The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-14, Page 8• THE UUCKNOW SENTINEL L...UCKNOW, ONTARIO i E1' *411, You PAW - A thly & Interest. $1600 $40.08 60 Months 2000 50.10 60 Months 2500 62.62 60 Months 3000 75.1; c . 60 Months. Business Loans against:30 60 90 day Accounts i Receivable Capital Loans To Businesses , larger loans, . i Special arrangements made on up to -- $250,000 each Phone FR6-7324:. 1 BLUEWATER ACCEPTANCE LIMITED .937 -2nd Avenue. East,, Owen Sound,' Ontario: S I RIPIEY MEAT MARKEf Custsm Butchering s Hogs, $2.00 in by 4 0 n es,,.• . a'tfing a'd w r s,•2c : CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Cw:igand S .. ,.P�rna Sold Whole,. Hail Or Quarter .. For Better Sere e, An d . Lower 'Pekes - 'Can ".,..Rim 100, Chas.. Miasma, Pbp.: CHURCH NEWS Man 1LV.W. 'fit 'The , Zion ..W.: met • at ; the borne AistMrs;' . Pete Couk, `."fog The ladies made plans for their their lio r.. •/neetkang- ire •lbazaar in Lucknow oma the 17th • dem was conducted by. 'Mrs. Allan Barger with the scrrip- ture'readnm g by 1r. Earl Swam.. Pas. Frank, Ritchie took • c►tlin,rge of the Bible study ' and . Mats..' W. >G Hunter was appointed to 'lead �n 'the Brae study„ for neap (month. 'The first` chanter of .the mow stodk b k, Awns Ramm'° arnd will be held at Mfrs.' John 7vas given ,bg Mas.. Man cfna,111 Mt_'n,. 's_ Tithe ,meeting Cts G•a)oat_ :: mad of sffiadl ed. With' .prayer ' ;by. Mr: 'Kaiser 'these bilands ILMIRL,. w, mph and lunch • was served by •the live on. 'them Tilney, dive many refugee problems and h� They have felt the • westm 4. .help_ Mrs. W ' G. Hunter.read a poem on ; 'Armistice The visitors reported and Mrs John Hunter and Mrd D.A Hackett are to' . go visiting next month.. of November. Mrs. Gordon ;Kirk- land dnspllayed the sewing •that. had been - dumas fair the refugee work..' It consisted of :two 'comm- pteete layettes and sone mer, ince ar�tiicles. The • prm for the ' fiber inig': is nn charge of • _'.. `Hareey' Ritthie WEDNESDAY, SOV: 140h,, 1%2 comer ASI.fi'eld resident Passes WILLIAM J. LANE William James Lane who was born in Ashfield •'Township al- most 90.. years ago, passed peace- fully away, in. his sleep: on Sat- urday,. November 3rd, ' His Strength had . been failing for some time., Death came at : the home of ,his daughter, .Mrs. Don WilIsie at Belmont, with whom he had made his home since Mrs. Lane's death in June' of 1960. Bill , ''Lane Was of a friendly, jovial nature and, . was high yr esteemed' by many friends: 'He was a son of James Tie and Elizabeth Caswell, and'. was born on the..homestead Lanesv lle - nn Ashfield Township on February 28, 1873. On Dere cemnber 26th, '1904,• he . married Mary 'Jane Hackett �a member ,of another pioneer family ' of Con. 10, Ashfield_ ' They. were married' .,at. ' the home of the bride's . • parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. James 'r Hackett (Esther • Reid) ,on the farm now owned . by her nephew, Wilfred Hackett. After their;marriage, 'Mr. and Mas_ ; Lane famed' for .a number of years south of 'Lanese lle; the farm now being owned iby' Herb Wilkin_ Later Mr. -Lane purchased • •a furniture business in Ripley with which was 'associated the •telephone exchange office_ ippon retirement ; ,i.ey moved 'to Bel- mont to make their .home.. AKE:101' IMPROVEMENTS Add a rug .or a whole new room l Repair, repaint or redecorate! There may be 101 reasons why you could use ' an, Hf: Householder's Loan. What's more, you can trust Household' Finance because they offer helpful, friendly service to hundreds of thousands of Canadians every year, You, too,. will appreciate. Household's convenient offices and neighbourly service, as well asthe .way we respect your wish for privacy. Liffe insurance astable at low' prorip rate Of LOAN 1RONTNIY PAYMENT 36, , o' j :erns " 20, smiths PLAINS 12, meths $100 SS• 756 $ - , _. _.. WE8 83.71. 