The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 4z It as Fr, R: k ar� ;P It • a, PAGE FOUR • THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW., OPITARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1st, 196; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 1c, per word, minimum 40c. Notices; Cards of Thanks and .Coming Events, minimum 75c,: • In .1Vlernoriams, minimum : $1.00. 25c extra , for replies to The Sentinel, Billing; charge of 10c. for each bill. ` rendered, N• FOR SALE •' FOR ,SALE heavy duty wag- . n : with truck rack, 8 to '10 ton capacity. .Joe: Dauphin, , R+R. • 1= .Dungannon, phone 4-r-14. :FOR SALE — 1952 Chem sedan; • low mileage. Wes McPherson, Holyrood R.R..3 "FOR SALE — 12 chunks of pigs. Carl. •MoClenaghan, Whitechurch. FOR isA+LE —„seven room frame house. , in Lucknow; . good garage and work -shop. William Brown, • phone 164, Lucknow. FOR • SALE' a • ,quantity .of mixed grain:, Rodney oats, Herta• abarley, and Selkirk wheat. John Howard, RR, ;1, Lucknow, phone 76-r-17, Dungannon. FOR •SIAaLE: twenty pigs. meady to wean. Duncan:. Parrish, B.R. , 3' ;Lucknow, 'phone 1164-r-8 Ripley: FOR ' :SSA.. - 20 'pigs,• seven weeks old. Jack Vari Osch, t.R. • 3, Lucknow, phone. Dungannon 61-r-7.. WANTED WANTED live poultry; also. new and -used duck; and -g oose feathers and" -used --bags • and bag.; g ging. Best prices at.your door. Phone 9r. write A. rown, 161 Kincardine. • • FREE ROOM AND BOARD in exchange for about 4 nights ,baby- sitting, weekly, Friday and • Satur- day night not. included. Write. Mrs. Ken Webster, 110. Edward t$1t.,' Londlon; or phone GE9-7501. !FEMALE : HELP • WANTED RURAL HOUSRWTVEE'S Avon. Cosmetics offers • • excel- lent earning opportunity for you working in . your. own com- munity. Write,Miss V.' M. Mosher, P.O. Box No.: 86; Owen 'Sound: 'WAN'11DD 'P0 RENT.—.'douse. or apartment in Lucknow !by Sep-. tenilber lst, preferably furnished. Frank. MacPherson, RR. 1, Rip-. ley, '% Joan's Store, Point Clark. NOTICE• NOTICE: BIG WOOD B GA•LNS from• now until the end of' .August, uiiixed slabs 'can be purchase for $1:00 a cord picked.. up; at . the sawmi'il. • Wesont ' Lumber Com--' pany, Lucknow. STILL A GOOD SELECTION of shower, and wedding gifts avail. able at savings of •25% off at. Dr: J. E. Little's. Dental Office is .closed for vacation :and: will re -open on Tuesday, „August 7th, following Civic Holiday. 4 BEAUTY SALON VACATION Bailey Beauty Salon will be Closed ;while . on vacation, ;from Saturday, July 2&th to Monday, August' lath; inclusive. k• Finlay Decorators, Lucknow, phone 218. RESIDENCE FOR SALE —: The residence. of Thomas H. Burns on•Ludgard; St, near the 'Sta • tion on spacious, lot Downstairs Contains. three roonts': and a. pantry, upstairs, three bedrooms arid bath—Expansive front porch: xp e3'• •.,and back porch, good basement, oil heated House new y insulated' and painted: ,A new chimney er- ' ected recently. Apply to Thomas H. Burns. • ING EVENTS CASH BINGO • A Cash Bingo will be held in the Lucknow' Legion. Hall on. Thursday, :August 2nd, ' at 8:45 p.m. 12 regular games for $10., 3 share -the= wealth, $,50 Special game must go. • • ORANGE, SERVICE SUNDAY . • Aniberley • Royal Black Pre- ceptory, joined iby other. Orange Lodges in The eommurvity. ,will attend Divine Service in St. (Peter's Anglican, Church, Luck - now, 'on !Sunday, August •:5kth at ;111:00 'a.m. Members to meet :at. Sit.. Peter's Parish Hall at 10:45 arm: . NOTICE TO CITIZENS' OF' KINLOSS TOWNSHIP • A social evening, under the. auspices of Kinloss Council, : will. be held in the Township , hall'•at' Holyrood, ' on Thursday,: August 2nd, .19612 at 9 p.m,. This is being ,-haeld in honour of our retiring clerk,: Mr. J: R. Lane and our past treasurer, Mr. Frank Thoinp.. son. Everyone, is cordially invited: Ladies please . bring .lunch. , .TEESWATER BINGO FRIDAY, AITGIJST' 3rd • Don't forget the big Lions Club Dingo' at Teeswater : this Friday night, August 3ird, cornkm.encing'at 9 p.m. 12 games • for $50 . each, three 41.00 specials . and, a super special for $SOA. •, FOR RENT HOUISE FOR RENT' - modern 5 -room house with:" niece bath, oil ' furnace, available immediate- ly. mm.