The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 51962° montb• .ntoul„ )wher • own- \ es. •• about three ing off •Alvin phone iSE — you:" Is Bruce 'ed ved up , [14 1962, e age, maPloy- ;ter an- Treas. 3ox "101 NKS e.ss my. friends member- rds ,and. .tient 1311i., and pdin returned sott s, treats 'also Kim for Bushell :whin, re- nts: in Wing, than1ri IcDon - • 'Carrk,k- Th9n4D- cs the* am the ha- ,e.vPirt:ss Corrin & nann Gen- . all wilka inn wir3e. a 'Viet their s. for te it- • & •'sittere in Jim& ays an#L4 ,Spera: ; tea *trs. waYs- s r' whey irere duu:7:Tag traas "acia uatm.! is 41 t-earterri,t-Lrt. eriratevalor..- Et. tt,n kthrt 1=1 at oz. end sPw 3,11seiZer- lituatotn tz• ar..4 7turtme.5 —1514ESTV .1,4,1,9,'.41/0,,,P NO. 2014, 1962 w" • TUE WCENOW SENTINEL, LOCKNOW, ONTARIO What The. Fashionable Operator Wore Sixty Years Ago 4 • k, PAM FIVE GI L GUIDE NEWS .The 1st IeueknoW Brownie Pack,, joined with the 1st Luck - now Guide Company to Make a memorable evening for some of their members, Four Mothers were present to see their daugh- ters. enrolled. The .0aides went into horseshoe formation after . ded with their opening. roll , cali and the Brownies pro- cee While in the 'Fairy Ring,' .s 'Brown Owl made several pre - ,.septations. Carol Campbell, •Lyn, . .44 da Walden "and' Donna Mullen •.....,41;,,i,,,4 received .their Goideri IHand ' badge. Awarded the GOlclen Bar were the ,followini Brownies— .. ' Susan Hall Mary Jardine Eliza- , beth Newbold, ‘: Edith . W114hY, , . Janet ThomPsOu, Elva Eitehie, •.' 1 ... i Barbara Wills, .Joce ,An Johnstone, . Nancy 'Walden 'and Charlene Anderson.. • The telephone operator at the begin- ing of the twentieth century wore massive airdos of the -twirl ear -phone". or "dou- le-bun" type. The folding bed and razor strop were used' by the male night oper- ator who took advantage =of a lull at the switchboard to trim his ;beard. CHURCH N Annual Meeting. Ashfield' A joint meeting of 131akeis„ Hackett's and Zion 111.C.,147, was •held at• the Ashfield Manse 'on Wednesday, November 21st. The 'president,.Mrs. :Frank Ritchie o ,ned the meeting. Mrs. War- ren Zinn read the scripture and Mrs. 'Ken Alton • gave, the medi- ta ion. Mrs. Wm. G. Hunter of-.. • • • fered prayer. Mrs. NIresley nit - Swas Pianist fot. the after- noon. A vote of thanks, Vra.s ten- dered Mrs.' Chris Cook who has been sethretary, , for the ‘ypast 12 years. ,She wished to be relieved. of the duty. Mrs. Frank Ritchie is the new secretary. Rept:opts were !Eiven from the tiree chur- ches,sh6wing a successful year., , Mrs. Kirkland (Supply Pee.) discussed supplieS for 1963. The' programme. Consisted of a piano • • isoiraL . ••In the heart of downtown r. • 'Toronto facing Allan Gardent. • • Close to finest shopping a f rid solo by Mrs. James tinak, a violin selection by Mrs. Jack Ir- win 'apd. 'a 'Voil solo by Mrs. John Gardner... .These were .•en. joyedi very much.' Mrs. 'Charles Anderson,' president 'of the Manse conunittee discaised the work accoMplished. and had the seeret4rf•s repOrt by Mrs. ,Dynes Campbell and' treasurer's, report by Igra. liVarrern Zinn 'given. The folloWing # the suggested manse contnnittee, .fo.,r 1963. President, MrS. Jerry ,Cranston; Treasinrer, Mrs:. 'Warren Zinn; 'Secretary, 'Mrs. Dynes • CaMpbell; « Repre- sentatives„ Mrs., James Bonk, Mrs.; Hugh'Meln:iry,, Mrs.: Blake Alton,: Mrs. Alex, Hackett, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. Mrs. Arnold Alton 'was cl'ected the ,PtreSident'for the annual ;meeting Of IMO. Mrs. Kaiser Invited all the lai7eS 'to the Manse for the World's Day off pirayer„ Mrs. 'Bert Alton to assist ;her; Mrs. Kaiser 'and all those taking' part• were thanked by the President. Reir.' Mr_ eKi- r closed . 'the meeting with prayer. ..Yrs.„ Kaiser . and com- . . mittee serd a lvErleh entertainnlent centers, major' itals and subway. . Ireautifully appointed rooms and suites. Dining Room. ' Television. Children FREE. Maderanelly .S 6.50 ' pruced ffmer!, . Occupancy ' . c): ' $ 830' DnUbile.' . .; . , . . ctipmy i• wood ga-e the Bible Study bpis.... c ,.. ,•• i ed on' the Bible' verse . "Blessed , ... Fr.edfrick hi, ni GV1 Mgr.. — !a,,,...e. the Peacemakers:7 Mrs.. CENTRALLY LOCATED AT , Tetlephame: 36,3-4623 • bne Jthnston and Mrs- Gordon .• .306 Jarigis tif. ' ' , IFieh r were chosen as the ilium,- „! 'Mating Committee id bring in .! “Se slate of 'officers for 1";i;x'. At This was. a particularly special night for Nancy Kirldand,• who was preserded with her "wings" and Al`flew up" to the Guide Com- pany. She was 'met by her int- rol leader, B. Ratlinkrell and ;wel- comed into the company by captain. • . , • An enrolment ceremony en- sued . in which 'five recruits be- came tenderfoot guides — Don.: na Ritchie, oLloya ',Reid, Nancy Kirkland,,Penny' Reid, and Lin- da Marriott. The guides were enrolled by 'Brown Owl, Mrs. Ruth Montgomery. Following :.this ceremony the national` an- them was sung. • • tt.SAVINGS, Interest from date of deposit Checking' Privileges Deposits by Mail lkiurs-9 to 5 Fridays -9 to 9 Saturdaysr--9 to •GUARANTY 'TRUST _ _ CANADA'S LARGEST ' IPPEPEPIDENT Trust. COMPANY 261 -.10th Street HANOVER PIIONE 158(l. / joined in a game and campfire, followed. Skits and songs were presented ;by the' GU/des. The Brownies entertained with songs. • The eighth ,guide law was Am- •expeetedly put' to the test •and lunch was eventually served.' Chocolate niHk and donuts Were passed by the two hostesses for ' Presentations 'of various pro-) thli7a17;:ninDattlif.jbanra;t:Ca"TipsthecIrSosedag . • ficiency badges . were then, the meettinv.. made1/Pioneer badge—B. Rath- ' • . • well; ; 'Camper bidge--B. Rath- . wel and E..•Matheirs; Fire Brig- GIFT_ GIVING . MADE EASY— ade badge—B. Rathwell, Ma-. with a new or renewal subscriP-' theirs. B.' McKenzie,. S. Mowbray tion to' The 'Sentinel. A gift card arid J. Carruthers.. Service stars „will be iiiaided for you; Tillie were also presented /to these five now to italce crare of it, card sent • guids- • when you Wish. The Lucknovr, The Brownies • and Guides sentinel_ • . T For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed -from quality material, rely on SKELT011 MEMOR Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years Walkerton Phone 638-w I S ‘.• Ontario, . • A Presbyterian «Evening Awe. The November zneetEin 'was held ri Ttescilay, evening at the home off 'Mrs., Gordon Fisher a-472til-MrS.-•"-Jinii iikitehr.Sen in the The Meeting opened with). ,a pi3en' 'entitled "With Assu- ance read by 'Mrs. Aiiehicori fonovs-, 4y a •}fDyrillirli and the i•Lordr's Prayer. Mrs. Mande Sher- ' • 1 !'the' December . meeting. • wilt iSked• • to enter their .•• names"in' 'the, 'Annive.rsary • Bea" to be presm ted' on the: occasion off the loth 'Arentive.r- .' 8:41,7 of.r WIL.5.„. • Itesterra Division, 'to •be held in Montreal ,May. • 19Y.•-!.. .A &igen metal • chairs' were presented' to the School. Mennbers were aSked • to xesent 'their "Ilfistcri"- •c4D1Pstaint.” it the Synodical , • Liii tritraaarn..Ms Gladys Mac- • ' gaVe a Eine synopsis of : several% articles from the "Gtad/ Mr Jennies Liittlt as- sisted by Ms. Gordon Els" her %'ave a very: interesting talk on the 'Port '1Vorker'-• •Iirnmigrants are •evern a wards welcome On ,arrival and are helped any trtre-ce,i5cs!, br'e,,, ft:••4°„e 7, arnstiiiltd,t Ua A earned"' n- -was; read. by. M. • Sim AitchiSon. The meeting .closed' ott•-.'-th a • hyrrni and the Lunch was ierved. :by the. tharge.. • SI4kVi imam AND IDEPIENSR are 1gt1113&s ratallIthtlgr, to) ' rse Sertfinet 4'iWant Ads.' • • • • • ELECTRIC BLANKET In co --Operation 'with, Ontario Hydro and the Sunshine Special Offer I' A Free Electric Blanket Value $29.9 wll"be given free with' the purchase of any FRIGIDAIRE or SIMPLICITY DkYER Thi' free' blanket is doue bed size,, has a •full 2 -year - guarantee, is top squab*, has convertible contoured cornef*, can be washed autsumaticallr. :1145.15 TlEIE'TIME: TO DO TOUR DRYER 'BUYING GREER TV and ELECTRIC Phone t t� ulachow / ' .1 a •