The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 12PAGE; TWF liE''. OWt , wimp '1•tE . I,UCK.I`TOW " S�NtIN>.Lr :Y.UCISN • • • GREAT STOREWIDE. REDUCTIONSALE • NOW ON 'AT`• Kincar HUGE ST OCK �.OF, Children's, ' - 'Ladies' and Men's • Clothing Dry ' Goods,, . Chinaware, Glassware: Wallpapers,. Paint and Toys, To Be, Sold At iscounts of 20 C OR MORE! One of the greatest stock reduction, bargain;. events in. Western Ontario., .:., DON'T MISS IT THIS WEEK AT CHAPMAN'S Kincardine, Ontario S TOP Felt trtes nprto 3'feet in di :.. a[neter.. Cuts 18" trees in 18 sseendS. O'itty. ' 18T 'pounds. Famous,Honielite quality: Nevi • FLEE, DEMONSTRAtIO.N tape d RONALD STANLEY r. - Ontario e BerwFe ; 2441 TILE I.O.U. The thief or thieves who visited The .Sen:tir eh 'Office in the early hours of Satur day morning had no interest' • in an LO.L1. and'left it crumpled'' up, on ' `the ~ floor; apparently unawarelhatthey .had crumpled up: a $1.00 bill, with' it, • The. Senior, Ptblisher and daughter, 'Patricia had :been• • doingsome high financing and an , LO.TJ was in the • change draw er • from which: thethieves ., got 015.00,. They .: apparent y examined the. haul in ;.a' More secluded' spot :in, the shop, ' where. the.. incri;i a#. ng slip. of paper as noticed and discarded.; EIGHT MEN, .SWAMP BLYTI IN .,'WELL 'PLAYEE CAME Lucknow Intermediates with. only.Neight men in uniform on, Friday night scored a , .decisive: 11 to3 victory' over Blyth. on, the, latter',s ice, It was, the ,clean-,. est, and best played' gatrie: of• the season with one minor penalty handed out to. Blyth." for holding, "The ;previous Monday even- ing these two teams had battled to. •:a • 6 6,draw, and for two; peri- ods'on 'Friday. night it looked like a ' repeat performance, , The• first .period ended with a 1-1 count. Lucknow had a 3-2. edge at the end of the second,; and the odds would seem•tohave been against , the short-handed. squad holding the lead:. But they really caught fire in the, final frame and pumped in 4 goals. ,in the . first five minutes. 'added ,four: more. •before- ..the period ended with; ''only one re - Ply . from the home team.' • ' • Ron Graham picked up • 8. points -with 4 goals and 4, assists; Roy. • mberlin got- 6, 'with 4 goals. /and 2 assists. Ernie Gibson, Barry McDonagh,. ' and.. •Eugene \ .Gardner' each ' got a goal: Fraser Ashton picked up' '4 • assists and McDonagh, Gibson , and Gardner picked u • single points i ;the •' BORN' ONH4n. Winghain 'General, Hospital. on` .Sunday. January '?rid' 1961 , to'• Mr.., and Mrs.. Don- ald Simp,on. a shin. ZONOLITE DRYS are MoneySaving Days! JUST'P'Ouft, AND LEVE'. Insulate),now' and SAYE UP ,TO. 4O , On F t Bc`Us' 1'., fear:!.. Fact cogs' really sib sky $sigh' ifei, .n t in- RI:Wed or if old ansa on,. ktded • or est-i+n_k. To i✓ hageacrse l'idg be ; !ells •just Pur ZL oiate I.rsuiating Fill1`-Mr the joie .and Cesti as: rn.zi `as 4a,%. Zcat 1;:fe.never settles, Kt ad r!,-4 cestertoca. is 'r,irtzteed kr the µ. Gu Fier h Ask 'kr ZONOLITED4.'Ys� ARE E?Pap In To;da.y Far Free:Estim.ate: P RICE 51'.6.5 PER BAG' . ERSO Phones i 30. assist , department. ' • . ,. know-oal; , Hugh McMil- lin; Def., Ernie •Gibson, Bill Ro- binson; centre,- , Ron Graham; wings, Roy Emberlin;' Eugene 'Gardner; Fraser Ashton, ''PEE' WEES LOSE FIRST TWO GAMES MILDMAY • $AN. 25th • '1961 'WEDNESDAY'... NUMBER•Ol+ ., -ipMF..S lNl 'LUCKNOW - ha've ajli, conveniences. 'Price to, ,sell ' and ;can be h.ought on terms... FARMS ARE STARTING TO MOVE =` We • have i several farms in the Lucknow district, well located,; good buildings, Can .be bought on terms. Farms and ` Business . Property For Sale throughout Western Ontario` List "your 'property, with Western Ontario's Fastest Growing_ Real Estate .WARREN. L. STEVENSON • Real Estate, Mount Forest: • Contact • • JOHN HALL,: °SALESMAN,,• • Lucknow. of •.1305 led the Chippers while Bill Button topped the. Squirrel efforts. The .• . Tigers roiled over •4 the . Gophers for 8 points. Bill Stew - /art with a total of '649. led/the Tigers: C, Greer's',,f66 was, •.top rolled for the 'Gophers. standings: Cribs f), . Pole* Cats ' 36, Squir-. refs .35 Beavers '33; Zebras 31; Coons; 30, Lions, •29, Tigers' 28, Gophers .28,,' Chipmunks 20 '` • Barry 'McDonagh. CHALK 'UP. ANOTHER . {-DECISIVE ,VICTORY , • • Lucknow Interrrtediates are. .the .'visitors handing -Lucknow a the hot 'e of Mrs: Garnet 'Far,rte>i� note top .dog, in their: $-team •21-1 .whalloping: Lucknow's lone all this week; W.O A:A. group iyith 4 `wins, 2. goal was scored :by a Ricky ,'Jar :' Mr. and Mrs. Fcussel Gaunt and'` ' . losses and a tie. dine. Back, in•Mildmav: .on• Mon -Janet s ent a • daylast 'week at e o al kids lost again P. They chalked up' their 4th .vie_ iday might th 1 c , , . b the home of'; Mr. and: Mrs, Vt'rri: t ryori Monday night: 'on' home (14=0.,' Donald Saunders. received: Johnston °'Pa ste , 'i - " ,' a` three stitch. sh. over' •the eye y' to by ;swampzig, Listowel 19;toba . c Mr: and Mrs. Hared; Gaunt of; 5." Tlie'issue` was never . in dowbt. i•n Mi• ldmay. Sarnia ;are pleased to aniaunce' Lucknow' led ,.5=1. at '-the `end of I' The Pee-Wees• are grouped with. .- Paisley; and Mi'ldm, ay: Paisley, are .the . birth of their „son'. Richard the' 1st period 'arid ran.. the count Gordon on .'January 18112. to 10=3 a t en : I scheduled to come to Luckraow t he d of thea second, . ;1�Ir.. and-' Mrs. `` Russel':: Gaunt Jack McQuillan‘.. -got . int on Thursday night of thiseek engo ac -.spent Saturday eirenrng• .gat .the,_. .tion to strengthen the. .team.; Top.1: Ernie Button and Donald McKin- non are looking' after: the team..; home of Mr and Mrs::' • Fairish.' • point picker =upper ,of the. . night. ' 1VIffat. Mi William Henry returned to h;is. :home • on S'aturday'. after,'' spending. three •Weeks in Toronto, per jaw. was also cracked and lie had 'tobe taken to London, toria Hospital for treatment ' on Monday. Mrs.