The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 13:e le ly a. :r.. at ;� -• er at m:. of Lee'• Mrd•, int - the:.. ish to' 'ter rite red' of nel� 'Sat- am-. his eph', ' tip:h o ' ,an- . the Mr. of a • ands: tivere; II,. - ' 'W NESDAY, JAN,. 5th, :1981 ,a 1 THE 'LUCKNOW SNNT4NEL, LLICKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE: - TH:IRTERN • INSEMINATION SERVICE' GROWS. The Waterlbo. Cattle Breeding Association annual Meeting was held recently' with a' fine repre _ sentation. of • Members, from Wa- terloo, Wellington,, Bruce,, 1-ur- •on,' Northern Perth and Western Grey present. The areas, indica ed is. the area in which the Wat- erloo . Cattle Breeding ,• 1A4ssocia- tion provides artificial' insemina-. tion... service.' .. CENTENARY ?EXT YEAR (Continued from !Page' 1) Mrs,: Wilmer Howey reported for the Woman''s Ass.eeiation".and 'sated that the canvass;. that had; been: ;Made instead of holding: the fowl':supper had .raised about .as, rziueh money. Harvey Houston, chairman of The Board or Stewards;, rep;crted that they hoped to have.the.. church' redecoration- ;completed before the 100th anniversary. Mr Houston stated:', that ' he ''hoped voluntary giving would wipe out the .,debt instead of . the . necessity of • a canvas's. IA oment of prayer ,as . ob •smwerved' for Ernest Blake, a faith- fu1 church worker, who was hos- pitalized and linable to 'present the - missionary • report. Erne st ' Ackert' expressed the thanks of the congregation, to. Revand Mi s. Strapp for the W.grk they have' done - in the church,: Rev. Strapp •stated . that they were very happy in Luckn:ow, .& he trusted that' the ministry would build up the richness of . Christ's kingdom within the congregation. Mrs. Strapp expressed _thanks to the' ladies for the work. done. at the parsonage.. •• In- his remarks, W. B. Anderson expressed appreciation of, the wd'rk done by choir leader, Mrs.- J. ' W, . Joynt, and organist, Mrs. .d Ross CM -riming, -and ..:he felt the ratiori owed them a' r.ea 'DONALD :Mr. - Donald Shuh,"' Ayrshire NS). breeder .of RM. Nit Waterloo wlas 'elected :president- lay.' the new board immediately follow- ing `the, close of the: member's MMeeting. • • Four e new Directors were elec- :ted at the -meeting including James :.: Bradley ''of Amber• ley, . re- presenting Huron County, The .Bruce County member' ' on. the Board of directors,, ;is Harvey Ackert `'of' Kincardine. e Reports ; indicated. .that.Y there was an increasein. business rover the previous year of 4,334 . first services ; or :5.8% A total,. of • 78,- 861 .cows were inseminated. •The , - nurriber of services by `'breeds :was .as follows; 'Holstein, ,37I92 - ' representing • '47.17% . of. the • .total; Jersey, 4279, 5.43%; • •Beef Shorthorn, 7223, 91:6%; Charolais, 2324, '194%; :.Dual Purpose Shorthorn,, 1701,. 2.16:%; Red .Poll, 1'19;..1.6%; Ayrshire,` 1368 '1.73%0 • 'Guernsey' 1340, 1.6,9%; Hereford, ..19675, 24:95%' -Angus, 1.318, 4.46%; Brown Swiss, 122, .15%. 'The. financial ,Statement, show- ed a total • 'revenue • for � the . year 'of' $440,420.00,- with ;a'. net seven- ue for the ' year of $;14,902.53. However, ' during� the' year.ear the ,:Association. allowed'25c .cash; dis Countif• the . •breeding•.''wasi paid on the day bf'''service with a bonus foradvanc e payments of 5Oc per cow if 10..cows were paid in. advance .and .40c per "cow 'if .5 services' were. aid 'in ' . .paid advance. These''.. bonuses . and "Cash dis- counts might be considered a • dividend• and amounted . to.. •223.50. Therefore, there was' an excess of expenditures 'over re venue fon the year Of $320.9`7. The Organization is in a sound financial condition as indicated ,by,. the balance" Sheet' which showed an increase- 'of - .