The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-26, Page 14r • • !AE, FOURTEEN TiIE LUcKNQW SENTINEL, LUCIKNOTIW ;-•ONTARIO--- WEDNDSIyAX +SEPT. a6tht 1992 r Whitechurch Juveniles 5.v...ept.i;eekend .5.1.1 With.G..preOl To Win Thi ' All -Ontario: '`Cr' .series Championship Front, row.. left to right: Doug 2nd; • Gary : Reayie. Skinn, c `'Alex • Craig, , af; John Johnston, s.s., Doug Spry, , out- f. Back .:row, left to right, Bill. McDowell, 2nd Jack. Cameron; Wayne • ' ry - Ken. Houston, 1f; Joe Tiffin, mgr. Yield; Wa . e Farraer.� pitcher; • Tuition, coach C•a Willis, rf; Wayne. Rhiel, 3rd',• Bill Robinson,.:Allan MacDonald, 1st;.• George. • • Photo :by Harvey McDowell.. • .'. an ' � rounder. to short Far By scores Of ;' 9-4 �. and .: 9-1, .tiack' St. ' •Marseille ":Vtrho had pit- and a g by •Whitechurch Juveniles swept the ched Saturday. night, : lie was .!best -in -three set in straight pretty: much in control ;until. the games: from 'Capreol, and in do '9th, When .the.! visitors cracked. :ing so .brought Whiteohureh• its under the :Pressure and White - :first • all -Ontario ' softball title. . • church had ' another big:. 4 -run: The >" C" series : finals were inning; played in Wingham on ;r Saturday Wayne Farrier, went • the route left. night and':rSunday..:afternoon, and in both games ;for Whitechurch The first of the ninth was a while Whitechurch was ;definite . and didn't have to. bear ,:down` too heart breaker for Capreol'. 'Hou ly the`l better team, the lopsided hard.' in the second. game, recent; ' store • opened •+with . a : single and scores'- were. the-: result ` Of, "a; Ink. 'near -perfect support, while went to second on a passed ball. couple of bad an digs ' striking out ••8,. allowing only tvvo' Rhiel lined out to second. Mac - For the Capreoi• boys who . hits, and giving up . three walks.. Donald walked and. Craig hit. made • the WO -mile: tri to Wing- •Colasman started for 'Capreol sharply to the mound. St. rier and : 'McDowell . ended • the threat: Ofltarhitechurch -added • a run .in • Ontario �Needs: Whitechurch 7th when'Ken,`Ilouston lash- ed a . triple.: and scored' on - onald's sacrifice' fly to deep Reform Says •' GounT t•••.4•000/oesego•••••••••••Sseesoologo••••40.0•1, :. si WOAA FASTBALL. FINALS • • . • .., • •. i., . • Wingham TA Park• .• Thursday,. September 7it '•ax 8:30 �p,m: • Lucknow players are on the Winghatn roster and • e'' • this promises to. be a series ,you wont want to miss, • eio000ee■ra■oona■o•e■•ao■o•ooae•■aao■oa9■■ae■e0e Intermediate "A" Series; .R4NGEYILLE. at;. WINGH'AM: WINGHA.M-ORANGEVILZ E. MEET IN W.O.A.A.' FINALS The Wingham Goodyears now Meet • Orangeville in W.O.A.tA+. Int. "A" 'finals. The second game of the series and the first .home game :in Wingham will be •on Thursday, September 217t4 at 8:30. • •. The Goodyears '.played Orange_ ville an exhibition' ,,game..' .in Wingham earlier in the season anti wo b a': s ore of 2' to 1 so it 'has promise • pf .. a. good series. Orangeville has two former: Wingham.players on their. roster,. Wi 1f 'Seli and Ken . Gregg: hani, ; it ' 'was their first. game under the• lights, .:and they were a .bit:jittery for the. Saturday •fright -game. • Earlier in the day it, looked as :if the opener would .:be rained out, but. the ,weather .'cleared in the evening and there was • a good crowd, on. hand. . '' The second iga ane . commenced. at 1:00'. p.m. on Sundayand had', 'a .third game been • n aessary it was slated to go at 4:00 p.m.. The stands were packed. for • the Sunday fixture _which saw Whitechurch unleash a :,four -run' Three members af, ;the .legisla- ture and-" an : aspiring member told a large. and . enthusiastic audience that the days.; • of the Tory .domination of :Queens. Park are numbered 'and . that Murray Gaunt, . Liberal candidate ' for- Iluron-Bruce in the' byelection and ° lastedi less than . two innings' Marseille ' knocked it down and on. October,.4th was.the clear ivin' ' ,four hits :and a 'walk, tried.: for the force 'at, �hird, but giving up ; „ � .. choice •' ',of those; who � eleyed in two of ': ;them' lusty . homers. St.- 'r too late:: Skinn laced out a ; hit reformprogress a o 1 e n ht Marseille' came in and scattered scoring' Houston. Oh. the throw ' ' n1 g :en ten •.!lits.' the rest of the way, tothe plate, the: Capreol :catch)er: walked two, and had one strike- who had '• played a steady game out. . " threw wild . to third. trying to Alex. Craig,. 'first man .up: in .pick off. MacDonald, with :h'e and Craig !both -racing home. Spry, the second started it off •with a g homer over the right field fence:;. 'batting. for Willis, singled ..Skinn • Skinn singled through the box; •to 3rd and While '!Spry ,was be • Willis flied to . centre, Robinson ing• run down between lot and walked and Farrier pulled a long 'second, 'Skin= scored' run, number homer . to add three runs ,and 9 and the 'last one. ; give. 'Whitechurch a, comfortable' . Receive Trophy 4 -run cushion, Singles .by Willis : Joe Tiffin; ' manager and„cap t in stain:•.of the hilarious Whitechurch team,, received'. the O.A.'S:rA, tiro phy front Jim Nixon , of 'Durham,. attack, .'which' chased Capreol's and 'Robinson with ` one ou starting pitcher and . brought the sixth looked good abut. a. drive Lau srii.Nuu■I*Iae■i■ii;u■.iic iimasimmI.0 ai*aatm■io;aa■ mt ■ ■ ■ ' ■ : • 5 to 35% :■. 'FUEL COSTS 1 BY USING STORM;.WINDOWS ■ ■. ■ ■ ' ■ 411 ■ .' ■ i ■ ■ ■ Storm Windows Are An Investment : ER WOOD .;:OR. ALUMINUM You Can `Save Up To. ;35% • Ori' Your :Pres- ent Fuel Costs. Actually, 'Storm Windows Can. Save Enough Fuel To Pay ' 'For Them- selves I , Three '• Years' Time. • i • N�t.An Expense_ Let Us . Estimate The Cost Of Storm Windows For :e Your Home =. Prompt Service — No Obligation. " representing the 'Ontario Assoc' iati•on. The players • each' receivr ed ' crests • emblematic of the • Ontario championship The Capreol (boys were quick to extend their congratulations. sand the coach : of the :Capreol team, •: who had, added a lot of spice •from .the ' sidelines, and: had • taken quite a ."ribbing” , r ; proved .to be. a right : good .sport, ■ by leading the .fans • in ,giving ■ Whitechurch a• ch -ear +when. they, , ..• ■ , received . the 'trophy.: - The Capreol . teamwere . sere •' ed' lunch at Whitechurch.before 11 . starting' the • long •:trip ' home. • ■ The week -end. brought 'softball. 4enthusiasm to a peak at White- , ■:...church, Which '• has ibeeri ball con- : a sci.ous fOr' a number of . years • dating back to' when Charlie ■ .. Moore started a • team of kids, ■ . someof whom performed on ■ the championship team. . ■ ■ Whitechurch • 040 000 i -- 9 Capreol .000 UUa 000 . d ■ Whitechurchstill has a ser ■ ies to play with Tara for .the ■ • ■ ' i BY .Placing Your Order Now ' You Cate Be Assured Of Delivery Before' 'W` t` W.O.A.A. ' championship. • • .v ■ BANTAMS: SUFFER SECOND e nn er.. ■ ' . DEFEAT ' IN WOAA.• FINALS ■ ■ o, Lucknow Bantams ■ s played the; • ■ ck retain � ; a . „ second game of the best -of five, Fresh Cement In Stock finals in Tavistock,' on 'Friday . i . w night ' and were' drubbed 25-2 r,, m by the Tavistock boys on their '. 'r � _ m � r home diamond ' ■ . Lucknow lost the toss, and John W. Henderson ,Lumber. umber . Limited the ado tdnb h scheduled. r g ( wines. ■ ... Phone ,15o, Lucknow a day)... ■■ ■ loamidaeirsiai■■umiiiusaataiaaraamre i■ ttlitiN■ Is Your Subscrptioa Renewed?" .t ed 'administration ,in. provincial affairs. The meeting held on Fri day. in the• Belmore• •Cominunity Hall was chaired .by George Ing lis, president of the Huron -Bruce Liberal Association. These speakers were John, •Spence:, M.P.P.' .for Kent East;• Gordon. Innes,. M.P.P. tor Ox- ford and Bob: Nixon,: M.P.P, for . Brant. Murray Gaunt, .Liberal candi- date, stated, . that :'Ontario needs. reform as it never did before. He 'referred 'to the .appalling, re- velations of the Wintertneyer in- spired crime probe, thebungling of the three per cent: sales; tax, the'' inequality of taxation: for secondary education; the ,neglect of the sr'nall towns .and small farmers and business ' men Un- der a rreform :government 'as vis ualized by John Wintermeyer &` • the Liberal party,-_. these evils will be eliminated, . he stated.. • THAT Mary Mabintyre :: and Audrey• Ross' left last .week : end on a two week motor trip.. to ;Eastern . Canada THAT •:Bob Andrew is taking:' :a ten. month's : course . at. the !Provincial' Institute of Auto-. motive and , Allied . Trades. in Toronto. 1962 Chevrolet, 1/2 ' ton pick up, fleetsaide. Save huns dreds.and drive a new one . 1962 Envoy sedan, save the tariff on this one. 1960 Chevrolet Belair sedan. 1960.: Volkswagon Deluxe, with radio 1'959 ' _Plymouth, .. V-8 automatic, ; coach. 1958 Ford,` 2 door '.station -wagon, just over 27',000' • true ' miles..' 1958 Pontiac,• looks an, d • runs ' like 'new. '95 8 Mercury sedan, .ala the extras at no extra cost, 1,956. Meteor sedan:'` i 955 • ' Plymouth a sedan.