The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 5WEDNESDAY, .. ,AUG. • 1st, 1962 RICE mom By Bill Smiley Saying Wrathy to a housefull pi memories is like taking. . leave of a friend -who has ,been • with you through thick and thin, and whom, ybu._ will never see again. We did it • the other day, when we sold the house in which• we had lived,during the'. Years when the kids were. small._. • -As we went through the ,bate but familiar rooms, a combin- ation . af •affection, and• sadness: flooded aver' us. To me at' least, that • old house had always-. had a real •Personality, . ands just noiw it, seemed' to, .be trying to ,say something, At first, I couldn't.. quite• get 'the ' message., Was • it mutely pleading. that we return? Was. it whimpering that .;we'd neg- lected. it? .Was . it ibeseeching us not .to` . leave it, lonely, •arrnid. ' strangers?, Or .was• it 'just giving me 'what—for .because .I had brought shame on it• by letting the taxes: get . in arrears? - '.i n rate, : t whin ered • .At: any a., � p wordlessly as We made the last,• melancholy tour:.Ir each. room,, the memories came: • .crowding +back, good; ' ones and •bad ones• 1t is only no* that I ' "realize the house •was remembering, too.. • It was Saying thingslike this: TETE' 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, "LUCKNow,, ONTARIO • 1 home brew, .108 bottles, • and' you quit making it, 'forever? "Come on • into- my ' living ;•roam, now. • Yes, it still has the I bay window,_• whe: `you used_ to erect -those huge spruce at Christmas. I :never did hear a Man swear • so. • My handsome, slim -pillared mantel is still there, over•• the fireplace that doesn't have a chimney. There's where• the piano • sat. Remember the sing -songs, with people six deep around it? • "Let's• go up .my 'big; curving .staircase.: Pretty graceful, •com- •pared to that poky,, little :on'e you have now; isn't it?.• There's your old _ room, • Remember how thekids' used to':paddle in, 'bare-. footed, on Sunday _..morning, and slap you. gently ' in. the ' face till• you :groggily sat up • to:. 'button•• that shirt or tie 'up that, pony= tail? "Here's . ,Hugh's 'old room. It• hooks . small a 1 to him now, but it seemed :huge then. Remember the night you two. ' put .. 'down• the linoleum .here, and almost agreed to get '' a • divorce 'before: the job was 'finished? ;Remember the` time, Hugh tied his sheets together and shinnied out his window and thirty ` feet to the ground; when he was ten? "Kim's room :looks about :.thee same. • There's the., new plaster in,. the ceiling.: Bemerrvber the night about. 30U pounds .af it came down 'and youthought'•the furnace had blown' up? Remem- ber how helpless you felt when she lay there, miserable, burning with fever, measles .frern nose to toes? "• "Here's in j► big; bright kitchen. HOW. :many: thousands of hours did` you • sit around the. old,. white kitchen . table . with con vivial company? How they used to •'Pile in ` ion' you: The trout fishermen and the deck:hunters,. the friends and the relatives, the .commercial travelers and • the summer visitors. "Remember • how you two. used • to :dance in the • kitchen,to the little, old, toy' record-ip ayer, ••• 'crowed with- .delight` • in her highchair? .•Renri'emlber :'the •' night Geordie ' tossed a huge irec:racker_Lunder- 4he�yattering • females? -Remember the night the fishing ',gang/ dropped • in and "Yes, .,'the !bathroom' is .pretty, isn't it? Should ;be;' it ,cost you Plenty. 1 ' still don't ` think '; the .pink'' :.mother-of-pearl:; toilet seat was :essential. .' But you. enjoyed 'that- --wide—ledge-L-on the bath -- tub. ath=tub..I've seen you soaking • there. with cigarettes, matches; books; WHI, TECH R(. 