The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-07-25, Page 15w NE5'DAY'x kX 254h,, 1962 THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN t urpIarl a!a�UU IIIalImaa■ aS ■•11011Eaaaa ,r..I �a i • r, N. DST GuE.:S • . . ot r • .4 • ■ • ' AMBERhEY NEWS . �.a � .- � A capacity crowd attended a, i n. <.Pine River United Church . on e ; .i Sunday, July 16th, when Bethel p, • :congregation joined in. the fare- . well service of Rev. John C. o- ■,: ,Huwttor who delivered his: final advanta a of Your Co-op'sTake7 . . ■••serm;on;. Many. friends' who, had u n . •. jpreviously : been members of Pine River and:tu:• �.�REE ,Soil Test�n -. .:S V� andg i• present i;or ' the 'occasion, lvt is ■ IDLY: AND :TAKE ' THE' i the wish.. 'of hiscongregations ■ TEST. EA .GUESS WORK ■ that Rev• Mr. Idu;tton •w4i11 enjoy (OUT •_Of SPRING his: new home. 'ink Kincardine -0 , w -T. _•where many' former. Pine - River a ■ • residents will be :happy to wel- Contact • ■ come him. s. Accident Victim Back Home. • >Friendis of `Mrs, Mervyn'. G. Eckmier will be happy to know. that she returned to ,her home on w ■ iSunday of last week after being •. : Phone 7.1-W,. Lucknow �: hospita er-Water_. • ■ • ' 0 'loo .Hose tat and Victoria • Hospi- 0111_ _■__•_••_••_ ow__■■__l■IIIII■■glisamestamoulan tal, London .for several months. Rev. Hutton Gave Farewell Sermon ■' ucknow District Coip :BIRTHS allacTAVISH .= 'At Kincardine' hospital on Monday, July 9th, •196.2, to Mr. and Mrs. '. Mian MacTavish, : R.R.' 1,,Ripley, a daughter, Elaine Helen. • COURTNEY -- at . Kincardine hospital, • on • Friday, ' July tth,. x952 'to '.Mr. and •Mrs. Robert, ,Courtney, . R.R: l 1, Ripley, a .daughter, 'S'hannon • Lee, OSBORNE At -Kincardine hos- pital. on • Tuesday, , .July • 10th; 1.962, to .Mr.' and Mrs. Robert .iOs= borne., • R.:R,, 6, Lu,cknow, , a daughter, Joan Elizabeth, POWI R . —, at Kincardine hos-,. ,pital on• Thursday, 'July' 12,th, 1962, to Mr:' and . Mrs. Wayne Porter, 13.:11. 2),`tiHolyrood, • a 'son., iBOYLE : =- Alt Kincardine ` Hos. pihal,, on Tuesday, :'June 26th,.! • .1 62, to Mr. .and. Mrs. Francis Boyle; .R.R. "3c Ripley, .a daugh- :ter,,: Corinne Marie. HACKETT' H. At the Wingham re' General Hospital, on Monday, )f- July.1.6th, 1962, to 'Mr., and Mrs. )iEric Hackett, R.R.. 3, Lucknow, A • .a daughter: • GRAHAM. --: : At •'. Kincardine :. • •Hospital, on Thursday, June 28th, c • 19162, ' to , ,Mr.,, and Mrs Gary '11:. ` Graham, R.R:. 3,: • ..Lucknow, a rr son, John Michael Skeane.• - McCHARLIES:-.1V1r. ` and Mrs. Donald McCharles of Brantford proudly announce the• birth of ,6;. •` their son,' on Sunday,. July` .15th, kr at :Brantford General Hospital., • J MI;ESON At.... Win, g ham. General Hospital; an Friday,` June 29th,.1962, to. Mr. and . Mrs. Ronald Jamieson, R.R. 2, ' Lizck- now, a daughter. CARTER • At Wingham Gen- eral • Hospital, on' Friday, Jtine ,29th, 1962, ao Mr.' and Mrs, Gor- don Carter; IRR; ':6, LucknOw, i'. ason. 'MeFARLAN At. Wingharn General • Hospital ori Monday, July .21nd, •196 , to Mr. and 'Mrs: Ivan McFarlari, KR: '1', Holyrood, a ' son. yrs i ch me erj ;ia?. cc, He al? tan ew'. teY in- lay lay • 564 tier ear test. in, )se. the ers • • LEADER — At the Winghain. Farewell Party • '' • • General Hospital, on Monday, Sections : No. 1 and No. 7 held July .l6th, .1962, to. Mr. and Mrs: a farewell..party a•t 149;' 1 school Donald .Leader, Lucknow;. a% son,, at .Lurgan on Friday • evening of last week in honour . of Mr. and" --• g Gen- Mrs. William, Collins and .family WALL . At the +Win ham eral • Hospital,.. on Monday, July who are leaving shortly for their. 16th, 11992, to • Mr. ' and' Mrs. Lorne new home. in Preston, . Gordon Enimerton was chairman for the occasion., ' The first number on the program' was .an, address' by 19612, to Mr. and Mrs: Larry Nfac., Charles ; Emmerton w,ho recalled. In:tyre 'of .8 rampton:. (Leona Col- many happy associations with the. • • .Collins ''fa•mily and expressed re gret at their leaving where they have, been '''fine citizens. Duets. byCarl and Lynn. Lowry were enjoyed as vias Mrs. J. C': Camp- , • Kee ..Close Watch , (bell s reading. Interesting con-; ' tests. were ' conducted iby: Mrs. Hugh Cameron after , which a �At� ': Sales �� Bar n g well `corriposed address •it prose The: •Lucknow.. Community. was read by . Gordon:, Eminertppn Sa'l'es Barn operated as usual on °,arid the presentation of a coffee; Wednesday, Unaffected locally, by table, step-up table:,and, pieces the `hog cholera outbreak, : that of china 'were Made: Mr.. and is resulting . in' strict quarantining ..Mrs. Collins 'graciously ekpres i:n some areas.` sed' their thanks for the gifts Thhere is 'a complete :quara a- "and the. enjoyable evening. Mrs. tine. in Eastern 'Ontario,; where Robert Harris, teacher at No. 1 the outbreak .originated: Steps, :school at Lurgari for. , the•past were • taken this week `to close :year was also • presented with a the ' sales barns. at:• Kitchener, git f by Leoriarci Elms on behalf "Waterloo and Galt:: This quart, of the section" after which Mrs. :antine• ''pretty well'covers. Wat- Farris expressed ' :her- .apprec•ia- erloo County: :•tion. A• bountiful :lunch was. sere - :'There has been an;: outlbreak ed :and: a social `time was enjoyed,• in the •Tavistock'.areas, *and "au-::' 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Courtney of thorities are' pessimistic that the. Kilworthy visited :. with Mr:'- an, situ ation--�eourld-:- getTw•orse ; be Mrs. John' Ernertori-aneMr.; :and ,fore it improves: Mrs. Art:Courtney on Wednesday 3,822 hogs 'have been slaught .of laat • weep..: • ' ere'd. on 216 ' farms . 'in :Ontario Mr:. and' Mrs.: Robert McKay. since •raid=July. ' In_ • .tile., 196U-81. •(Dorothy Sawyer.) visited with outbreak more than •57'000 `hogs. Amlberley • friends recently. were , slaughtered with :compen Mrs. Art : Courtney of Arinber- cation' to:•owners. amounting to ley was hostess for : a tea when members of `the '. Anglican .:Wo- about $�1•,7a50 000; men',s Guild' -and neighbours were Bob Macintosh; proprletar" of" entertained. Community ., singing the' Lucknow Sales Barn' was• led by Mrs, William Courtney at • a . ' meeting• in: . London,, On was 'followed by . instrumental Monday, when the :c'holera . sit- miusic 'b Mrs. • Wiliam Collins nation was, discussed. and Mrs:; James . Nesbitt.. which. Where. sales bains continue .to,.was, enjoyed.,. After grae` was - operate, the proprietors' have been I f , sung, a dainty �liinch was serv- advised to • keep a. close .check ed b then Hostess and ass�isfants. on sales made, with ,particular y' Who Mrs: Wayne;'Johnston and little 'attention paid to consignors w son • of Toronto visited! at the are not regular custoniers: Manse last week with :Rev.. J. C. -Hutton. • : Wall; . R.R..• 1, Lucknow, a, son.. MacINTYRE in. , Brampton Hospital' on Sunday, July 22nd, lines) a. son. "Gift Book" compiled by Mrs, William Collins in which names. of doncfrs to St, Luke's Anglican Church Mat Lurgan were recorded. (Families; friends and summer visitors -.contributed:. :mrany .gifts, which.. are much appreciated by the .congregation. A presentation Of a rose bowl on behalf of the Guild member was .made '• to Mrs, William Collins Who. has .been, •,a, faithful church worker. Always willing to go the "second mile", .she` has..endeared herself to the r congregation and friends of the community as. well. She and her' husband and family will. be. `greatly' •.missed at St Luke's, as they plan to move to. Preston in the near future where !1Vl+r. Collins. . work, necessitates. their moving to Waterloo County, Musical selections were given by Mrs, James Nesbitt after which. the meeting closed with hymn '613+1 and, prayer.' by .the president. Grace was sung: and ' a dainty lunch was served .'by' the hostess and ,assistants. ' • Diimier guests with, • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lowry . on Sunday were Mrs. John.- Carrutahers of Ripley and Mr, and. 'Mrs. Wm. Collins, Carol,. Lois, °Louise and} Grant: . . �Mr. and Mrs. George' McDonald and 'Mr. ,and Mrs. John C. Macs iDonald Courtney and Corrine ,were dinner. guests: on .Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Donald Court- ney and friends. . , Norman . McLennan of Wing - ham, spent last •Week with Mr. and Mrs.' Walter :'Br'.ow:n, at Am iberley.:. •• Pine River United Church held anniversary •,serviice ,on ' Sunday; July'.. 22nd.. At the' :morning" ser- vice ;a eajpac ty :crowd filled' the: church. The. guest minister Was ' Rev. William J: Carson of Bet - vie. The .,guest; soloist, • was Mrs, J, • :Hewitt • of: Klinlou�gh. `' The. quartette, consisting - of . 'Robert iCo:tintney; ;Glen Boyd, Ernie Glib son and Lynn Lowry contributed a • nuthiber. The choir sang an, anthem also. At the.evening ser vice,. 'Rev: D. Dunlop of Ripley was guest minister -and Miss• Marion : .Munn ' • of 'Ripley sang:' The quartette ' and ': choir ' also contributed ;numbers.. Miss .Mari- on Munn. was . choir director for -the occasion " occasion and Mrs. Merrill. ..Cantelon` of Wingham: assisted in the 'singing. Miss • Mary Ellen She:ills was organist with . piano' accompaniment. by Mrs. William` Courtney; . Rev.J•: • C. Hutton '• was d ;present .for the evening 'service.. d r 4. , John—CL.M.acDOnald and • Corrine of . Ripley,: Mrs. Donald !Courtney and Mrs. Wm: .Cou+rt •ney attendeda trousseau tea' .on. Saturday for Miss: Ann Crawford, bride • of the month. • : NEWS S • BRIEF FROMBY NEAR � .: •� (1 41 of oi. VCK$ IC HQLIDAY PROCLAMATION C . Herbby Proclaim Monday, Agust' .61h ACIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW And call updn all persons itoobserve it as such. G. W. JOYNT, Reeve, •./Miss Helen " McNain spent a week in Toronto with Dr and Mrs. Stewart Stewart ' Sims ' • •At the morning service . at St. Luke's Anglican Church, •Lurgan,. Carol,' Louise and Lois, sang a trio. Faithful . members of the choir, the girls ;rwlil' be .missed' by .the congregation.' • . Mr. 'and Mrs: John McCharles of Lucknow visited recently with Mr. and. Mrs. John . En' merton second concession.. • • Guild Made Presentation Mrs. Arthur Smeltzei w,as'hos-• tess for • the Anglican Women's ;Guild for the Lmon•th of- July:. Twenty-six ladies attended, Mrs.. Gordon Ernmerton and Mrs. John Scott presided, • The scripture 'reading by Mrs. John 'Emmerton 'was . followed with the roll call after which a reading was . given by Mrs, William J. Courtney,, During the -business . period cards of thanks were read .and it Was also .decided to hold a bake sale at • Piint Clark., Mrs. Herb Em- merton gave' a 'humorous read ing. Ari interesting, fea£ure of the • program+ w'as the readingof the, Shelburne has ' voted ' to . stay: dry,• Thee vote on •the''liqubr and brewer's stores, ; was the result of a petition • by merchants. • The liquor store vote was .360 for and 332 against and the brewer's store, 368. for...an:d 329 against. At the same time: a dining lounge. and cocktail, bar vote was taken at the .request of the hotel owner. These`. were -rejected... 404 • to 276 rand 444.. to 224, respects+very, • • Roll' Call Replies TeIITVaIue Of W.I. Mrs. Gib' Hamilton was hostess at her home for the Kairshea 'Women's Institute when they held their July , meeting with Public Relations as the theme. In the' absence -of the President, the 2n•d vice, Mrs. Ted CollYer and Mrs. . %`Ira, Dickie , were in charge of the meeting. The scrip* • ture' was read' by .Mrs. Fred Gil- christ, The roll call had many interesting, replies "The ,,influ- ence" of the W.I. 'in the comnmu-' pity." .Many ,felt it ,was a meet- ing to which a' newcomer' in.' the' community could b ' assured .o f_ a Welcome; and was :one means.. of getting. acquainted, . The W.I. are reaching girls;in .the. district through the 4-H• work. Some also decided it was the only time in this rushed age, when we had a chance. to: meet , our neighbours. It is .planned to accept the dates. of October :2nd and 3rd for a Extension Service course on Copper Tooling. Time : from . 1a a.m. to: 4 :p.m. ,' Interested mem- hers Or ' others should contact the iSec.-Treas., Mrs.. Dickie. The Grey -Bruce Area .Convention' is, in Southampton, September 5th and -0th" Alta: D. • J. MacKinnon ° is ' appointed the ' delegate,. with alternates, Mrs. Frank MacKenzrie and' Mrs. • Ira. Dickie, . ' • . ' Mrs. Harvey Houston, and:Mrs.. Allister. .Hu hes will be leader. Hughes , and 'assistant for the • 4-H pro='. jest, •f `Cotton accessories for the• club' girls bedroom." During; the' Standing Committee convener reports, Historical;. Research con- vener,. Mrs: Hughes, read inter= esting 'material •received in. cd - nection with the• work Of the B4ruce County...Historical' Society., Committee appointed for.:'the , . • Fall Fair' exhibit is Mrs. Virden Mowbray,'. Mrs: D.J. MacKinnon Mrs. Lloyd MacDougal, Mrs,PHar- old' • 'Camp'bell. Meniibers. were' renirinded to.• be on hand at .2 ;p.m:. sharp at the Fry arid Black.- - hall Furniture factory ,on August :) With,. for a tour of the plant. , Mrs. Farish Moffat is hostess for ••thhe August ` meeting at her home, in' •Wingham: -Mrs: Virden Mowbray; presided at the piano for com- munity singing.: Mrs. Fred: Gil- christ took the chair for the pro, grain., The topic .•was . taken :by. 'Mrs. .. Harvey'. , !Houston, "Federated. :Newsy" -it ;went back: in Insititute history to 1929, when tie a'te George Putnam .was superintend- ant of Women's .Institute in On- tario: Other highlights 'of,/ ;19345! and 19319.. The issues of 'Hon e and ' Country. and the Federate( News 'giving, full reports of the 2nd .National; Convention.• in: Van- couver were. recommeded for. .further. study. Mrs . ..Robert • Gilchrist had . an interesting contest. 'After a quick. look . at a box. containing some: • 20 ;sni ll; articles, the ladies• were to list them from memory: Mrs.. Donald MacKinnon . managed• to remember some, 15, and receiived' a prize. Mrs. William MacIntkre gave •.the courtesy remarks ' to which our hostess replied. God• 'Save the. Queen '.and the Insti tute Grace brought the meeting • to• a close,' after • which lunch was serve(.. Aubrey Toll's• heavy horses succeeded ` in/•Winning about eve ery. . major .event at the Brandon, Fair in Manitoba. Included in the winnings 'were. the following first prizes: six 'horse hitch; four ';horse hitch, light!,draft team;' heavy draft' team; best draft mare or gelding; grand champion snare; grand champion gelding.; reserve champion gelding * * Port Elgin -residents• are- being hara'ssed by . sea, gulls coining "uptown" in search of fcrod and feasting on berries and cherries. 'More frustrating,. howev.er,'is the bombardment that. has ''caused housewives to do was,hings over and over . again, ' * * Bent drummer at •the 12th of July celebration at Kincardine. was Watt Webster of Varna. Charles MCQuillin of St. Helens Was second in the fifng compet- L 1 (dont Because :of the Medicare lis pute in Saskatchewan, Alvin Sherwood'. of 'Dungannon flew to Saskatoon to bring his mother, Mrs. ;Wesley Sherwood back :to lJungannnn. 'She had. been iii hospital • in Saskatoon, .with: a heart .condition. f * * ' Peter . Dipper", 24i was fatally injured- recently when the •sports. car he 'Was driving went out of : control near Walkerton. He wars a •' memlber '. of • the Paris Public School staff, and was , enroute t� spent the holiday week -end at Walkerton with. his p,arerts, be- fore commencing ' a: 'summer course. Peter was the only sox of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Dipper, Who Were friends of Mr, arid Mrs, W. S, Reid, and Bob •of .Strath- roy, ,and : forMerly • of Lucknow, where the (Dippers visited when the Reid :family resided here, m•