The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-12, Page 12PAGE. 'TWELVE. TBZ LUCK.NOW , SENTINEL, LUCKNOW )NTA►RIO. 12th, ],9 ussia Bought 8 'Herefords.. A three-manRussian : team who yeeently visited Ali erta, and Ontario purchased : 388 head 'of choice „ 'Hereford :cattle ' whilch. will . be .' shipped fromci : ,Montreal • on September 18th to .Soviet Tarim Total: cost. of the . shipment:, will be ::more' than $140,000 ' The Ontario'` contribution oif, 78, , heiuf •+ers and' nine 'bulls will'be 'valued at about $3i50o0 This is the third consecutive year that a Russian agnricultural delegation .l as purchased. Can= adian • purebred beef Cattle:, Ar- ,rangements for the. Russian' trade. missions. to Canada were car tied out ; by 'Oanagro Export Ltd., Toronto.. Along ,With Warwick. Seed Conipany : Ltd.,. Blenheim, the' Toronto firm`, has arranged. yt • rn oft. s ales of 'Canadian' livestock; seed grains and . farm' Machinery to Russia since 1956.• Early in 190 'Ernest M. War- wick head of the Blenheim. 'firm was' instrumental in: 'ar'ranging. the sale of more than: $1,000,000 worth' of . Canadian. °agriculture, goods to •Iron ' Curtain,':countries. Last ;year. the Gamagro Export firm sold 2612 Alberta 'Angus and Hereford 'cattle to Russia..Presi- dent .of Cahagro.'is Joanne War- wick; daughter orf Ernest �M Warwick .Consigning cattle from • this area 'were' E. E. .,Haase, Seaforth;'. Heber` , Eedy, .. Dungannon; ' Ern-` est 'Brown, : Colinton; Hirtzel . Bro t'hers,.: Crediton; Robert E:` Thompson; 11.R. 2, Clinton:. • Wife, at police `• stations "Well, actually, m,y husiband : must have been . missing for nearly : a week n -ow, but . I didn't notice it. un - ..til payday.".. •. iIui.■sir.Iu■n■i1uau■I■■r.IUR■uUU0■g■■uur. :ALt MINI!IVr • DOORS And WINDOWS ° Mode ..? jToo Lafe ToSfart WHITECHURCH IN OASA SERIES W. . NORWOOD : Whiteehuirch .Juveniles have closeto a; 500-2pi'le ; sound; trip ahead, of`:, :them today (Wednes- day) as they .go to. Norwood, east of Peterborough' for the se- cond of a three game series in the OASA. playdowns. .Whitechurch was edged 2-0 on a pair of unearned runs, in, Wing-. harm. on, Saturday evening in the opener. Whitechurch advanced another. step towards Ontario honors,,'. when, they ousted Highgate last Wednesday ;at . Woodstock : in a- ser es- that went three games.. 84 Bowlers 1 Loborlay Event Ideal Weather prevailed fer the. Lucknaw Bowling Club's annual Labor Diay• lawir'bow1ing' town-' athent. • g4 bowlers competed for a large array of prizes,' any donated by local merchants and manufacturers. :A pair' from;Clinton skipped by. Fred' Elliott won first , prize rby ; winning' ,three g►ameis witih almost ;a full: latus 'Other three: ` ' games • winners were in 'order. 'as . follows: 'Jack Porter;' Teeswater; . Art Redmond, Hanover,, William Mc= Laren, Goderich;: Norm' ` Tucker; Durham." • 2 -game ' .winners ; were: Bert Gray,. • Clinton; ' Pete •Bissett, Goderich; Carl Draper, .Olinton;. H. ' 1VioGirr, ' Durham; ' G. Ross London, H. Burnett;; Paisley, G. Ruhl,' Hanover; H. MVIaKa'gue,. Teesirater; Ab Archer, Paisley; Dr. Brady; SeafQrth; 'G: MacGirr,. • Durba'm; ' J. Bayliss, London; H. Vodden, . Blyth; E. Watson, • Exe- Iter; . H. E. Armstrong, • Aylmer;. R Rae, Dr:, McKim, . Lucknow; J. Fisher,' Don Fisher, Luckal w. •' .'Once -game, winners. •were:. F. Sells, Seaforth; , Don Cameron, Walkerton;: J. McDonald, Peter. 1 Johntori,NLucknaw.; L;. White, .1Hanover.;`: Fred Jackzon, Rev. Strapp, Luckmow; H..Ritchie,Dr.Corrin,'' •Clark'Finl'ayson • . JimCameron, Lucknw; Hap ' Ha1T, GeorgeNwlld, Lucknow; J; Rutherford, Geo. Huton, Lucknow; 'R,• : Finlayson.; .AlexHack- ett, .Lucknoviw; W. „M. Cameron,: Walkerton; G. ',McKay, Winghram;1VIeau'ghton,Larry Slkeld, -L-ircknow;;. M` �Sdersony ChFas. Webstr; Luckriow. With :heavyau. a -Aluminum all ;Game �� ereg.9 ■ i : ; " Win ham -1 -- .Goderich-0 These . Doors, Are ' 1" Thick, Include Screen, ' ■ g a. In Wingham; . on Wednesday ■ Door Closer, Weather' Stripping, Lock. ■ • night last week the Wngham sis i Goodyears evened the best' of' • ■ 3seriesWillT n::.ti at. .Pa. � � Ve's �� ■ de�featn:gyg . • Both Quality And Price Before fou Buy Any.: Aluminum products jWe. Wi�1 �Gladl Measure And You, ,An Estimate. ■ • r au■ to• es w ■ ■ .John N rr . • ■R1�iu■rMiM�rril�i��ii���■■a��■s■t■eeuseeeeeaeai FOR. EITHER . odd Or Aluminum.St�rm Windows And .Doors For Your Home NO OBLIGATION �res� Cement in Stock ■ ■ :. ■ • ■ ■ Henderson Lumber Limited ill Phone 150, . Lucknow ' • s ■ • in -Memorial League' playoffs. • The ; Goodyears scored their run in the 5th inning when Jim Bain, singled; went to . third .on. Mac Eadie's single; then ' stole h+orne. Jim Coultes came up with -a nice pitching job allowing Gode- rich only 1 hit and striking out nine ,. God.,' �0 0 0 0;0,0.00 OL -0 +1. 0 Wing. 0.0 0 0.1.0 0 '0 x-1 3 2 ' . Batts., Wingham, Sire Coultas, Alvin, Baker.; . Goderich, Stan Doherty, 'Wayne, Caulfield. Winghanl-6 'Walkerton -I The ' Wingham, Goodyears de feated Wralkerton . Hartlery'S in Walkerton Thursday ':night last week ty a score of" 6. This pu=ts. the Goodyears ahead a games to 6 • in the best .61"7--W.OitA.A. Int. "A," ` series. . .11M Bain had the big hits for the Goodyears slugging a 2 run homer in•, the 6th' acid a '3 -run homier in the 10th inning. Grant Chisholm can through With. a good " pitching chore , al- lowing .3 hits and striking out 145. lie , aiso ' hit a double and a single: , Winrglia ' ,'0000 020x021!1'6 Walkerton: 010'0140.0a 32 Batts., .Wingham, . Grant . Chis - ham -and Alvin Baker; Walker ton,. Nelson 1V ortimer and tort ' an wNh the experience h Carry On." TOUR ' OGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE CAN Di DATE Ge rge. McCutcheon,who, celebrates .. his fortieth,' birthday this year. was born 'and raised in Mor- ris Township, As a family man with two daugh- ters and whose ,wife — a aformer school teacher was • born in the ;same" area,he is. typical of many, of us who live in this riding, Elected '.War. War- den of Huron County after ' six successful: years on the Brussels municipal .council,. George Mc- Cutcheon' today has the necessary broad expel.. ;_ience ' in public service . to represent you capably at Queen's: Park. He. .*Will take an active part in the vigorous.'Robarts administration and carry on the , traditions 'ofprogress which Huron -Bruce has ,enjoyed' under ' the Progressive Conservative•. Government. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS,: Wingham Curling Rinks Phone; ,1088. :Winghanr • Ur�nBruce.: GEORGE: Watch CKNX TVfor Hon. Robert 1Vlacaula: 6:19 p.m. Sept. 1 7' Hon. Fred . Cass ' • 6:10 p.m. , Sept: 20+ `October stUTCHEON •' Published by the ' I-luron'Bruce' Progressive Conservative :Asociat Mortimer • . . Fans Disappointed Wnghate and Walkerton were slated to 'play in Lucknow bn Saturday night. The Walkerton team waitect till 9:30, then went horns. The Bantam game te- • tween. Lticknow` and 1 which was the first game 't over till 10 to 10., The Wits Management .titnas;•sorrY .to. the fans disappointed but Was nothing' they Could. 1 avoid it..