11 •The Ladies Aid of .the Presby ,terian Church quilted :a , quilt last week. Mr. Fred tDavis:on .died. in the Nursing Home in Wingham, die' was formerly of the community. Mr, and. Mrs, David McDonald visited in Orillia on_Sunday with friends'.: • The • Whitechurch United 'church will hold church servi- ces at• 2 o'clock this Sunday and. for the month of August, Mr. and Mrs. Robert • ,litchi- son and family of St.. Helens ,visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs• Adeleen Dowling. Nit, • and Mrs. . Carmen Farrier. and family of Long,Braneh, Mr. and Mrs, - Clifford Farrier and' family of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. 'Russel Farrier ` and family of Wingham, Miss .Winnifred Far :rice 'and ' Mr. and Mrs.. Garnet Farrier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of Sarnia at tended a family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier'•s on Saturday. :Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs, Rus' 'sel Gaunt, ' Mrs. Albert Coulters; Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, Mrs Dan-Tif- fin an-Tiffin and Miss Annie Kennedy, members of the Whitechurch• In- stitute ' served tea and cookies at the Southampton Museum -en •Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family visited .on Sunday .at the : home of Mr. and Mrs.. Kauff- man, •in Kitchener. Mr., and . Mrs. Robert Purdon and • Mr. and Mrs Archie Purdon made : a business trip to London. last Thursday. • Mrs: Lena /-l.unbur of ' Tisdale,. • • es all at hand * . 'Here's the little. •b.ackbedroom that • you spent so much time and money decorating, and never used.. Down • the ••hack . stairs nov►w. Hmf, you don't even have .a . tbaek. stairs in your new house, do you:? ' Here's :the old utility room, where you spent' so • many hours in ;your. ,pyjamas,.'holding that stupid spaniel , ;pup on a newspaper, .while he ready ' the• cleaned up :your entire' stock of sandwiches, beer and your glans o•••••••u•••'•• LATI • MO• DAL' • •. •• • •.. "Here's the dining-room:.Huge, isn't it? 'They ; tell me. you; eat in orne- ,end of the living -room, in . your .•.new• :place...Now, let's take a look down cellar,_ 3 ou couidn bear it?'.: I don't blame you. You spent ','even soul=des- troying • 'Years- battling that :` old furnace , (before • you• gat sense enough, to put .the ,new one in, and. 1 know there are still 'tufts of• hair ', and:. • skin ' from ' your. if: : head on some of . the beams down there.. ' :� "You have to". go, now? Aw • ' Well, I'ti sorry. Even though •you ' were . the most clueless fam- ily that ever lived in me, I've • missed, you I gave you a lot of trouble, but we . had '. some good times .didn't we? You'll • never forget . those days. Re- • member me, ,remember me . .' '• That's what 'the old house. • 1962 Pontiac .Laurentian Sedan "automatic :fully equipped ti • :: • One used, one: new). : • 1961" Chev Belair Sedan, 'automatic,' power stecring, fully. • i equipped. • • 196 6 � PontPo>ttiac Standard .Sedan, • , • 1961. Pontiac' Laurentian, power steering, autoimmatic, • fully �. equipped •. 1961 ;Pontiac • Parisienne 4 -door : hardtop, Y' , automatic, , 4 fully powered. •, • • • • 1960 Pontiac. Sedans standard transinissiion, steering 1961 Ford• • Fairlane � 500 Sedan, automatic and power 1958 Chev .Belair Sedan.. • • • 19.58 Pontiac • . Sedan; sutonra.tic. .1957 • Pontiac Sedan, automatic 1956 Buick 4 -door hardtop. • :NUMBER OF 1955 MODELS: from . $350: up • •• .•/ • • . •, • • • ,'' • MANY •• OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ' j • TR>rciCs • • 1961Chev r •, • •/i -ton Pickup. •. • 1960 r/2 -ton Chev Panel Truck, • • 1957' Chev %-:ton . Pickup.• 1957 Chev. Panel 'Carryall. ' • •, . -.Two 19$6 Chev V2 -ton Pickups • • •. • •• Brussels :Motors .• • • Cities Service Dealer' .- 'Phone i'73, Brussels' • . • •••••••••••••r••••••••••••••••u•.