The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 124j y$I i;. jf 1, a �Jt • pt :'11,e) x; t ly tb j r '!1 r :be PAGE TWELVE, • THE LUCK ,WOW 'SENTINE'L, LUCKNQW, ONTAiiIQ neanneennianentiamipaaawasummaaisnaniinanaltaaaaai '" 3 -DAT CLEARANCE•,.. ■ _ . IS W ■ AN ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ C ■. .■' ■. a• ■ •al ■ • ■ • :. O{. ' • a ■. •■ ,, . Ladies' Summer .. . • . . . . ■• or U. . ■. ■ a .; ■• !..!ne.mi!d'u:one.Ha1!'OFF: . .. .. , ■ ■ AU better dresses' in'' the Upper ' Part of the ' Store. ■ Final clearance. ' All ,marked down again: ' this• .' week: o• SI ¢t„ a +■ ■, r AGENT FOR.KINCARDINE CLEANERS 11 •• Free ,Pick -Up• ry. y • ■ and Delve Monday and:.'Ilursda Thuisd�y, Friday, Saturday, August 9 — ` 10 11. m • tween Norwood and Hastings' in . the • Peterborough . district. They are Mel Stanley, Keith Gardner. and. Bob Venus: . By The Sentinel THAT" three Luckr"io*ites are • with the, Warren Paving Company on a paving jobb be • i ■•: • • si ■ hospitalfor treatment, of a ■ •■ ■ 111 ■ '�T�F�?A'T' fre��tu�ilms in.�calor� produced by the Moody Bible • ' Institute of Chicago, will • be shown in the Legion Hall on Ttivursday, • Friday .; . and Saturr day 'ev.enings, THAT Mr.• and. 1Vtrs.' Wm: P, MacDonald and daughter; Mar- garet, .left by, train for Van- couver on Saturday: They plan to visit: the World's' 'Fair .at Seattle and be away about two Weeks., . • THAT Lloyd Moffat .of Con° 8' Kinloss; returned home recent-, •. ly . after six weeks in Wingharn a ' ;• Ladies' : and Men's Wear .:--- ;:Lucknorw us■etirnuaa■aue■ae�ioui■■■■:i■■nseeliaaiseeat'ea■e Announcement +lVIr. and •Mrs. Williarri Scott of 'Langsidewish to an�ntounce the forthcoming,' marriage of : their' .daughter,.- ; • .:;Marion. Patricia; to Clayton ranc s�Leddy, :son of Mr. Viand ' Mrs: Frank Leddy .of .Gode ling in the fall. rich. The Marriage ;will., take The Committee; ` has 'invested place the latter part of August: $12,000, , of the- funds on hand' in ,Dominion '• treasury !bills' for six months: . The • price /was 97.327 :with a yield of 5.60% • interest. CHESLE� .' . INVESTS .. $12,000 OF ARTIFICIAL ICE FUND There'sa summer lull in Ches-. ley in the artificialice. campaign to' :raise V0O: Plans are !being made• ,for an auction ;and'.rpm- mage sale to get the drive rel.; ENGAGEMENTS • • • • Mr. and Mrs: • Alex: Legacy. of Woodstock announce the engage- • ment •, of • 'their' daughter, Janice Arline, 'to t1Vhr. ` William Jaynes .Fisher, son .- of Mr.: and Mrs. Gorden',J. Fisher of Lueknow,•, • the marriage will take •place • on. Saturday, .September lst� 1862, at • College Avenue- U,nitedLChurch,.. • Woodstock.: 1VIr: and `Mrs '`Thomas•'N. Duff,` Tara,: Ontario,wish' to announce. the engagement of their daughter, .Edith. Doreen, to Robert. Clifford McNair), son, o/.Mrs. 'James Mc- Neill' and the late; 'Mr. • McKeon of R.R. 3, Goderich.` The wedding will take plane September. 1st,.. 1962 at'; 4:04 p.m.' in Knox Pres- byterian' Church, Tara., , THAT .Mr. and Mrs.. Lawrence: Gowan ' (Mary Jo Anderson) and : children Kevin, Maureen and iVlichaei1 of Oakiiillet left •on Saturday, Jixly with by plane for Ireland, where . his parents reside.' Mr. ,Cowan „is taking.. a -mon s course a a amazoo, England; ` THAT the propane' gas eatp1osion at.Maple tart' :the . week -end. had iota! : interest. Mr: and Mrs. Eric, Edmanson • '(Louise Greer) and Mr. and Mrs. .John"Martin are residents of that town, but we uniderstand their . homes :Were beyond • the blast area. The: Edmans+on's were visiting here at the 'time.* CLEARING AUCTION SALE • of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS will .beheld" for. THOS.: BURNS Ludgard ST,; Lucknow Saturday, August 18that 1:30 pan,. RCA. 21" Television, nearly new Electric Refrigerator C1' 'r tudio •` Couch,. . nearly new Living 'Room. • Suite, antique 8 -piece Dining Room Suite 3 ''Bedroom•' Suites, complete 4 Rocking. Chairs Kitchen Furniture Sewing Machine Extension Ladders' Writing Deaf NO RESERVE • Platform' Rocker • ' Davenport Sectional Book Case Electric Lamps ' 4 Srnall Tables' Morris, Chair .Dishes of all kinds Garden' Tools Glassware.. `TERMS CASH Is T � is Horne s For Sale THOS. BURNS, Prop. : D. B. BLUE, Auct. Contact Harold Burns, 7 . Faircroft -Boulevard Scarborough, Ont; Telephone AMherst .1-8917 back injury suffered, last win- ter `while i fishing. '.a car. THAT George Whitby, leader . of the Lucknow . Boy .'Scout troop ' .spent .the week -end '.at Silent Valley Park' near Ayton, tak- ing a, course for . Scout leaders and. other !Scout officials. THAT the . "Lucknow Pipe Band, .114 members . strong. were in • Port 1)lg14 on `'Sunday. for . their annual band concert at the ' !beach :afternoon and ,'even ing. Reid •' McKim,. • a ` .former member of the band, ` acted . as pipe . anajor. >: THAT (Dick Murdie, son` of Mr. 'and Mrs. K.' C. Muirdae has been transferred to a 'shopping cen- fre 'branch of the Toronto -Do minion _' Bank' at Clarkson in :the Port Credit ' c•onistiunity, & has started his new : 'duties. Dick '_.has -been at Sault Ste.. Marie where •he, started -In . the bank two ,years: ago last April.. THAT the Lucknow 'and District 'HHonticu_ !tura! ,Societ _ is ,making-- plans" etakingplans ' for its • annual flower 'show in . the Legion IIa11; . on Friday and Saturday of 'next week. Nhe. Ball will the open' `to. the viewing' public on Fri- day evenipg and Saturday.:af- •terrioor and: evening. New ex-. hibitors • are : invited. ` and wel-. Icor e, subject • only to •the $14)0 membership fee.. Alm WEDNESDAY,. AUG $tb, 1! 10 kno NEAREST TO YOUR BANK : & POST OFFICE Fruit.. Market Highkir.d. .Pride Coffee Our exclusive top' seller. Feature price.. Pound.. Sugar: Sale, .. 10 Ibs.. .• '85c Granulated, A low, Iow feature. price. Buy now &. save Tea Bags.Oran e Juice- . tins19Sle.' Donald. Duck ' sweetened. Lrge :48oz. bargain A. ral' money saver. 100 x 2 ;cup sze. FeatureTe+a • • Qiscount Pg..:.69c Margarine Super Sale 4• _:_.s 89 Delmar or • • Sunbrite. For :all household use. HEADQUARTERS' FOR ALL FRESH FRUITS'. ' AND VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY. Peaches, Corn, . Tomatoes; Lettuce; .Celery; Apples Values •.'Effective August 9, 10, • 11. We Sell •For Less: Phone _119,. Luck: ow THAT. local Girl Guides attend • bouquet on his grave" on ing Keewaydin" Guide Camp inj, anniversary of his death/ 11HAT Sgt, J. H. ,' Hackett been posted .from •Owen,So to ; Montreal and ' the fan 'has moved':to •the.. Quebec n ropolis ,THAT as we .previously. •repor Mr. anti; Mrs. Allan. MacIn' - 'Met, their , Kinless neighbi on the .:highway in .'Manit To cap it off, Allan "ran . is Graeme :Anderson' at the st yards in Saskatoon:. : mer. • :, THAT Tennant and Donald :1: THAT .Bert' Ward made his 'an- lesson of Winghaan, and for ' nual pilgrimage : to Greenhill • residents Of.' this :cominur CCern.etery on. 'Au'gust .'2nd,'' to recently. : purchased • Ix :place flowers on the grave of Reid's residence "on Have • the late Dr. A. G. Elliott who • St.' The - Henderson... brat died'su,ddenly• at . a ball game sold their 'Wingham:. homm .in ' ..Kincardine' in 1923 ,. Bert the Berry Door Co:, and • Was quite devoted to the Doca shaking ..renovations,.. to tor and' hasn't in the interven- Lucknow residence,' prior ing' 33 years issed placing a • , occupying; it: ,° Vit.■■t■■ ■ts laf.eitr:u.•.•.a. �:ths .■.ti■u'1R.uu:R•r ■ .i +Astufield this sunimner • are Barbara . Rathwelll, Eleanor Whitby and, Betty- Mathers: Eleanor has completed her first • ten-day camp. Betty is .at camp: this week, •and'.Bailbara.. is' on the last week of ' a 20 -day out- ing. Barbara is aspiring' to ob- tain the -Gold Cord, ; and- to meet:. the 'camping' and pioneer- ing requirements is doing the extra stint at carne this sum=. r' • THAT Mrs. Gladys :Reed and two (• NI -children, • Penny, . a grade . 7 •• student, and Lloyd ' in grade 8, took- up residence here 'recent- ■• ly in the Johnston residence • a ' on Havelock St: The Reed.' fa • roily carte from St.. Catharines. Mrs.. Reed, is, a sister "of Mrs. ■ Bruce MacKen`ie. ■ THAT Mr. and Nrrs. William • • Wherry returned recently from ■ a motor trip to .Skip, • Suskat ■ ehewan, to pay a surprise visit with their son John; who is'o`i, I. that mission field for the sum • . K mer. Skrip is about 175 miles a' north. of Regina ■ gins and to reach i ' it the W4ianrys experienced • • what it ' means to drive • on • ■ "gu iho" roads tihat result from a :rain: They • took : with them a a 00 -pound bell from'. Holyrood' .which tthe school, . y sew and .■ heard erected' •:and • ringing at L Skrip.. ■ THAT Herb Gralam of Toronto was a recent visitor in • the old Home. town for a few days; While here Herb • learned with, regret of the death at :Sotith anapton' of 'Liberal' Leader Less !ter Parson's mother, while ,'holidaying .at the Lake /Huron resort. Mrs: Pearson and . the Grahams are. close friends, & along with. Mrs:. Wm. MacKen- • zie, they were planning a get- togethrer on her,.. return from the beach. Herb observed his • 8,0th birthday in May. lie 'thinks the home town, never looked better, but old . friends become fewer and fewer, • Pre HOLIDAY SPECIALS Outside House Paint Reduced 11O% for the month: of:: August aint discounts .on Service ; jobs 'excepted' WALLPAPER Many 1962" patterns ` reduced to clear . Regular �Price Sale Price frorxi . from• 65c to 99E 49c to 65c CLEARING To Make Room. For The 1903, sineuST ECONOMY COLLECTYON • . BY . SUNWORTHY' • • . Just Arrived.. All discount, items strictly Cash. FINLAY DECORATORS •• a Phone 2'18 • Lucknow, Onta ■ September' holiday dates •to be 4nnounced'' et :• in later issues lastaismaiaammiamt• aYaaauaaanstraaaaaa,Naaaeae■