The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-24, Page 941. i m ilio o. ng. )ol ily ss: he PNESDAY, MAY 24th,' 191 THE LUCKNOW SENTINE,4 LUCKNOW; lt3*ARIO PAGE NINE' CONCRETE: '1OURING. for the 'reactor .building .has started at Atomic Energy .of Canada''s 200,- 0.00; kilowatt • nuclear .power plant. at Douglas Point,Ontario. Photo: shows :forniwork and concrete. 'for. the ' 4., ,feet 'thick, .perimeter wall. The building, housing the nuclear reactor and - steam en-. eratorS, will .•be; 135 , feet. 'high •. Gonstr uction ork on 'the -Pro- ject bein the pro1ect being. carried out • by Ontario Hydro. First power date.' is '1965.: A meeting of Mouse of .Com mons Committee On atdmic..ener- gy ',brought' forth. two interesting. disclosures: •: • The first: was, that plans are • underway 'to&.doulble the capacity of 268,000 horsepower station now • under construetian . -at ..15ouglas Point... ' The: second was that every pre- caution'has been taken toavert. .hazards from . atomic fission "at the :plant. ` ;; t This information. was given bas a ,result 'of .queries` made to At- omit'Energy• of Canada 'Limited Officials by A, . E Robinson, for Bruce , In 'response to questions. from Mr. -.:Robinson,' the president:' of. the • federal the is 'agency,: J. L. G.,ray said. the •Douglas Point n.0= - clear. power .plant initially 'would produce' . higher -cost•' electricity than 'could, be obtained from coal- fired power' plants, but ultimately its output. would be competitive. Addition: of the ', secq'n d : reactor and turbine generator, he said, would 'close the price gap. Sub- sequent stations of .the C 1NDU: type, benefitting from the exper= •rence of the pioneer .Bruce .plant; would .cost less and cheaper po� wer ' Might be expected from them. as -..a •'consequence . Mr.. `Robinson 'reeei:vedassur ance. • from Mr: 'Gray that, ' the greatest. ,precautions -Were: being taken at. Dougl-as Point to -safe; guard the ,health . of .staff, area;: residents' and the. general public. ur Neighbour, r He Going? WHY, TO RDN AUTO BODY. SERVICE LucKNOW This Week's.Specials ROCKER PANELS INSTALLED / Coach $20.00 Sedan $30.00 PAINT JOBS,, one..colour' • .. $55.00 ( Includingd Your', Interior Cleaned) COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE RADIATOR REPAIRS • . EXPERT PAINTING GLASS INSTALATION Backed ,By 15. Years' Experience Manager, ..DON STEFFLER Business .Phone 52 or Rome 320 • airshea Hear 0 lood Donor Worts Mrs. .L•'1oyd MacDougall was was Rg d'iaactivit . in potentially .'ac -hostess. for. Kairshea',W°I:` in the a y + y ' Kairshe.a . Hall'. President, • lVirs:, tive liquid waste's that w,ould'be� discharged into: Lake Huron; he• 'Parish Moffat and. Secretary, said, would.be,•.much below drink- ing water talerai ce. Normally,: the radioactivity of :these wastes; was. less than• the nna:x. im �m per:: missi le in drinking, Water, for atomic energy workers Other materials would. be red' in Other, &'.drums;: In response 'to Mr ' Rabinsori's concern.. far ;safe operation. of the Douglas point -,station, 1VIr. Gray outlined' in detail for .the commit tee, the. 'safety: -precautions that Would be .:undertaken. When 'the fuel elements •were removed.•from :the Douglas Point reactor they would be stored just as they were,';in a water -filled. trench 25 feet 'by . feet would be sufficient to; store' all the spent' .fuel over a .period of 20 .years from, tWo •CANDU . reactors hav- ing, a •',Total .capacity` of 400,000. kilowatts, ., Lthters1�Ed,tor• ' have .inflated prices Today, 'on unemployment. In '1960, :every; 2456-E.. ,37th Ave., 'Vancouver may lit, • 1961 The Lucknow Sentinel • Luckriow,: 'Orit. ' Dear .. $ir; Ifid n that• my su.bicr!-ptior� has expired and I: am enclosing $3,00 to, pay' the same 'for another, year., 'The .Sentinel is the ,only. Medi- tirn that brings. us newt !from' & • around Lucknow. -We 'receive it as if. it Were. a letter. Z: read' in, the..Sentinel ,there was' a 'protest, against" the :pro- •wincial•'sales .tax; If the _.people • •would; .look at the debt. picture of;our country . th'en' it would 'be ..,seen 'taxeshave gone beyond our comprehension: and why •we. W. A. "BUD" !'1A/NIAIL.TOJ CIS Iowa f`s � .,.... OILS.- taAS �„ OTHER FARM PRODUCTS: PH,22O W -LUCKNOW the three governmentals: , levels;' federal, provizlcial and•.. munici- pat,` the debt' is about' $2.7,000,000,-` 000.and Canadians: pe. rsonal. debts and loans is about, $4,000,000,000 Our federal debt is. over• $20,000,. 000,0.00 and the country's '.'gross; debt •is • increasing, at the •rate of $2,500 00• per minute.' 'Every child that is born in Canada ; re.ceives, a ; debt burden' of . about $:1,6.0000.: Debtcan never be paid +hy creat man, woman and .child paid, in' taxes about $580.00 which- More hich more than 40% of the income: of Caradians''which is avaijable'for spending. .There are 150: taxes, on: a loaf Of.. bread and • every thing else we 'buy is taxed' about. the ;same, ratio. There is an answer; the ans-, ii ver . is opposite.. tb social '.debt. It' is social credit, your.: creclit, the . people's credit, Restore to ing. another ,'debt that • is.`parliame:nt that ;right,' our right lust ;what e are• doing All this, to °issue money'•; in all forms • to is due• to. a. debt morie,y; system." be; used; where and when needed The B N:A. Act and the. courts` without inflation The `cost of ave' arli'arrient .. wi•iiich inearrs pi•,oduction: •, is consumption, the t p roblem is`not production it is, the . people the right .to. issue .p>• oney in all, forms to' be used consum.ption.. when .and where needed and. 'If we. will be honest With our, without', inflation: • Parliament' selves, we •will', then find' there . iThompson will be hostess. for, the gave';this right over. to the bank- • is •no •difference between th t ing.sy.stem free,. and .when money, Liberals an;d Gonseivatives• •Bot•h 2nd Concession at,2:15 is needed some person or "per stand on the status quo.. They sons' must go to •a bank and bon, both are social ' •debters:. The tow that which we' gave `:therm CCF: new party are , marxian in free back as .a debt :and pay in-• principal; to cdritrol', compulsion, Treasurer, Mrs. Ira . Dickie were in . charge,.The meeting., ..took . the form. of a quilting • party,- three, ,qulits: being` set :lip by'Mrs,. Ross MacMillan, Mks. Allister .Hughes 'and Mrs. Wm. McIntyre. Roll .eal1 was answered by: "My worst mistake in .cooking: 'An: 'invita- t' ted. tot 'with ti was acce e visi wi the Silver; ,'Lake W.I.on June 7th at 8:30, p.m;. in the 'L.O.L hall at Kinloss A coininittee, wet •ap=- poi.nted •to buy' paint . arid call.. a work bee to. finish painting. Members .were . asked if the had .. y• flower; vases no ,longer to bring :thein., to' the next meet- ing—so', they may be :'given to: the' Wingharri Hospital ,for use.. in our Hospital °room. Mrs'. W. B An- Berson, Lucknow,. a' member •' of .the Red' Cross: Society, was ,pre- I sent' and Spoke of' the importance and. the :work of the :Biood.Donors. Clinics, Mrs` Cliffe Roulston,•.our district director; gave a • complete: report. of :the, District Directors Meeting held in. Whitechurch last; Tuesday,- May 16th: 'History of thea Ka4irshea ..1.11!.W.0..,. 1924-1940 was re�ald `by,lVrs.. Allister 'Hughes,' had'. been, compiled by she and Mrs; C:eorge :Lockhart, both, charter'• meni�bers. History of the. Kairshea Women's Institute w.as given by.. Mks: Harvey. Houstob, which was .organized" 'in: January 1947. Mrs.' Currie Colwell , had' assisted. These : h�is.tories'. have been • presented •: to the: ;;Bruce south•• District, W I. Tweedsmuir . Baok. Mrs. Ted Collyer gave th'e• courtesy: remarks', with. a special thanks to the.' ladies wh,o• : had. set.. the quilts lip., .Mrs.