The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-12, Page 7• 1,' 1.. • r' . 1 1: 1 1. 1 1• c5 "NEDNESDAY, SEW 404 *0 {FriaLUCKNOW .SESITINKL, LUCKNOWr ONTARIO • • PAM SEVth CHURCII NEWS $hakes U.C,W, Mrs. James. Arnold was host- ess- tO ost-e s,'tO the Blake's' United Church • women on Thursday afternoon, September 6th, Thi, teen mem- bers, 1. visitor and 3 'children. attended. Mrs. L. Menary • ..open- ed the meetingwith a hymn and prayer. Mrs. 'Warren Zinn. read the scripture., Mrs. Wm. Irvin had' : a temperance reading and Mrs. Jack gIrwin the study 'bpok. Plans were xnade ffor a .bazaar and tea to be held. at `the .manse on September 21st at 2;30. The. meeting closed with :a hyrrn and the Lord's Prayer in. unison. A lovely 1"uneh was served by Mrs: Arnold and; Mrs. Herman Philr lips. • Presbyterian W.M.S. Miss N. M.al o %read minutes The aim and ..ori the I Circle Was given''b 1VIrs, Russel elm purpose�' �. and. 'correspondence. The• BLble W.M S, was repeated. Miss Dean Mrs, Simpson and Mrs. ' N. CY',,, .Study was !based ;on forgiving. MacLeod :spoke on the rprobleiris MacKenzie, and Mrs. Emerson )8s M. rs,gave Maude -Sherwood, brought 'af.the city church :and interview-` Mrs. Reidreadings. Mrs, out the thought that the humble ed a deaconess. Mrs. Henderson 1 freckles delighted the laches and; .peaceable • arethe greatest represented the deaconess. Prob- with musical numbers, Count Yin the Kingdom. Mrs. Porteous lems axe' ma/1Y With .new people 'Your Many. ,Blessings and Throw offered.r prayer, Mrs. 'Morgan Henderson 'reported an the ;bale and , ladies are requested to give ivriss Mary :2Viacuod was hos- for the Christmas . ;gifts • The to s. to the Presbyterian W.M.S.`"'ad Tiding secretary reported it on Wednesday, September, 5th; is tme tfor. renewal and r must Mrs, Clair • Agnew presided and be:t in by 'the October ' meeting, in. communities who are not in- terested in church,. They stres- sed the point, "Don.'t count your success ,. in number, we . need good • and faithful servants. All churches lack 1'eaders,. These are. not !born, but made. The'!Praye• r. fa NTREAL sp?cal message -toall parents of bods. and gids w in high. schobk ,guarantee. your youngster s Gol�ege Educati.or� arfinerslaiR MY BRNH" 103MHfbA'CANADIANS. . with •��•� e educatian'f or 'boyo and gdrls 'now in high.school.. A comprehensi ; , lif e -ensured. plan for f nanding` a college VARIANTS OF THE 'PLA N HOW, •TOJOIN:.rH E PROGRAMME If you are like most parents with children in high school, you are .. probablywondering howyouare going to meet the costs of financ- ing your youngster's college edu- cation. To help . parents . solve this . problem, theBank. of -Montreal has introduced its "University Educa- tion Programme -the first life- - insured plan of its kind•in Canada. Under this 'comprehensive pro- gramme, parents, guardians and sponsors of high-school students can spread•the cost of a university education over' • periods of up to • nine years,thus" keeping monthly payments ments to' amounts they can af- ford without 'hardship And the r . cost to: the parent is only'a fraction of the interest :paid 'on a straight loan pro gramme.; SebeA raj o do nal plans are available" See the people at your neighbour - under the programme, and these vary hood B. of M branch. 'You .will re as tot the number of years ' in which : ceive a•warm welcome,f rom a,stai the parent wishes to make monthly who will be pleased `t0 • payments, as well,. as to the.amount giveyou further. details. required annually. .. for universityex and to help you select a pensee. Plans +are based on objectives 1 a n suited t o 'y ou r •ranging' from $1,000 to $8,000, pay- p ,� i od our copy able' to the parent .rn four annual. needs.,As•. fy instalments. of the Bank of Montreal Here isan example' of how one of University . Education ' the basic plans CO be varied, to suit Programme folder. pour needs: - p S. If .you need help in financing a' • OBJECTIVE: in University.-- or. planning to: register ,chis, year ---talk to your of M'Man'ager. Chances are ' he can .arrange a tuition loan with • extended payments adapted to : "Air ' IIOW THE PROGRAMME WORKS • Under the basic plan,,the`pal;ent agrees to,make monthly. payments to the Bank starting; say,.two years be- fore the 'student ehtersh university',. • and terminating one, year' a f ter g ad- uation.YYn return, the parent receives. an annual sum from the Bank at the start of each -of the four uraibrsity years. r.. • You un oun•nie. • , ho Cone,., e.,bn ' w74 In. phirtN • Boo. go No T VE •4' 000 To be aid•tothe parent iq {our annual amounts of 51,000 each student already P. OPTIONS • t MYOU'PHLAY ONTY Plan'A $4:55 P.lan'B I 42.78 Plan C 37.56 PERIODS OF YOUR PAYMENTS PAYMENT. BEGIN 7 years 8,y -ears 9 years 2 years before university years before university 4 years., before university,, LiFE-INSURA'NCE,FEATURE. If. the parent. ,concerned :should die after the. start of. the ;programme, the funds for education speci-'' ;~(d in the agreement will iidvanced by the Banl .:j each vear•witho;it any fur- ' ther .paytnent;s being made.. by thejamilY'or the estate. BANK: orMONT,RfAL ' 's.• 4 . `' � ' , • ' .WALK WO'RrFfING" W1TH' CANA1:31aNS 1N' VtR.'Y Y , • b • circumstances. P. fa17 s s'i egg Out .The Life Lige., Mrs. Agnew closed the meeting with prayer: and the social committee served lunch. Thirty4ou, r ladies . were present, South Kinloss W.M.S. . , (Mrs. Harry Levis was, hostess. . to South Kinloss WAILS. at her • home • on Wednesday. evening, September, . 151th twith Mrs. Wni. MacTntyre and Mrs,' Tom Mac Kenzie as directors for ; the meet- ing. Mrs. •Fraser. 'MacKinnon • pre- sided :and Mrs Evan 'Keith act= ing 'as . secretary, .read" the cor- respondence which .included two invitations,. .: one ' to Ashifield Thankolffer ng meeting and • an- other .'to the .pot• luck. '. sulprper orf the Lucknow Evening, Auxiliary. Arrangements were made for a I:ottne Helpers meeting to be held in the. church- on Wednesday,. September 12th . Mrs. Ross Mac- Milian reported ;on the mission- • ary, bale. Scripture, was . read'Iby Mrs. Tom MacKenzie . and the study was from John 1+5part. of Christ's farewell discourse called the heart of : the` Gospel. , . This chapter revealed Divine. provi= .sion for Christian fruitfulness. Roll call was answered .by a Bible verse with `Sfrieeid Mrs. Leonard 1Vf aolnnes ` :had .:charge oafthe prayer •cirlcle and the of- ' .fertory prayer :was given by 1VIise Martha- Sutherland: Readings ' were 'contriibuted by.. Mrs. Ted.;, Collyer, ':!Mrs. Evan Keith •and :Mrs. `'Harold Austin. The chap- : ter ifrom, the ,Missionary Study .. Book was presented ,by Mrs . C4,1b • Hamilton; Thee directors assisted 1 the hostess with lunch'4... I , COUNCIL MINUTES P their +; Septembermeeting, 'on 3r Huron Townshi Council held :. 'September 4th .with all, members present ' ' Howard Gibson, ,O L.S,of, the, '.". firm :.o:f', Archibald,.' Gray. and McKay.attended the '.meeting for the.. 'reading . of .. the ' McLean MunicipalDrain .report and ex- . plained: it..' to ,. the owners. ' con-. corned: after •which • the • report, was •:'adopte d by, Council T . The•' ey.ening_..af .IS�eptemiber "24;. .I_ was set` :for': the reading .af the, Nesbitt Municipal Drain , and for• re -Considering the , MacDronald. Municipal Drain .appeals. : The :fiollowing accounts were ordered ' paid:,.. ,Cemetery ' - Benson HHiard- ware, :Wii're and. tools, . ` $25.g;; • Ivan Pollock, care of ceme"Eery,: 64 X40. Y ' Township Ii;obert Fair, 3. sheep killed.: by • dogs; 015:00; ; • ; Charles Fmnrnerton, 'valuing sheep. ' 2 «trips, 7.00; Roy .Marshall,` cov- :eriiig. Lungan chump,' 5. trips, . 75.00; ,Doris MadDonald, care of -hall, 700;. Municipal •`World, an nual .statutes, 5;9; . Dave ,Moore, . garbage contract at Bruce !Beach,: 5229.00; ,Perrin LOwryi ga:rfbage • contract • at!Point. !Clark beach, , 425.00;. Earl Tout, .1/4. salary arid postage, '409,00; Farish iMofat, grant for '•Plowmen's• Association,. 15.00; Graham Cook,: dozer at Lurgan .thump, 36.90;.Ripley Hy- dro,: floodlights. at park, 18.0. ' Roads,— Steve Irwin, super `` intendent, $32,5M0; Wayne Low- ry,. grader, ' 3318.75; Gordon Em- erton, cutting trees,. •4.00; Gra- ha Coolt, ra-haCook, dozer work .and motor . head, 12,0.14.010; Ripley Hydro,.: Township shed , 2;50; Walderis Transport, freight, . 216,41; 'Ken McKay,, filters,; ' 22;245; Benson •Hardware,' cement ' and tools, 1,779.30; Spence Irwin;. cement- . ing, floor in shed, .341,0; .G W. Crothers, grader repairs, 209:78; B. MY r E ss, • plans ,,for • Hunter, bridge, 1,125.00;, Frank'S garage, • truck repairs, 7.62; °Wen. (King, payment on Hunter bridge, 1'1,= 282;00; Steve ;Irwin, mileage, 24.60; Harry Coiling, ' hauling, • .58.10; Colli•ng Brothers, hauling 19.2.5; Howard: Hodge, " repairs, ' .1 32.68 Bill ,Kerripton, hauling, 22 75; 'Lloyd 'Wylde, cutting ,grass, ' 714,00, , touncil" adjourned to meet on` . October lst. EARL TOtT, Clerk, rr •