= Fred : Mowbray;^, ,the , for- mer Sadie. Hutchison of :.White- church, . passed away ,in Galt on. ;Friday.. ` ' • o . There was a euchre party held' in the Community Hall on Fri_; day', evening' to raise . money to paint the Hal1.,,The Women's In- stitute • have •- :beendivided, into' parts and each group are .to make $25.00.'' The Sotath Group made $25.25 at the party..: 'High .lady for the : evening ;; was :.Mrs. Alex' Lever, high' man, Mr, Myliss Sa: Lucknow ;Pee-Wees were host Marie .and:: low • man' was , 'Mr. to Mildmay` in. the ,Lucknow are- 'Charlie Shield. The Whitechurch na..on Saturday' ,:morning „: with :ladies . are holding' a quilting .4: - .. was McDonagh with .2 'goals an •, 4 assists: Baker1had 4'goals`and i :.1 assist, and.Gardner 'scored three in a row in the third and .picked . Two. '.•' games .were played last :General Hospi'tal'..,'• He • rnatored' too' one assist_ L.uCknou.. Scor ngr;week `iii the ;Luck'now Industrial 'home,,ttrth fir: Robert 'Lunn ".of • s; a as �olad Entoerlin (Gra.:I liocl.ey.,League. On Tuesday in Toronto r ': F. • Wingharn, the High School :won. . s3axn) Baker;' ( Ashton' : R'obin o� ei S.ilverwoods by a•••,2•:..to 1 son ('acDonagh) txr ahanl (Rr5 . scare.FANIL1' •'GATHERS :I OR bins= , Baker (McDo.nagh, ; Ro- On Wednesday. night in 'Luck.- PAgE:NTs' 'NI1'ERARY; ni_,Y,cna:. how, ,'Belfast and,.,' Dungannon:....• . Second :period r: /Baker (Mc- P1a.yed`'to •a ..3 .3 dra���•: M1''.:and Mrs. •`Jsni O on .ne-'1 .O.f .town: in Guelph on Sat: • ,urday:even'ing attending' a 'fawn-- • .ily, 'gathering . in -' honour, of his . parents Mr and Mrs.. - Joseph', •' Whitechurch •Library~ O'Donnell' Of . Ke•niii,vorth,'.).i.-ho' • INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY, •D:onagh. McDonagh • (Baker):, Mc:=,• Donagh ' cA:shlon), McQuillin t C: raham t. Robinson (Gardner). :Third'' period - Gardner .(Gra: 71 Liam? Gardner" (Grahain), Gard The` W 1I'TEC URCH n. anrival meet- 'observed their �t48th 'w dding an nen Baker, .�(_�shion. �°IcDonagh) ...Board thein i•.rng.-at. the, home of Mrs; George 'niveisary on :Januar 4 2Jth. Fisher, on .Monday • evening, .The gathering was''held at the January" 15th ..A report as gi,i••en home of .their' 'daughter... Mrs; .. . by .tl- e Secretary greasurer,'• Mrs. •' Garfield reefer: Mr : and... Mrs. . • Doris Willis on the years finan- :O'Donnell are the parents': ': of 4. v ial. 'statement .:and • circulation, 9f: fainily,.of.. ten t',,seven, sorts and-': 1. books. It was' .decided to. sponsor I 'three daughterS. TV,•o sons We' -,e • a . variety program, foil'owed': by z;killed during • World`' War I1 c dancing. A tote of .thanks 'it as. given to ' the" hostess' for.' bei'OBITUARY TIMBER • :TIPS ` "home " and . delicious lunch Ho' arab e naenttcrn oes .is Mr. a• nd Mrs George Thornp-• " Du. :R.. iii. 11ppi'TOSII• i; : son of FeNiersharn ••s;pent '.. the ' r. . . we4k: t:a he Pole Cat,:. as ,they x Burial' vas made in the 141i' y ?noe sa : the +Cubs , for' 4 .Week -end." at tike' h.Cime 'of Rec . . �,,_, .. std Mrs, John !watt. mr,'. •and:. pio , in 'tior th En bio' c. emet:e `•; . mac►?:ts, -e Sariaer�'sDn,aIle' Anne lire. • 'C • ',December .30th of the late Dt. ... a e�r::,,:1r.e A. ,otai of ' 1330. " eo• rge \Vast of Oakville, . Rboert lacPh• erscn •t. ,- ;.. , rid. Josepl-i'ie Harolit,an+s r00. :fir a d :tl,i� Robert �L'a,t of retired •dentist. f Win': r 'r ?