The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 10,00 A Year In;Advance.=,- $1,00, Extra 'Tq 1,7,5•A r r. 1 ncessioi LUCKNOVW, ONTARIO WEPNESDA,Y; JAN. 11th, 1961 TWELy'E; PAGES FORMER ' ANGLICAN MINISTER IS POORLY In. a, letter received. at Christ- ..rnas time • 'by Mrs, Peter Carter, K� Hoiyr. ood, from her brother,: Ar- thur Lionel Gallagher of Phoe- nix Arizona, he stated:.Rev. E. O. 'grant: of0$50.0a. on Monday by Gallagher' of Flagstaffe, Arizona 'thee:Kinloss` Township Council grants of $300 per , School. Areas had •to. retire'. ,because: of poor ,•This . grant is in, •addition to , a cf. 6 schools' or more receive. 0O health, having, suffered a. heart , similar ` rant donated ,..last N' per school. -Thus the, difference. attack ` inc": stroke, 'iRev " E; O,:' vember :When ',the Cub Pack -Was.,. between a four and six' section;; Gallagher was minister in Luck started area would; in this partiicular 'in now 'Anglican :Church' 'from This week will 'see • over • 2,5 Ratepayers of Langside School •c Lucknoiv , or Joining the Kinl'Qss: 1 No: 8, met last Tzs u `. • Sectioi , ., , h ..._,.day I 4rea< 'evening :: and voted, strongly; to; . The:; nitial: 'rneetin • at the join •the ,Kin. loss • Public, School i ,c,ond Concession last 'spring ,was, Area. •;The vote was' 13; to: 1 in a , `'live y" session ., t was . ad' -• fa ,or_•w.ith.' five atepayerS ab-JQurn �d,•fo ... •�'.r.two weeks before:'•a� staining. a " I ballot' was held with the . above Last - salting,. Langside r atepay results• • • ,ers voted to continue operation :' We understand that:S,S, No, 7'°' Alli h• , ..Allister Hu;glries' •has been. ap-oral, • of: their;_ own sektool 'as an in-: tru'Stees ,are. meetings..this. week pointed sercretar,:-treasurer of ..y dividual, section:. • But the deci, Wath the Lucknow Public School • the new Area Board... The chain- sion .was less decisive; at that; Board, to discuss pertinent mat- man is' FraserMacKinnon a. .: Thee. 'tune than last week's • vote to ters, prior , to next weeks rate- Board • met . officiall . on Monda y join the area. It was . ree9grrizedi, payers' meeting; . , • night. in the' first of `::what no a; year • ago that• the ..decision .Kinleugh 'Carries On? °i • „ doubt will be a • long •series • of • I KI N.LOS•S COUNC'I : H EL;PS. *BOY SCOUTS :The new Boy Scout • Troop to` , be started .in Kinloss. Township. on January 30th• was given . a. stance -amount to '$1,800. ; 1928 -,:to : 1932.. . , boys :::ri•T the Cub Pack, and, • +by ,Lionel is., leader:of a Boy April leaders anticiipate 50 to; 60 Allister Hughes'Secretary Scout" Troop at Trinity Cattle- boys .in the Cub Pac • and Scout would be subject .to change, TheLlcinlough School -Section --'meetings-. before a -new Central .. - 1Ce tra RARE A.1 LMENT ; . • PREVENTS WORK It is' almost --a- year since Leo Huber has worked, .and pros- The proceTure now ; is for 'the ' No,. 2, was considered r a prospect School' is built and in readiness Lan side Board to petition Kin- fax the area, �_ w. _ . _ pects : ,for him regaininghis -, g .but last spring t to serve the Area whether it be health are not' bright:Leo is suf- Troop. • Later on these' groyips will be self supporting withtheir week- • ly dues, 'scrap 'paper drives, ap- ple , days, etc., but starting with no equipment of any . kind has • caused quite-,. a� prablem, Each - loss ,, Council to be. included , in 1 this section 'voted emphatically 4, 5; 6 or more sections, the , new , area. to continue"as is," There' are :The new 'secreta✓ Mr Hu hes 2nd. Concession. Votes. Monday presently. -36 pupils. at .Kinlough .has had long• school experience. Next Monday evening,' rate-,. school; and. to '.date there has . He 'has' been' a • Member of:'::the payers of SA, No. 7 Kinloss '(Se:, been no. move made to• alter the .L:D.H'.:S. . Board, o' en f r t years' cord Concession) `..will meet at ,original decision...,. sine • :its ' inception,'. and was the school house. to ' discuss and'. ' Higher, Grants ` "through the mill" when : the47. on .: