The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 4• :!1 IUCKI QW ;SENTINEL, LUCKNQW► . First Insertion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING R�4TESr-': � 2c um',char a .5 c., Repeat Insertions 1'%Z c. per Fee word,; minirr> ..,, ; ._. S.. Q P , , ► .word,` ninimum..4Qc, Notices, Cards of Thanks: and. "Com,•ng e oria ' s iimum 1..:00. 25c: • Even. ts,, minimum; 75c. . In 1VI m_ , m., � • mn , .. extra.for re. pieo The Sentinel.Pilling charge of 'COP. for each bill rndered: FOR SALE, FO t SALE -7, pigs, 9 weelS'o1d, •Cal ., MoClenaghan, : Whitecharch, , phone'.: 0.2-J-1 ' Wingham.. F(R S14- F ;Qtiantity of mixed grain, Apply, to ' Peter Carter, R..3, • olyrood or phone Ripley 127-r49 . E MASTER pens 'and .ink, tr►a- gi�c. markers ' mark -it, " opens Rall, available at The "Lucknow • Sen- tinel; phone 35, Luckiow. -FOE •SALE. Kiln :denied• shell corn; ' Apply ,,to • �. Loi ne:' Luther,, .phone: ,65 r-14; Dungalriron', OW REMOVED FROM' drive 's ' yards,: etc, Phone.. 286, Jack Parrish or phone ,, 219-W, Jim Lavis. FOR ' SALE=Silver-Tone 'record player, three -speed,: arid cabinet' style wooden:" stand, Mrs. H. MacLennan, • pho'fie ,199,, ; Luck - OUR ,DISPLAY: RAGI£ of card- boards .and bristols has • all 'col- ours,and all prices. from 10c:a. sheet . to •20c a sheet. The Luck- ; pow Sentinel, phone 35, Luck - .now. PIPELINE - construction Al •. Ibertp' -to 'California. Long ' 'job. :Top pay. Send 30 ,, and •addres- 7sed 'envelope for Job News.?' DNCO, ;Box. 132, Medina, Wash., wZT:S.A: FOUR ,SALE School known; as S.S.' • No. 14 on 12Th. Concession' of 'West Wawanosh .. This school has a new, roof on one side and •is. situated on; one acre of land with 'a goad,, drilled well.: .With some repairs it- would make , 'a good home,; Tenders will be ,re- ceived .tuitil re- ceived':.until ' January 14th, 1961. Apply' to W. A.' Stewart, Sec.- Treas.,, , West Wawanosh' Town- ' ship ,School Area, Dungannon.:, SNOW:.THROWER`SERVICE Anyone ' interested'' in snow thrower service forcleaning roads • and driveways.. should .' .contact --Ron Forster. Vacu 'pumiper for ;cleaning septic tanks. Tanks made installed and clea ed. c BON.. 'E. FORSTER,• Phone 29 Luckriow DUPLICATOR. supplies, • bond paper, 'mimeo paper,' 'typewriter ,paper . in pads and quantity; .ink. for Gestetner, machines, stencils .aridmaster > sheets, duplicator fluid,''. hectograph ,machines and :supplies, if we 'don't stock, your. requirements, • we ' will be glad. to order for' you. The., Lucknow. Sentinel, :phone 35, Luck/low,' "SNOW • THRO" Ensure .against stormbound con- ditions with a dependable, Allow cost and practical ,snow removal unit. Designed for all, 3 -point. hitch tractors. • The ultimate in. performance - The minimum in :investment.` 'Your 'distributor: .' Wm Knechtel and. Son, Ltd. MAGAZINE. SPECIALS The- `Lucknow' Sentinel offers the•., following, magazine specials for a;; limited ` time; . Saturday Evening , Post, '37. issues, '•$2.97 Ladies, Horne : Journal, 22. months, $3.85. Other specials on 'Holiday -and' American .Home. D R. TE E N S WOOD WANTED ,TENDERS rwih be • received by the.. tindersigned until ''January 14th, ;1961 . for 'wood for following, schools: This woodis to:, be 'hard, body ;wood; 1Vlaple and „ Beech, 14 long and to be delivered'`to each sehool . . not• :later :, than June 30th, 1961:' SSS. No. 2, 25 'cords; , S ;S.' NO 3, 15 cords; S.S No. 4, .25, cords S.S. No., 12,, 20. cords :and 'SS.. No 17, 10 cords. Lowest .or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. • W : A:.- Stewart, :Sec. Treas., West Wawanosh : Twp. 1, School Area; Dungannon, Ontario:. NOTICES 1 BINGO TIIIS 'THUR,SDAY Lucknow Legion will hgld' a ,cash bingo in the Legion Hall: on: Thursday, January 12th; at 8;45 Twelve, regular' games, :3 share - rs the . t . ralth and. a Jackpot garne warts; Business. Se,ctrgn, t hey : Defendant, and to sale directed. of 62 numbets for $90:.0, ,D rid, , *hatters , :against' xhe-. �oods a .. SPECIAL, ;HOCKEY GA1KE hands and tenements of the said' .Belfast Musketeers. vs. CK -N.?( "defendant; 1 -have seized .and. zivar :d . , . n and will offer team.. ' on` Wednesday,. ,ia " ;" ?' ..taken in c pec Ltt1Q; • • .now Arena 'Game e. . Public ,Atictian at: ry "11th in Luck .. fci gale by trine .8;;30, o'clock• Proceeds..for offic,e...in the Cour '1tel;use, the" Crippled Childr'en Fur ci". Come the Towri of Goderich, in 'the one, Dome all! Admission; a0u1ts.. County of Huron, on 'Monday, 35•c, public school. childrexl.. 1c. 'til 96 t NTAR10. v• WED'N AYt 1...6 ns►D JAN, .�ltt�, s ,SHER,RWE'S; SA'E ; $F' LANI f the UNDER ANP. BY VIRTUE of an Execution ' issued out o County. Court bf. the County of' Huron in which: Jackroy (C?p- ada) Limited 15 Plaintiff and Gordon.'' Stewart,: carr ping. business under the style .of Ste CARD HAPIKS, Marie' +Cupakey ,wishes to thank all. those wlbo refnepibere•d- her at Christmas with,.cards„ gifts. .etc Ther' 'thoughtfulness vel y much, appreiated:. ie 9th, d'ay:'of January,:.,! 1' a n ' the aftei-.noon, all the .,2..30 r. CIiNX .:BARN DANCE. • jht title and ,interest • of the r said defendant in a r that roam• the Luck�now Legion Half,' All and s7ngula ` certain under auspices �of the 'Agricul- la d. and' .ain tore. Society, at• 8':30 con. sharp' Patcel. or. tract of n , pre" ,mrses situate, ,lying & being' rn' on Saturday, January, '21st,: fea. . f West VWawanosh, Luring "stars of radio and tele- the Township o CKNX Barn Dance broadcast` right, rid, to; in. the County, of Huron .& 17eing •vision. ,Adults 75c, children 5t. Dance to follow. composed o' the East half of,• . Lot 23; ;Concession 2 .of the,'•said CARD. PARTY ;` Township of West WawanoSh.. A ; card : party . will be held. On 'the premises is said to be Monday evening,., January :16th, erected a frame -dwelling and - in 'St, :Augustine Parish Hall, barn. ' onsor- pro pert is owned• joint - starting at 9:00°clock,: sp . This p p y ed by the Ladies' of . the, Altar ly by. 'Gordon Stewart and Ethel Society, ` Everyone Welcome Stewart, but only ' the interest of Gordon; Stewart 'will • be'offer- ed for sale,. Hairy` L. • Sturdy,... Sherriff. of the; County of Huron; • A:•°special? meeting, of the 'rate-. .payers of S S No. 7,' :TCi'nloss,. will •be ' held. in • ,the school house on Mon ay, ..January -16th, at ,8 .m. to discus§. and vote on';join g, the • Kinloss Township School Area. • Currie Colwell, charrrian;' n- Evan Keith; Secretary: 'FURNITURE SPECIALS„ Used 2, -piece wine chesterfield, ' 'used 3 -piece wine chesterfield; used:chesterfield',•dinilig., room • HEALTH . CLINIC The regular' Health Clinic for pre-school 'Children .and infants' will .be 'held • in the Legion Hall, Luckno4w :on, Tuesday, . January 17th from 1.0:00 ,to, 11:30" a.m. suite, china cabinet, 2 . `occasional 'chairs, ` 5 -piece chrome 'set; wood- ;en table and four, chairs, ;'Used spring; MacKenzie . Furniture • Store, Lucknow, • INCOME 'TAX" RETURNS S "J: PYMM i` Public - Accountant since6 1944. ' Phone; 41 P.O. Box 74• . Lucknow, ' Ont. WOOD FOR SAL ##- ood hard " E" g °maple, wood, ,in truck load :lo s, also hardwood slabs, • softwoo r slabs arid sawdust in . any quant -,1 its , Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow, ELECTRIC HAVMER • MILLS, oat rollers , or household- appli- ances,' try, C:o-Op "BUDGET PLAN low cost,wrepay easily & conveniently at your focal, "store,' YOU receive family 'protection • ;through Co-operative Life In- surance CO., select, a monthly or ' seasonal repayrrient schedule, Lucknclw+ District Co-op, .•.phone Lucknow BOOKKEEiERr. ,Brownlrne Col- umnar .books, cash books, loose .leaf ' ledger .sheets • in stock, if we .don't have voile requirements we owill order for you. the Luck low Sentinel, . ;'C;ti'ek.now. , WANTED `..1N MEMORIAM_ KENNED-In "loving• memory of a'•,.dear' mother . and gran mother, Mned y Mrs. David .Kennedy, who- passed" away sone: year ago 'on' January .9th, 1960.. We do not forget her, we love her. too., dearly For her ' •memory to fade from Our lives like a dream;' Our lips need '.riot, speak when our hearts': mourn; sincerely, For''grief 'often dwells where it Sadly missed. •and'' always,., re merribered•'b 'y Family ,and' grand-. children. ' WANTED Flockowrlers to' start day ' old -chicks' in the next four months, to supply us .with' hatch- ing eggs. Extremely, large pre- mium paid. Eggs - from some breeds _taken every week in the year. Also wanted: Flocks' to supply us with eggs now. Apply, Tweddle Chick' Hatcheries' Lim- ited, Fergus, .Ontario. / WATERLOO : CATTLE ..BREED NG • ASSOCIATION "Where 'Better Bulls': Are Y 7sed' Farmer owned and controlled' Service' at cost 'Choice of bull and 'breed .. Our Artificial ' breeding service will help you ''to', a More. effi- cient livestock operation. Per service orYrnore. information call: - IRWLN -,---In memory,; of Wilson Irwin who' passed away January 16th,.•:1954:` >' We • who loved;, y'ou' sadly .miss you As it.dawns: aanother•'year, In 'our' lonely hours of .thinking. Thoughts of,'you. are always near. Lovingly reinembered" by wife and farnily. Clinton Zenith' 9v-565'0' or Collect Itiflcart'line 460 • Fetter . Cattle For Better, ' . TYPEHWRITEII{.:RII�3Ul1,b Typ,ewrtterribbons for. an. make of machine are now avail• able at : the • Lucknow. Sentinel 'No.matter' what ;the machine we have the :rihbon..'Phone 35, Luck - now. Visite }GLEN'S'` BARBER SHOP Glen':, Atkinson, proprietor Lueknow, Ontario. DEAD STOCK SERVICE'• Highest Case" :Prices' $7:Q4 Paid for Sick; Down' or Disabled'Cows' & 1-lorses ,also.• Dead Cows and Horses at ," '"' Cash Value- Old', alue' Old',d horses".4c per oun' p. p 'GORDON TAY YLOR ,Phone, 4'4-r-24, Luckriow , R.R. '2 Lucknow • } 24-hour service Licence No. `15C60• . 51 MNI.NMNV►.NNNf H 1 L'RA. Y �AR1�IS' •F ABATTOI Its H- LXROO1i The home of clioice inesatg BEEF,' PORK, LA'MB', .,. ' hi any quantities Dennison's' e • �e •P in all colours ' available at THE . LUCK. NOW SENTINEL SERVICES ES '3 CUSTOM BUTCHERING, • '' Beef '' and perk`' sold iz : any quantity.. Custom :butchering in, Government licensed abattoir,. Pigs ,every Tuesday. Beef from Monday " throng:: Thursday, BUTTON'S MEAT. MARKET '•FILTER QUE);N, Sales .and Ser, vjce, repairs to all' Jokes; .. of vacuum cleaners: Used, 'cleaner; of all 'makes for :sale. Robert K. Peck; Varna. ,telephone Hensall. 696-r-2 CAR Our Low Cost . Financing' Plan will help you'niake a better deal: See ,us .for details now BEFORE. you buy J_ A. McDonagh,,.Insu ,ranee, phone -• 306' ' Lucknow. Schneider:'s Cured Meats' WE •A'LSO• • DO CUSTOM KILLIrtG :and .hang your ' meat : in i iotlerr, coolers as long ,as, desired. figs on, Tuesda;sand cattle ',every day'. No :appointment riccessary.. • RAYrgARD ACKER'x. 101-V13, .Lilekrrovr' AUCTION SERVICE Allan MacIntyre" Licensed ',Auctioneer' • Lucknow, 4.4 Phone; 281 AUTOMOTIVE I. would like, to sincerely thank ,all those wl o:.helped.-10•a ntis. Way: in •rec'uin me from.• the !. ot) 1VIon4iay;'reek, Allan R cd'. Howard Robirispn arid' Beni ly again . wish tap thank all . those... who sent 'him cards • and :f lo\k,e • durang.4;a,.the Chr stn a sc tson• These t� s. , acs of . kindni�-ere, mucrh appreciati�d.. ew'isht .. .._ .W o thank St.'"..,tilaryS Altar Society, :Lucknow4 en's',Institute, risen on' the. rail road section .from Kir1eardin0 to Atwoodand 'all.,otbers who were so kind 'to all of us. throughout. the year:: ' Mr. " .and Ntrs. Leo. Huber' .and family, . ' Terry Rabhl' :woua thank. all hiswe'Stalr custoldmelirs fotor.__,. their ' kind remembrances • at . • Christmas and wish • one and all . .very happy, and :presperous New :Year; • Mr: and Mrs. Francis Hodgins and family : of Kinloss_' wish to •' express their: sincere thanks to. one and all who ,helped in so many ways since the, loss of home, 'and a;ll " their belongings, Mr. .and Mrs.' Francis' _ Hodgins, RM. 4,,• Kincardine. 'The R::esidents, -Staff :: and Management of • Pinecrest''Manor wish ' to •"express: their :sincere, ' thanks to everyone who kindly .remerrabered` them •; this past ;. holiday season.. NEW,, NEW, NEW; . felt -tipped, Marking ' pencil ";Mark=it", only 50c, 'try one. "Magic Markers" also in stack at $1:10with refills 'at 50c each,:; The Lucknow. Sen- tinel, phone.3 K. J. Ma4KENZIE ,.0: D. ' <' 'Optometrist NOW IN .,RIPLEY EVERY- ':WEDNES:IA'Y. • Office :Hours -:10,00 •a.rn to•9;O p;m.. Phpn'e Roy• . '`:MacKenzie; •((:Ripley 96 r-24 for ap ,ointrnent. : � RV.. ` BELL V:L'L OPTOMETRIST GODERICII Mec.hanrcar'a .d n body repairs," 'glass; steering and 'wheel hal 'once... Undaspray'> for ; rust pre- ven.tion. r • DAVIbSQN'S : Texaco Service No. 8` H'wy.` - Phone' JA 4,7231•• :Goderich. NEED • MONEY? Mdney, to' Loan on any property, Anywhere Don't Delajr .. Wr rte•: Delray:,. The • secret. our wuicEss is T. ; Armstrong Consulting Optoin tnst''.:. The Square • - (Phone JAckson 4.1661) 1'" UtiIYAGE 'OIL, STOE. OLL, KE NE: C:A4,OI,INL KD�E . Service.,IIA111.LTO,0.N t)EI4RA 'INVESTMENTS Pone...220-w� Lurr� or 1 450-A ;•'V't 1sori Ave. 1V E. 3:2353:, DistricthAgent" fog 'CitirlcrySr r‘'ice D oWn4viesv ' Ont . a I�I�fI•NdMI.+►�•�NI�Ir�I+Ny,%I�,��•I• � .. w��I�N+N�'• • IS S WEEK -END SPECIALS . •- • I LEAN: BOILING BEEP ..1.00' 4'• lbs. for $ FRESH'. GROUND` BEEF ......, .. 39c Ih .SALT" :SIDE .+ PORK .....``yy hh P012, SUNDAY DINNER WITH THE FAMILY SMOKED ,PICNICS . �.' .`,.. ,..: �c� lbs. r. y' �� • Phoria' 44 p