The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-21, Page 91962;. n: • .• r. U. • t. ani •i - t.. • ■ • t•. .t. t. ' tt t. . • ■ • t. • t•' i .t . • • • /' ■ •■ ■ . ■ ' r .111 • • ■ N. • • lemint a tee' ora gfEDNESDAY, NOV, 2.1S... 1962 AM PAGENIDE' EY, It 394' and a 'Prayer The "roil ,call I was responded, to with a verse t containing the wad Steward- lass ship. w�htch 'lima the 'there of beth Reid ui the meeting visited recent musingbusiness lar w� . _ the �d Mrs, Archie Coturtney perisac, it was decided Ito .eatrry Cliff. Geddes was. ' on w"iCii' the Life 1�,[r men'Y:h2r$%lipS. which have been sanely s'trrprised when•rneambersresented. to the years. A nlxm ?ins family gave a dinner Members over - ber of the Chrstmas Bells were horror of his birthdaiy an F'r- received The roll call for Oe day, November 9th, ZSlrs. Duncan Thorburrn is ember will "be answered with. a a. verse of scripture- and a gift patient ala 'K .rncardine hOspital of candy for `shut-ins?' 'Mrs: where she is receiving treatanent, l� tmean Thorhurn, convener, for a foot ailment, • " presided for .the • program which Sympathy is extended to Mrs. followed. After .a Glen Campbell and Mrs. prayer ,348thbstriata reading of Amberkey and other relatives �aea given. Mrs. , Donald of the Cuy/er family in the pas- , Courtney ' after which chanters sing of their sister,. Mrs.:Lloyd from , the study book' were tread Conway of Bracebridg . by 'Mrs.. John Ferguson 'an •wkvich grunts 1 and 2 of J.C:W, of she dealt with events of the. pixie River 'Uritited church hem! present time ' in' an, unsettled their.' meeting on Tuesday even- world air in conclusion re - lot of , last week` .:with .thirty- marked ..;that.. -the strength of a me, 'members attending. Mrs -1 nation is in its people.The Sam Gibson, President of . Unit( meeting dosed 'hymn 351 1:, • opened :the meeting • With. al and Prayer by Mrs. D. Thor- short reading fo!Iowed by 'hymen burn- ,unit 2 held their meeting in the Sunday Schaaf; roomn with Mrs, 'Glen Boyd and Mrs- Iia. nard Reid presiding, After the opening hymn 'and prayer, Mas.. Glen Boyd who was convener of, .the program presided. Readings on "Remembrance s lnrance Day ,were given by Mrs R. Courtney, Mrs. Ron Irwin and .Mrs. G. Fry; .The scripture reading by Mrs. Mur- ray 'Walden was followed with meditations by Mrs. Carie ck CoUing, After the closing !hymn and prayer, Unit 1 joined group 2 in the Suikday School ' noon, where 'the fim "The Will of Augusta Nash" was shown, and which ' followed the theme "Ste- wardship." A short business per- iod was conducted by Mrs., John Ferguson, president of the U:CW. It was decided' into have a bazaar in .the Sunday School room on December • 4th at 8:30 in 'the evening; Courtesy rerrriarks were given by Mrs. J. Ferguson. after which • lunch was served. ' Sympathy is extended ' :to the family of Mr,•�.L:-John Bradley, Who passed away • on Sunday, Walter- s week- Edbt r Gawleygtietts. Smith, rarml • Nev Comped.Pidoi,Grip Design SKI! W' ELECTRIC DRILL Nedra' Pedoertr inCS arab kraal lissit ■st east •• • • 3as* motor —75OaP* hic-• d • Ass- .6eariar tel ung r' let 6Fe side: handle for extraaonfeol ` v Naso: SPECIAL petc SKIL:'/a'• ELECTRIC :DRILL . Painted for $no ailloek Tools. Fait .2:5• amp motor litegobtiVaisift i22.95 SPICULE. Putt, each: $19.87 ELECTRIK' -BROOM rrtlfdo the we& of m brown, es; dust mop, c .carpet sweeper and ars upholstery brush.. • All withait the a:infusiotr • of atfad menti. Weighs catty 67ia pounds. Eliminates dirt quickty,• thwraughty, re s" Ccave`"" l*' s icuu *etc .«b: $35.89 h rzstas Gi vin VACUUM CLEANER . Attrcict ve rw-Corte Marriott and bark • • Eike ftriish ti rntertacking attack. menu ;fo, hdp yawwith c I F of your dean-.. Ing chores R Sw:vet'. tots 360! rot: lion. •.: Paweiful Cefetitne=tiebricdted 1 OLP. G-'E,Mattu • • 1 Yeaf Guarantee FLOOR POLISHER • Complete with felt buffing pads.' is F0e7prowen Sod watt harizontai ' G. spEcImL: % ulcer --guaranteed for 1'.fua year, : SEs 911 110 Nan -mat rubbe i wrap-around bwnper • SPECIAL : 68 88 Asha rc DEEP FRYER Easy_ ,to Pins iota.,/tar► • `0` • .' Gee raus &-quart capaOP? .Chromimi.plated .ill! oast • bdFdite, lunates ant/base rr a ',arraigned deep fry;basieet 0,4.7.;%,,. Theraartat c heat pawl lettsphar Warn $tems . • nitI now •. Aufanraiie .Tdtlz" .SQUARE FRY, PAN came to with tic rtr eep-cry wire basket, •d Temperature 'Guide and ti heat mead Iamb an .. a.. o • Jiturenam, die -east Real. cry ecRath-strdr pea Ca be umaer:ed 'bah* beadle Ice aasy.wasbing tegurar Varus SL445 ti2.47.: SPEOAL, MCI! !°6h= •' `lr . New SILEX .Automatic TOASTER• Hinged crumb tray far ' ., easier deeming . cafe radiant odas.r' • • Toasts any bread -aim frozen —' reheats add tear! -too. . • 1 Yeas aver-tfte-rxsatter. •r.prawaat Guarantee ti"egurar Valls .05.95 0.47 'SRECtAFl. imam ears SILEX :Automatic co!EEE PERCOLATOR • Campy amhmdrc Wished eh.- • ritistric,r.et modern design featonng; wide neck far stay deaniing;' • 2-10 cups etf filtered coffee brewed . • tiblitillos signal light • Regent Valuer MO sigma PRIM . '1.4 71 .SILEIC Sim dt .dry -.IRON t ghfwrefght.—citify 21.4 net: .. pea,. -view beef far neatest lit air cit ala to • 'Bebe ere freeing ew' fart wiih epdaur. initiate• • traitite water fiwY ttvdids rp7�ura, Siam' or dry at the flick of a , triads , Ititgular It hest "suss . t Yenee. aoe- 14=ant Ousirantemr, siatibit • • • • LADY TORCAN HAIR DRYER • Unit Saving„hkineyprang; Claw • 5 Pmliticai hear psi • dined Beed all M. diffused' air to enter geniier tram: various i K—''quiciar albs t, Wrap-around hose far ccoveni- ..nam t ukir Varier $I9.95 =" 42.91. AT CHRISTMAS tiff". .. AS ALWAYS IT ',Mrs_ TO ' SHOP AT YOUR Be d CLOTHES DRYER The dryer with teeny' extra •f. tees' . . 3 Year Guarantee a e airman . Mire saeed'iluffy. "freeh air vacuum dr>:ieeg . Safety da{hr••easel. Large ffnt trap • • tnfimte heat. controlrvrifdt far safer drying ¢ of ,hLL fabric ', • White paitelan 'tap• and cayI'c enameled ' cabinet ' r:,erm willing' ozone bulb • tntener Sent Monier DE 4341 ant*Sty 4 95 Van opt. wind at y.ur CQ-Op..Ktq` tlntti 1SO4 111i2 gets , FRES B��R/C Cii$29,45 tr• Nubia b 41.02 G.arant 4* ce iiyyhfret e. au?a a and dike • COOP LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-O!ERATIVE • IIIIMI■IP■RDRI*II■■®ot•Dasaq■o■■RDRRRRR■aRR®v • ■, *• uncng ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■. CHILDREN'S- . TOYS , tt I • t•: Are 0 11Dispkiyj • . Come m and inspect our wide selection ' of Toys •, ■• • for chaldren of. every age. , ■ ■ •N ■ - If. you wish ,to .use the "LAY AWAY" :platy • ■ make , a small . deposit.; and .we ',Ng!. hold till nearer R. ■ ■ ■' ■ ■• ■ ■■ •••R•Imasma■■m d 7 1 Christmas. WM. MURDIE and SON MONUMENTS For sound counsel and `:a fair price .on . a monument correctly designed from ' quality . material., rely on • SKELTON , MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, ,Prop.' Established Over • .Sixty : Years Walkerton . Phone: 638-w Ontario Noyetnber• lath,. after' a ,long ill- Hess: Mir. • and ", Mrs. .Cliff ' gedcles, Mr.. and 'Mrs. ' Floyd J.ohnstons• Miss Jean Geddes and Mr: Mur- ray Johnston " attended. a, social., time • with Mr. 