The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-19, Page 1T.. ,un- • y,in, iday. .urs • - se- v. eek for,.: are !xt'ra yail lined • ` litor, Sen Drug' ;llton 'last iends • first. in '12 .of '4 da. ploy - Milk Acing .. Har- s. "I: *heti, home Years' • 03;00 A Year In Advance $1:00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO` WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19th, 1962e. ' Single Copy 10e 14 Pages HURON, 1.O.;$S HIP SILO COLLAPSES Bath of Beattie' Graham Coilf�r Gibson, a native of Ashfield, oc- 'MACHINEaY.'1c,.AM:AGED,.'NO , ctixrred in .Detroit on Thursd�ay�.' INJURY The feneral ey s held on 'Monday A cement silo ion the farm• of 'finish the job. ' ' from the MacKenzie 1Vlemorial Jobe Ferguson,. on the fourth The first knowledge of trouble concession. of !Huron Township, tL:ynn and Leonard had was when a mile and. one-quarter east .of they ,felt the corn start to settle. Pine ,River Church, collapsed Then. the , silo began '• to crack about 0: pen Saturday . evening around the windows: The 2 .Yuen .with no serious •injury.. tortun managed to get on the snow fence c. •r .thacci- • ately connected wit h e that lead• collapsed and jumped dent, ,down onto the 'barn• roof from Silo filling: had Ibeen..in prog- where . .they made their way. ress at' the Ferguson 'farm that down• a ladder, to: safety. •Leo i day using Elmer •:Smeltzer'a and sprained• his footwhile get- •equipment. Besides !Elmer; John ting down, the ladder. f'erguson, •(Lynn and 'Murray iFer- Some pieces of the Silo fell on guson, Leonard. Irwin and ,Bob the 'barn 'roof; but.the. most of Scott• were 'working at the. job, it-. fell away from thebarn to Carrick Lolling. had been there until noon but twee not there' at the time of ,,the accident, The silo was .fu11 and strew fence had been placed. around •the top to ,enalble. the.. rrien to . get • has much ; of . the 'cern in as pos- sible; Lynn Ferguson, age :18, and tthe north-east, on top oif E1ri er's blower, which was completely damaged, ' and John's•' tractor, which .was Partially, 'dam:aged, Only a small portion oaf the silo. rexnained standing. Neighbours pitched in on *Monday to finish the corn operation and it will Leonard Irwin were atop the be left in an open pile. silo and were about, ready . to The , accident, while financially, come dow'ri. The men. hoped that destructive, could have' resu'lted lby Monday ` the. ensilage would in Loss of :liffe' or 'very serious settle enough'to allow :'them to injury. Expressed Appreciation f Window Be At St: Peters iConfirmation service ' will be Chapel to 'C�;reenhill Cemetery. • :.held • at St. Peters Anglican: Church this Thursday - evening,, when Rev. Willfr'ed • Wright Will Mother Goes ' present a class. 'of ' twelve. The Sacrament .of •Conifirma • tion W'j11 be,• pe:►for nod Back H F Appl d B' h of G r- To Scho�i Mrs. Prances Cowan, proprie- tor of the ,Log •Cabin Restaurant. is. to, be complimented and con- gratulated on her decision to go ."back to school." •' • ' • • .:Mrs. Cowan has entered Lucke:. now 1Distriet..High School to take three ma • einatics —' . Algebra, Geometry and T'rigonometr y. Success in •these three subjects would give,.her "senior .matricu- lation" standing, now simply re- ferred to'a Grade '113. Mrs. Cavan is the only ;girl" taking all three maths. After 2,1 years she says it'. is• not easy, but she is' determined' to stick to it. and. with the two. high school merrilbers eof her family, Glen '& Lynn, the 'threesome 'are a studi- ous tele. tudi-ous;trio. Mrs...Cowan is :current :ly.. attempting to. 'review.: what. she has forgotten: .• yar is op eo g''By h 11.-1 g, ran a , w o' will a so ° ive the sermon: ' • The class, will be comprised. of Mrs, • Etta Roberts, •Mrs: Jas. Durnin, (Mrs, �' Allan Johnston; Mrs. Tom Pritchard; 'Mrs. Clara Webster, Karen:. Ann.'. (Gaunt; Barbara F.s,ther .VLcQuillin, Edith Pamela Copper, Eleanor. • Jac- queline - Co.oper, Elmo Pritchard, Clifford Roulston, Also.to. ''be ie- c�eived . into the Anglican• corn- munion is Lee Beauchamp. 'Held Baptismal Service • On. Sunday' evening a baptis- mal 'bservice'. 'was h.e e' at.• St,' Peters when Rev.Wright baptiz- ed aVlargaret .Ann, • daughter of Mr. ' and •'Mrs. Carl ..Whitcr.oft.; (Mark William,' saii` of .Mr, arid. Mrs. Wm. Heldenby, ;Kevin . Ed- ger,:` dgai, `. son .of Mr, .an,d' Mrs.; Levi Carter. Guest Miteheil Here :On ''Sunday .Rev. Mr: Wright ;Will ; condact the Harvest Festi- val service •at .St: Judes Church,. London, and in the afternoon. will attend a meeting. in Sarnia,. at Si, )Stephen's 'pariah, •where` he will assume. his new duties as incumbentearly in October. • On Sunday . Guest 'Mitchell .o f Tliameslford, son of Rev: 'and Mrs.. �A: S. Mitchell of Hamilton and (orm'erly iaf 1Lu,cknow, will con- duct 'services, here on. the •four - .point parish.. Guest i:s at Pee - .sent, in his second yearof extra curricular duties in ' studying; for the. Anglican priesthood. She, has received an excellent • reception 'by.. student's and .staff and in the hallways. its "Ii . Mo •R� laoemo�t: Work, On. Boiler �Required Cowan is Successful, sh.e• would be :qualified to attend teachers' 'college, and eventually might 'turn •to 'teaching.. In. any event, . iMrs. Cowan.'' takes the. philosophical view that even. ' if she doesn't' get through,''it' will be an' object son to young people' of , the nee :for an educa tion ;.• • Good ' luck, . Frances! At the September: meeting of the Lucknow '' Public School Board, it was. reported. that as the result +af, a -recent inspection • the boiler . of the furnace requir-= ed complete 'retubing. This. work is. being . attended to' and•should be completed shartlyi as, the fur mace :could• not be used ,until :this was done. Principal Cplilyer reported an enrolment .of 29. to begin the .1962-63' school teem:. On .behalf. of the teachers and.pupils he thanked they• board ...members in appreciation et the wiridowv • re- pl�acement...'Ventilation and ,light .is; , greatly, improved and it:: is considered the' general :attitude of 'the- (pupils will be much, bet- ter with • the ,brighte;r appearance of the':classrooms. , , Accounts ..an�ounting to $15,727. 82 were approved: paid. in. -con- nection con- nection'•wit�h the.windoev replace - meet. Canadian ,Pititsiburger ac court for. .lass' lites ,ee 2,180.94, g. is' yet to:be paid;: When • applica- tion will be made to' the retail, safes tax ' branch for' \refund, of Provincial sales'tax '- lnclude•d' iri accounts paid'in :connection,•with this expenditure"' ' • Mrs. Helen Hall reported she expected' ' to . resume. teaching Kindergarten class,, Monday, Seg' tember 17th. • •All 196'2-83• tuition Mees: were attended' to. in advance, under :a new , regulation: which '.came into effect' at :the beginning. • of this school'. term.. 'S'undr` accounts. artio.0 'tin• to. y n g S2I18.3�7• were' presented and ap- s:proved; paid. • 21 Beginners In Kindergarten ; 'Cancelled! .::Sabin • 'The kindergarten class at Lucknow Public 'School started to school:: on Monday. with 211 .in. attendance. The '• Kindergarten openingwas- delayeed a . • couple of weeks while the' teacher, Mrs.; Lloyd Hall was convalescing., : ,from a recent operation. • The• ,'pupils• are as' ,follo!ws:. Steven Baker,..Tom .Chester, 'Nan cy :Chisholm Linda Currie,' Mary" Einberlin Wayne Farrish, :Gl.o.rin dollen, Jo'hn`C. 'Hamiltoe, .Mary• tiler' Havens; Barbara .Ha.w-. thorne, Cathy 'Jamieson, bonne Johnstgn, Brenda • M'acDonald, Lyle McInnes, Alvie Morriingstar, Allan Nicholson, Bryce Ritchie, 'Donal'd Ritchie, • Patsy .Scott, Cornie' `Stevenson,:.Jeffrey T have Clinics In Bruce; Plans.' which ,had '".been ,made by the Bruce County Health . Unit to held*the second series .of: pot- iomyelit•is clinics, convmencing this month,: have been indefinite: ly cen�celled: The cancellation was decided The 'cancellation week when t e e era health . department . deked 'Pro= vineial health authorities to.sus- pend general., use :of , salbin.:oral polio vaccine. " " :This: ', action was. taken' , when four cases of :paralytic polio de- veloped in Eastern Canada:. These ar ' th onl cases reported of some .4,000,000.' Canadians ',,who • received ',•the *vaccine. • this• ay-.. Name Successor' Here. John. King who is corn- ., pleti:n;g his'last year • •im Seager Theological ' Institute at' :'Huron College, London, rias . ,been ap pointe:d..by. Rt. .Rey .G. N..Lux- ton,: assuccessor's fo Mr Wright Mr, King wll'inove ;to 'the- rec- tory ;iri Lucknoiw upon Rev. and: Mrs. Wright's: departure to Sar- nia, I'1Rr. ,• Wright . will succeed. Rev. W... W: Mcllveen at 'St. •Stephen's, :Church; Sarnia, Mr. ' 1VhcIlveen• left • last spring.to take up work in the Diocese. of Erie, Perinsyl. varii.a: Rev: (DT, De' H. Pinkerton' has been in' charge 'of. services at St. '!Stephen's Church through' the • summer months. Can �Sh,OW Hogs At Lucknow'Fail Fair ,Swine may be shown at the Lucknow iFall Fair. to be held on. Wednesday and Thursday. 0 next week. The • hog cholera out- break placed. • seine•' • restrictions for 'a time on the moverien't of swine, but it is now . ' OK"` to exhibit pigs in this part of Western Qntario" This word has Ibeeri' received officially' by the Fair. Board' .secretary, ;from Dr. 'MacLennan, Seafbrth veterinarian, . .on the ` advice 'of the Department,• Work Bee Saturday Building , of hog .pens is one of the ,jobs on the agenda at a; work•bee to be held .by directors of the, Society, and anyone else who would care to. lend .a, hand, on . Saturday, afternoon.. ' Some new fencing is also' to. be done on the west -side of the grounds, where Beb Maclntosh, operator of the Lucknow ' Sales' Barn is 'acquiring some addition- al property: The secretary, (Mrs:: Fred' Mc= Quillin, will :be " at the'•arena. nest :Monday .and "Tuesday • to, receive advance entries 'of. in- door exhibits which must :be in before the ,first . day of the show. The fair ;will 'be officially op ; ened by, the; 'On•tario .Minister of Agriculture; Hon.:. Wm. Stewart,• following '• the school children's 'parade • which is scheduled' to'` leave from . the '''Public ,;School •." grounds at 1:00, o'clock, :headed thy tti:e Lucknow District High School Band T1eTe are prizes for 'decorated bicycles, ,tricycles and; ponies,hich. add color td the .'parade. 'The. grandstand ' features are the public'school ..competitions, the public school'',b'oy-sand-girl=• team twist contest, & baby show, interspersed with. (performances by Jack Kinrgston;and , his`, troupe of :St, Catharines. Jack was wwith. C�KiNK, at" one time. The :4-1L: calif . club' is always • of interest, and the .indoor ,'show is second `` to none. with.' ladies , ;7 projects, 'baking, children's ..ex hi�bits, etc,, dbeing .pr ,,rnrninept. After ,a lapse of several � ears' .Y the, arena will +be open en -the first night"of "the fair (Wednes- •day) to view the i'ndoor'show • There. will, be' • a '. dance on ". Thursday night. • : `Shutter -bugs ;are urged'. to bring • alon'g ,their cameras to the fair to take some `.`shots",for the photography :'contest. . year,.Sabin, alive -virus vaccine Plans Being : Made.:, 'Fora Liquor Vote: was • lieensed for' use. in Canada:,• • last March. • Huron Bruce �yelection Campaign t B H Id I L k 0 t ber 2' The proigtam is agreed. Q. �r Pr n urr hQEf �i o The Salbin proigram' is agreed o e• e .:, n �. 'uc now � c o e is the 'only way era-. .o '., a _ relative .. ,F.._..v,. ,___...._ -- —`_ of • is the only known procedure -relative. to.thepend- „ ' dicating polio in. 'Canada, anti; Jfor`• t Negative in .connec,tion. in liquor vote in Tucknorvv ' on with the 011 to, be held R. S �evelo in Into Full Scale Batt e e p et d th d t ' 11 g q p p g M d O' wo r' 22nd ' being is. x e e e , , e ermen• • be. only temporary. on ay, ; c. e is. The advance .poll will be held • n• c er an. c ndi:- nd or ere a :halt. last ThursdayThe two questions to, be voted the:regular u'ar ell or the tollowing C t h re.: energetic a o ct cl l g p for election, in a clean a on the advice' advice.' of :federal , au 1. 'Are you ie.. if. av i e mined bid � p sale of 11 •uor • 'under" a +but driving campaign With as; thorities .o q• official count will be announced. much• personal •contact, as 'hum- . ,1674 Had'.Vaeeine Here lounge licence ;.for consumption an Tuesday, October �2,3�rd.• pwith .meals on licensed prernises? :.only inssi�ble. In late May of ., this year the The .Federal election voters'. t .;a:candidates have the, sup- Bruce bounty Health Unit held 2. Are you in . favour • of the ;fists will be used. as the .basis for the liquor vote. ,Copies' have been posted for 'inspection , in : the Post Office '.and,, Municipal Of- fice, . • Il Political. •activity• is. l;n ,.high gear in 'Huron -Bruce •ridin with Vo` g ting day jtist 'about two.weeks away. The' date is" Thursday, `Oc- tober 4th: AAs' the. activity increases, the interest of the electorate is aroused accordingly, :.and . all political, eyes are. focused . on the outcome, ;for Huron -Bruce• is .re- garded as a : `lfinger. in the , (breeze," with . a general provin-' ' , cial election' expected next :year: Contesting this election are George WiCutcl eon, • garage '.op= orator of Brussels and warden of Huron Cbunty;: as the Progress sive-�Conservative candidate and : Vlur'ray Gaunt,• son,' of Mr, and. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt' of West Wa= wanosh; and ,who has been as- sistant 'farm ,editor at •CKNX , as Liberal candidate; • .The b elec •' • fill. �' tion was called to the vacancy caused by the death :early last springof John• VV, Hanna, Pr .: " dire egressive. Conserva- Who. for over m years 'shad continuously represented . the riding "Both: •Mr. Gaunt • and Mr, Mc- Ontario Health Minister. SDym-':'carlee d out on Saturday, O`tob 20th fi d uc a ., on 'are• dates who are making a deter- to distribution of the vaccine, • 1>7onday The result ts. w'Jl; b our, . of 'the'. no . k wn' .that' night > g although the a dining e of the. "to brass.:: of, Sabin' .clinics in the .southerly establishment • of government t pert p in. stores. for the sale of liquor?. their party; and . ,no meai5s .of part of .Bruce• and `three sac- _ ,.. publicizing '"their '"their man"` are •be- cessi've nights 1.6.74 Men, wbinen There are two separate ballots i Overlooked.. and children received the vac-suibmitted; with' a three-fifths ing ov in 1 m of affirmative vote required to •ob- Liberal workers ',attended a eine, impregnated a ti ,p art: rally at Formosa • on 'Mon- sugar; There were •6,1+8 at •'the . 'tai.n approval" party Th l t' d d be held .on Friday, ,S�epterriber 28th,: notice. of which is .contain- ed . in an advertisn ent in .this • issue, '. 'The revision • of •the• lists will, ;day. night under the chairman- ship : of George 'Inglis; • and'• with Liberal. Leader John Winterrney,- er in:' attendande.:Re said in part: "This is an' ' occasion t�' tvarrn the hearts of, Liberals every'- where, Here in Huron-Bruce," with the eyes of :Ontario upon :you,' is our great, opportunity in this by'electiori .to light the bee,- con ear corn for the general • electi.on now so Close. upon us.'" On Thursday night :the Hon. Fred` Cass, .Q,C> minister . of iVluniripal '.Affairs will .speak at a' George McCUtCheon rally at i 1� .'. ng, 11p Y Lucknow, clinic,, :644 at 'Ripley e . proc ama ion an a vane and 414 at .Holyrood; poll' bills have been submitted to Was To Start Next Week the Liquor ''Licence Board for 'ap- • 'The planned series of Bruce proval and are. expected to be ,County Itealth Unit clinics, posted within a few days, which have been cancelled, were✓ The proclamation lists the two t t uestions to be •voted on and to have started , locally next q EN0AGEMENTS' serves as a public notice in ac- week, Those receiving the vac " gcordai ce . with .the revisions .of =Mr• ands Mrs, John' H" Hall, of ,cine in .the s.prinb would have.,�., P Lu•cknowv, • Cntai•o, wish to' art- :been given their second ' "lump the Liquor Licence. Act; that the, while thos who ,did- 'presence Of the voters. is requir- nounee the engagement of their '' i of sugar ed `at' the. Town Hall' nett Tues only daughter,•".Eil,eeri Alberta Int. attend then could now receive first drops theday, September' '.,25th: at one I White- to William Bennett Cum their d p� of • vaccine. . ` the caricelled • inie • o'clock, when sill. Agnew, re- rings: son of. the late U17�" 'and Dates ofc cl26th turn,ii"g officer, will•ennor•.tnce the' Mrs, James a., Cummings. Lon-- had been set for ,September 26th , " Lon- don. The wedding' will tape place x " names of the persons arepoin ". d ,i_ w g ,early in Octr,'�ber., to act for ..the Affirrrtati� e ;arid in Lucknow, October 1st at :p- r/ , ley and October 4th. at Holyrood,.. • � • • nl •