex- tended from the District presi- dent to ''be ih • Holyrocid, Ittly• 31st, • to hear. Mts. Harvey. Hou- ston ..reliort on the National Cthl- verition •held.at Vancouver in - June. Mrs. Hbuston. who iS past president of Bruce SoUth, District presented a gavel to "te Kairshea branch at this: meeting. it .wat• accepted by the Presi4, dont, Mr. , Moffat, , • Mrs. grank MacKenzie sided for the prog,ram. Mrs. Gib. Hamilton arid„Mrs. Jas. Burt, the 4,11 cltib :leaders had set up, an interesting •display. `Fruit Spet- ialities" by the Kairshea Fruit Servers, Mr. Hathilton c•Oarnent- ed in the absence of'oh of the Club members,.who was On lioli- days4 • • . Mrs. , MacKenzie was Modera- tor for the panel on ."Live a Bor.- orwed Life." The panel members were MrS, Fred /Gilchrist; Mrs, . • ' F:2 ... CAREERS IN BUSINESS • • IrYO,UltE 4 INTERESTED •• IN?. 111Me!iting people *Earning sooner / 'Ur or career VISIT US NOW FALL TIERNT begins • ' 'Tuesday,' September 5 Write for folder of courses. 'without obligation. • LOUGHEED BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 YOUNG SH 5-1135 KITCHENER ROY: HAVENt Plumbing and Heating Essa Oil Burner Sales and 'Service ELECTRIC HEATING'. Phone 743.?: Lucknow FOR SAFE.. DEPENDABLE Esso OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT Convenient budget up to 5 year's tO pay • /1105100100 BURMA Nit tat • ' • . • '• ' • tt. • • • t • • • , • • '• • $1 t , •• ,"1•, lc,: ";" •,..• '4; • • ; .• • '1 • • ' ' ' • ••.4, .1,44".1/4;4' • ,ot '44 .•,, t . • ' • „., 4 • „rt ••••, i• • .. • '; ••'• • tt 4'40. • • , * '1 • • , 1.".• ( t • • • 444, .° • r • " I .9 • : • • • 1 4, • • —4: 4‘1 • , • • - • : 1 •