The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 3• • • , '''YWNNSPAY:; • JAN..: 25th, 961 • • • • • • • - • 1' 1.4t7br.11910,V sgpTTIMONTARZP WHITE CROSS COLOURED TISSUE • Save, 9c . , 4 rol's, 49c GREEN GIANT NIBLETS'. CORN 14. ozSave 10c .. 3 fin 49c CHAMPION DOG FOOD ••2C off pack, -Save 19c; 15 oz.,5 for 49c • KLEENEX TISSUES" • . • Chubby.' or Regular, Save ,7c, '3 for '49c WHITE CROSS WHITE TISSUE Save 9c „ 4:•for 4• 9c HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP Save 5C, 28 'oz. • ▪ . 3 for 49c HABITANT PEA 'SOUP Save 5c, 28 oz.. 3 for' 49c 'CLARK'S "BEANS WITH PORK • Sal:re:7c,, 15 oz... . . • . . 7 'for 98c YORK. STEWS ." •• • Save 9c, 15 'oz. tins , 2' for 49c -HEINZ BABY'. FOODS Save 5c, 5 for • 49c COMET. CLEANSER, '3C %off :'patk, Save16c . . . . 3 :for' 49c , TREND DETERGENT 'Save 10c, 12 oi. . 2 'for 49C' KELLOGG'S . CORNFLAKES, 'save 9c Redeem your -8C; coupon, 12 oz.., 2149C CULVERHOUSE BEETS OR CARROTS Di ed, Save 54 20 oz. . . : .4 tor 49c GOLD REEF' PINEAPPLE • • • Sliced 5,2O.oz. . 2 for ; 49c LiEF3Y'S .FCY FRUIT' COCKTAIL Save. 9c, 15 oz. „..' . ,,,2 for ;49c 4 " CANADIAN WHITE BEA/1S ' , Hand picked', Save 5c lb. . . 4 for 49c , SUIVSPUN ICE CREAM, • Pints . .•2 ,for 49c GE. LAMP BULBS, 25-40-60 watt Save 26c . . . ...;„ . .. 3 for 49c • . . • CHOCOLATE BARS, 'Longfellow 10c size, Save 11c 6 for, 49e R&W JELLY POWDERS Save loc • • • . , 7 feir 49c R&W PEANUT BUTTER, Save 9c Homogenized, 9. oz. tumblers, 2 for 49c JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Save 26c large ....... 49c AYLMER CHOICE WAX BEANS 20. oz. : . 3 for 49c BAKERY.. FEATURE WESTON LEMON JELLY ;ROLLS • Reg; -390, each •. . 35c. FROZEN- FOOD FEATURES LIBBY'S :WHOLE KERNEL'.coRN 113.. poly ... . 49C 2LIE1BY'S GREEN PEAS,, 2 lb.; poly • 49c MEAT FEATURES SWIFT'S TABLE READY MEATS , , (Macaroni and Cheese _ (Veal, Pork & Chicken Loaf • (Pickle & Pimento' (Dutch Loaf '6 oz., sliced, your choice . . 2 .frir .49c Swift's Fully Cooked Picnics, lb, ... 49c GRADE A CHICKENS Ready For The Oven, lb. .... 35c t • FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES , MARSH SEEDLESS.'GRAPEFRUIT. Fl id G cr Si •• 10 fo 49 • er a, oo ze . r c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Sweet, 138 size . . • 12 for 49c SPY AND MacINTOSH AF'F'LES Crisp, Jtecy, 5 ib. \Poly bag SPY AND :MacINTOSH APPLES Bushell . . . . $3.49 . . 59c • FOR CLEAN 6 -QUART BASKETS . We' pay 5c each - HONE 26- FREE DELIVERY I Lucknow' and District.,llortictil- The 'regular ',meeting of the turaf 'Society was held on Fri evening, Presided .dVer' by Kenneth. Cameron who in ' his welcoming remarks said the in= dications. POirited* to an active year and hoped that everyone would assist t; rnalFe it • a. very successful one. ' • 4, - It was reported that, the dele- gation to. Council had been res- pectfully receivedand a .grant of $200 was made Ito assist the work of ,the Sdelety. • There ;was , a '.discussion of pre -meeting Piiblicity.''Use of 4,a.' monthly news .letter was not favoured as being. too costly & entailing , considerable • work. A coming . event notice ' in the Pa- per was approved for -a few months. The date .of each. meet- ing is definitely established as • the third. Friday, of •the month, and it .was felt that this should • clarify the date, so that no spec- ial rerriinder should -then • be -needed. •' • ‘'• ' . .•. • . • Mr.. Stuart Robertson agreed to act on the executive as, succes- • sor to Mr. P. V. Hoag. ,•' The Tournament of Roses film has been booked "ifor April 21st. • ,. • . ' • .• .