The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-07, Page 6lie time comes even your ofd -Iiima� hacio ri.re..! 4110. r•', Ami Wien -the thisaporit nub meretet 6114 working Esse Oil Floacer bona dal$ Pa* 36 aub LOW BUDGET MIMS. Up To Fav Yews To Pay ROTHAVBIS:' t, Lummox" Sacrum. ®W., otTAR1A , ilEEKORIAM WOE TEIE FALLEN NEN • Ta►, .. forst,. have fallen T have oR .and yet. to Ixave. 104, True • Canadiair4 444 tr4tr gat Soldiers • . "Monett nOt. of theme hives* nor tEte c the strife of the: day 14 fca tter/ Ia t!xe; ,bet> a of the eat even- ' uniform; , raiment. ___ rt Grt ieve ,rnatla 44d be, proud they' Fid the breaks of waves will their voices Ccu •e 'bask o'er that eeheries s dark broVivrn wool crepe with I; • `. Guests is att . firma Lendon,, W m ,. II ee m c.'haitt[:' , J . ail ru atm mu West Bal wad A ! 'eaft ,' ;L •. ag` r , tee Olebec .', 9iviAelm. si,tictirtt *ate ra end York State, tIT,t e sited go.•.MrrssL ria. Vaelg ' aiCFttlftl l�"� ae�rx� a 9"a13NAluia mu June l .. s> ,a d, Akan tai > - !nr ashy IDJia to eix ryu140u)00 • "'bAe m c !`i i a: Wawa rat ZEU'. aratoffi C'resc'ent„ ate, IIDII Paten=►Hd tie maalta c : 8 mit 1E;. several sell- eetlisrts„ 'lase Lkldrti s & sae trzioa rs ter 'ft Sertrtia Ltuck-" et Zrein 7U 717 �1e e1; :rot •. lie al --a s' alelA 919302 A. fl1ilTim.101T:rtlril, • a tog:' 'are greens %s, .if the s ,siffMr.and Mrs.again o•. 911:. +' r.:..; mea entered the charade' eau tare a rrra off her- .fia'i , woreat el ai v over, • mad Blared Brayes ed wed- dratog%t.twa, at a net zit krxra- loss 'C F • Bei e of ,t' is .the daughter of Mn' & itilitmourti.'md .:10 nirl wm>t m' N • imieru Ii pure s4Ik' Ongstrat aver taffeta. the Vie•. 'wfitirm . ;j aim" that ��e, ,ecin, , . is trine ant at r'ra r'rrre • :li T Virlffarn fir, Mid 2. paccented j }�7 W' "i�1 c�yt. la ai F�7fi,'r u C T t'N,.• . Tate- :. • skit vet& Prt. "'swept -The t tor-] y'° tt� at ofocite tr:a .- c c ' ,mfr chantilly faze over tai: t't; E4,' w-as14 Can ' Let .. The la: eu. featured TT4- m,. ���yy�� own Oft ms's and car : gee—v a 1d,-^Ee moo ata aB� e1"9; t • Nfl 939 W, VI 'NIP POO v tli1 • 00117110-4-112 A 930 9n 'mar NC A :m 9B1100 mel tra ai tir44rr—'r3^ninm , wafiliu;fllnniurawii' 1. I 1 , , 171 ' Atm: Eek aft PIori a r; 43 m�amo They have only pass' ed' through the Portal • Where, the rive . oftwo agars passed before. tar . M. Buck gi'zam SL. HELENS • I't it,aHr. Gard er visited over :the., wee -end with parentsy Mr. .and ». L 1r(lP ' a >t .. and Mrs. Chester Eters~. Got th l; wood, - , . her 'brother. aver • the Vreek-e Mrs, Atarr. - - au' patient in W r ital arfrere she underwent .,surgeryort; Vitjtda�i''. ' • A fg:r7itit oma:' .r g v fled ! ' `Snag at ,the, hone 'of Mr.. an i. Arv.a tri e.>~ pt. St aitlr. ray I2F!) �"iU7r" . of j s.. Jc rT*iTt if r tees i edday; Atterprii rg the. party Frere: and d 3 trs...' Leo. 3FiCcit4rrl rTT, l 2 rT€b 1'�t'L,` 1Eter. r and Mrs... •' Jo1 t Mrs. rm W,l i a , patient gb� "•% Mrs. Wi IZrsStrict • ffasp to t Hikez returned •rnctra - , to J n,Td� last iR"ecInes- i�" and S1 r F y, night ' d, to k . t tl hicg rad WEDNESDAY, *OV, ?th% i96 LONDON 2e010 Queens Avenue — GErieral 8-'8314 a Winghasrn . as guest • maker. The ''W'. ., extendedan invitation to the community, unit , .. Legion, Aux- iliary and all citizen , "a the town p•to- attend-rthis - _service ter. t rprriozy tt`n .s.e •'w..c..a our eat BH' ICN e1 O ad • IOcHALSH. • 'The children' of .As>7 field Fres- bag'te farm Chi, c)b *ere entertain- ed e : a;t • :a nalia 'e'en party cam or-idag ,eVe'ning. -• Wedaiesclay afternoon a T a1ia- *e'en gait 'was held in ea n of the.four looms at Mirth ASb- field Pt>rlali s'c'hool; • Mr .and : I* i h nlaag ;.9tlFa Th n - aid' some fit ai, flea .days: a 'Detroit , reently,: The November meeting of the w . attendees • hi. •'nty- ' 11 ee mel and tafCree' children.: ren'., 'VW* 1. O1Itall y 'W+ :vitas a qt ata�t[rer lamw m, NO ' .ulluN+g e 5d - 'e'e`e., ll1LL' . 1 . Far1!'l11;d' a - 400n. was .appointed :a« aif"ic� . fuer the e nwenti . wry, Nm ter agile and , u-tb, atFEatet London PIS were ride: far the Elae Irrs'rree, ' Div service au Novembe.r. I];t at . in the ' • e Larks Ore the short cootS.e -`aT9 ` o a of Meat'. atm Were gi.v- era and plans ^ were made for the ` caws to he .g -en by the > e i " Intoad. With se- .reartery No gth • was set qt> Frte: r, were far the port tick Supper. The e cxm tF s& t., A chine rrext nreeUti:l:a:g.. is to be held sezine czav •mB her Tuesday-, December. 4th. at;an 2 and She a" or.ciac " Themotto,. "Let we! mawhatrapiet af pines and white: IIs.. ger' • wa.s germ •fagars W. Ji z,;� -ee ater, 1 Bard and readings were tiiitte? as ', was F rout ' ' ¢e$ 'even lErs, Hazel t and Edaraor,er TMs. Robert ';.Ji Bask s_ „Charles McDonald_ ld lfCEs` „ Jr '"'Wuis Cbieryllv.. : wNe aadetac„ the t ' L`. Pizza= . chirp; a .� >` � • affef,t.?'es e as 4Gettirtg framereirt _ r1 at- . at t. • the. Neighbouring : 'T"ate nt! tired. fro l watt • s ftrre 14.a Tt rs.: Eifrarn. MacLean and Mrs. fsabelle '?liaz gn ,spent• the week- end in LO radon. F'riendS., were sorry. to learn' twhat. Mr., Frank Ha> diol sub-. fered a stroke on Thursday and a •pat ant in Kincardine has- pultal`�• Mr. Toil` •Ma^T%ana cl 'retu'rnerl 'borne :fre rt ICarc/ine- 'Hos'pital.. �6l r Eirtrer iMcCharles spent 'Tuesday. inti 't:esley. at 'a. meet-. `fig of the• •grace.: Prey oyteri.aI • EIniteed Crhtuc . Women. Ducks have been; scarce this year an then Iytttth -r , Marsh, but several charges have .been laid .. against: hunters . fc r shooting.` at,' the . tame sanctuary, carrytn loaded guns in 'pf]iwer bouts,, opening ahead of theseaso r.- Y :.UNt `aC B71210,Ci- A RIS W;1 idafl w -.mn ,r mI. R N - Urea emu mB .. mn,1 04 -'700 •..Can aBJa;•l Ulla tr,C :fiaaC. • taBervie,, wasry ramem. andi ushers were ':PliTs,N4 and WTI Ti ]?urge e ; / .fl' to 1 brae Cl rr wraNi,. r. mNr Tied fat' having . 1st cart WA ' r liii ' t .. a�sex'e:. Mrs.. .. ,gii*ear Aitchison and es. The as carr17t 1Y��' Andrew Unit:. '�r�, '�'ag'-. emirates of ' Lam-. ., favoured with a piano solo. gems centred yellow. face;with i as . int;' can Lunch was sera -61 b r Mrs. • Nerl and MrS., Chester. Taylor_ _.19111I..en 0;19001111:: CIC7Na -1011* tEr4. latit awetsn .EtetTcrae,i TTiarafcill Gaunt„ rs.... La rah li e t'. 215931 0. ,•at„� - _ .. ;; �• zze�rei:aes� �>vsz>r`� 2�d RemembranceIlam .Se�E!iCe:' . iada '� µ. Ci;10 Mearannil .alarkigkeitie m; Ili ` ere to ' - willf,the tera artAcOv zhe ll r ,. ormo -• a?,. • • iiinnida, prove : fiatial to Eft-yeaZf • at. 2.21 fila they The service •..aUnAlw:. NI 111 At the a ! S -` (' e , .'So o .irk charge a Rev i« z. . rat ..tL ma.aru`ta t� ;new eta]SII ween �+eere *irk n } •• ` .�.. 'F. ZI�Y, ruin art t un. • a3 t . s nratniihrg t' l w'a s aa sal tac t ect:i�Tu' b13r� iiithe C'eauati, ' Unit " =matte--; matte"" i NA NN 031140 b Z..* aaA 1'40 tot 4.1 Anrep tgreicsurk =tier wore 'fiefcl-- ! —' t e ___ .Nfoiduss—_.,.'4 ZIt •. CAMECATINIM azt $ LAMBS DAY„ picamPr 4A1111,1RDAlf .ie Do mid Stenilidime LCA Poila'.. Seidl Wok 1311111 or Quisler For Better Seirdivro, Aid.Eimer Wag Imo. THE FIEANO it. cafe; at tfte;atasd friduklati of anriirars atufti itft Rang ramu the caas�itauciraa,,af.,�a L far leis 601 3 ers-m &aiate far l[UGj and their frames w g: ar buret with as e itm'Cecmanent ase.• Men enrani liWTdiS ar hays a ttanrk ben flak Cries fa roOniatki-s,, a, 1 eat. Far DIrsat E ametttiatdie° fair dewlaps tads mat ftiecutsfrim Saf uasdrrrgtbe rause forte tan* is liar one aft St tires mazy =VIM #ac theysecanlyand pratediani • slyaunigtindabaseyarn las . tat are tell vaus about these maces Wm. J K► nab n.• LOW Phone" Wing—v-4 $IJ LIFE ASSJiaANCE COMPANY OF CANIADA A.� n.♦.oi1Yi%f� ` (RBE! Ntarte FraserreCatree Cake ' Citrec't1&Y L tie arecipesall Betterrrw Batted Write Way. irreasts c ` IRY FARIVIERS OF 'CANAE' A 71 R irck ranii#0`5