The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 4T41, ie • gni (ix • • PAGE, FOUR. • THE LUCKNOW SEN1rINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTAIi,U,.4i WEDNE$DA ,. A7.TG, 8th; t5t3 .......... .... .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word,'' minimum 40c. Notices, Cards. of Thanks and Coming Events, 'minimum 75c. In Meinoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The. Sentinel. Billing charge of • 10c: for each bill rendered. FOR SALE: FOUR SALE — .sow with eight pigs, six -weeks -olds. John Gil- more, R.R. 3, 1..ucknow.. FOR ,SALE — seven room frame • house . in Ltickinow, good garage and work -shop; ' Westinghouse trig, rangetfe, • 2 dressers. Wm. • Brow,n; phone 1614, Lueknow. S _ (=Await; SERVICE have your wheat and • grass seeds cleaned now.Prompt service: Gordon Johnstone, Lucknow, •cited.' in the former S. E. Robert- son _seed cleaning plant.,' ' FOR SALE — Garage '20 ft. by ;1.2: ft, tongue and grooved pine, covered with insul Ibriek siding, easily moved, .could be used for a granary or.. work 'shop. •:. Wes. a1lcPherson,- .RM. •'3, •Holyr-ood,; phone 23-461; Ripley, SKILL A GOOD SELECTION ; of shower ,and. wedding gifts avail- 'able • at .savings , of 25% off' at !Finlay Decorators .Lucknow, phone 218. • HOt SE FOR SALE OMR RENT' °-- 3 .bedrooms up; 1. , bediroom ; and, bath down, living room, dining room, kitchen 'with built-in cup - 'boards, suxiporrh front and • side, oil furnace, on• .Ludgar'd Street. •Mrs, Stewart ' Mullin,. Bok 92. • • RESIDENCE .FOR .SALE — The residence of Thomas .H Burns an •. the .Sta T.udgard; '`St., near Sta- tion en spacious lot Downstairs contains three rooms - and • a pantry, upstairs, three bedrooms and bath -Expansive front porch and back ,porch, good' basement, oil heated: House newly insulated and •painted. A new chimney er- • •. ected recently: Apply to Thomas H. -Burns. • FOUND WANTED WANTED .._- live poultry; also new ani used duck. and goose feathers . and used bags and bag- ging. Best prices at your door. Phone or write.. A. Brown, .181 Kincardine... .FEMALE HELP WANTED RURAL HOUSEWiLV. . Avon ' Cosmetics offers excel- lent earning opportunity far you working in •your own com munity. Write Miss V.. M. Mosher,. P.O. Box :.No, 96, Owen .Sound, FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT modern; 5: -room, house with 3-ipiece bath, oil furnace, available immediate- ly.. Mrs. Dunearn:McConnell, phone 168 Walkerton or 26 -r -1•Q, Ripley. TENDERS TENS will be,received by 'the undersigned utill August lath, ' 1962, for removal ' of old root' and laying first grade 3 in 1 asphalt Shingles to be finished by September lst, '1962„ "Lowest or .any 'itender not necessarily : ac icep • Mrs. Marion Lowry, Sec•, IS.S. No. �1, Huron, • R:R: 1, .Kincardine. Nntire. To Creditors TING EVENTS CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo `will be held in. the° Lucknew Legion Hall on, Thursday, August , 9!th, " at 9:45 ,p,rn, 12 regular• games' for .$10.,. 3 share -the -wealth. ' $50 Special-,, game must go. ' REVPTION AT •TEESWATER There is to !be . a reception and. dance in "honour of Mr.. and Mrs, Everett. Lament in. the "Teeswa- ter Arena on, Friday . evening,, August, lath. Music by . Farrier's lOrohestra, Ladies please ,bring •lunch, Everyone is welcome, RECEPTION A reception will be •'h.eld in /honour, of Mr. and • Mrs. Art Collins " nee ' Ann Gravnfotd, the Legion Hall; Lucknoiw,• , on Friday, August .24th; ' Carrubh- er's' prchestra. • in Color and Sound • will be shownat' the LUCKNOW. LEGION. HALL, On • TH.URSDAY,a FRIDAY and" SATURDAY August 9, 10, 11 at 13:30 p.m. . The films are 'produced by the Moody Bible 'Institute. of Chicago. Everyone . is invited' and . welcome! sed by many residents as they are moving 'to Goderich where aV r.., iiackett is employed. • • This' transaction was . arranged through Local Agent, . Everette Pennington of Paul .S. Starr and Co, • Ltd. . • . Buy' W. Wawanosh Farm !Ir. and Mrs. : Thomas . Webster, well ` known residents • of : West Wawans h .Township have 'sold o . their very . desirable 250 ' . acre .CARD.. Of THANKS forth the 5th and b'th • : C�onc, • To ' everyone • wiho sent, cards, treats and ,visited' .me while •I' was in the hospital, •and to all who' helped or 'offered "theirhelp while 'I was away, I would like .to '• says thanks a• million.. • Lloyd .Moffat; I wish to express my . sincere 'thanks' to everyone who •rer em-: ibered, me., while •, in V, Ingham general Hospital : and . Victoria. Hospital, . London: A . 'special thanks to Dr. M H. Corrin` and iDr.. J. McKim of Lucknow and Dr. . Kindh of London, . Mrs. Kathleen Alton. TENDERS WANTE I TENDERS for the caretaking of. the Dungannon United . Church wi'I1 Mbe. received ,by. the under- signed up to August 23rd. Duties to comm nee iSepternber 1St, 1962` Lowest:' 'tender . •not .•necessarily accepted. Contract' may be : seen at the home of the Secretary.' Mrs Otto Popp, Secretary, Dungannon, . Ontario. SERVICES FOUND: w watch, owner, may— in tractor tires: have same ':by identifying'same.at, all .'Fresh cement, in 'stock . The Lucknow Sentinel, phone .35: times, good discounts•• on large .• orders. Formosa No. 1 'hardwood NOTICE slabs • in truckload .lots: Bruce MacMillan, .Lucknow, C.N.E... Bus.'..Tri.ps. May be•:chart red.at`Montgomery . 'Motors, Lucknow: If your group :.wishes to attend the Canadian --- ATationa•1-••-Exhibition• on • _-- - ' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd or THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd Phone 40, Luaknow, at once. Water'.Well Drilling Lakelet, "Oritar"io R H. • GADKE. R.R.' 1, Clifford All . Wells , Guaranteed • 1 r .BRECKOW S Medical. Massage P s STEAM. SAUNA (Bath) And HIGH COLONIC'S 118 Anglesea St. '(Off Victoria) • Goderich,• Ontario; Phones — Office, JA. 4-8281 Residence, JA. 4-7617. AUCTION SALE Allan MacIntyre Licensed - Auctioneer Lucknow •.Phone 209-r-41 • FILTER QUEEN Saies: and `Ser iv ce`- '7:" B08 PECK, Varna,' 'Ontario, Phone:.. Hensall 696-r-2 • VACUUM' CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs , and bags or. a 1 mo e s of vacuum cleaners and .polishers. ,Reconditioned •machines.• of all makes for sale. • Boa PECK; •Varna; Onta' lo,.' Phone . Hensall 696-r-2 • AUTOMOTIVE . Mechanical and body ".repairs, ' Wheel alignment and . balance, Window replacement, • Radiator repairs. Protect against rust' with' Undaspray.. : DAVIDSON'S Texaco • Service No,' 8 Hwy Phone JA 4-7231 Goderich, Ontario . • CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef' and. pork sold • in. any quantity. Custom• butchering in Government licensed abattoir. ig every Tuesday: ,Beef from Monday through •Thursday, BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools, etc:, pumped, and cleaned with mod- ern equipment.. All workguar- anteed. Louis • Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels, phone 442-wy8. • In the 'Matter of -the esliate of AGNES• RITCHIE • late of the Township of Ashfield. in. the County of '.Huron, Married Woman, deceased. • . 1v01'I►CE. is .hereby given that all .persons'having claims:against the estate of the ],ate, Agnes` RI hie, who ,. died on the 3rd. day . '-of July, . 1961 at the Town of Winigham in the County of :Huron, are hereby' •notified to. file their claaims, duly verified:, with theundersigned 7 solicitor before .the" 30th . day of August, 1962; - .after . which date `' the , es- tate will be distributed and, the Executors Will only be liable' •for .claims ;. of : which they have received notice. DATED ,at -Walkerton this27th day of July, 4962.. ' • Walkerton; •Ontario. Solicitor for Blake Alton and John Bertram Ritchie, -- «-Exeeu•tors: T. Rutherford Lang oris. ,:Starr Announces. Real Estate Deals The Paul . S. Starr Real Estate •Company,, with. 'headquarters' at Hanover, .. has '.. been advertising weekly in Thee Sentinel, and this week a "secial spread"• is listed. The company has also issued' a lisit•.•of' recent real estate deals 'Which have (been ' completed. Those .of more local interest:are as' follows: ' Buy 'Walkerton Home Mr, arid Mrs. R. J: Kaake of R.R. 4, Kincardine, have recently purchased' a • new home in Wal. kerton. This home • is now being constructed and should be 'ready' for occupancy around the last of September: , • • Mr. Gordon Redmond of 'Hari- over is building the "home and this sale ,was transacted through the Office, of Paul S. Starr ' and Co, Ltd Realtors in Hanover,. Sell Wing^ham >f mne Mr: and. Mrs, .Cliff Hackett of .Wingham have sold their, fine property :to Mr. and Mill 'Win tom. Ste Marie of Wing,ham. • Mr. and Mrs. Hackett are well known ih the Wirigham . and Il..ucknow area and• will be MIS -'1 Mr, and Mrs. : Art Egglleston' ' of Peteriboro. are the lucky . new owners of this propertyand with their family will take .possession September. 1st... . •The transaction was arranged; through local* .Agent, ;Everette Pennington of Paul S. Starr and Co. Ltd. Blake :United Church Women • The August meeting of the Blake's ,United' Church Women •took place at the : home of !Mrs:. Mark Berger , on Thursday even- ing, • August :.2nd at 8;30. p.m. There were 1+3: ladies and one. child : present. The 'meeting op- ened with the Lord's • Prayer, be- ing sung on the hi-fi. '.Mrs. C. Pinecrest Manor� Nursing Home • Member: • ASSOCIATED ''NUR SING • HOMES of Ontario ' . 24 -Hour` :Supervision ' of A :Registered. Nurse Considerate :Personal Attention For Elderly • and Conxaleseent'. Persons. Excellent Home -Cooked Meals, Box 220, Phone ' 129R • LUCKNOW, •' ONT Every 6 Minutes last year.. Cooke -gave the scripture ani Mrs, ' J.' Curran the meditation The program;' was in charge .a ;Mrs, Curran and Mrs. J. Bqa had the study book, :The roll ca Was answered iby ' naming book of the Old Testament. _Mr Keith Cranston the ' herald fa Trinidad,- " had a' reading;, 'lib treasurer, Mrs. C. Kilpatrick gav her report and orders were take for those. who' wished to continta taking "World Friends. Lune was served by the hostess ' an Mrs. Curran and during lune .hymns were . played' on the hi4 Gavil(er; Mclntflsh :and Ward C;H TERED; , ACC0UNTA1e t , Resident •Partner, J "E. Kennedy,C. �; .' Bell , Telephone Brfilding• PHONE ;.633 WitiutER.TO /,• :Dead „Removal Service We are', licensed •.to. rerriow your' dead • or crippled : farrr animals for, sanitary disposal Old' horses '4c per '.pound GORDON .TAYLOR, Ph. Collect. 44-r-24, Lucknoa R:R.�e 2 L.uckno�rit 24-hour.. service. Licence 'No. =•- 173C62 A . REPORTABLE TRAFFIC. ACCIDENT OCCURRED. . •IN ONTARIO!•, No Matter ' How Careful YOU . Are At The Wheel. • -you might' get involved. in ori accident for which you Were, ' ' found totally or .partly: liable. - or' your parked car might be damaged by a hit -run driver. -or it might be stolen' Or burned. —or you or 'members of your . family ,night be injured. in . yourown Or someone else's car. CIA's Automobile And Aiccident Insurance • Could Help You Meet The Cost , Of • These Eniergencies. • For full details. just call: JOHN A. lkIcMURCHY: `. R I. 4, Ripley, .Ont., Phone 119r-23 • Co-operators • Insurance Association Also: FARM LIABILITY and ACCIDENT INSURANCE THE :WEST • WA'WANOSI MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO:, Head 'Office, Dungannon Established • 1878 BOARD- .OF--7.0-IRECTO1 S President, Brown Smyth, R. Auburn; Vihe,Pres.,. :Heim '• .win, Belgrave, „ Directors, Th Caesar,' R. 1, Dungannon:. Geo: C. Feagan, Goderich; ' Ross N Phee,. R,' 3, 'Auburn; MacKay, Ripley;,' John F. M Lerman, R; i;, Goderich; Fra Thompson,• R.• 1,'•Holyrood,.w Wiggins, . R. 3,` Auburn. 'For " information on your surance,' call' your, nearest dir tor who is, also an agent, or secretary; Durnin Phillips, Dt gannori, phone Dungannon 49 .HILRAY F •ARM . ABATTOIR HOLYROOD•. .The home. of choice • meats; GOVERNMENT INSPECTEI • and APPROVED- Schneider's Cured Meats WE ALSO DO. CUSTOM KILLING ' g mriod and 'hon y4 coolers as long as desired. on. Tuesdays ur axideat cattlrne eta day, No ,• appointtnerit .ne.ressi RAY'NARD ACKEi T 101-r-13, Lucknow