$12;683.40 tri assets over the !previous year. and the.excess Of assets' over liabilitieis .: $195,370.78 .increas= ed Eby' .$3239.05. • 710 new 'mem- bers joined - e the Association.. ing' the year. ' The Organization• has 44 'full time employees ,and .there are 18 Directors. Is ; Your Subscription. Renewed?' - CONTRACT FOIL ;NEW TRUST' CO BOLDING: . Mr. Wilfrid P. 'Gregory, Executive Vice -President and .. Managing- 'Director of ;.British Mortgage and Trust • 'Company, • . Head Office, Stratford, has S pounced that his .'Company had , p Y.._ accepted the .bid of Dunker .,Con- struction' Corn'an':� in Kitchener p y . to build, the Listowel branch of-- ,rice` of British' Mort ag.e• & Trust ...� .gg Company, Dunker • Construction. company submitted the ' lowest of si: .'tenders,, bidding•.$149°,063. gong g g t debt: The Sing Tirne television- pro- gram' was discussed . 'It. was the feel.in+g • of. some 'that more • iii- formation about the present op- erations of the, program .should. be obtained. 'Stewards retiring in 1961, were renominated; Harvey,. Houston, Ricliar„d Elliott, Orland Richards, J. W Joynt, .Wilmer` , Howey, Jack Ackert and:' Ross -Henderson. • Members Of , session,' Ernest Blake, Arthur Breckles • and Wil- fred Drennan were re -appointed for, 'another 'five year term. Alex Asks Aetarded.'Sehool'.iSupport' Andrew .was appointed as assist- :.L• Lion Harvey Webster, chairman ant missionary • treasurer to ' Er- < of •the committee . for • 'the ''Re - Putyour idle cash to work. - in a sound -investment; ' paying a good return. British. Mortgage & Trust Company' Guaranteed investment Certaicates pay 5(70,03n terms of .3 to, 1.0 years.; Any .:amount from $100 upwards. Authorized' by, "law :as an investment for trust funds.: To invest see your local agent or send us ' your : chequeL For full information— ask for a free folder. ' RTGMJE & 1 I'UHST C©MP Founded in 1877 Head . O'ffice:. STRATFORD, • • British Mortgage ;& Trust ;Company, Stratford. 1 enclose my :cheque for $,.;, ,.,,.... for investment for ,....... years. 'Please sendme a free . folder. giving ,.full information, + ; • NAME ADDRESS • RICHARD ", COMING" ('Continued :from ;Page 1) 'coin. cans. Draw tickets were dis- tributed to members for.°'a• $100., Easter outfit for man or woman; the. draw to be made in time for. a new -Easter wardrobe. nest Blake: tarded. ' Children's, School in Presently '210. families • are. un- ' Wingham;. asked '. the Lucknow der pastoral ,care; with total_;re- Club for continued 'support of sident membership of 3.89: . this worthycause.` A. donation. of $W0.00 'wa's suggested,. and. the: matter was refe1cred to the Exe-•: REVIEW KIRK YEAR ., cutive. for . the.ir. recommendation. :Zone Chairman, Jack' Reavie Rage '(Continued 'from -.e +� g 1 ,) . , : of:.WngKam. ;addressed. ,the Club. Yhad a • successfu,l ilear �� `. .. .Year and on his official visit' and'.'spoke they ..-raised $822.60 for the Mis-t fromersona •observation. - of . tyre p 1 sionary wo"rk;of the .'Presbyters -'fine work, being :done with .the an ' Church of,Canada retarded children Their progress p b .. 'The Victoria ,Mission Band'' and ms fantastic, he'said, .... `�. Stepping' Stones C: G:1.T., report' -The The . Zone •' chairman was in=. ed a year filled with useful acti- troduced by Rae Watson. and was :vitt''' to both the : ch'urch ',and thanked. b • Harvey. Webster and; ..Y . Y community:., .• presented with a': gift on behalf -Messrs.. Douglas .Har tori, John . of the . clu,b. .Before'. the meetingg Emmerson, Rae Watson" and Cy- ril Brown - w.er.e • 'elected to .;the Board. of ,'Managers ',for ,a three . yea•r term. .Mr. Leonard Mac' Donald" and: Mrs.:; W. C..(jean) adjourned, Mr.: Reavie respond ed to the request that he sing a 'solo, - with aocom'paninient by, WIDELY KNOWN RESRESIDENTD DIES ES, GEORGE, . S. .ELLIOTT : :Death carne to 'George.' Samuel Elliott at Victoria Hospital, Lon- d•on, on Monday; January 16th at the age of 67. He had. been ill. for several months, and only on. ia' stout heart,' and al; 'will ."to five. hinged any - hope for his' reedy - Qty., following,his last' admission; to the hospital: Few men ''are more 'Widely. or., 'favorable known than was Geo. Eliott. He thecif. Wm. Elliott 'and 'Jean Fair arid' 'was •!born.December• 23rd,' 1893;on con. - cession 10. Huron , Township, on the 'farm. now ownedby his bro- titer, Ralph Elliott. `' On' 'Jane .1.8th, • 1.9:20, at` Ripley, ,George married •Mary..;Hazel: West. •of • Ashfield Township.) They farmed' Just' east of 'Amlber.'ley orifi the farm. now operated ..by their. son ' . Gorden' un.til. rn'oving ' to Lu know in . December of 1947. 1V r,: Elliott_ «as; in the seed Clean- ing in'• business for some -thirty years in addition to , fanning . operat- tions and went 'into' the business •Mrs,: Cumming: ,more. extensively m Lucknow;. �� • �� 1960' 14�5Y40• Donald .: Cardis re - 'Bob McIntosh was the winner,, where• he' built a seed; cle4n;ng; ; ' ent, . 7:50; !Signal-Star,: fund On Bain Assessor • Finlayson were elected financial of. the draw for .,a prize donated plant- on the site of ,-,the .A., P. i '. Secretary.and `.treasurer. res e -,dSSig - tar,: • ads ertising, . p cby .they Lucl.now::Frui.t Market. � Stewart. Planan Mill..,c�on after,. nal S H.b ' E'd relief t.29:80 bydrowning: eleven. years ago' last.sumrrier at the ag'e .of''20 He :was also predeceased by two sisters and- two brothers:. TO INCREASE `'L AL.�`RY COU NCI S. .A, Ashfield' Council . met as per statute,' Councillor -John Bradley' was absent. • Other members .sub- scribe d to' the oath' of office. ::Howard and McICenzie,.'approye; minutes -af last meeting. :McKenzie and Howard; accept petition. presented :by. Clark Zinn • for ''a.. Municipal' Drain and ` iii.- str.uct'Clerk to. have the .engineer mare' a survey .and,''report: of the area ` • •. Gibson• and ` McKenzie, apply. for•the'final- `payment of the: high way, grant- for 1960. Howard •and McKenzie,.. pay thee,•;following ;accounts: Dungannon lights, 82; e'r rwin.-b lbs .7.50; $85. ,.R bet 1, u .. , Pinecrest: Manor:. Ltd.., 19.50;:, Lucknow. Sentinel,school ballots,. 14.00 Ontario. Good Roads Assoc:; :• membership fee, 15;00, 'Salvation Army,rant. '25'.00 Count.�•.of g � Y • .. " Huron, collecting.• . tax "arr'ears tively.; .Mr. •Duncan : MacLeod, e y re account, F Mr: Elliott was .appointed' live- er ie • longtimefillips, relief'' officer, member. of the :Board.. stock •shipper ,for .the 'Lucknow Herman Ph Co -o' erative` Company,' a positi= 6:00. p p Y' p Pa Roll No. 1 Rapid Blue. 'tion. he held for 12 -years •Y - Print' Ltd.,' blue' prints for bred of Trustees, was made an . hon- orary member of that board. mMrs 'Morgan . Henderson .' and Miss G1ad s MacDonald "were reap- „ p THREE BREAKINS >: (Continued: from' .Wage 1.). a• :draw. bolt. lt. Wetly; one lucky pointed auditors ameron MacDonald ' stroke.; they hit the''ca'teh, splen. Mr. Cx= e _ tered , a ; chu.nk. ' out ,of • the door pressed ,the appreciation of the frame and', pfished'. in the door:` congregation . to all ' those who O m` of the• stairway door.. and” a:.locked ' compar-tt ent 'under .had served in the church in the pe ing past year ex ressl rnention•in the • ' p Y g . 'counter -in the• front office,: the choir • and or anist and clioii . g which was brightly lite bya win. leader:•: Rev. .Y MacL od ,addedg Y- e his dew 'light,'"was done• with some skill . and no .damage other t.h•an... "`operationa'1 marks."' "';" From, the looked, .compartment they, . obtained $15.00;: and : fro"in a "stamp drawer" in the desk own' , personal. remarks, The year 1960' was' ' ratify ing g Y in ' that the work • of`:the church had' gone 'ahead despite.. a . lapse, of several Months when the con. .gregation ' was :without pastoral administration. :.iSouth • K.in°1 Congregation 'was added to the pastoral charge • of Lueknow' and! Dun annon and this was a very' ha o i cca on. On. 1Vo hapPy Y S ve bei 28th, all', three;, eongre "ations Lueknow,. •Dungannon and South Kinloss,• met in the Lticknow church to celebrate Holy Com- muni:on and .216, • mem,bers "ai,, p took of the 'Sacrament. in .facing .' the, coininittt ents err 1961 ' >the congregation , asks. God's continual guidance,: togeth- er. with the united •loyalty and support of the • people and 'ho e ,. i' p and : •pray foe° another'' :successf.ti,i. ., - ,� • _. • • +; :• gall...8 basement. door, but this year of Christian work and wit Y • , ness, sttiie waS' ribt.eritered� -got $5.00 or better'. in small change. :Other than :pulling .out, drawers 'and filing' cabinets, and:leaving t: wa them tha', �_. , verylittle tt, e wase. disturbed. The "editor's, `desk" which would provide a' field daj for a scatteration• was 'untouched, Not, So Lucky ' Jerry R.a:thwell wasn t so fortu- nate, He, found papers •and• re 'cords' scattered al over: • a i 1. s f a' cyclone had struck; in thea frenz y to locate some money.; The Rathwell 'entry was alsci made., de' by forcing, the basement. door. There was evi:� er d 'refi that the, "jimmY been:tried on The remains .rested at the Ma c. ye3s, Montgomery,..84, - . M otoNrs - , Kenzie .Memorial Chapel where.3 0, • . Rouse Electri , 4.10, 'hundreds. called .to ,pay re_.Impenra1 Oil, 270;40, , es ez spectsand extend their .s?a- cholson; 'repairing grader, 3;95; thy, ;A wealth of ,floral tributesDominion''Road,,, •. • y,• Road•, , 1,42:19; W. C', . was evidence • of the. esteem in. Becker,' elements and ,capsules, which George was .held. 39:57, Township of Hufon Ash The. largely'• attended funeral 'field,and I-Iuron Boundary Ac= ser vice on Thursday was conduct-; count,, :234.00, Do •aId M•; Situp- ed by Rev. H: W. ,Strapp. of son, unemployment' stamps; 1.9:44; Lucknow United. Church of which. Chester Nicholson, 994.50. Mur he was, .a, member. Mrs Ruth1 i ay, Johnston.,• 1,66'800; Jack. Fai•=� ;. Montgomery vas at the .Cha el I ' . d • p resh••.910:00, John .1`aclaolaon;: organ. ', 247.13.; Reg. :Br.00m, 187.20; Bob• •Interment was in Greenhill Ce= e 7 be Mol .;400'; 1Te,i bei t C. , Ctii i an; metery with sixnephews acting 1'146.30; '• pallbearers, Jack •Ackert Carl r • - • as . By Law. No. 1, .appointing .the. Pollock;. Roger West, Jame West, •different officers' and. setting Elniei Courtney, Carl Hooey,. their salaries for 1661 was given ,Besides his devoted widow, 2" readings - Mr, Elliott is .-survived by one . daughter,, . Mrs.. Bi uce - McLeod (Una)'. of • North Bay.' and two: sons, Br. ce of wn ay Lu kno` y c dGord dein of . A t berley:. ; Reeve and -Treasurer torr •: tr .. Y.:. Y ebn r Also surveveng .are two sisters,, froii:Y the Bank..ef •Montt ealY: Luck-, Mrs.. Phil Downey of Toronto, now ;up to $50,000 foicurrent ex- Mrs; John. Walker of Lucknow °: enses• 'until tales' .ai e ' collected and three brothersWilliam. and .Was ''i .yen three readrn s and Rat liElliottof_ p E ot.,Ripley..• and I• otiv- as::;ec3. • «n .motion .of ;Mchi.rtzit. YY� p Y. ardElliott' of Detroit:. rig,' Howard Mr • ,.EUiott was :predeceased : Gibson and Howard, Cti:Xriyc.:..Y y' two•i n .�� ; r' .'Y {', ...11 .i • r r. . O t } r., c 2 b two Jack,. iii satrap wrd cit.i .i: �.�1 s E,bY �..�� ,��.r �.. .. sons'„ Cw7h . and.Raymond wholost- his life. 'p.m. >. M, ,SIMPSON. Hopi and and Gibsor. iiirrcase the Salary of Reeve to $260 and councillors 8150. . ; .' B:yyLawNo, 2, authorize#fig: