The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-18, Page 24 LucKNow ONTARIO Tug LUCICN KNO SENTINEL tUCKNOW ,' QNTARI The :Sepoy TOW!'" On the Illiu on -Bruce Boundary'. Authorized as second class coral, Post Office, Department, 'Ottawa, Established. 1873• -Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of ,the C W.N.A. and the O,W.N.A., +;Subscription• Rate, $3,00 a year, in advance -- to;,the U.5440 - Campbell .S.A.#Campbell. Thompson' and Donald C. Thompson, Publishers , WFDNESDA,Y, JAN. 18th, 1961 :, SH NATIVES. EIPHANY -r-. (DIINGANNON `NEWS) Mrs. ` Dr.N . A. S. Vokes "left on Monday to visit her son. Bob,. wife and their new baby daugh- ter 'at Montreal, born Sunday, January 15th.: Congatulations to the parents and also' •the grandparents, Dr, and. Mrs. 'Yokes. • Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,, Harvey Maize was their son, Gordon, :. wife and family and Mrs. Gordon • Maize's .grand- father; Mr. Sandford ''Lawlor. Mrs. Mathew Shackleton 'visit ed one day last, 'vrreek with'', her sisters; Mrs.: Howard Durnin .& Mrs. Clifford Webb, Goderich.' Pat AnnEedy " spent the .week end with '` her friend, . Marie Brooks, Lucknow. ' We : are pleased • tohear that seven . year : old Phillip Richards of . 'the United Church ' parsonage is well. on -the road to -recover -3i this ' week and' hopes . to return to . schoel ,soon:. He was qui'te with' complications at Goderich Hospital, for a few days till the malady was checked;' ` BORN COL•WET1T,, in Wingham Gen-, ' eral , Hospital;; on Sunday,; Janu- ary •15th, . 1961; to. Mr: and. 'Mrs. Currie -•Colwell,:: a , daughterl ST VEtS; rn Wingham; eral Hospital, on Friday, Janu ary. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Don Steeves, of Lucknow, .'a daughter, Kimberley Joanne,. KINGSBRIDGE; Qn',.,January 9th 'a successful euchre, party was held in, the recreation room of St. Joseph's, school. Winners were , Mrs..- .Eld- on Austin and ..Mr. Eurerie Frayne. Mr. Ray Dalton won the prize for the lucky chair. The evening , concluded. 'with.' lunch served' by the ladies. r ,Miss • Frances Gilmore of„ Lon-. don 'spent the week -end • at her home. Mrs. . Eldon_ Austin had `two • sisters .'from St. Augustine. visiting ;her this past weekend. • Mr.'`and Mrs., Walter 'Stafford., are visiting .'relatives and friends. in Toronto this' week. Mr: ! Jim Reed,', son of . Mr. and Mrs. •."Allan Reed;.:`•who .has been .with :a theatrical!, Company in., 'Toronto has accepted: ; a...position with CKNX• .. Television; Wing ' Misses•. Jewell • ,'and '' . Eleanor Reed . are " attending': &tainess. College 'in : Kitchener.: Miss Clara Spry a , , ,Stratford' is' :visiting her sisters, Misses Nettie and • Rebina • Sproul: Miss Flora Durniridale Mar k , visited home • ,at .the week -end •`with' ,her, : father Mr. 'R. 'J. Dur nin.' Mrs. Bert Maize •'was a patieht in Gederich Hospital for :a' few. days, to reduce:; the pain. 'of arth- ritis that •resillted 'from a:fall•.on her knee`. a ''while back. The first meeting- of the • 4-H. Club was-.. held::¢ at .Mrs. Elmer Black's - hor ie on Friday' night. leaders ',are Mrs. Hugh Me- Whi ney :and Mrs. Elmer Black. The lection was as , :follows:. President, Marie Black;: '. Vice- President;' ' Christa: Lackner; Se- cretary,, Betty Irvin,• other merri bers are Zita Qi,edriiond, Doreen. - Cullbert, . Sharon'. SStewartson , and "Carol 'Culbert, 'the latter,•who' is press secretary . and has contri- buted this . • report. ; The girl's project is "Cottons May. `.Be , Smart. .. • Mr. and Mrs.: ' . Wilfred Whit- man , . of Dublin were visitors Monday' .with ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred . Baechler. 'Their 'son, /Harold,. wife. and. 'family ' of Auburn' were .visitors on Sun= ;• day. , ; Mrs., Ethel McDonald with nerves . and heart 'condition , . be carne ill and was taken to Gode- rich' Hospital 'for : treatmenton 'Saturday. We' learn since she :is - quite a ' lot improved and we hope she steadily gains. Mrs. T. C. Anderson returned last ,week from a pleasant . visit with her relatives in .Toronto: She was present for .the Julien New Year celebration at an Armenian Church in Toronto . on January 6th, Epiphany; which is observed at 'a ''two -.hour service:, This is ,a great "revival of: spirit . and fellowship for people of her native country,, Turkey. She last observed this Epiphany when .She 'visited her parents in Con stantinople Turkey,seven years aO.. Mrs. Anderson, ,i an adher- ent:'of •. the D ui?gannon 'United Church and has in this locality given . interesting talks to worn - ,en's' organizations of her :count. ZION - •LURGAN CHURCH RS OFFICE ELECTS (AMBERLEY '- NEWS) r.._ r . meeting., of the. The January , g W.M.S. of. Pine River. United. Church. was held at the home' of Mrs. James McNain with . 27'. ladies and ' 7 . children .present,; Mrs. John Blue and Mrs.: Mur 'ray.: • Walden .presided for the meeting which .; Opened with a short prayer • by the, .president, followed. by a hymn and respon- sive reading. Rev. Mr. Hutton led in prayer. Mrs. John Mac- Donald •gave •:the, treasurers .re, port and: Mrs. •J. Nesbitt report- ed farthe, visiting • committee; ',Mrs. Sam Gibson, convener for the program led' inprayer after, which Mrs. T. Bell. gave '.a. read- ing with "Thoughts, for ' the New •Year. The . scripture. reading & comments, were given' by . Mrs. Gordon • 'Elliott •, followed. with music by "Mrs:' J. :Nesbitt. A reading was . given, by Mrs. 'Wal- , ter . McLean . arid prayer by Mrs. Robert. • Courtney was, followed. with a .poem entitled: "It isn't the church, it's ' you" ' given by Mrs. 'John ..MacDonald. ' Chapters from the, study book 'were read by .Mrs.' "John: Ferguson ;arid 'a New Year's prayer Was. given, •by Mrs.,Bert,.Irwin followed by .the 'Closing Ym'closin h' n.: Rev... Mr. ;Hutton closed ;the meeting: with; prayer and aocial' time;;was. spent p at s Mrs. Mary McAuley is visit-. ing ' with her . brother, Jack and 1VIrs:: Swam, of ." Bervie: • Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett & family visited . Friday • • evening with ' Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Hackett. Miss Betty' > Alton spent the weekend 'with Mr:. and Mrs. Jack Ritchie. • Mr. , and. • Mrs. Frank. Ritchie spent last ,Thursday, ' in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland 'and ` Donald,' Kenny and Nancy 'spent Sunday with Mt.. and the ' lunch hour The annual meeting of : St. Luke's Anglican , Church,. was held on .Thursday, January 12th, When the congregation met. in .Mrs.' Gordon. Stobo of Teeswater. the -•.parish' hall at noon where dinner , was served: Rev Mr. The bigger a the easier it is Lupton: was ; chairman' for the marl's head :gets meeting which' •. :opened.: . with to,' P fill his' shoes. prayer 'and a hymn. Minutes were read by' the secretary, Gor- don .Emnierton: and reports were -given' from :the: various 'coriwen era. Election: of Officers result- ed as follows' for .1951:'Minister's Warden,, ,,:Herb' .Ernrnerton; Peb-. ple's. Warden: '' Wm Wilken, De legate to Synod, • John Scott; Substitute • Delegate, Reg God- frey; Sec.-Treas. ' for Lurgan Hall, Art Srrieltzer; Representa- ,tive for:•Reids `'Corners, Reg God fray, Sunday School .Supt, Mrs. Herb. Eanmerton President Chancel, Guild; Mrs: John .,Scott; Organist,: •Mrs John ..Enirnerton; Auditors; Altort.' Smeltzer, Leonard,Sexton, •E,eg Godfrey.. ry ' and., :.customs. ' She takes an active part in church and com- Y munit affairs. and at times. takes a position in nursing, hav- ing .; a nursing • certificate ' ob tamed in •England,'.Npt `t:oo long ago, she ,enj'oyed .get-to-gether of. .nursing 'associates and 'the. directress; fromEngland, with, whom she 'had trained and • who were on tour to- this. country. Visitors with Mrs Margaret Moran were Mr, , Frank Moran 'and .Patsy .:Allen of Lanes arid. on Saturday her daughter,. Mrs James Keane • of, Lucknow . Mr. and' Mrs.. Ross .Henry and, 'family of Cedar '• • Valley . visited :on Sunday with the former's • mo-: ther, Mrs I. Henry. During'• the :11pited Church . sDervice ori' Sunday 'morning, Rev. T :,Richards officiated for ' the presentation, of Bibles and .New Testaments : to Junior . choir members for interest ' and atten- darice. They were gifts , from Mr. Fred King who directed and gave ' assistance .The .recipients. were Diane Errington, Fay .Pear=' son, ' Beverly Culbert : arid Jim- my McWhinney. :Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, Wing= ham; who visited her• daughter, Mrs. Otto Popp and recently ob- served her'' 90th birthday is now visiting a while with her daugh- ter. Mrs:: Fred, Hall, :.London.. ' Mr. ,Delmer Maize returned- to stidies at Guelph, , Agricultural College last , 'week and during holidays . here, recovered Irom a tonsilectomy .operation. Mrs. Frank Smith, 'Billy and Shirley of Cranbrook spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ¥eGee and Helen: Mr: Torr:, F:owlet- of Stratford Teachers' College;. spent the week -end at home and returned Monday... .. ,....-......� .• ii d y.. to do .practice -teaching. in • Woodstock this ;week.• Mrs. Dr, MCCo`sh, Kincardine, visited , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford, one day ' last Week.. NESDAYWED: ,TAN;. I,M . u: ' 1961 the ';heel of the conquerors. In his closing remarks, Mr. de Vries said, "lf, all that .:matters , to us is that : we . have good . times, plenty,of money and leisure; we like: the Dutch may .wake up `&• find that in four days; our .rosy dreams, may vanish into : t hin of air."The, Christian. •once . p the ;pioneer days made Canada a great nation, :but we can lose it rapidly`, to enemies, ficin within and withgut. - Mr, Glen ' 'Campbell of Am- berley attended the . funeral of Mrs. Marvin- Nesbitt, of Nestle= ton, Ont. on Thursday. Mr. Nes- bitt is 'aa cousin .ofthe Mahood famil ies in this. 'area.: Within; driving distance ` of .Nestleton Was the :birthplace' of Mrs. John A. ,.Campbell of Amberley which h was .visited by relatives: from this vicinity: Mr, ' and Mrs, L,1oyd Robinson of Detroit were guests ,with. Mr. and Mrs: John A. 'Campbell . and other relatives. recently. Mr. - and Mrs. : Sam. 'Geddes visited with Mr. and Mrs. ;James Farrell of Pine River on Wed' nesday. The first .euchre of: the' season in the Orange 'Hall 'was held Wednesday evening with.:a.'good crowd in attendance;. Committee members in . charge were Mr. & Mrs. l .obert' !Courtney, Mr.and Mrs: James MMNain •,.and Mr. & Mrs. • Geoz'ge Moncrief. Ten tab- euchre were played with, high, prize for the ladiesi:.Mrs. Ross Shiells, high man, 'went to Robert Campbell and thelucky. prize 'to Mons Bradley Mervyn Eckinier,. Glen Mar- tin and Donald• Courtney `attend ed • the. Western ' Ontario ''Dairy men's Association'in.' Hamilton. Wednesday and Thursday of last, week, Mervyn Eckm4ier was 'elec- ted second vice-president' of t : Association, ;John. Reid was - Pr :sident of the' Association :in 1950 BaPtismal .. service was held '- at SundaySt:: Luke's ::Anglican `Church on " , January 16th, whet:'. Paul -Douglas,..; son Of: Mr.and: Mrs. ,, p Carl Wilken was baptised:. .. Present for the service were'M.r. and :Mrs.' William Wilken • and. family; . Mr.' 