95.12 S..... 7.73 31.65 ,41.45 6881 94.62 107.52 $ "6,12 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 ;"" 9.46 51.24 6921 91.56 14652. 20146 228:9(3 Ilse 1600 ZOO 2508 Mon t rwa - asd net laud we rearm rpaorrrt but ea nee Wks* frera.ea IIOUSEHOLD•FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manof� 35A West Streit Telephone.. JA 4-73:3 GODS ducted at the Johnstone ) era ,, Home on ,�_ Tuesday afternoon,' conducted, by Rev. Mr. 'Harley and Rev_ G. W. "Kaiser of . Ash - The fr=neral service was con- field • United Church_ E 11 Interment was in Greenhill shied• with/prayer and scripture Cemetery, the pallbearers being- reading eing reading responsively, : Masa.: Mor Wilfred Hackett, Bert: A1iton, An- gara . Henderson gave` the. Bible drew, • Ritchie„ Thomas : 'Hackett, Study prepared by Mas: C_' Fin- Harry Hackett and.. Campbell ]lay. on the parable of "The Thompson_ friend at Midnight." .M.ri.. Nixon 11th, Lane is survived by.• one and Mr•s. ',Emerson were appoint daughter, Mrs_ Etta Wil!sie; one ed a nominating committee tow smm,. Walter Lane of Toronto and Prepare' a new slate. of officeis one sister,')Mrs, Ida . Uackett of for the coming year. Mrs_ M. Lucki ova•. . Henderson invitedthe auxiliary Mas_ Hackett : the 'last. sur-: to meet in her ;home' for the her f the Lane . fa! " • Anderson. (Lavina)': who died in: • South Africa Tune' Lane,: h died �as • a• . young woman and George Lane, ' who suffered fatal? ' burns when fire' razed the' '.barn on the Lane htommestead. • • NEWS'BRiEFS .. • Geo a Culbert; CNR seCtiaa foreman at. - Mildmay has retired after .. 39 years' of service_ .' R.a Started With the railroad 1.1924 at his home town of 'Rip•. Rip- ley. s toughest job was dor g a ten'=day blockade in Mari• of 1947. They, had to,shoveI st aw into two stranded steam . engines 'in order to keep • ip steam. December `mneetting- The W.MS_ vavnng member e Zunatrii;versad F000kvvas pmmily:.• bt]`merr' redeceas�d . •are sapaarn Mrs_AlexTre$ea'en(Mary . %illl cbe ready for sig `'Jaime) o$ A gf.Pir 'ardk Mrs 'Chas_ at e next mm � tures eetnng_ and Mn . John . Hunter: N. G. it dicenzte„ Mrs. \Diner- I. son and ...Msg. Mary Mao eod ' took `part in the prayer einem. Mrs: Little . gave • the 'mission study mon : part wortk, explai ming • how the church . helps irternig2, rarmai • and new Cana diiamns . With. their > prob1er nis She. was •assist- eat by .Ars: paw s.¢Jemnt Basked' : all secretaries to Baum. and it Bras created utfh y ,S . Kimbro W1tt.S_ proble : ;mini,' hey !neat • the The Noarember • mneett$mmg `of Chi tin � Chua'ha , .fid . )tela ' 1io &oath. �n�luass �J 19tf S_ s 'held Baan Wedraesdayr. ,Navemaber. •'1t of ' t late home 'miff : Mad_ • W`alIliarrh .114ne= Int ;with Mail.' rrank. •Mac- • Keeawl. Mia. Gib flareni,Pton as _ d tmmrs. Mrs_ ' Mare=: Iriminan pregdedi and_ W, nage reports reedy:.fees `tithe 1l. • D aam. .rename on remit b tr meeting. Mrs: P. :Ste-. meae nail cued : ttEse meet minittl<n to whack•n ' the. Society :•.. h> n. invited., A •conamittee la yer. was appointed to • bring :lar Sate` Of ' officers for the coming i m ue year. Mrs. D 'Graharin ex The Novemmber mmeet ig, off thepllaained the matter of the sheets Tr gscefle • Ver] s ;: was • b'ne d . at for 'time Rein&nibrance Bank the hcnrane Of Mrs. Elmer ' Scott. which - Is to ` he ,ready or the on , day_ The. meeting was •AanmaversaFy., nim E ;..arid aIs t€lfd",opined; wtta :the Beading. of ,the 23rd lls-saInn ' ' h .. the Wide& Mee old eoRgedan tthe v ' Letsskokar r Win eta lenete.' thatjar and is, a SEW* tainttor of , airs unexpected.. girt of $10 received frog 'a Mass Ma ilmen- mmebm . in ; Toronto who in . earlier lis perdon. Wall. Scripture essarm wars „rent • by . Recti-' 1 Q a isFier hliPped nim Soanth %- ettte; Whwt ck.. The meditation„: . .fid • _.. . .. • • ' Ronsembrrare a nn. Peace was e Bible *4ttlthdY ifinfir4 1Fnalii , read by Mrs, ..Charles' 'ins..' iia'• was/Prefaced' wit * ,'a , sure$ •1 Fns~ Lll®yd: Moffatt led: in praayerr. r anff the `Old• Herat "'with it's ;late r co was a wed ' vvatEn '4 • div rsrrmuay,'• namely Pile Pelatte- a Bible seise containing the (1 to ucTt. H to Paettn , quinti "Sec‘iimallimic_11:11c„,ar.'!"&trs.Mrs-IMPr& x"ie�tII�rz..Cornto t, lerms'nail Books and P opheti�IlBooks . tIne age f 1the studyM". ns: ltls:t,' tt . fantanre tto hookaas.. Cherie s pre- 1 t� tthe pr�aheOcsi part wli ch gewes sided sd. i :Lt yd Mofffat) fforr s;c and a om off meted .sea°rett ffor tthe eie c -Gaff's, penap� Et rregaad to the ttnoan Oof cerrs ; 'ffor ttke ci ningfm�oe does b •' th. Roilth marls a d st vfce„ .: Wesley' g "'P'ea�"' �Y$etmt„ 'GordernsIlk MacKeri : tt e, �P- ; �'onhmag'T'meaasuaaea„, Muss lea, t%' nine Sturdy Book aahel{ i Rccarin:, ' retaary,. 11lIn .htrya airja ' aeven by• IDo gSnrnpsazbt Were andtaR: Mrs.. I n WetfaaMas. LEoyd Mofffat;I i aid Mas;: `> item.. MIs.. =I1 "' elpers, Mrt Bummer Ott;Ina _»ems• .�ee off 'ft>he ]�iritera:aumafl�� 1iJs� . ' �� ]�:;rrt' - Mrs..' Allister Conlon; Supp, ( ttr rrr er,; .mites$: an n- bw ace • �eret�.kr 'crease in offerings oixer lastr Graea dings,, Mrs.' WrJlliiam :Orr; g�, .Mtrs� assretanrgMrrs:,.C$naraes'To' FEeee Yens T char 1x' arrnneeg gaaa `ea' .O:C,,, Mrs:.' C'harlue up o Par , 'and directors and 'serry ed . r •EIiCC. . ea>'It. Baegunamm„ Lloyd `~ Mc $ffaat; Ataditteir* Mir. Wi lLfarat Orr and MrS, Wesley Maung. The next acre mg Wri be nit' t.)me"; hairte of , Mi. Conks i Walit. Ron � to be ,fir 'rllby. tray nmmg ".. your e Christmas CaraL Theting d> with •.veli tee' e aazr a it �`a +e Ing' w Iran- i t"s .Prager iia .trio °rt ROY HAVENS �,,. Aptiaiiiii auk Heating `11350 OILBURNEi Saes ,astd Seri -ire Pitoue' 73,E tiiitictao " •'' a A" ..,. ..`- y. ad " 'W.i of the Prestryterian 'Church mete tat the Sig School roam on a f , ttr with i th ' an attendance. of 21. The presidentWas. in tie TWO BEST HEATING .. NOWN T .M body q nature's g ..-and No uestions� heat,n systems when it comes'to home heating. nothing is quite "as: e, t heat good, e as saf 'de ndable'rEsso Oi With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you best and west always ge the very . itr�, i�� Very, eeltinomical heating fuel,;'. the very est .. and most • reliable service. your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today, and let him introduce you to that Vironderful world cif ESso warmth. GRANT CHISHOLM, LIJCICIiOW ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST