The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-19, Page 13yWEDNFSDAY' APRIL 19th, '1961
Re Elect, « Mrsx...,Tes, MacMillan
.The April meeting of the
•• C.W,L Was held at *is,.Donald
MacKinnon'S ' home with, ten
mern,bers ' present. Fr. Thornas
Opened with the League prayer.
The slate•of officers for the com,
ing, year is as follows: Director,
Father: Thomas; president; awry.
Jos. MacMillan; 1st •vice-presi-
den,; Mrs.. Jim O'Donnell 2nd
vice-president, Mrs. Wm.: S'chrnid
secretary, Mrs. Donald MacKin-
• non.; treasurer, Mrs, Pete . Mac-
• Donald; Spiritual ,convener, Mrs.
George Trucker. Everyone agreed
that Sharon 'O'Donnell be given
a sum of money' for ` her contri-
bution as church organist. The
vote on margarine was 'briefed'
with it being opposed. The an-
nual C,W.L.
n-nual..C,W.L. Convention in Chat-
hau-.'ham 'is May 16t1i and 17th and
members wishing to attend will
receive • some financial aid to
:help defray.' their .expenses. The
Wish was . expressed that the
kneeling . benches at ; St. Mary's
.Church be fiadded.• Ten copies of
the Catholic Digest 'will be avail=•'
able' monthly, at .:.the church at
35c copy. Father. Thomas closed
with, prayer and the hostess and
,her assistants', served a dainty
lunch. The May meeting will be'
at .''Mrs. .George Tucker's home.
St. .Augustine C.W.L.
The April meeting; . of the
' IC.W.L, of St. Augustine was.held
at the home of Vlrs. " Wm. Red
mond • on. Tuesday, April lith
With a good! attendance. It was
decide& to send one: delegate to
the annual convention in ' Chat-
ham on May 1.6•th and 17th. Fr.
Thomas: gave a short "talk on'
Our Lady of Good Council the
patron saint .of the C.WL, •Mrs.
Jos. Hickey .offered her home
for the . next. meeting on May
2nd at 8' p.m. After the. prayers,
lunch 'was served Lyy the hostess.
Mr, Lorne Cook is in, g
ham Hospital.
Mr.. and Mrs. Art Stewart., vis-
ited Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank 'Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs:: Jim Smith. . :of
Molesworth visited with, Mr. 'and,
Mrs. Wi11. Ritchie •on- Sunday.
' 'Mr.. and. Mrs, :Donald Murray
and Marjorie visited Saturday,
evening' with Mr. and .Mrs.' Ne1-
son Raynard.
to be ':held . at
a. Sob••
1:30 m,
ROBERT " McINTOSH 164-R .1'1.. l
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TWAT Mrs.. Margaret (Murray),
Algeo and''. a fi native of this
cornrnunity, ,observed her .92nd
• birthday. •' on Tuesday, ' • April
lith, Mrs. A1geo• has. been a
resident.' of New York City 'for
many; years; where she resides
. at 180.• Castle :Village, ..Cabrini
Blvd. Old. friends here extend
congratulations and best Wish-
es. , :.
THAT Edward Dexter of: town
had a sale of ,household' effects
on Saturday. .The residence
was not sold. • Teddy,, as he is
popularly. known, . is in his. 88th
year, nand 'is now making his
horn& at Pinecrest Manor,_ Mrs.
Dexter' passed :away. some. 8
months 'ago.
'THAT . Wallace Miller underwent
major; surgery in Victoria Hos_-
pital; London, ori Monday for
bowel stoppage. Wallace, "who
a fewweeks : a'go'. underwent 'a
hernia operation in! Wingham,
Chas been in London , for .:the'
past three.•:weeks; ;, where :he:
was under:'observation prior .to
•.surgery .being decided •upo'ri.;
THAT the re -organization of .4-H
h.. girl's ,clubs in4. the community
adds to the number, of organi-.
zation reports
• • we. receive • on
a weekly, biweekly, 4., month-
, ly' basis. 'These' reports° are so
numerous that it is impossible
for us td. handle' them unless
they`'. are sent in immediately,
after they take place. By :: do-
ing so ; we • can, ' have them' :set
in- type,' prior ,:to the 'first -of-
,the -week rush : which taxes' the:
capacity of ; our type, .setting
machinery. :We have. been 're-,
ceiving 'wonderful co-operation
from ;Most 'press . secretaries,
,•but' there., are •'a few :Who aren't
getting their reports .m in time,
and we have to. issue ``a• fair
warning" :that `late• reports
ca•nnnot ' be . used.
THAT 'the Woman's Association
:of. the United Church sponsor-,
'ed . a • Schneider.' Meats buffet
supper" on Tuesday of •`last
Week, More than'.150 enjoyed
,a' delicious' meal.followed by.
..the ' showir g of interestin'g:
filer's. •
'THAT, a letter from' F1O Shirley
M Robinson of • •Grostenquin,
France, written on April 7th,
says that finally they are .•get
ting.. some • sun in' "sunny
France: Shirley.' 'is hopeful she.
may, be • transferred • ho'me dur-
ing the., surer er,.• "although'' she
is • not actually scheduled ..,to
return until,: December::. Shirley
says ' that even :though ,she was
• horne .under,. sad• circumstances
this past • Winter, . it still.• gave
her Via: great 'thrill to. be back
hoine in 'Canada and Luck
n`ow • There's no place in Eu-
rope" like • it, .,she says,.' and :be
•ing• away' for a couple of years
makes one appreciate • Canada
se much more.
. ., . .
mg• one of,, our generations infest cbafflurg ,diseases. Were . on the.
threshold of • victory but we must not.ease ups
• cancer fight in ;the past.. Let',s give even more to reach our . in -
.creased objective of $.160000 in the April campaign.
A number: of ladies from Lur-
gan Guild attended 'a' meeting,
at 'the. Church of the Messiah in
'Kincardine `'on. Monday afternoon
•when Mrs. W. 1:' Lake was guest
speaker for ';the 'occasion: ,•
An ", enj;oyabl6 ': evening was
spent at the :,hoine. of Mr.. and.
Mrs: Sarn . Geddes ,when they en
tertained ' ` relatives and friends
at:, dinner on, •Fr''ida;' evening.' •
Ladies :from this • vicinity at '
tended'' •the , "Schno'der • Meat
Supper" which was largely ',at
tended at. ' the Luekrow. United
Church on 'Tuesday evening.,
0 Sa'ty.,,, • April; • 15th at
at 3 :00� o'clocurdak, Robinson United,:
Church,. London, decorated with,
gladioli, was the scene of'.. the
marriage of Donna Frances John
ston, .daughter of Mr,.. and Mrs.
Albert -Gammie fo. Li eknow, and:.
Donald. H: Cook, son Of. Mr, and
Mrs .A. W. 'Cook, of London. • .The?:
cerernpny was, performed. • by
Rev. Moir Waters, ' and -the" Or,.
genist' was Mr. James McArthur
of Goderich',.. • '
• Given ' in . marriage by Mr. 'Al-
bert ;Gammie, the .bride was
lovely ,in a, floor -length bridal
taffeta . full gown• with lace asp ..
pliduef around the scooped. neck
and lily point sleeves. She wore •
a. seed" pearl crown with illusion
veil. Her ,flowers were orchids. '
,Mrs: James (Betty) . Blue of •
Windsor w•as her sister's• matron.
of honour:' The bridesmaids were
Mrs. Ross (Shirley) MacLennan
of Kincardine, sister of .the . bride ,
and Miss Margaret Cook' of
London, sister' of • the 'groom. All
were similarly ' gowned . in. `tur-
quoise silk organza with ,con-
trast'ing 'aqua cumbenbund, pic- •
ture hat and matching shoes:.
Their corsages :were of yellow.
roses, and yellow -throated shasta
»The .flower girl was Elizabeth
Copk of London: in '•'a .'white' or=•
gandy'' dress and: 'carrying . a
basket of yellow rosebuds:: The
ring : bearer was Billy MacLennan ;
of Kincardine
The best .'man' was Mr. Jerry
Davies of L ondon:and, the ushers
Were Mr. Gary Johnston : of : Luck -
now .'and Mr. Wayne ,Brook 'of
Mr • and Mrs. 'John Bell ' of • •London
Kincardine • visited with Mr.. ' and.1 For a reception • at 'Hook':s
'Mrs: Ross Shiells ;ori Wednesday, ! Restaurarit' the' '• bride's mother:.
A tea and quilting was held " received in 'a beige .brocaded sa-
at the home of 'iVtrs. Carl Wilkin 'tn dress ':with beige ' accessories.
Wednesday aftern.00n� with 17 'and' yellow' 'orchid 'corsage. The
ladies attending. A delicious gl om, s mother .assisted, wearing,
lunch was served by ,'Mrs. Wil-,' a dusty rose dress with white
"kin and her • mother' ` . Mrs. J; 1'accesso Fes' •: and orchid • corsage,
Carter. A social hour .was enjoy -.1 Mr:: and. Mrs. Cook., left on a •
• ed by all j wedding trip to • Florida, the bride
Mrs.' Annie; Emmerton has ' re, travelling in a ,White and . green.
turned to her home on the :shore::''checked sfiring• suit with black ..
road after : "spending the winter . and : white : accessories; On7 their
Months with friend's •ii1 this return they.` will ,reside
community:: don
.Mr . , and Mrs Herb Elliott and
family of Melton,• spent' Satur
day with „Mr. and'. Mrs.. Donald KA,IRSHEA •FRUIT':: SERVERS..
Courtney.. , LU
Easter dil'es and spring flow-
ens; created''a•:pleasing setting' ,for ' "`T'he second. meeting of: , the
the W.M.S.` Easter Meeting.which. :course Featuring Fruit was held'
•wasp held ; in 'Pine' RiverUnted on, April 15th at :the Sixth School
'Church on Tuesday w tli Millar- and opened with the -.4-11 pledge:' ••
ton and .Bethel societies attend The roll call, "Two Reasons Why,:'
.ing..The meeting ;opened; with a 1 Ea't' Fruit". was • answered by:
hymn and prayer and was .:given six ,members, It: was decided to •
by the president Mrs. John, Blue name the '•, club, 'Kairslfea, : Fruit • •
followed• by the 'roll.•,call -which •Servers. Mrs. Burt made an ap-
waS responded 'to'.w•ith •an Easter. ple pie after which Mrs ,''Hamil-.
verse. Mrs. 'Bert Irwinconducted ton checked.'the ..record;. books to•..
the devotional. ',.period, . 'and 'the make sure they :were up to' date. `;'
hymn, "The :Head that once was For. lunch .the group had apple`;
c.rown'ed with ri Borns.'' 'was, sung. pie with grape.• drink, as, the bev-'
I•Mrs, Elden Lowryei:age: 'The • next' Meeting' is to' '.
gave :the g
scripture reading, followed .with ;pe:' held' on April 22nd''at. the
comments: by. Mi s., Mervyn Hooey. home of Mrs, Burt. '
Mrs: George .. ,Wigltrnan. gave• a,
reading • after- which 'Mrs. Robert •SAILED FROM Qt EBEC
Courtney and: Mrs: Perrfi Lowry 'D'UE TO ICE CONDITIONS'
sang a duet, , "Thum Cross o�£ .
Ch'r ist. Mrs:.. Lester Ferguson
ably Mi.: and Mrs: Neil MacLennan ':
p'resente.d the Easter story' of Ripley s:ailed last •week fr.,om
on flannelgraph, which 'was; fol-
ol- Quebec rather than Montreal,on a duet, "Have `You been a sevene'eks' 'trip to, the Brit-
in•' the Garden with Jesus," by•..•sh Isles' n E'ro e
MTs MCrvyn Eckmier . and' Mrs. i'n ` Horne Lmes'u Canadian head
4Villiam� Courtney. After court- '
office' announced 'laft week that' • •
esy remarks 'by Mrs.. Albert He . their • flagship 1•10MtRIC had'
tt f Ml "
wi o i lar ton; the• ;meeting I been delayed: because' of severe
was closed ,with a . hymn and 1•.ice "conditions along the eastern
benediction. Accompanists for the ! scabbard, in the Giilf of St.
meeting were Mrs. James • Nes-' Lawrence and In the river,' as
hitt and Mrs. 'Murray .Walden: .a . result ,she docked at Quebec '&
• Lunch was : served' an'd social not' at Montreal as was originally
hour: wa's' enjoyed. • scheduled. '
.The. HOMERIC, sailed • from
Quebec, Wolfe'.s Cave, at ' 7:00
p.m. April 13th, bound for Le
Havre, Southarnpton and: Brem-
erhaven. She had on board • over
one . thousand' passengers:
• For the transfer from Montreal
"to Quebec of gall passengers hold-
ing tickets for embarkation at
Montreal, Home Lines arranged
for 'two special trains from Wind-
sor station.
THAT .Huron County 4-H •Horrie-
making ' • Club Achievement,
[Days`"'Cottons may be Smart,",
are in the offing.. D ingenrioh
01.tib will be at Clinton, April
"i, : The leaders• ., are Mrs,
Hugh ` 1VlcWhinney • and Mrs,
• Elmer Black. Colwanash . and
pintail Clubs will be at. Wing-
ham on May 6th. The Colwan
ash leaders 'are Mrs. John
,Ritchie, and Mrs, AlexHackett.
• The ''Kintail. leaders are Mrs,
Heir' y ' MacKenzie , and Mrs,
Ged, Moncrief,
Safety sign: "Watch out for.
school...chi1d,r,,n ,especiary. if
theyyre' drivi•
tgli ,' •