The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-21, Page 10xoxiu+�nar•�•�c A Meeting Of The Municipal Electors Of The Township PIF Huron In the County of :Bruce shall take place in 1 • Township Hall, , Ripley, on FRIDAY, IlO.,..EMB.ER3Q1.I,.,.1 962 At The Hour Of One. O'clock In • The Afternoon. For ,the nomination' of Candidates for the ' office; of 4 • . REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and COUNCILORS In The, Said Township of Huron. For The Year. 1963 Three Candidates for ,the "Ripley -Huron" School Area Board, and Three Candidates for. the "Huron -West" School Area board (For, two -y ;terms - The iRetiring Members Are le for Re -Election) When If ' More Than the Required Number of Can didates For Respective. Offices ' Are Nominated THE ELECTION BY $ALLAY Will Be Held .In The Several Polling Places Hereinafter Mentioned.' Monda.y, December 10th, :1962 Commencing at - 9 , o'clock in the forenoon and dosing 'at 5 'o clock in the . afternoon LIST OF 'POLLING PLACES No. 1 Reids Corners Community Hall No. 2 Orange Hall, Bethel, Lot 36, Concession 8 No.:3 — School House, S.S. No. 3` No. .4 Township Hall, ' Ripley No. 5 Herbert Clayton's House, Con- cession 2 Dated , At Ripley This 6th Day Of November, 1962: EARL TOUT,. Clerk. Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision Subdivision ASHFIELD, Miss ' .Sadie Johnson, President opened the November meeting of the Women's Missionary. So- ciety -with payer, :It was. • held in, the Sunday School room with 19 ladies present. The. Scripture: reading and exposition were given, by Mrs. William Johnson followed by prayer 'Wm. Ross read a p6em on ' Remem- brance and Mss. Howes "In. Flander's Field'' The roll call was answered by a " verse with "peace" and 'Miss ' Sadie John - i Alp svAt. ♦-1.--1111.--1b-.11,--.11.• .es...o.s1' t t i Notice NOMI MATIQN IVIEET1NC s Hereby Given To The Municipal Electors Of` The Township OF Ashfiekl And Ratepayers in Union School Section ' 8 in the Township of West Wawanosh, 11. in ; the . Township of Colborne, ,and 4 in : the ;Township of Huron. , that the nomination of Fit and Proper Persons to- serve as Reeve, . Deputy Reeve, Three Councillors and Two Trustees for. Township School Area No. 1 and Three Trustees:. for Township School 'Area No: • 2, for the Township, of ` Ashfield, for the year 1963, will take place at. the :TOWNSHIP HALL . on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1962 At One O'clock In; The Afternoon, For. One Hour, At: Which Time And Place All Electors Of Said Town- ship Are Hereby Notified To. Attend, And That Should: A Poll ' Be Required Polling Will Open On. Monday, December 10thI 1962 From 9 a m to ,5g Sub - p.m. at the vaarxous ,, Pollan divisions Ratepayers. In The Above Mentioned Union' School Sections, Are Eligible To Stand for Trustee And Are Entitled To Vote On Trustees Suf i -Divisions / No.. 1, • Dungannon No. 2,. S.S. No. 9: No. 3, .Orange Hall No. 4, Port Albert .... No. 5, Kingsbridge No. 6,: Fairish. •Home 'No. 7,. Laurier ......... D.R.O. Poll. Clerk. Ben Mole - .. ,....:..: Allan Petrie :William Clare • , Reim' Curia; :William TI viii...♦ .....: Al Irwin .,Melvin Di Harboirrn Adams Michael O'Neil .....t .. Eugene Frayne ..Willia�rrx Fairish .:.. Gordon Barger ..Frank Hamilton ,... Henry' MacKenzie DONALD M SIMPSON, Returning Officer • • e 4, 4, e 0 e 4, 4, 0 e 0 i Collyer Is O.E.S. Matron The installation of the . officers s: of $iron •CbaPter .89, Viiangh,ani On, ler .of the Eastern. Star was held recently. lyReavie Mrs , . P.DD.G.M. was the installing : matron, Mr. 'Murray Macvenn an, P.P.. the yin- &stall ng..patron and Mrs. Murray MacLennan, P.M., installing marshal, 'assisted by Mrs. J. A, Fox,P.D.D.G.M.,Mrs. George, Scott, P.M., Mrs. Sidney Thornp- son; P.D.D.GM., Mrs, Tom' Hen- derson, P.M,.., . Mrs. ,W.. A. iHeug- Than, P.M., Mrs: 'W. W. • Currie, PM;, Mrs. W. 'Elliott, Mr rFarL h Moffat P.P. The Soloist, was Mrs:' Wesley .Joynt. • The <'following. officers were installed:, ',Worthy ,Matron, Mrs. Ted Collyer; .Worthy Patron; Mr. Ted Collyer; aicsoc iwte matron; Mrs. Ronald Foxr; • associate Patron, .Mr.. George Guest; sec- retary, ecr etaxy, tins. Parish Moffat; lava- , Mrs. Gwen Adams; . con-. ductless, Mrs. Alex . Robertson; asSociate conductress, Mrs. Scott Reid; chaplain; . ,Mas. , Reginald Bitton:; marshal, Mrs.. Elwin Hall;, organt, Mrs. W. W. Cur rie; Odah, Mrs. Kenneth Leitch; Ruth; Mrs: Murray : Taylor; Es- ther, Miss Mary Maclntyre; Mrar- .the, Max W. P. Arkell; Eleeta, Mrs. Jiro . Boyle; Warder, Mr. .Alex Ro iertsori; • Sentinel, Mr. Jack, Reavae. • Visitors. . were present from din ardine, TivertonListowel, Strathroy, Toronto and Midland. =URI sty MNINOlft son gave the ' offertory .prayer. Mrs. „William Ross, a past pre- sident, Was ,given a: Life Mem- bership , em-bershipp, Certificate ;in recogni- tion of her services in the so ciety in. the C:0:C groups, and es . a Sunday Sdhooil teacher., Themeeting closed : with sing- ing God Save the Queen and.. the .committee served .1unoh. Douglas: Fairish of Sarnia .was ,hom=e for . he: weekend. • Mr.. and Mrs. . John MacCreight have gone :to Detroit foz;. ,the• winter: Miss Mabelle MacDonald of. Windsor : 'spent .: the week -end' *ith` her snot)) er; Mrs. Alex MracDorrald. Mrs: :David .•MacMwohy .visit- ed . with; her : daughter, Mrs. Charles Hatherton, in Elmira. KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Houston, J., J. 'and Wallace .;are motoring •west to attend the wedding of Hugh Houston to Miss Mary Helen 'taverna Gibson. at River hurst Sask., on November.. '23rd. Visitors' last week' with Mr. and' Mrs: .Ira Dickie and boys were; Mr, and Mai.' Fred Byrom ley of Toronto and MT: Bill MacIver and friend, Mr. Forsyth, of Ebor, Manitoba. Mr: and. Mrs. Harvey Mac Dougall . of Owen Sound visited Saturday with `Mr,' and Mrs:' Lloyd' MacDougall, Allan and. Gaace., 'Mrs. Clair MacDougall underwent major , surgery in. Owen Sound General and, Mar- ine' 'Hospital. on Friday and is making a favourable recovery. A number of Grade X stiidents from this .. community enjoyed. the bus trip to the /loyal Win- ter Pair on . Wednesday, NEWS BRIEFS FROM .;WARBY:. The $1,000 draw conducted as a fund raising project by the Ripley. Curling Club, ' saw Russ Love •of Kincardine , win the $700 prize. Russ Warner of Hu- ron Township won $200 and Bert McTavish of Ripley, $100.00. * * * James Morrison, 30, of wing - barn and a driver for Walden Brothers, is in Victoria Hospital with fractures of a leg,, kneecap and arm. He was trapped iii'' tris demolished transport for'21/2_ .hour, . before being, cut free: /nother truck ` passing on a curve was said to have • caused, the" accident. Morrison , had, a t • doll). , to the heart of downtown Toronto facing Allan Gar Close tofinest shopping a entertainment. centers, tn1 hospitals and subway. Beautifully appointed roc and suis. Dining 'Roam Television... ,Children FRI • Moderately $6.60 $Ingle Piked from Occti am 8.50. Double: Occupan Frederick Funnell,Mgr. CENTRALLY LOCATED AT Telephone; 368-48; 306 J(rvis St. load` of cattle, 16, of which Were The .'Wingham Hospital : Board has revised the • salary schedule, statutory..holidays and: • accu3nu lative sick leave for staff mem- bers. * * *• East Wawanosh• Council. has approved the proposed sewage disposalsystem in . Blyth, which will` require the purchase . of some 30 .acres adjacent ; 'to the Village, orr which will be built a 19 -acre lagoon. * • • Mrs. Helen Martin hasbeen appointed. acting' Clerk . of. Mor- ris orris Township. Ilier husband was', killed, in : a . car -•tractor crash which also cost the lives .of and Mrs ,J. O.: Jones of Brussels... The Seaforth News has , sus- . pended publication of .the news. paper, : and will in future `devote the : plant facilities to .commer- cial Printing. Production costs which .have. increased ...greatly • of late . have •'resillted in this 'de cision. : * s A third public school is to be •bu It an Goderich at a cost of. $21.0,000: In,an effort to settle 'store' hours whieh will be observed. next year, -Kincardine snerchacts have been asked to ballot on 3 alaatnves open ' Friday ,night,:. open. ,Saturday .. night, or open both Friday . and Saturday' during, , July and . A Friday, September II cember and April tin Ronald. Slade, fielch Bruce County Federa riculture, char been, e sidemt of the . Kine District Chamber of • Helen Cuneo, daughter of Mr. an< thony Cuneo of Wal 'in Tier sleep :She h bed• ` with a ,headaci peared 26' be sleepin; as her mother s.-isite several times: Ear morning it i as dis Was dead. 'A postmoi ed she had an . inope7 Of the brain s ' Drug addicts .:are the recent theft of 9hels, ill • Wiigharri ;'i ton,while the cars at' the respective of the medical cases Dr. W. J:• Swan.. of was recovered rth along. the `highway dale.' "When you.. nnarr promised. to ; love, obey." • "Well., I didn't . u an argument in those • people." Is ' Your Subscripts .THE i3FJ1VERis one of the most,industno+it of animals 8i toiss.with loriog care on the construdioa of a home for his 1 Bearers mate for rife, and •their, homes iini built with an eye to permanent ase Mien a man builds wheys a home, he, too, tikes to loll that k: is peraanent<For it R at homethat the family develops • of Sin f evenLifsh.oran g afeuar for g the home for the family a the security and protection ofyousdiond those you'bra Let me ten you about these ser M. J. Kinahar Rei. T, LVCT'[NOW Phone Wingham. Stlh • LIFE ASSURANCE `COMPANY ,OF CANADA •