The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-26, Page 9AX, SEPT._ 6th, ,lti2 LUCKNOW Farnily Snaps In • Tweedsmuir Book. Mrs. Eldon Welsh Was hostess for .the Kairshea 'Women's 'In stitute September meeting at the Kairshea •'Hall.. In the absence of president anal vice-presidents,. Mes, Cliff Roulston presided. The scripture was read, by. Mrs. Harold' tCarnpbell. The •roll call. was answered by each member bringing , a. snapshot of her Ufa- .nnily for: the.•• Tweedsmuir.iis. 'tory book. 17 members, 4 visit- ors and three children were pre- sent. • The Extension service course on • copper .tooling will- be held October .2nd. and 3rd, • at the Kairshea Hall, from :10 a,m.• to 4 Ain. •each day: Any member who has not left her name with the secretary should' .do so as• soon as possible, or with Mrs. Houston, .if interested. The Br 'County ,rally will .'be : held 'Park : Head in , the. North Bruce. District, , Octdber 18th.. Delegates appointed • were Mrs. Houston, Mrs. •Hughes and ,alternates, : Mrs., Frank MadKen= zie, Mrs. Ted •Collyer. Mrs. Cliff . Roulston..and. Mrs. Allister Hughes are. conveners . bf • the. St.. ;Andrew's Ball, with the probable ' date of November 30th.,. • OUR fat OUR IlEATINGOILSTUFF. THE FINEST BRAND. ;VEST- 111 PPoouci-).N41 vow( 41- rop Standing Committee convener reports twere given by Mrs, Eldon Welsh, Agriculture, Bruce Coun-• ty is the second .highest butter produceriL,,.on the. province, Mrs. Hughes, Historical Research,re- ported on,the Bruce County his- torical meeting at the Lime ,Kiln*• lodge at Inverhuron and the plans. for the .nature, trail from Niagara to. Tobermory,. Mrs. Houston gave a progress report of the 4-I3 Club "Cotton Acces- sories dor the Club girls bed- room." 'Eleven girlsare taking part.. • lovely rose and white quilt has. been made. by a come ►ittee and .:tickets . will •be available. from the members at the Suck- now Fair and.later. The •draw will • be made at the .St. And- rew's Ball, Mrs. Donald MacKinnon; !gave, a splendid_report of the conven- tion .held recently at Southamp ton. A total registration of'4f78, and excellent speakers through=. out the. two days, added much to the success• of the fourth Grey - Bruce Area Convention. Mrs. Ira. Dickie dealt with 'the topic, 'Changes in Education.' This was most interesting. In pioneer days they had very few books, . but ' always the .Bible to refer to. / Miss Dean • MacLeod concluded Mrs., Dickie's topic. with an ; original humorous poem entitled; "The.::.' P-u,blic School Leaving." . ' Entertainment Was provided, with a • vocal ,duet by Misses June 'Ackert and- Karen Carru- t hers, and a piano. solo. by ,Miss Grace MacDougall. Mrs. Currie Colwell. -showed /some slides of. local interest. T e; courtesy re marks w.ere extended by Mrs, Harold. 'Campbell, to, which our, hostess replied; after 'which She and Mrs. Currie '.Colwell sere d lunch. • The October meeting. will . be held , on Tuesday, October .16th: as • the 3rd ' Thursday •cif the month is the (Bruce County Rally at: , Park 'Head. Mrs. Allister H:ugh:es.• Will be hostess at the Kairshea • Hall; th& gues't sneak- er Will !be the District `Tweeds- muir Curator, .;Mrs:,.• William J. Arnold, Ripley, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO t PAGE NPNE • BROWNIE NEWS LOC ,1st PACK BROWNIES The ist Lucknow Brownie Pack held its• second meeting on September 19th, with eighteen girls present, After playing games,. the Brownies went to their six corn, ers for Inspection and to mark their books. Fairy Ring & Fairy Gold followed. Brenda Jardine was Toadstool Fairy. Tawny Owl, instructed the 'Golden' 'Bar Brownies in First SH The Ripley andDistrict .Hort- 'icu.ltural Society meeting was held on Tuesday evening at. the home oaf Mrs. Emile MacLennan. •;Dick Stanley . gave a talk on his trip to United i1V'ations. Thursday afternoon,. Recent :visitors with Mr. 'and. Mrs. D, R. MacKenzie were Mrs. Myrtle Tyndall and Mrs, Waldon Tyndall of Clinton, •Mr and Mrs. George Carter, M. Mrs. Watson 'Reed and family of Londs(boro Barbara Finlayson has return; ed , to -School at .�MacDonal.d In- Sh ;A' 1►1► shldute in �Ouelp h for her third �® er He > year in Home Economics, Marion MacLennan of Toronto For Bride -Elect Ad h'1 the G ld spent the wveek=end with her par - i.. while e t • o .en Aland - Miss Dianne Ritchie, dau�gl ^ f•ents,: Mr and Mrs, Emile Mac -:ter of Mr :and Mrs. Andrew Lerman. awe. are' K orgy to report that Ritchie, whose . marriage takes ,Duncan, MacKenzie is " a patient place on Saturday, 'October 6th, in Wingham • (Hospital. Oliver was guest' of honour at a mis Barkwell is still a patient; in the cellaneous. shower on, Saturday same hospital;. evening. '• • group reviewed Semaphore and ,went, outside.. to practise �a11 - throwing... . A.game "T like to 'be .a Brow= nie" was..practiced before Pow. - wow;; where Tawny Owl read a' story about a fly who .010g - ed places with a Brown Owl so • Mrs.- John La Beau of Royal The event was held at the that she.. could visit the homes Oak spent the week -end ..at the' home of Mrs.. Graydon Ritchie m Duncan ' MaoKenziefarm, • • in Ashfield •who was. assisted of ..her �Brownies unseen. by 'Mrs. fA.' J. Wilson of Luck The: Magic., Pot was I• Mrs, Mary H. Martyr of R•ip- L g . passed ley is spending a few days .with' : now; around and. each Brownie dip- Mrs. 'Annie MaeMurch ti y. ped her fingers in it and Plan- ned • a .good turn she could' •do.' The meeting closed with .the Squeeze, chimes, ' ' tidying up and singing Good Night.' At . the ,first meeting for the school year on Sept. •12th, Path- finder Badges were presented to the following girls: • Marie Far- ris•h, . Carol Campbell, . Donna. Mullin, Lynda Walden, ' .Carol Brown, Margaret Chester, Bren- da Jardine, Nancy Kirkland. • 2nd PACK. BROWNIES ' The 2nd Pack Brownies met on Tuesday, With' ' a perfect atten- dance. After games, Linda Hen- derson • acted as Toadstool Fairy and prepared .for Fairy 'Ring. ' >The inspection .for • clean . hands • and .Brownie' smiles was . made ,■ Eby the. Toadstool ,Fairy Ian the Work 'period, Mrs: Oliver ■ 4Glenn acting as. Tawnyowl pervised .the ,weenies. • while. ■ they • 'made paper , • toadstools showing ' their 'Promise, Law & ■ :Motto which', `they must learn: Brown ' Owl gave the Golden ■ Bar. Brownies a' Health' lecture 1 'o and a 'iGerm. Game" was enjoy -'t ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1VIcChar- les and Scott of Brantford, spent the. week -end with Mr.• and Mrs. Oliver. MoCharles and attended the Cory -Bell • wedding at Ripley.. The W.M.S. % of. Ashfield Pres- byterian. Church •met at the' home of Mrs. D: R. MacKenzie on A pleasant social evening was enjoyed during which Dianne re- c• ceived many lovely •gifts which. were tarried in by Sharon, Dick- son, Itrene •'Wall and Janet Rit- eine, 'Dianne. expressed • her', thanks and extended an Invitation...to see her trousseau. • ..■maeaa ;■■'■i■■/■■■u•au >ru■■f•■■Uf osiof•■■■U■Rf•■U■f1! ■ F. 350-.62 �. • Notice Of Application By The Corporation of the HAMILTON ,O,HEATINGOICS-GAS01.1NE -OTHER FRU PRODUCTS: • PH,220W -LUCKNOW ZION (Too, ,Late For 'Last Weeio -Sorry AO hear of- the death of Beattie • 3Gibson. sym- pathy is extended. Mr.'. and Mrs.' • Robert . Helm spent Sunday with and 1vir.s. • patd Satur.day ,with Mr. and Mri. Nelson • Rayner -ft Whefrittames to hom,e heating, there's . nothing quite as carefree and coMfort- ablees safe, dep6ndable Esso Oil heat. We,.have a wide tinge of oil heating., equipment to suit every budget. LOW BUDGET TERMS Up ,To .Five Years..To Pay ROY HAVENS , Plumbing And Heating' Phone 73 , Lucknow 'Eno OIL, BURNER SALES And, SERVICE • Hand Brownies outdoors; where they 7practised carrying a:. ines-; sage around the •block. In .pow-wow..final plans *ere Made for -the hike.for. next week.. :the meeting closed the ;Squeeze and Taps.- • VILLAGE OF LUCkNO'. To Dispense With A Vote Of Electors 'TAKE NOTICE THAT: ■ 1.. The Counciil of the Corporation of ' the Village of ' L., Lucknow ' intends to ''carry out ` the works referred t<o in Schedule "A' : hereto and that the' sum . of ■ ■ • land spent Sunday in.' Torontot : ' Mr: ,and . Mrs. Howard Walker; '; 'Joyce and Glen spent 'Sunday' ' 111. tenbe,rg of Southampton' Viiitedl • One . daY last week. with Mr.:. • se •COLOS5 CORN-ERSil • Congratulations • to. ,Mr. and Mrs. Don ,;Donaldson on celebrat- :Mg their tenth wedding anniver-1 40th. Don and •Shirley along with Mr. and Mrs: Morley. Wall Were the dinner guests Thursday•-"ev- Miss Islorina ...Haldenby has gone' to London' where she 'Will take 'a course at,' the Beal Tech- nical College. GoOd Luek Norma! Rev. T: and Mrs. McKinney, Teeswater‘ were callers' on the line Wedn'esclay afternoon, ' Ronald Parker has cOmmenced his fourth -and final year at the days laSt :week With Mr: and Mrs. Bob. Millen, North Bay. ilaldenby both of London, spent the .week -end at their homes pathY to Toni Stewart in the loss' n„of his brother, Albert Stewart. who passed aWay in Walkerton THOspital. The funeral Was front I the McLennan Funeral Horne, I Ripley on Monday. Mr's. Frank Brown and Rek spent gunday With Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shelton and Peter, Park- • $ 16,777, Ihe total. cost thereof, $.1 2,000 Shail be al • ' raised ,by'• the.. sale of debentures' 'payable out cif '•the• general rate over a period '31ot exceeding ten m Application has been made to .The Ontario' Mug-. it icipal Board for an 'order to. disPense with the '• asSent of the :electors.• and for approval of thp said wOrki. Any ratepayer may, . within 21, 'days after the' first publication • of this -notice file with •■ the Clerk 'of .the Village of • Lucknow a notice ; writing stating. his objection to such approval and , the grounds of. suc objection. • 'The, Ontario ,MUniCipal Board may order pursu-, . ane•to the. statUte that the assent of the electors m shall' not be required and mak approve of the said ■ • .works, but efore. doing so it May appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any. Objec-• tions will be •consiclered. • Dated 'at the Village of •Lucknow this' 17th -day ,of ■ m THIS IS SCHEDULE "IV ,TO 'THE .FOREGOING iiii i 1. Construction and PAVING OF STREETS, as.: au ,(a) INGLIS STREET, from Campbell Street to ri,' (b) INGL.IS STREET, from CamPbell Street to : (c) WHEELER STREET, from Stauffer Street to : ,, (d), OUTRAM STREET, from Campbell Street il• , (e).. WARD STREET, from ' Wheeler Street :--.-• 2 South ' 270. feet; ' (including construction of : (f) WHEELER STREET, from Havelock. Street .:. w .h. CAMF1BELL STREET, North and South sides, : iii" ' from Outram/ Street to Havelock Street ' , • ' Ill 3, OUTRAM STREET, EaSt and West Sides, : al • from Campbell Street to, Wheeler Street : . 4.• INGLIS STREET,, East Side only, ' from IT. El,. CarnAell' Street to Willoughby Street . a LI Construction of ASPHALT APPROACHES, on:— : ..: 5.' CANIEBELL STREET, East ' of Havelock an • usOwiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwWwwimiamswwwimammimumwmaawm • • • • o