The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 9of c ice- san •ent, ,os'e int gym- ' ,r k 'iti-• f�4, 4,rs; • r is sh tal-:: thC,, l;iecl was • a n'i: h( 1, tan lcc'i anti ,ectu. tin!;' hirh.. 4 4 aper!, only „fills'. Sen 11,iril IDNES,DAY, JAN. 25th,,' 1961, THE LUGKNOWSENTIi\1EL,,UCi NOW'' iNT 1 !O CKNOW FIRE,. D. PARTNIENT'S, ANNUAL; LUCKNOW LEGION HAL it „ay,... �aivary SCOTCH DANCING and PIPING Carruthers Orchestra. Admissicui '7 OCHAL:SH * Mrs. Emile MacLennan visit- • ed in Owen Sound` on Monday., Recent: visitors. with "Mr. and Mrs.' 'Ewan' MacLean were Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Wyom., ,in . •• The W.M.S. meeting of Ash- field. Presbyterian Church was held at, the home of Mrs. Wal- ter MacLean.. , Mrs ..Wm.Ross presided: • Mr: and ;Mrs. •Walter Dexter .visited with M. 'Howard 1Robin-. son in .London on Tuesday, Mr. • Robinson is able 'to . sit in • a wheel, chair now. Allan . McCharles .of Toronto spent ,,the week -end •with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs:. Oliver McCharles; : ' Allan MacKenzie. of Guelph spent 'the Week -end -With his ;par- ents,''Mr. and 'Mrs.. Henry '.Mac Kenzie. Mrs. Dais! McChar.les:.,is,;visit- ing in Lucknow" •Witt% Mrs, Rae Horton. Visitors with Mr. . and Mrs. Emile MacLennan for !the week- end were Mr.. and Mrs. Jack MacLennan and. Marion Mac- Lennan of Toronto and Mr.. and Mrs`..,' Bruce Miller of Palmer- ston, CULROSS CORNERS • With .last 'week being cold • $L today . (Sunday).'pretty stormy at times, looks like a small news budget this week; Mr. and Mrs. John Schumach- er spent Monday ,with Mr, and Mrs: Wm..,'Lloyd,' London. On Wednesday .evening, our teacher, ' Miss ..Hodgins . 'and her pupils •held, a tobogganing party on the :hill . at ` Mr..lJohn 'Schi,i- mashers. Afterwards, .lunch was served at the .home of Mr. and Mrs: :Morley Wall. ' Mr. and Mrs. • Tom Stewart KA1 R$H EA SETS CALICO BALLDATE Donald Thcliwson, the junior member of the Lucknow Sentinel. Was guest speaker' at the Kair shed; 'Women's; Institute,,. when. they met at the home ,Qt,..MIN„ Virden Mowbray, ills SWAPO was •'Public (Relations,, how. it is a job Which concerns 'all m'em gibers. The publicity which.' a W.I. ,meeting receives )through • local weekly channels creates •a favourable impression. - on the community, and !keeps them in- formed of their aims and activi- ties. The • speaker. ..was. •given' •a. vote Of thanks, on behalf of the members by .Mrs Allister Hughes and. Presented with ,a gift..• The date of the ,Calico ,Ball has been set for the 7th of April. Mrs. Evan' Keith reported for the .4-H project , which has just. been completed. Fourteen girls will take part in the : Achieve- ment Day in Kincardine, Feb- ruary 4th. The girls will present. their demonstration for the mem- bers at the February meeting •.at the 6th Schoolhouse. The leaders: for . the next project on Fruits, will be Mrs. Gib ' .Hamilton and Mrs. Jas. Burt,; , whentraining school .will .be held in 'Ripley, in spent Tuesday ,afternoon at the` home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Stanley, Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. Morley WaII '& family were dinner guests Sat urday night , of Mr. _ ' and Mrs. Everett -.Whitehead, . Teeswater. ,Mrs Frank Brown . and, : Reg were ,Sunday' . visitors . at the home of the Wilson Brothers.' LIVE BETTER ,ELECTRh.CAL Ylrle my thin • 1s I .have to take more baths!" Ever.one ' in; the family can • Hydro water heaters offer the Y Y Y tape more baths and ou'li still Y • in'i.�� ortant ade vanta of safe, P, have loads of - hot . water' 'for clean, famelessieatng! / • eve other household':usetl rt' out.of life e. new tWo=elem.enit fast when. you..get' the rrios:t out of recove hydro water . rt',; � heater+ 'electricity, • •' . �` • . With eleetr,eity hot.. water; •,satlsfactibn costs.:only a few cents a dayyitito• is yours. And tha s not th'e .6ny thin'.. . March, . Kairshea ,voted 41 .00. 'for the National Foundation• (Fund;, which goes to .the upkeep. of the :Bead office at. Ottawa. :Pennies for Friendship will be collected' .at the next two. Meetings, this is project of. A. •C', W. W. Mrs.. Wm. Downey reported on ' the "Eat to. Live"' 'workshop: held in the fall: Ari; ' interesting roll ,call; "What annoys 'Me most 'at public meetings'". brought forth; many comments., The greatest Offender being the 'one who carried on the conversation during." the speakers discourse, and made it impossible to hear both, :si"tting. behind the large: hat; .the panty. who arrives late . and • disturbs. the' meeting,; During; ' the • program, Miss Dean MacLeod gave a reading. with: the setting • in the Scottish Highlands. Miss Mary Finlayson favored with a !Scotch: dance. Mrs. Hughes extended the sour- test': remarks. The. February meeting. will be in , the Kairshea "Hall, , with . ,Mrs., Elliott Carruthers as- hostess. A cordial invitation is extended to ail .the mothers of the girls ,tak- ing :, part in ::the . 4-H -club •• work, and all other ladies in the coni-' munity. OBITUARY. MRS.. ALBERT . W. , RUNDLE• .. .'Funeral. services for Mrs. Al- best W. Rundle, of Oshawa, who, died of a heart attack :at' her 'hoine' on 'Saturday;, !Decem- ber 331st, , '1960, were.held ;from; the ;Armstrong . Funeral 1Home. The .former Verna May Bar- bour., ar.bour. , the deceased ' was the •daughter.. of • :James ' and Ida 'Barbour, •She ' , born : May; 23rd, 1916, ion 1.the 12th. Con, of West Wawanosh .near, Lucknow.. Married , ' May ' 1st, :.1943, at' Oshawa,. she:. had been• . a resi dent `-of :Oshawa . for 20 years, going there, from `IGoderich: She and 'her .husband 'Owned and:.operated `the :A: iW. Rundle Garden-: Centre. • ,A• member.. -Harmony. Uxi= ited Church, she /was 1a ;very;.'ac= tive' member ` irr, (the • Women's Association,, ,and .was immediate past .!president' of tithe 'W.A. ;•:She was- • also : a member of the Church session, ,and !was •.a Sun- day School teacher. Also.. •active in • the 'h.ome;and School,:associa- tion of. the. '�Harrnony Public School'. S•he is ,survived .by her hus- band, us:band,'Albert ' W:. • Rundle, ` and tier parents:, who reside in, Lon- .don,. Ontario: She . is also sur- vived by 'three .daughters_, Lyri,- da ; Jean; Anne.. Shirley, and:: Grace Mary, ,.all at .home, arid: one sister, Mrs: • G.: ,Goutier;.: (Frieda) of .IScarboro. Funeral ser • vices were cion ducted by.Rev.. N.','T. )Holmes of Harmony, United Church, inter merit was . in Mountlawn .Ceme tery, Oshawa., W.I. ,LADIES- VIEW RUG MAKING DEMONSTRATION.. The January:meeting of the Paramoilnt • • Women's Institute ras held at . the thOme. :of Mrs !Eric Hackett The ., meeting op- ened'•..with the Opening. Ode and Mary Ste.; art' collect: ` During 4 ,,the 'business, plans 'r,v6re made to start the cburse " 1;'ocus On' 1♦ nishes," to be ,held. at ;,the home. of Mrs. Orland Richards , . on Monday night. Mrs. Orland Ri•ci- ards gavethe' current events., ,Mrs. 'Allister ,Hughes • Ig ave ;a de- monstration 'on: rug Making. :'Mrs. Eric' `Haekett : thanked Mrs. ,Hughes; for her helpful informa- tion, , Mrs.` •Dave Anderson gave a reading •.arid Mrs. Al Irwin: conducted some contests.. Mrs. ,Kelso McNay gave the courtesy remarks and the meet- ing closed with the " queen and grace,• .atter 'which a dainty lunch was served. MARGARET (ANN ' EARi't.IS j1 BEADS` KINTAIL - CLUB , The first meting` of 'the Kin - tail 4-H klub was held at the Kintail •, school at which • teh. Members attended with their mothers. l •Our leaders are 1VIrs: . Mon-. crief and Mrs' ,Hy 'MacKenzie. Twelve Mnennbers , have. 'joined PAGE :RINI the 'They are. Margaret' Ann Farrish Mary.:Lcau Collison; `. Joan Barger,, 'Sharon .Courtney,'; Barbara Mackenzie, • Kathleen• O'Neil, Jean Drennan;, Elaine Rosemary. Kook, , osemary :Hogan,, ,Kath- leen (Dalton, Linda, ;Little, 'Donna Hogan, • . ' . . • Mrs. 0, ioncrief read & le articles, on ihaw tp pick out. Material. and Mrs: IL MacKen- zie gave some sluggestions on what to: buy for 'different types of figures, , . We. then elected •,oficers as follows;,President; Margaret Ana Farrish; vice -Pres;,. Donna Ho, .gain; Secretary, Joan Barger; ., Press,, Reporter,, Sharon; (Court_: net', Pianist; Barbara ' lvlaoKen-,v • • LEADING. STRAINS'; • :OF LAYERS • QUALITY-: CONTROLLED Nw'TCNING •'�' • DEPENDABLE SERVICE ars Buying the right:flock . replacements is the, first step toward higher egg income.. ' You .can be sure of that important first step when you buy the J. J. Warren' Sex - Sal -Link from your Swift's Hatchery.,• We believe—and e think thF records prove—that the Sex -Sal -Link is the most outstanding bfown egg layer on the market today, and the equal of any white egg • layer. It averages, 240 to • 253 'eggs per 'bird housed • for a full year oflay,• has good feed efficiency and egg size with low mortality:: This year, head for higher egg income with the famous J, J. Warren Sex -Sal -Link from your Swift's' Hatchery Order from its soon • SWIFT'S ,HATCHERY Treleaven illing P 1ONIr, LIJCKNO.W 4,