`•: Torblito also `visited there ;part' t7 •d'r , ) y"W, aS �_.`4r smut to s roue the death' occurred Dere`.n er. "'--;,.:i... H � rode ,' Cubs' tiesDNte a fine 4 of :as t, week., in hoseital at Tole • do •. ••Ohio. (ti •:e ` ' .. .t-" 1- Hiro ' >,µ - nc;on a fried Fai ri Qat; 'Tod' g t y- ..Ne p�y�.. 'y,� . r�.y , ,y .. for ri Nsp nr.e . er ort a . is'it to ti. his ' d'au RY�,ay.'• ark 1.N�,=,.,ei Y..'er�', or the , F . .. � I� rn ;rtynvo ent' t �t•eet.-end at, the'., .nearby' Sw�antt�n, ',Oh Cr. zr:�• C. � ` home of her p rens " 1ter• and. ath heart •at.;a: h{ ...}W L,W r. . caieo b\ .,-/a ' El„. ,Nlys ,Aerie at r . . `� R F r . e tie a f c �,. „,�.� �..�.` �.4 :��. ;r' a' 3 00 Bon L nog Dr. r u i't t', -.ice "" ,nt Mr.. and Mrs, Irt; in:.:C'arru'thers ton lad 1iued tit 'Vt`i;tld cIr " r' -w.: iii M',a uyp ".� n'4Y.. , ,, he - B ar•ers. ' Fred and fannils• of Goderich s e a e .. _ _ ,.pen . ch`ree �t arsgoN•n she '� y ♦*�-.i'.. q }..�` • �,:�N� �.p�. ..y. ,K,� h .a r at yip }�l �7y :4rw u tit- '':r.ti Freda. eda. Er -u' ewon also Saturday •• , ... .ti. .0 e � : •' 'the 'home' dr,Mr. & • ram ts; He' tta8 a., gradua�e�'�� QQ , .G rt ,��N1:,ta` le.'Fe-- Mattson- ' Mrs. George ..Fisher:. C,"n er'sity' of .T.orot .to I t•' -:a1 • nd ikrr wWN,' .i. ',5t..±4 rka.:; • ne. '. t rYSth G . M rr., . M. rt Jazre s M'cllraith Sc hool, class. of:� I9 19' : lie � •% �} .vs s. - w et. Stet duo with:a ;ager spending sometime.to Tor- 1910 to. 107 When. he retrt ., O3YiMel Cq�tr 4s•V+.Ytlrelatives; elatl1ieJMrs. dell- , moved to Windsor. returned h m last wee. ord at trred. dentistry to . 'Toronto ,, ., tbn 5 ;weCons 'Aoa 3 poara.tt had tdes 'the Doctors...Surs,vors incl tdehis, v.^:' ter• e,Zen:tsReif 3"antwe- care forawhile. • . ner8 ie l ,?. . . =` ;6"�1,io*:��b� a re,, -.,lir. Jao: •'40ultes' met ^ysfortwo dar e�, Mrss G. L, li ,er krew•tiI 2 5',5 fay scored tune w�;'.: . ,r.,. ,n. # wy.��wr• � yN.t+. " a _. ...on Fridayevening':t1.'h>ye tiat") waions :Ohio. �'sA r,•4"-ae Zeov�. 4targ. 'locket for. Jan^oe4tott•nr Marjorie Ellen MtIntosli, `iy.:xd • . . y a .S r ;:ed too a ,l/e �K a it'rtiekbroke-'in the ymno€u"?h.. with sot: a 'Yte Cheryy atForester co, ea' +-c-.:,:,IA- IA-Lot a,l�..,..:er ,e •`,o, i.Fr{� s uck . arid o f •' one 'tooth gate `\*iridsor, one'siO4r.,r, k t.hel.. �1,. M•� wS .over r �t.�i. '�,YG •Y Glee. a buck • W r, F14 S • N tu, ,�y r y� ,{, ,,.,:tt. YWl FN u.r . `.5'.' r. > 1y45«I•a' Ana damaged' r.,v W' oth.Crs. is p,... �.+�C Detroit Yroit Li Yd ts.6..:g rand,4,.A.:.a..t' 1Y• • 4 N •'+�i1Yra1'> +ir-:w i `yiibN�wi�l,4 ' N2U '