The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-07-05, Page 1P, ed. is. •a he. on . it. • - be !et. he„ ing 'he ed he ur. oat. ran $3,00' ° . Year. In .Advance $1,00 xtra To U..S'.A. LUcQW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th,, 1961 '�ai� two BlIErU.5,ses;Provide TruflsportatiOfl Tai : Teeswoter• Pool • Tot .L'ot opened . on Monday with an popenifg, enrolment of. 36. 'youngsters ranging in ages' from .4 to 12.. There is accomoda tion, for more, Morning sessions. are held dur- org ing 'July. Mary, Allin is in charge o group the -.up to 8 years and'' Jim. Watson supervises the sen- ors . up to . teenage. Classes 'are held in the Town - Hall'. and out -door activities on' the hall grounds; On ,Tuesday and Friday' there • will be no: classes for the -younger children as the supervisors will accompany t,the, swim . classes.. to thei Teeswater. Lions Pool,: Busses Taxed Registration. for these swim - Ming classes 'has . 'soared ' to . • an all -,lithe high` of about, 125 Trans 'portation is provided by the Lucknow and Vicinity ,Branch of the Red Cross and children from 8. years in this Red Cross. •area are eligible.The registration, in- cludes ,children from as far south as Dungannon.. Two big ,busses. leave from the. Legion Hall; and. if they fail to accomodate there cord -enrolment, provision will be made to transport the "overflow", although attendance drops some - What as the season • progresses, One bus goes by way of " White- church . an'd, another by way of. Holyrood,• picking up children' at these points. There were about .150 turned up. on Tuesday -65 of them be- ginners,: and three busses were needed to make the initial trip. H€art Seizure Suddenly Fatal Walter' H, Stafford,. age 66 yrs. who came to; Dungannon 2 years ago to , make his home, died sud- denly from a' heart . seizure • on Monday. afternoon ••shortly' after being..admitted• to Goderich'slios'- pita'. ' i ` •, Mr: Stafford was sitti xLg n his • parked car ;on The 'Square. in. �.' Goderich: while • Mrs.. Stafford was shopping. An American mo- torist: Parked •'beside` him . and Mr; ` Stafford asked him to tell his•wife he was ill: He Was rush- ed. to Goderich .hospital : and' plac ed in'an oxygen tent, ,but passed. away: soon after: ' • • M'r, , Stafford, -was a ; former. principal of Shaw Business .Col- ' lege in North Toronto; aiid ' he. :.and Mrs. Stafford; the former • Verna Hamilton', ,:ha'd. 'retired to. • Dungannon 'Mr.. Stafford, a native •of How -ick, Township, wag secretary treasurer of Ashfield School Area No. 1, i T.. .having' 'succeeded • �R.. Kilpatrick over "a year ago • ,,The funeral will 'be from Stiles •>anDun:- afternoon:, , eral ile, Goderich . to Duni an C meter •%/'on Thursday ny�grl afternoon, with -service at 2:00 i. Des des: ',his' .wife he is sizrv'iv- .ed bya :dau hter, Mrs. Peter (Davin) Phemister of Agincourt -and -a brother' Frank 'Hi. .of Tor- onto. ' : • PASS'' MUSIC EXAMS ;• Pupils. of .Mrs:' C.' Shaddick''of Lucknow have passed their Grade 6 piano .examinationsof-the Roy- al Toronto Conservatory of Music as ..follows: •`Sheila . '`McQuillan, honors Karen Carruthers, 'hon Ors;. June Ackert,'. pass; Grace McDougall, 'pass; Helen' McNay, pass. MRS. JAMES PURVES DIEM :The' death - of .Mrs, James; Pur- ..the, former Margaret . Ken" nedy, • occurred•; at her home in: 'West 'WawanosI ' Township .:on 'Monday'.evening, July. 3rd. She :was within' 3days .Of her 86th birthday... The funeral ,,service will • be .held at M'acKerizie Mem- �oriel Chapel on :Thursday at 3:45 p:m: .with`; 'interment . ;in .' South' Kinloss . Cemetery., H Le.�sedFin uas Service . • Alvin 'Baker of Lucknow has leased the: Fina Service Station Lu know's • main ' street ' on c ' for- merly"•operated by Bill Hunter. took : ' er hisnew dut'es..last: He o , oy n Thursday. Al.�' son of Mr. and Mrs. is 'the .Ed :Baker, ..formerly. of Lucknow, and has been with' the Canadian Pacific ,Railways for: five years: The :last ' two years were spent in Dr,um:bo. Mrs: Baker o erates Lorraine's Beauty S�� ho:ppe fn Lucknow: Structural :engineer Of High_. School On 'At Monday 'night's meeting of the Lucknow District High School `Board, it was announced- that . a structural inspection of the school' Would, be .made on Tuesday. ' It .was decided to hold a special meetiri:g of .:the, Board when the inspector's report :is ' received: At a Board r meeting on June 12th it was agreed that the beams referred to in the Sanitary- In s pecto:r's report' should be i.n- ,spected to clear the Board of criticism. • At this rneeting,'Mr: W. H. Sal - 4P1'. of ::Salter, and Allison, archi ' ter•ts. of Barrie was . introduced to the Board by Mr. Allister' ' lug1'' es: '. This firma has the con- tract for the central' school at •:Holyrood• and has done a.good deal' of school construction. Mr: Salter. suggested L:' D. Carruthers and Wallace of or onto as reliable structural --en ''giricers to make :tick an inspec` titin 'Arrangements were , thus made,: and a 'r'epresentative of this •firm' was scheduled to be in hacknow on • ,Tuesday to make the 'ir � .., •� Y lspection which had . been deferred until the close of school., 'Theo firm •had requested' the Board as. aat.. rn ter of courtesy, to. notify Mr. Carter' o . . , Johnson, architect ' of the. Lucknow school, that the ' inspection. was . t madew to be nada Survey 'uesday: • HELD BIRTOPAY PARTY Fog .Q,TOGENARIAN Miss Jennie Pierce of Lucknow and a former resident of Kinloss. Township before moving, to the village, observed her 88th birth - clay ,'On Thursday, June 29th. Her neighbour, 'Mrs,. Noble Johnston, was hostess•',at a birth day party, complete with birth- day cake,, attended by' a number of friends who enjoyed a.pleasant social evening, . and took the opl portunity to present' Miss Pierce:'. with someremembrances of the occasion. . • Hanover is seeking to have . a Dealh �Of.Zion,Ladyg school located there and a letter in this regard had been, received. locally' from the Hanover Board.' Hanover is regarded as out of the question:so far as Lucknow. is concerned:. ' Information as to .administra-y tion & transportation was; -vague at last week's meeting, but. ano- ther meeting is to be held' ,in: Kincardine on Friday of this- week when Department of Edu- cation officials will. ; bepresent. to help clarify' the picture,,;• This type 'Of composite, school District VOcit.or.iaI. HBei. ng Studied • By .. At the July, meeting ..of the Lucknow.. District High School Board on Monday" evening the government -projected plan for vocational- schools w,a"s, discussed at some length. • ' Representatives from the L' uck ,no.w' 'Board ,attended A. meeting in Kincardiine last Friday evening, but little specific information. was available: Lucknow, Ripley, •Kincardine and Port Elgin, were -suggested .as an. area; but doe$. not apPear to .be a logical .group, SEP 1 hool� Proposal .Qooard ... is • designed to provide vocational training for students brought 4o- gether from, various District High Schools. One result :could be the easing of ove.rcrowding condi-_ tions rn some schools. An addition is under consideration at the Lucknow District: .High . School, but the Board' will now' "mark time" until composite school de: velopinents , are more definite. 'Set Up In Huron • In Huron County,. , the Boards of Goderich, Exeter, Seaforth &, Clinton,, have formed an investi-•c. gating committee, with a pros- pective million dollar school pos- sibly locate in•Clinton. Wingham decided against participation and. was not represented at last ,week's • meeting -in ',Clinton. Construction costs will be born .entirely by -federal. and', provin cial, governments with the*former assuming •75%, Members of . the Lucknow Dis- trict "Board' will attend Friday night's•• meeting in ";Kincardine to keep in close touch with degel-. • •opments, in this new field ''of se- condary 'education. ' Suddens' .DisI,ruct This community, was. ''deeply saddened '`to learn of` the' death. .of . Mrs. Jack Ritchie of; ' Zion 'which occurred'inWingham Hos:- pital , at noon .hour on' Monday; She• was;her 47th 'year. On Thursday, June 22nd Mrs.: