The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-05, Page 12AGE; TwF.x., .. E'. THE,. LUcKNOWSE LUCK IOW , ONTAR Q, • iSO5Ub!.,e Vacuum Cleaner Bags . Wehave disposable vaicuwn cleaner: bags to fit .' all. makes, of ' vacuuiri ' cleaners. NO. matter what" the ,make 'of your machine,, we can .help you, out. We` Asz,. ' .Agents For Surge Milking Machine Products And Would ; Be; Glad To . Fill Your SURGE Needs. J:RIflfl.Ofl /, YOUR .LOCAL CREST HARDWARE Lucknow Phone 50' Cl OCORNERS tJ R SS.. On 'Tuesday. ammorning . syehoo • ibells across the country peeled, tporth, anncvuncing the beginning .book 'learning for the' fall term.' Locally Mrs. •May Arm ;sltrong of 'Berviie has charge :of,. .our. .academy: ..There are tiro tlbegintners, Susan Wilson and Robby 1V a wan. °llwa 'other new igaces will be. 'Carol ,Ann. F<rook. in 'grade 6 and Sandra Frtaotk in. grade 4. Doris Wall, Donnie Wall and John Zettler twill smart a, .new: phatse- in • their 'education' by at-: . ,N E lendingL,'D;H.B,, •>w�h le Hnrvey Parker • will • .attend, iBeverley. Wali,`'trerida Hmaide - iv and Billy 'Zebtler' :wir11 'resume their' studies at. th,e .L.D� ILS. and Bruce Parker. at 'the W.D.iH:S.. E Profection Midweek Vi.sitona with Mr. and Mrs. ;Ellmer 'Benedict :,Were Mr.: li h Lutck .Against .�L1'out: and Mrs: . Frank Irwtin.' , and •tfarnily, .'Geor+getown and Mr. and bou'ldn't find enough. time'<; for (By Lloyd Jtasper, Co-+ord�inamtor. 7VIrs Stan' .''Benedict :and son practicing, so he • started 'taking :'Br�uee• Gounty E.'M O.) Girl, Wallaiceibumg, the- !pipes •with him.• : 'when he:, Study'' your shelter require Nlr. and.. afkrs;. R.. 'J; Kaake' went „to .bring .in, the ,dairy herd.. meets ,i,n, ..the same way that Y and Larry Stanley 'have returned At 'first +the:.covirs ewere pa bit you would accident .insurance; from their. .trip to the ' " ish", but ..naw they 'arise, Decide upon :the degree . of pro- west sl�i:bt' •:coast •and•' are visiting Mr. and stop ; their:. cud .chewing ,and fol- tection you want .for Your fain Mrs: Ezra' 'Stanley • and family. :low the -piper • without• the' usual. ily and yourself. Shelter is your : ;amiss ` .Ehler • ..MGBri Kooks- cattle'; call. insurance against something' you vine spent a ,few... days last ;