'and, Mrs. John 'Cat- ter, ar-ter' Mr: a . Mrs, Keith h Carter. and •family and Mr. and„ Mrs: Harold Maurer of Kincardine.. John Emm.erton' who was: voting delegate _ at the election • of Rev: H F. Appleyard in Lon' don as Bishop of Georgian Bay, made a Motion that a letter, .of congratulations be sent to Bishop Appleyard 'from, St. Luke's con- gregation. Bishop ': Appleyard was well known in the Kiri, cardine • area :& ' was a forn`ier rector• in the Bervie Parish.' President of the Brother-: 'hoed,of Anglicans; •Reg Godfrey .reported on the banquet held: at Chesley. One of the, most un- usual and dynamic speakers the 1 Rev B: deVries, rector of: the- Anglican' church- at Exeter was present for the occasion: He :was a young ' man in Holland :when the ,Nazis over rain' the' country. After ,coming to Canada. he and his, wife . tried 'vegetable- farming for a time, but as he became en- grossed in church work (and• al. ways With the soul Searing' war 'experience in: mind) he ‘carne to realizethat his. callwas to. frill time service in the church, Availing himself of .Colle ge edu- cation• fitting hire' for the mini- stry." henow is happy in a parish. of his own at Biter, Ont. Be- fore the war, I•Ioiland:. was a pro,sperous totinti°yy. and ren? .an i... ed neutral: 'owever,, Rotterdam was put in ruins in one r +ht in four days Holland Y d. WAS U.ttClr,t" KLNLQSS NEWS. 'Congratulations' to Mr, and Mrs. Currie Colwell on the birth of a ' baby daughter in Wngham Hospital' on Jantrary> 15th. Miss Helen: Campbell of Kit,: ehener spent the week -pod -pati the home of her Parents, Mi, 8c Mrs. Harold Campbell. Miss Mary Maci'ntyre, assist- ant 'supervisor •of Kincardine Hospital is spending a few .days With" Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac. Intyre' arid Margaret Anna. Members 'of the MacKinnon - family enjoyed a. familydinner at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser • MacKinnon - on Sunday, including Mr's; : D L. MacKinnon , and John 'and Miss Mildred Mac- Clennghan, .Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie and . family and .Mr. and Mrs. Orville Elliott, and family. Glasses can change . on emptied too often.. sonallty, especially • a ter mg. A drunk climbed, to •the top. deck of a double -deck bus, • only to 'come stumbling down a ino meet' later; protesting:. "I'm not :going .to ride up there. There's` nobody driving, . ca Registerister Forms Carbon Snapout Forms Gas and Oil: Truck Forms' CoForntinuous Business ms Counter, Check Books'. t Restaurant Pads LUCKNOW SENTINEL I.. p, :t :d• ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT AT ,KINCARDINE ` �c ttre hove is '1 iss Mary Nlaern ty 'o . ty nf. Ltlel: iYr>�r`v°, 'w}tr� centl ,'iss e s . . y assumed ,hr.r nZvr dirties supct i u ,,,tient At l inc`arclitle Ge, t;�t.:i<1t I�lo;;pita'l • Si cc�e"c�tlit �; Mrs, Allan° McK" rn non:. Ma'r`:V was urn played at D r is o flee '-' r ,'t as as;;istarit' , M. ' if. Corrin y` -acCeptiflg: het now pOsitfo f Miss MacInt i'e • Gl g'ridtiat. y of .t > hos >ii�l I:1117,1;1i S ., Josephs 1 'of nursing,London, ice i.. rniki,.Sssa: ri_ '•hos :lois' in Sa p . bs*• toots ' and Wingh4im bi rorty t�omimin office assi;tunt s•t pr os'itio.n' .she rYff :tient' : :p..: _ , 4 c�F tit c�. ,1, filled nos.. trpwtn rt. is Cut Court V 53 i;'itt l,ntt' 'c�iy"s'