The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-12, Page 3dSDAY . iuLY, ,12t1 1961 THF; LUCKN°OW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;: ONTARIO .AVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY ase largarine 4 for 95c ;ave 15c lb, pkg.; rawber'ry Jam43c Nagstaffe, New Pack, 3c off label lave ,6c, 24 oz. jar with addict pectin. 1' ieese Slices- 2:1.:,r.. 55c Maple Leaf, 3 varieties,. Save 'l lc 8 oz; imestic Shortening 3c off pack, save, ' 4.c lb. Pkg. ilad Dressing49c hunspun. Save 40, .24 oz. jar $TON CHELSEA BUNS ' ' 35C Reg..39c, ,':8 to pfackage Hall It's , .MapleLeaf Sweet, pickled Cottage Rolls, lb 49c Light Smoked Skinless 'Weiners, lb. 45c .4. cello package.. aged Wawano.sh :. lady Passedl Away. • MRS. JAMES 'PURVES, In failing health for a time, death came, to a lifelong resident of the community; Mrs. James Purves, o Monday, July 3rd at. ,her home in :West Wawanosh TownshiP':•Mrs, Purves was with inthree days, of'reaching • 86 and was buried on- lier birthday on Thursday, July 6th.' • ■' .. r Mrs. Purves was, the former Margaret H; Kennedy, daughter.. •�' of the late' Alex :Kennedy • and Elizabeth Gillies anCr Was born. in Kinloss, Township on July Gth, 1875, She was the last and, young-, est member, -Of a family of, ten.: • .In 1899 she ' married James. Purves who ,predeceased' her in 1933. Mrs. Purves. was a devoted. mother; industrious•».and friendly She was, a member of Lucknow-. Presbyterian: Church, with -the funeral service on Thursday af- ternoon at the MacKenzie Mem oriel Chapel conducted' by: 'Rev.. Rod MacLeod: The .organist was: Mrs. 'WilliamScott,,'a grand niece• of. Mrs. Purves. • Burial 4 was. In South Kinloss cemetery, the pallbearers being,• ..Fred -McQuillin, Win., McQuillin,. ^Jim Curran, Allan Miller, Ernest Gaunt and Manson Reid. Flower bearers were.. three .grandsons, '&• the husbands of. three : grand-' d'aught'ers, Jim •. Purves, William Bolt, Bob'Lyons;'Howard Culbert, Mike Cummings,. Gordon Neabel. Mrs: Purves is survived by a .family of nine,' Mrs,,, Elizabeth Bolt And Mrs:. Annie Irwin at. home;' Mrs. Robert..Lyons (Urea na),' West. Wawanosh; Margie of London Sap.dy'Kennedy, Guelph; Alex Purves,, St. Helens,'' .Leslie Purves,` Lucknow,, Kenneth Pur- ves,' at home; C'altriti Purves,. ie Beach.. • .There,, are .six i grandchildren and eight great grandchildren: Besides, her, husband, Mrs:. Pu'r-. ves wee .predeceased• by a. daugh- .ter, Mary in 1921 Devon Brand Kindless Bacon, lb • Flat package. LUNCHEON. MEATS—Macaroni,. Cheese. Loaf, Pickle.and Pimento, Chicken ' Loaf, Olive Loaf, 6 oz.. pkgs. ' 4 for 89c 59c SAVE 30c, THRIFTY' PACK — Set of 4 "Heritage" Mass ' Tumblers, Beautifully. decorated in ' white . and 'gold, only 49c. Cherries Orders taken ' now for pitted': black sweet, cherries. and: Montmorency cherries by: the pail. : PHONE •2'6. FREE DELIVERY milli .0•4•7••••4•••4" i i�4/.00'4/4.04.../..."4.004,4/4/40,40,!.••••••"4/4.,4` .% .0./.."4/4.7".0•"...,4,04/4.0,‘,/%4 iii i iii. WP I:arid GenthiI, s 'Gertrude Treleaven off, )n is visiting:'.in:town for a lays . Collyer entertained. some pals. last week on the oc• of his 1Q.th` birthday. • . arid J'1VIrs; Reid.McKim and 1 of ` Toronto ' 'are spending weeks with. • Mr., ,and. 'Mrs. McKim: at Kintail.Beach. •;. Eeasie Shirley Of. town • is ng' at Fort.Erie •with`: her iter, `Mrs Murray Richard.. ind ;` Nlr: Richardson...: , s:.Clarence ,,Greer; ' Bob and• a spent a few days ,with. Mr,.. Mrs. Bill`. Harris-" at- their ge ' at • L• urgan .Beach. z Cameron returned home. e end 'of the week• after ten. in Victoria', Hospital Lon:' . and Mrs. Harold Greer are occu in e.. former . Rus-•• py,. g•�. residence on the corner . of aer and ''Outram ' Sts. :which i`ecentlY'purchase.d. is summer the. Presbyterian United 'Church Congregations each holding their . regular ces. "ln• August while :Rey. Strapp:' is on vacation, hia ler,, Rev. Oliver, Strapp, .will' ly the pulpit: . 