„ • ' •• - Ross Hallam of tuoknoW bad the winning house in' the' • District Eight competitions. of. Lucknow' gave . \a flower' arranging demonstra- tion, She made a • roriage show- ing :the mechanics necessary to 'have a presentable, pleasing arti- ilele.ProperlY wired floirers, . kept .• in'' the crisper Of the frig could be iiSect.fot two evenings if desired, she Said, • Mrs."Lewis shpwed how. a dish garden could be spruced up for, the Winter'months or for Christ mas by adding a .few Christmas 1tape! r or Cathedral candles. and few flowerS., She then; :made. a. [basket: arrangement using Soil. - [pus :and mums with sprayed leaves: Mrs. 'Lewis 'concluded .by Passing on a few:. hints such as; a eas can he pepped • rnersing pot -in quite warm wa- ter, roses will keep for.quite a long- tithe if stems: are rut dia- gonally • and plunged into hot owrat,feorriiptiitiOri4 t.these,,nieheekn fa`c7i.' atohgr:de. e in•cool water: : •-• . • Pictures photography cbmpetition.were Presented show- ing ; ,the winners of the various classes including local iscenes:. 'A • concluding feature -,of much in- terest waS the showing of night, coloured picture. of !Christmas home' decorations in the Village, These Pittilres: were, • taken •an'd' shown'by C. R. Bristow. A d'taw for the arrangement Made by Mrs. 'Lewis was Won by Mrs. Harold Treleaven and -the :cors -age waS Won by Mrsqord. on'Montgomery. A. solo W,as sung •by Mrs. .HaroldHaldenby of, Kin- leugh.. ,The prograrti was under the . direction, of ,Mrs. Rayriard •'Ackert and :Mks.. Arthur *Breck- ENGAGEMENTS Mr.. :and Mrs.' Goldie Carter,. Goderieli, wish to announce the .engagernent • oftheir, youngest daughter, Edna May, to Garnet 4"7 ',Olive. .Diehl, son . of Mr.' and . 'Mrs. Ed. 'Diehl, , Godericki..,•The niarriage will , take place on • • January 28th, 1961,, fir 4.0 4.1.• 41:4.1 0.04 • I • Lucknow . Pi,esbiteriaii Church, :I' Rev. Roderick MacLeod ' Minister • StisiDAY; JANUARY 29T11 11:00 a.in, Morning WOrshiP. .Sunday! 'School , 'following Churdh service. ' rib 11111101.1111•111111 .11M1P4H1111101i411.11.041/19,041111.41,411111.6421.11.4i4iN4 LUCKNOW UNITED COURCH . Rev.'• Howard' 'W. • Strapp Minister SIJN6AV, JANUARY, '29TH • 4 1000 n, ahui3Oti SehOpi., , aimMorning Worship Local & General Mrs: VornesFarrish° a Aatient 'in , Goderich Hospital. Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred Freeman of Clinton ..and Mr .^ and Mrs, Wrn Fatheringharn of Seaforth : visited With, their couSins, Mr. & Mrs. 'Sam: Nesbitt on Sunday. • ' Mr. Alex • MacMillan has re- turned hbine after twO weeks' in Wingham. Hospital . , • Misses' Shirley '4 and ...Alice Brooks Of • TM -Onto •'spent' 'the The next meeting will be on 1ST LUCKNOW BOY SCOUT 'February 17th -/,,with is Rea- PAGE THR,Ei. ceu eatre NirgIoglw • TWO Shows Night - COMMenCi40 44t 7:15 Pin.L, MATINEE.' Saturday 43,fterloon- at, • 4hUrSdaYA Friday; Saturday, ."' .14nuarY ,g7,. g0.1 4, • Oina Lollarigitli, Dale XiA'!1)e.14S011 ' "PASTND..' SEXY" Ananiuscing coiriedy • of- a wealthy Italian WicloW, M searb of a huShand; '• Special Matinee ;Saturday After- noon For The Children. vie and Mrs. .Strnthers as . prOg4. ram conveners. ,. . . • • • • , ' • 'JOHN Di PETS ANOTHER ROOM Received the foRowing letter last Week from John D. Ross, principal Cayuga Public School ,• and' a forrner public school principal in Lucknow: • We take. the liberty to pub lish the 'letter, as it will be of interest tt,' many in the, .com- munity 'where John • was ,both and raised,. and where he taught before going', •to Cayuga. • 4, Dear Campl3e11: . .Another year has rolled a.round and don't.they ° go quidltly? We • are, very. interested in the schoal'. news from the • areas..around LuckriTXr. It 'surely is a • big Step :in the 'right, direction. We 'are ':, -adding a new room.... this St9niner which. will. Make. .... eleven. The' board:_verSr much •: , . 'wished to add two rooms, but... the • Department . will approVe only what absolutely neces- sary.' .OUr three • .buses are ..noW,' overleaded" and a new one will . :be added next. Septernber. Thanks for the yery,'• newsk, Weekly. • letter, which we.. iead,. from stem to Stern.' •' • Bestwishes to yoU and yours; 'and' to • all the Lucknow folks • for 1961 , John 'D. KING8PRiDO On Friday, •January 2Qth a re- ceptiOn was • held in the: Dun- gannon Hall,for the newlyweds, Mr:. and Mrs Martin CoUttney. 1 Music for dancing' was. supplied i by Carruthers Orchestra. An'.acl. I dress was, readby Graham -Bogie l'arid a presentation was made by John .DOherty. The, groom • thanked 'everyone for the ex- t pression of .kindness: Miss Margaret Kraemer; Miss ••:, Susan arid- Barbara Linseman all.. of .'ilesson,' 'spent .the week -end • with, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Qther, Week -end visitors were Douglas Ptayne,' James Martin and Arnold Marstnan...• , • • • • • TReor • •.• . , week -end' ',with' their . mother, On Wednesday, .januayy. 1811-1. , . • . Mrs. Marion Brooks and :Mari- Yn. • • 1\ars. Ray 'T.ayldt, ...Walkerton, spent Friday with Mr. and- 'Mrs. Harve,Y Houston. • • Mrs. , Fiai'veY • ',Houston attended the F'aramountWL Meeting , on. Mrs,' llughes „gave' a talk ariddernonstraCion on i-loOlc- ed'IRAigs, d • ' Mr, and Mrs .;< Don ThOtiip011 spent' -the Week -end in Kitchener • With Mr, and, Barry Mc. Leod.. , Sarah Collyer ,Who had been a patient in Wirighani Hos- tai was able to return home .on Sunday; , • • Mr. ErtieSt Blake has been a patient in Winghani Hospital .for the. past ten ,,days.. Mr.. and! Mrs, Bob ,McNay 'and. Oilldrent, 'Sharon and Steve Of Catharines Were weekend,,' visitors • with •relatives.; 'the. :lst Lucknow Boy Scout Troop beld.its meeting with .Only 10 of the 24 Scouts attending. ThitS• was mostly' due to the Ban- tam and' Midget' hockey games, • The meeting opened with the - flag •: break ;". and ..The 4. Lord's'. Prayer. 'Scoute'r Collyer -then told: us that he 'had.. made .arrange- ments fot a hoCkey game with', ,HiPley in Ripley next ThurSday,s• January, 26th. 'He said he • also hoped' td get the arena for .a pra.6- tice before we have the •,game. • The :Scouts ,broke away, from' 'the horseshOe and inspection Was, held' by 'A, S. -M. Thompson. The • inspection': standings • were: lst Cougars: Buffalo 2nd, Stags 2'rd and the 13lue Herrin 4th. • • After the inspection- the Scouts • played a gable and then broke off far instrubtion. The- •were taught. FirstAid•atid Trail Donald Sa-,inders,. A Teh,- clerfoot of the Cougar Patrol passed SCout Laws, The meeting:c1osei with ,:ihO flag owering .and Scout ,silence, oyv.Pfaying—JA1( WEI3B.in a neWsdrania ; + MO/71., Tues, Wed.; .1i0iii;1143' .30? '31, February .1 Belinda Lee and Jacques :.SerriaS.: tell 8ofriethirig. 1.isforic41 abOpt.,: a. gal who scoiChea. the .path; of history,. NIOHTS LrUcRETIA BORGIA., In Scope timid COlor Adult Entertainment Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 2, 3, 4 °Richaturton, Carolyn Jones and Martha HYer • From Edna Ferber's novel—a story of modern Alaska ICE, 'PALACE • • • In Technicolor — Corin Soon AT CAMPOLLO": 1...444i4#4 Ai 44.4.,* •-**447-*-•4*-4-* 4 4, ..• • V • • v. • •. • • , • , '••/• • . v • •