�ediate- ly. Mrs. Duncan: McConnell, phone �6�8 Walkerton or ZS -r -1`Q R' 1 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock. and `farm hmplements at :the, farm • of Peter van., der. Ley, Lot 10,.Con 13 Ashfield Township, '- 8 ' 'miles west. of Lucknow( and .1 mile south • of Highway' 816, at Lochalsh '.school . on Saturday, :August ,4th, at 1:00 ,p m. See 'bills for ' list . and terrns. ; Farm ' will ' Abe :' • offered subject to reserve ",bid. Peter 'van der Ley, proprietor: Emile MacLennan, : auctioneer. - Good Car Buys 1961 'Chew Impala sedan 196.0 Choy .Bel -Air sedan • 1960 Volkswagen ;De -Luxe . • 1960 Envoy sedan, 18,000 .miles 1958 ; Ford, 8 •; passenger station wagon 1956 Plymouth V-8 automatic. .: sedan. • top condition and priced• for. quick' sale." • .. BAKER ., and IRWIN Kincardne Ontario Water Well: ` Drilling Lakelet, 'Ontario R. H.' •GADKE R.R.:1, Clifford Ail Wells Guaranteed BRECKOW'S Medical Massage STEAM SAtTNA . (Bath) And HIGH COL<ONICS 118. Anglesea St. (Off Victoria) Goderich Ontario. • « Phones -=- Office, JA. .4-8281 Residence, JA, 4=7617. SERVICES BEST :PRICES in tractor tires.` Fresh . •cement in • stock, at • all times, good; :discounts on large orders. Formosa No 1 Hardwood slabs in truckload lots. Bruce - MacMillan, ruce-MacMllan Luckriow.' • AUCTION' SALE . Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer • Lucknow • Phone 209-r-41 •' . FILTER.' QUEEN Sales • and Service • BOB PECK, Varuat Ontario Phone Hensall '696-r-2. VACUUM CLEANERS. Sales ` and .Service Repairs and bags for all, :models: of vacuum, cleaners and polishers, - Reconditioned' Machines of all makes fors sale.' `, "BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall.696-r-2 • ` .. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, Wheel alignment' and • balance, Window ' replacement, Radiator repairs: Protect against: rust ;with:. U•ndaspray. • DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 6 Hwy. Phone JA 4-7231 Y••�oder...ti, Ontario CUSTOM BUTCHERING ' Beef and pork sold' iti any quantity. f o y Custom butchering. • n. Government •licensed abattoir Pigs • every Tuesday. Beef frorn Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED ' • Septic tanks•, cess ' pools, etc pumped and cleaned with• mod- ern equipment, All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake,- R. 2 Brus- Bels, phone ,+44•2 4.: v. Notice To CrediIors !In .the •Matter df . the estate -:of ' AGNES RITCHIE ' late of•the Township of Ashfield' in the' County of Huron,. Married Wom,an,..: deceased. • ;NOTICE , is hereby given that. all persons •having claims'' against the :estate ofthe late, Agies Ritchie, Who dried ori the 3rd day of July, '1961 at the Town; of Wingham in 'the County of Huron,' are •hereby notified to. file their claims, duly . verified,;, with the 'undersigned solicitor before the • 30th day• of . August, 1962, after 'which date the es-` -tate, will ibe distributed :and the Executors ; will only: ;be; .liable for claims of which they haye received notice: ' i DATED" at Walkerton this 27th day of • July, • 11.962. ;• CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for the lovely cards ;and gifts: I re= ceived while a .patient in .Wing ham •Hospital, • Gladys Hamilton. The Organ Committee of South Kinloss Presbyterian! Church . ac knowledges. with 'sincere thanks' and appreciation the contribu- tions: of -ally Nthose•, --including .friends”. ou•tside• the congregation, whose •generous support made possible the •orgian installation. Orland Richards wishes to ex- press his sincere gratitude • and heartfelt thanks to all ,those who remembered hiin in so many ways , while he Was hospitalized.; It is impossible to enumerate all the kiridneases, but he would like to specially thank neigh- !boors. and •other friends whe. helped with the farm work : dur- ing • his illness.. ti, T would like to express, my sincere :thanks to . everyone for the lovely cards, 'gifts, visitsand to all ,those Who helped at home, While I was in: Wingham Hospi ; tal • arid since- 'returning home. Special ._thanks • to ; ,tors. . Bern Corrin, Klashen and . Young. Mrs. Chester. Nicholson and Allan Wayne: KINLOSS :Mr. and Mrs,,:Harvey `(!Duston• attended the funeral of the late Mr: Edgar' McAfee, in Toronto last week, They : were accompan- ied iby:, kMrs. !Nelson !Howe, Pais- ley .and Mr. ' Wilfrid Houston, Pinkerton. . Mrs: IHarvey'Houston and Ken neth ' attended theCentennial service en .:Sunday; at �St 'Paul's Anglican Church.. at ,Pinkerton., J J. ;Houston; Niagara Falls also visited • his parents ' over the. week -end, ' Mr. Gilbert Hamilton was able to return • home from 1 Wingham Hospital on. Friday ,where he had been 'a 'pati.ent for a week with a. slipped .disc in his 'b� ack 1�ichard; Dickie- of�Scarborough is.. -holidaying with Mr:/arid Mrs. :FOR SALE 'FOUR SALE • International` •truck, with racks, good grain ;box,; will sell 'reasonable; 54 truck. box.; 1/2 -ton trailer.. Apply at !Maitland River , Auto Wreckers, Auburn, •o•r phone 52 7730, after 6 p.m. 1.ia■e■>oauuNu■>tn•i•nnn n ■. j FOR SALE ■ ■ T. Rutherford Langdon, , Q C. Walkerton, Ontario.' «We Solicitor for ;Blake Altonand r . ' John Bertram Ritchie, Executors: Is Your .Subscription Renewed? Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Member:. ASSOCIATED NURSING... HOMES. • of Ontario . 24 -Hour ,Supervisaion ,of A Registered Nurse1 Considerate Personal' Attention For Elderly' and Convalesekent 'Persons, . Excellent •.... .. • Home -Cooked Cooked Meals Box 220, phone 1298 LUCKNOW, ONT. ■ a u Sell•Rural Ontario" •i • SAVE THRir 'STARR m • rand order Canada's Biggest; ;Bargain • Real Estate •Picturee Catalogue; ' describing in detail'. ;747 listings on farms acrea' , g'e,s■, "'homes, businesses, 'lakes, rivers: •wand cottages. Send only • 50Cs ■for the New Summer Edition.■ . • ■/. EVERETT PE/NNIINGTON' i ■ Phohe 392-6064, Teeswater, •. 4rocal.Agent for:. • PAUL S, STARK & CO. ■ HanoverLTD•,Phone X87 ■ >v • • 0, o ■ Six offices to 'serve' you. 'U better Orangeville, Han '■ over, Owen Sound,'.. Flesh= ■' e erton, Guelph, & Brantpton., :. t1re■iiuunuiialiiuu•niiiirn.ia Ira Dickie and boys, ,Miss Isobel .Welsh of Ower Sound is spending this .week witi Miss • Grace MacDougall,. For the' month cif August church services at South. Kirilos, will be .at 9:•30 a.m. '.with Sur, day School at 10:30 Rev. Jamie son of . St. .Thomas Will be tit( +minister •o.n August 5th, Mem Ibers: and relath'es of. ;Clandonak will attend this: service as par 'of their family reunion program Miss .. Nancy Burt in Victoria Hos ita on Thursday. P Mrs. Thomas. Austin is visiting at the . home of Mr. and , Mrs Harold • Austin. She has • spen several months with her famili in Toronto. • me.and .Mrs,• Evan 'Keith anc family have returned home• frog their trip out West. There's a new deodorant call ed "vanish." After you rub 1 on: , you disappear and nobody knows where,. the smell come, from. HAVING ROOF PROBLEMS? For; `flat or • rusty•; metal. . roofs, use •Super Zone heavy ,duty .roof, coating,:in, either 'black or' aluminon;. Guaran teed: For free estimate call JACY , 'NOBLE:� Phone Dungannon • R.R. 2, Auburn. Dead 'Stock removal Service • ':We are ,licenseddes• remove your . dead .or crippled farm animals for sanitary dispo al., Old horses 4cr. epound P -GORDON LTA-YLOI Ph.. Collect ' 44-r-24, Lucknow ' R"1i•.: •2 Lucknow ' , • 24-hour service. Licence' No. — 173C62 THE, WEST :WAWANOSI'i MUTUAL:.' FIRE° INSURANCE CO.: Head' ;Office, Dungannon Established 1878 „ • BOARD OF' DIRECTORS President, Brown. Smyth, R. Auburn, ..Vice -Pres., I erson 1: win, Belgrave Directors, Pal Caesar,.. R. 1, Dungan'non, Georg C. Feagan, •Goderich; • Ross M+ Phee, R.• 3,. Auburn; Donal MacKay, ' Ripley; John F,` Ma Lennan, fi,. •:3; Goderich;. Frar Thompson, R.` 1,• Holyrood; Wr Wiggins, R. '3, Auburn. : For inforrliation • on your.: is •surance, call your nearest .dire tor who is • also an agent, or 'ti secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dul gannon, phone. Dungannon 48. I�1 I LRAM 'FARMS • ABATTOIR HOLYROOD • The home of choice, meats, 'a GOVERNMENT INSPECTED • and APPROVED Schneider's Cured Meati WE ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING • and ' hang; your meat in model coolers as long as desired. Pi ori.' Tuesdays anid- cattle 'eve day! No appoint'n�ent necessar RAYNARD ACKERT 101-r-13; Lucknow