•'Collyer. and.' Mrs., :William 'McIntyre ."as= sisted the hostess •:to` serve sand-. wishes :arid . tea.. Nlrs Wafter' e • ;une Meeting at her' home on the terest on.•'.'it., • and ;they ,are -social .debters;: 'Very •• Innen more can be said but space; •If anything' can b y ,found . ..ore. does; not 'allow, itis is a big and 'stupid, f 'Want..to, l.ncry tivhat it ,complex suibl.ect:': is. The ibanks , .are ,`riot to be • ., blamed:it. is not• th'elr :faul.ti, they' In' closing,my. wife and I will woi"lt under t1re. law .The fault' be .,taking.. a little , toUr this sum - is out's the people. As it is the mer, w e will .sail down .the 1'a crfic', through ,the Panama .canal banks are the creators `of f naYi� „ sial, credit' :which is incise than on to Tri"riiclad and then to. Miami. of. the amount' of money hi. We .lie, tilting our..car' with us created Eby �wrrt- and will drive north to Canada •�xrsteriz�z atic� rt' ip•... �fi u dos '^' in icdger;s. • This.. and, will 1136 in •Luckriow • some g t , trine ni :the sunin r . to seethe 'they money i.s intarii;ible and ccistless `ilei •town and good ,people,. are also i rei'chants'of deb t"...."1 ba•ik loan creates a new Wishing you every success, ' deposit , and "'every. ; bank, , I' rerriain yours truly,- Tov� le :loan., that ,is :repaid, destroys a (T, dep:asit, The bank deposits re4 f1cct.s•, the.. debt that is owing to Remember, it , takes ibut . a the. aarrie ,banres... moment to place a Sentinel 7.1;0 dol t syst:t i , tlre p aplis• Want Ad and be money•. in ,poc-. -'dvertis • •�rtiatitct7, 'it is �cjcial, debt and . kct.? To ;advertise; 'just phonethose, 'who uphold it are social Lucknow" 35. _ ' tielyterxs, T1ii delft system cau,scs Sihas risany tools' but.a lie crushing de t. •a burster•o'f nr , ttirest,.' sti'angiing taxation and is` the handle which fits them all. OBITUARY WILLIAM RUSSELL MARTIN Vi'illiain Russel Ma:rtin', of .East :I Wawanosh Township; died at 'the WinghaGeneral . Hospital on i m Sunday.; May`;14th, Mr. • Martin, who would have been X42 .on June ;. ' 19th,: was '.i11 for only two weeks. He was.barn:i.ia East W iwancish; son :of the' late Daniel, Martin, &. Mary. Ann Woods, Mr; Martinij was, ed.uca.ted at 8,8, .1,1, East wanosh and had firmed since leaving school; He vas ;an ad -1 herent of the Whitechurch Unit- ed church.. . He is 'srrvit°ed ..by •his brother and "sistertin law, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Donald Martiii,..of East. Wawa- nose, with wharni he • had •i de • his borne;. and t ire.e'sisters", Mrs, Rc>bert (Roberta) Stewart' of Kits=::` loss; Mrs. Mary•Austin of London' and.`Mrs. Laura McMeil, St;. Het- Wag', et- errs. 'Tfe was .predeceased by. one aster, Jeri, in 11128, Funera ser'vice was held' i nr Wednesday at the. R.A. Currie and Sons funeral 'home -with •Rev. W. D, Clark: in charge.:Intermen t • was in.:the. Winghan cemetery. The , pall!bearers• Were Angus Mc Donald, .'Austin, .Martin, 'David Moffat, Lorne McAllister, ' Clif- ford Laidlaw ; road Elroy Laidlaw. • NEW or RENEW. L subscri - •p tions Pik. the Family:Herald are• g taken• by.The; Lucknow Sentinel • phone 35, direct representatives • 'of ' the' puwblishers. 1 year,. $1 50 years,' $3.;..5` Years; .$4. Save a lot of bather,,; let us.handlq:your. subscriptions.. ACCEPT AS A Gill IF lir • All THE: WAYI E 15" CLOC • `ILLUMINATED: • SWEEP SECOND HAND • 'IPEA4 FOR BAIRN OR MILKHOUSE with the PURCHASE OF one of the NEW /_ ,n,�v Ursa V ACIAJM PUMPS '..CONSTANT.`' ADEQUATE 'VACUUM IF YOU HAVE INCREASED YOUR HERD IN RECENT YEARS, you need a new UNIVERSAL PUMP to: give you an adequate and more even vacuum supply for full volume..:• Milking:, Your workworn, 'under,. powered ' 'pump 'may be stealing yoUr milking profits. A new •Utii-; versal' Vacuum Pump will give you 'faster milking and, most important of', all; more Milk! .• ,HAVE YOUR UNIVERSAL SERVICE MAN CHECK YOUR VACUUM PUMP' AND LINE NOW! LUCKNW DISTRICT CO-OP