'and •Vies., :John ftuyter arid a number offriends Who' gathered the ichOol. house in -their co un ity. Cards' were :enjoyed ' during die., even- ing and afterwards Urian and Jahn were presented with .Iovelfg. gifts. A bouirtrful •drench was, carved and a .'social'. hour was Sppeni. Sympy is extended• to Mrs., Edwin Fminerton, 'brothers and sisters of :Edwin'En/Merton, who. passed ` avaay ' suddenly . ,a t .: his home in Goderich .on Friday of Jast:t - Viw;eek. Ccragratulatrons 'go' oto' students of Ripley District; , High School • on receiving : •diplomas & awards of merit. Mr. and Mrs. Murry • Walden and • family. ' motored to ••Oakville Sitinday to . meet Mrs.: RTrc�a- beth MMlcDonaThd who. recently re-' turned from ' a;ri.. extended .visit with cher brother and sister -1Y= law, Mr. ' and ,Mrs:. A Mister Me-' Murchy, and with other' relatives in the . Western' provinces. A happy event •took, . place at the . home. of Mr. and Mrs: John Ferguson on the fourth comes- . sion of Huron ,Township on Sat- urday •' evening, Nri&verrn r 1•7tl . Twenty seven 'relatives and.. 'friends gathered to. honour Mr. and Mrs.. Ferguson on the 'oc- casion of their ••tiventy-fifth wed-- anniversary: ed-an iiversary: Cards • were enjoyed during the evening and afterwards Mr: Lester' :Ferguson) expressed.conigratulations an •bei- halsf 'of ,those; present. A 'bounti- ful Itanch was served acid •sacral . tiMe was . enjoyed. Those'. attend- ,i!ng 'from a distance were—Mr. • Clarke Ferguson', of Sarnia, ia,. _, • :1 David Ferguson of prathotain, Mrs. Gertrude Wirlsain of, . Belle- • Ville,, Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Pol- lock of 'Fordwich. Miss Elaine Is`win • of Galt, Mrs. Margaret Geddes, Mr. Thornas Wilson, Mr, and: Mrs. ,Archie Wilson . and Mr and :dila-s: It 3' -Geddes all of Kin 1 'Mai`din&-. Dinner guests on Sun- . day with Ms. and Mrs, F"er;-- guson were their •fami.lj and nieces and nephews. Many beau- tiful gifts were received by- -the couple • Their many friends ,,ex-• tend ccrngratulatio'ns' and many happy anniversaries to' zidyrtle and John: •• • Mfr. arid Mrs. William 'Coiiiins1 'gild family of.: Prest ft were din- her guests of .Mr. and Mrs. John Einirnerton .on 8aturday evening,. Ing. MFd Mrs. Chester'. Emme r Ston, Miss Betty '.. Emrtnerrtan and Mr's. . John Emmerton . visaed with friends in...Toronto on • Mon- day of last' Week. "How about a kiss?" "No sir, .I have scruples." • "Thaft . OK, I've been . vaccin- ated." LOCHALSH Mrs 'Anuria MacDonald is a Patient in hospital in,London. Mr- pan d Mfrs. Dan Wylds 'spent a few days visit:kg in Sarnia with Mr. and 1Virs. Jack. Cowan'.-. Mr. arid 'Mrs. Jack McCreight Irave gone to Detroit wihere they i w ISI spend tithe winter. ' Mr. ',Dan MacDonald returned.' ,home from London where, he has been :Visiting his daughter.. The regular :monthly,, ming of the W.M.S. Was held in Ash- field Presbyterian C,hnurch .on Thursday afternoon.. • Mrs. Joe WiLsoii "of Kincardine is staying at. ,the Dan MacDonald. hone for the Winter. ' . Recent ,visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald. •MacKen fie were Mr. and Mrs. 'George 'Carter. of •Londssboro 'A' Christian Workslitrp was held iiia' Ashfield Presbyte:riian Church on Wednesday, . when, Miss, . '..Clara 'Haines,, Regional • Secretary, of Girls' work .was the guest speaker. Soloist . in Ashfield Preibyter- •iai"i • Church' on Sunday was Robert 'McDonald . '•ofRecent N~isntors with Mr. an,d. Mrs,. Dan' Wylds .were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff .fack:matt of -Toronto. Mrs- FTorence .Layne of ,dor ida is visiting with Iyer mother; Mrs. Duncan MacKenzie, who has , Moved to Lucknow for the winter:, 'Mr. Duncan MacdCenzie is ' still a, patient in ' Winghai n Kospital. • Mr. Sohn • MacRae' spent the past week at Elyria. Ohio. tak-. ing a course ,in Automotive Air brake mechanics ' at Bendix Westinghouse Pl•aiik& Mr. and Mrs. Allan ',MacLean and family of Collin wood int the week -end with th Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacLean. . Sympathy is extended'. to the Finlaysoi .family in the passing of Dr. ID R_ Finlay -son; formerly of this community. After: a long and serious news, Jack Bradley Passed away' " tin' Sunday. SyMpathy' goe..4: Cuts to' the• B:radiey farm.:. ae this time.