7..and Mrs. Dick .Reed, J:im Ronnie of Hazel, Park, Mchi are ,holidaythg . this . week • his parents, Mr.'' arid Mrs. Reed.• Elizabeth Leddy ' .is spending this. week"with her cousin, Joan .L•eddy, •Goderich. • • Mr. Wand ..Mrs George ,Lapis of -.Thunder 'Beach . visited with Mr. and 1Vlrs v' Ale •MacLeod of Lucknow the. past w k. Mr.'',and Mrs. Dennis Leddy of Kitchener,. Debbie and ' baby Raymond spent ''Sur day. with •Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' •]:'.eddy. and. Week -end. .:.guests with' Mr. :cit Mrs. Earle Wightman were the, •former's sister "and . her, husband;. .Mr. arid:.Mrs.:Albert McKellar of Saginaw, Michigan: • LUCKNOW. I -NI E .T D CK�JRCH Rev. Howard W; Strapp Minister SUNDAY, ; 'JULY 16th :Ob, a,m. • Church School Morning Worship, 1 Luckno e. '"resbyterianChurch Rev. . Roderick MacLeod ' 1 Minister' I I ! 1 '134' ' JUI;y' 116ti ' ' 0a, 'SAIL Sunda �`.8chool y `d0' a.m.Miirnit Worship Mrs.: Melvin 'Raynard of Gode-• rich and Mrs Ralph B1ackstpne and. Cathy: of 'Brantford were visitors • last' week with,Mr.. and Mr's: Walter Alton.. Five grand nieces of Mr. A ••E. McKim' . were' recent ' :visitors at he. McKim cottage at'. •Kinta'il. They were . Sharon,.; Janice and Arlene, Fox and :Joyce .and:' .Barb: era: Murray all of :Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brooks and family have returned froth Ripley to their home .in'Lucknow, the. former: Wm. MacKenzie re-. ,s•idence, :arrd •• which .was' occupied during .• the: past.:year by ;Mr.. & Mrs. D: G.- Kirk. M'rs.. Duncan MacDonald .who is! a .patient at Pin:ecrest' Manor,• was :gout for a ride "around 'the block"',iii :a wheel chair : on Sun- day.: • ;1VIrs. MacDonald ' who' has been hospitalized for many, many months,' . recently observed'. :.her .89th birthday..,p. • Petty Off eel' George .Webster;. Mrs. Webster= and son John are, holidaying during Jizly with re'la ' tives in `Lucknow and' , Winghain George.,' son of Mr. and Mrs" Har- vey, Webster Of Lucknow; 'is'sta- tioned at' Halifax with the Royal Cal adiar: Navy.. Mr. and Mrs'. ',Fred Stealvar'd of London•, visited on Sunday .With his• parents, Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Charles Steward; • Mr. 'John MacRae Who was• hospitalized in London for a time has returned to his . home arid is able to , be : around., M'r . :MacRae ,will be :93 in :September: ,• , Mrs M. O McTaggart and Mrs W. B. Davidson of Scarboro were week -end visitors. ' with • Mrs. Russell Robertson, .and •Mrs. Albert Morton &: •Ian'and Miss Carrie Milne visited last week at • North ;B'ay, where Mr. and Mrs.' ,Bob • 1VI'orton. :and. baby, Ian;have `.taken up:resi-'. deice: Bob is in the''RCAF.' and :Was recently: posted: .from' Moisie,' Quebec to North•. Bay, • Staub • Mr. 'and Mrs William MacIn- tosh and Kay'of Lucknow and Mr. and.Mrs, . John ' Scatterey. 'of Har row,' were . among 'th:ose attend-• ing the golden wedding anniver- sary surprise party at' Walkerton for Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. McInnes. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinson' and guests at • the Hodgkinson-,Fry- fogle wedding on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Torn C. Tracy, Jack' and Wayne of Windsor; Mr.. and Mrs. Alan Gets' of St. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gerald MacIver, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley White and Mr:' aid Mrs. Arnold ' Harris of London, Vlr. • and' Mrs. Bill Elliott and Mr; and ,Mrs: Gerald Lindsay of Thorridale.; Mrs.'William Bush- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DUshell and Mr. Joe Hodgkinson of Gede- rich. Luck'i` owr • Young Coupk Reside -1n Lucknow •GARDNER. YOUNG A quiet wedding was solemniz ed in theLucknow :Presbyterian Manse when when Rey, 1VM I Leod' united in Marriage, Audrey Jane Ellen :Young,' daughter .. -of • 1VIr. 'and':1Vlrs. Wesley Young,'R.R. Teeswater; :to Eugene •Carman 1 Gardner;- son of .Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner •of•''Lucknow'. The, bride wore .a floor ;length' gown of .nylon net and lace: 'The 'fitted -bodice • was :fashioned': of lace, . lily, point . sleeves and se quin,§,`trirrimed the neckline 'Tire• bouffant skirt' wasof net with. lace. 'panels: Her fingertip veil. was held by . a queen: crown' :of tiny. pearls She, Carried red roses. The • bridesrnaid, Miss Jean Harkness, cousin of the• bridet. chose a`gowri' of yellow: organza. The bodice featured cap •sleeves , draped . neckline with cummer- bund. The bouffant skirt 'over: taf-. feta had "a large bow at.the back. The net head piece 'was trimmed with •sequins. • She . carried white roses, ' ' . •The : groom's attendant vias Ronald'' Graham of fiolyrood. • At 'the wedding reception "at' the Langside. Presbyterian Church ch the bride's mother recei'ed in a (ALL,. . ROY HAVENS' Plurribi•ng and Heating Esso Oil `Burner Sales and Service, ELECTRIC HEA'T'ING: Phone, 73t Lucknow FOR SAFE, DEPENDAB, Convenient budget terms. "up to 5 years to pay <' ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL F0! 1NE IBT Have: ;You 'Renewed: Your Sub- 'scription? • GRAHAM SHERRIFF ,> BURIED ' IN';` GREENHILL Friepds in this community were shocked to,: learn of :the tra- gic •death of Will%a.n L Graham 'Sh'errf.ff, , which occurred at • his. residence in ,Dorcheste.r on :Mon da.Y, .•July $rd; `.• Graham, who was in his mid forties, was . the/ :son of the late Mr.'arid Mr's. Jack S:h.erriff 'and was born and .raised in- Lucknow: His..:father died !about' 1922 -after a long: "and painful ' illness from a crippling "rheumatic condition,' His mother, :Mrs. Helene , (Sher riff) Levis, passed' away .in April of 1958.:: • 1Graham was buried in : the fa- mily plot in Greenhill' Cemetery. oh Wednesday, .July 5th; ..follow- ing the 'funeral service at .Dor- chester: `Surviving - are •hits widow, :'•.a son," Peter .and a sister,, Mrs. Geo. Marr.' (Vera) •of. : Dorchester, green silk dress 'with beige over lace, 'whiteac•cesspries' and a corsage .of pink . alums. She was assisted `by the• groom's 'mother in a ,blue nylon dress,'''white ac- cessoires and a corsageof pink mums, •• Foi going away tiie bride wore. a green dress with matching .jacg ket and white accessories. Mr. & Mrs, Gardner • will reside in, DRIVE N' PROGRAM Goderich- Highway . 8,. East of Town. Wed., Thur., Fri:, July 12,13, 14 Mark . Forrest, ;Eleanor ,Buffo 4`GO,LIATH `& the DRAGON"' Scope and; Color 3 Shorts; — Adult Entertainment -;- a Sat. Mon. Tues., .July. 15', 17,: 18' • Double Bill Clint ;Walker, 'Letitia Roman. "Gold of ..,the ; 'Seven • Saints" Pius a thrilling• second` feature ",Gigantis•. the Fire . Monster" Wed., Thurs:., Fri: July19;.20; 21 Curt Jurgens, pawn Adams "HOUSE OF . IN.TRIGUE" Scope andColor Warida'.Hendriks, Chas: Coburn : 'THE HIGHWAYMAN" In 'Technicol'or TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY' First Show at ..Dusk' C hildren under 12••in cars FREE Playground Refreshments The Air- Conditioned GODERICH For. Comfort & .Entertainment ►Playing The ,,Three Worlds Of Gulliver" •An amazing scope and colour attraction.' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; July 1.7th, 18th, 19th:' ELVIS PRESLEY, Barbara Eden' and' Dolores Del Rio The dramatic tale of 'a . half-breed son "FLAMING STAR" Scope and Color Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July `20th, 21st : and : 22nd. Yul Brynner Eli Wallach And Steve Mcqueen' Fel in of peace -loving .;people in a an all' Mexican. village. "THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN =_. Scope and Delurxe, otnlri'g '`oN ThE'RE•ACIT Gregory l e incl Ava Gardner. y I i1 i,r • Si • .E. • • ,10 ,ti