••••••••••••••• said; ' as we locked the door and; walked 'away ''for • the last, tithe, , ' 'CHIS THING)1S ALWAYS BREAKING DOWN, 1 WONDER - WHY ? IF YOU HAD BOUGHT INEQUALITY CO-OP-TWI•hl-E, YOU WOULD HAVE SAVED: YOURSELF THAT TROUBLE ow District o -op Sask. .spent three weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs'. Gibson?Gil 'Tespie:•Mrs. . Furbur left last week to spend 'awhile with her daughter at Scotland,. Ont Mrs, 'Walter Arscott, Valerie .& Andrea are spending a.' tfew' days in Toronto visiting. ' with .relatives; there. r ' •'Mr, Derwyri . Hill -is a Council- lor . ate the Kintail Ohurch camp for ten days.. Jim Currie, son 'of Rev:. Rdbert A.'. `Currie of Sarnia and formerly .,of Whitechurch • is at'tendiing • camp. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Relison Falconer arid far -filly of Sarnia visited over. the week -end' at the home: of Mrs: Cecil •F•alconer. ' Mrs Florence ..: Henry and :Miss. Frances Henry of. London will spend • a few 'holidays 1. at. '.their' home here; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell .-of Toronto spent . 'the week-erid at. the Henry. home.. ;Miss . Lynda. • Johnstone -':spent the :week -end at. the.•home of her parents;' • .M and :M•rsc.larkr Johnstone in Belgrave. 'Lynda has :been at the home of.;Mr. Si Mrs. Charlie Tiffin on • holidays. Lynda, Barb:ara, ,Mary and'' Al- Ian Stanley, .children of Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley of Lucknow, ,visited over the week -end at the hone of their grandparents„ ,Mr. and Mrs. James McInnis LANGSIDE: Mr: and Mrs Fred: Woodley,• .Matthew, .' Vicky• and Valer.•ie. of London visited, for a week' with her:.pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs;, Phillip Steer. Other,+ visitors 'recently were Miss Phyllis Steer, Mr.. Ian Wallace, Mr, :arid Mrs; Fred Woodley, Sr., • of London, Mr: and: Mrs. Dorn Bell and: Wayne. • of Toronto are visiting• on their vacation at • .. present.. Mr'. peter Steer visited for • a . week with: '. Mrs. r h' • Pinkney and M s. am G a and Glyn at •. their cottage at Arriberley Beach, ' • : • Mr. KennY, Orr .of Daytona. ' Beach,' Alberta is visiting With his mother, Mrs:' William Orr & brother Bulb. and :':other friends. 'It is .nine years : '.since he was.. ,home.. Mr.,' LloydMoffat is a patient. `:in . V ictoria'• (Hospital • in London.' Mrs: Eddie Moore visited :at the homes of her 'brothers,: Mr. Clifford ' Young and.. Mr. Wes Young, ' • 'Mrs:' Pegig of Goderich visite+. Mr: and Mrs.• boug •ISim!pson.- ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Art Hinschlberger• and 'Bale are Spending '.part. ' t.. their vacation .' with her parents,: Mr.and .Mrs. Frank : Miller and other ..,fraerids. •• The 'C:OIC•, was held on da morning during church ser- vice, wi ` a `goo •' 'attendance. : Bible schooL is being held at the''' home of. Mrs, James iRich�; ardson and Was :well attended this ;week;:. the highest attend- ance •.being ''811 'children. ''Some• of, her helpers. are• Mrs. 'Gordon. Wall,;, Mrs. Allan; . Graham, ' Mrs. Brock McKenzie and daughter, Dorla,. .Miss Lynda Johnston. Misses Wendy :and Sue Reynolds. Ach-• ievement• Day Will . Ibe held Friday commencing `. at ./ p.m, Mr.' and Mrs. Ted. Evans, and Lynda of Downsview are spend•- ing, part of their holiday with, his. parents,. Mr: and `•Mts. ' Willian ,Evans. ,• . . , A restaurant: • advertised in . the • local paper: "Wanted .— oian to 'wash dishes and two:, waitresses.". • WE ARE.• :.lF YOUR . LOCAL : DEALER FOR MOORS BUS( N ESS FORMS LID.; CALL yrs TODAY FOR COMPLETE.INFORMATIION ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT BUSINESS FORM RECORDS CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS SPEEOISET$ SALESBOOKS REGISTERS MIO FORMS , hIIESY CHECKS REOIEORM BOOKS ¢6p LUCKNOW SENTINEL .., • - .... ,..... .err■��.�,�..;�.;h