The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-07-25, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN4S?V. ONTARIO. W!DDi TESbAV, JULY` 2 th,196a • ...��ci�x••�,.,:.,•; ear,: Y.••*,:::.'. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES — First Insertion 2c1 N, per word, minimum charge' 50c., Repeat Insertions, 1 %2c per word, minimum 40c,' Notices,. Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum .75c. In .Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to ' The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc for. each bill. • rendered, • • FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE7-30 pigs well started., Will sell any. amount, Jim,' Aitchison, R.R. 1, • Lucknow, phone 87-r-3, Lucknow. FOR .SALE --- baby • stroller. Ap- ply. Mrs, Norman ,McDonald, R.R. Q,' •Lucknow, phone 44-•r-+14, FOR „SAiL.E seven room frame house •in Luclonow, goodgarage aid Work -shop, William' Broww ,' phone ,164, Lucknow. POR: SALE- Used: 82gahl;on. pressure tank in• good condition: (Priced reasonably. Wim..: Murdie and Son, phone 10, Lucknow, BINDER FOR SALE L7 -foot •1)66ring :binder: Jim.. Burt, R. 3 tHolyrood ,phone 127-1!.25, :Rip- ley.. POR •SALE; - 1950 Chex, two 'door, and• 1955 PontiacLauren- ,rtian,. priced far .quick sale. Don 41VbacIntyre, phone 1.01-i411, Luck BIG WOOD BrA GAINS • — ~ from now until the • end ; of August, mixed slabs can be purchased Lor $1.00 a • cord picked; up at -the. sawmill: Wesont Lumber Com pany,.,:Lucknow, • BEST PRICES intractor tires. Freshcement in stock, :at all times, •-good .: discounts on large, :orders. Formosa No.•'.;1 • hardwood• slabs in truckload ' lots. • Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. STILL A' • GOOD SELECTION' of shower aril wedding' gifts :avail able at ..savings of •25%a off at, • •Finlay Decorators, Lucknow, phone,. 218. RESIDENCE FOR SALE The. residence of Thomas :. H. Burns on' Ludgard . S:t., 'near' the Sta- tion ; on . spacious lot. Downstairs contains; three rooms 'and a pantry, upstairs, three bedroorns • and, bath—Expansive front; porch. and back' porch, ..: good basement,,. oil •heated; House newlyinsulated and painted.. A new chi ' ney er • ected, recently. Apply to Thomas 'H. Burns. WANTED • WANTED —. live poultry; also •new and used duck and goose feathers and used -bags •and'bag ging. Bestprices at your 'door. Phone. • or: write A. Brown, .1e1` •Kincardine,. WIANi'1'BL1. — .Business to rent 'with option; to. buy. Small snack. bar or ..coffee shop with. living quarters in. Lucknow, Teeswater or: surrounding district.. Send full particulars to Box 512, Sea= forth, Ontario;. COMING EVENTS CASH, ' BINGO A Cash Bingo will be held: in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, July 28th, at 8:45 •p.:rn•, .12 regular .games for .$10., 3 share-the,wealth - $,,50. Special game must go. RECEPTION. AT .RIPLEY ; A reception will ,be.' held in Ripley 'Township 'Hall on Satur- day, July 28th, in honor of .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Steele (,Doreen MacLeod). !Boyd',, orchestra. La- dies please bring sandwiches, Everyone welcome: FEMALE HELP WANTED • 'RURAL HOUSEWIVES Avon ' :Cosmetics offers excel lent earning opportunity for you working in. . your. ,own Com- munity. Write Miss V. M.•'Mosher, P.O. Box. No. 8164 Owen Sound. HAVING ROOF PROBLEMS?, .— /For flat...orrusty metal roofs, use Super Zone heavy duty roof 'coating ' in either black or alu- minum. Garanteed.. For free esti-. mate, call Jack Noble, Phone, Dungannon 18-r-14, ' R.R. 2 Au burn, Ont. • NOTICE NOTICE Dr. J. E. Little's Dental Office' is. closed•' for vacation and will re -open': on Tuesday, August 'Ali, following Civic Holiday. .NOTICE • BEAUTY ' SALON , VACATION (Bailey •Beauty Salon will be closed while , on vacation, from (Saturday, July a&th 'to Monday,; August ' 13'th, , inclusive. NOTICE. BEAUTY PARLOUR: CLOSED UNTIL 'AUGUST 3rd Lorraine's Beauty Parlor /'is'. closed' for holidays from, Monday, July • 23rd to '.Thursday August 2nd, .inclusive. She will. re -open for business on, Friday, August CLEARING:.: CARD OF THANKS • I wish to thank 'everyone who: so kindly. remembered me with cards, .letters, treats and visits while a patient in. W ingham.' hos- pital. • Mrs. Gordon Ritchie." Mr.. and. •Mrs. Peter ; van der Ley of Lochalsh. wish • to thank their' neighbours: and friends ."for -their kindnessand help at the ti:rne oftheir;pre Past Thursday. Special thanks to Dbnald Simp- son for the use of his barn... • .AUCTION SAIE: of Livestock, Machinery , •& Farts At . The Farm Of • ED. FRIENDORF Lots 1, • J., Con. 25, Greenock :Twp. 1 mile east and 1 mile pout!' of Village of . Kinloss • SATURDAY, ,JULY 28th • Starting At 1:30 o'clock To all those wile remembered me with cards, ' sifts and visits while- in Victoria Hospital and since • returning home I wish to express my . sincere thanks. 'Helen Hall. Roger Pentland df Dungannon wishes to express sincere thanks to all who: sokindly remember- ed him while he was in Victoria Hospital,' London,._ Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF • JAMES BAIRD ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of • the 'above mentioned, late of the Township of• Ashfield, .in the . County of Huron,. Retired Farmer, who died on the. sixth day •of. . June, A.D, '1962, are required to 'file proof of same with the undersigned:. on or before the ; 28th day ..of July, A.D., 10612. After that date: the executors will proceed to distribute tha estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall .then have had notice, DATED at. Winghamr this .25t' day of July, AD., 1961, • Crawford And ,Hetheringtoa; Wingham, Ontario,. Solicitors for -Executors. • Douglas, Horton wishes/to ex- press sincere thanks to' all who !ave, been s'o kind, remembering. him in .so. many. ways while he was hospitalized in : Winglam & Cattle London.. • .Their.: thro.ug:htfulness 2• Fresh Holstein Caws, with calf at side;, 1. Fresh Hereford -and iHo1steiri,' Cow.' with calf; 8 Hol- stein 'Cows, milking and rebred; 2 Dry Cows: to : freshen in,` tem;ber;`• 8 Spring and Summer Calves (Hereford -,Holstein); 3 Yearling Holstein Heifers; Here 'ford Holstein • yearling Steer;, 2-Year—Old. Holstein Heifer in calf Pure Bred Holstein • Eu;l,) .. rising. 2 ' years. Hogs•• • Sow with .11 pigs 4% Weeks. old; • 3• Sows br, d', 2 months, York' Hog, 9"months old; 2 :Chunks of F•rd. • NOTICE Lucknow ' Women's Institute will ,sponsor the ,course, "Cotton Accessories ,,,for. the Club (Girl's Bedroom.” The age ;is' from :12 to '26 . and 'those wishing to take the course are to give their names to Mrs: George Whitby by. August 4th. SERVICES AUCTION SALE Allan • MacItityre .: Licensed Auctioneer • Lucknow ('.hone; 209r.-41 ` Have 'You Renewed 'Your Sub- scription? ' • ' FILTER QUEEN Sales and ' Service BOB PECK, Varna, • Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2 ii xt dater 1� Drilling VACUUM .CLEANERS N•ERS -. Sales 'and Service Repairs and bags for all models of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned machines of all makes for; sale. / BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall "'696-r-2 Implements • Rola . Bar Type Side De- livery Rake;. M.F. '71/2';' 3. pt. hitch IS,pring. Tooth Cultivator.;. New 800 ib. De., Laval ,:'...Stainless Steel Cream Separator, used 3 weeks; 15'o. 20A M.H. 13 run Seed Drill'; •4= Section Spike" Tootih Harrows;' iFerguson • 28 Plate. Disc; De La- val Milker with HAD: 'pump, 2 swing:: units and • milk l'ine ' for 18 cows, Viking Electric Ham, Diner:.Mili .:with .one : P.' -motor, 1 : year 'old; .19610 Model 35 M.P. Diesel : Tractor With less ' than. 1100 hours, like new, Freeman Manure, ;Loader; 3-10" bottom MX. Lift Plow; New •Danuser Post :Hole Diggetf, 12" ,auger; MX. 7' tractor trail type -'Mower. George White 30 bushel Manure Spreader Cdbey ,Farm . Wagon (new'.tires, rack); .10 foot Swather, pulltype, used one season.; 1948 Mercury i/2 ton Truck'. (needs some • work) ; • Roll -,of : 42 : Woven Farm, Fence;. Pile Of New, Lumber' 115 -Rail Road. Ties; Fanning. Mill with. 2 new screens; 2 Wood :Stoves; 1 Smith Corona • Typewriter; 175 Bushel Wheat;, 150'Bushel..Mixed Grain; 2000 Bales' of . this year's Hay;. 15 acres of Standing Mixed Grain (oats, barley); Milk Pails, Forks, Many articles to numerous to mention. This Machinery is NEW • In 1960 and 19+0:• and kept in good repair. ., Satre • day and place at ap- proximately .4 o'clock this 'farm, of 287: 'acres with .3i5 acres• ..of lake will be offered subject , to 'reserve bid with 105 acres of bush, 80 acres of„'stubble and 28 acres 'newly ' seeded,' •balance in hay'anrd pasture, `With, large (barn and •house well equipped and good terms can be' arranged withg' the °Wrier, • • r • Fred • and Ed Friendorf, *Props. borne McLelland, Auct. Phone Bervie 2i233 was deeply appreciated. We. Wish to :sincerely thank. 'the friends • and neighbours of, Zion. Community for the lovely• gifts, we. received and invite them to c'onre_ and visit: us in Our new :home. , :George ,and Jennie Hunter. 'I wish• •to express 'my 'sincere thanks to .everyone .who•.sent me cards, treats and flowers :and, to those ': who ' visited me 'while- I. Was a patientat the . Bruce. County hospital, Walkerton. • Mrs. ,Norman- 'Bell: THE, WEST ' •WAWANOSH' MUTUALIRE • INSURANCE CO•. Head 'Offiice, Dungannon "'•. ro• Established ` 1878' • BOARD OF, DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth,. R•. 2, Auburn Vice -Pres:, Heison Ir - 'win, Belgrave,• Directors, Paul Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon George C. Feagan, Coderich; > Ross •Mc. . Phee, R. •. •3, Auburn;: Donald. MacKay,' Ripley;, John T. Mac- Lennan,. R. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson, R 1,' Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins, .R: 3, Auburn. .For. ` information on your In-" surance, • call your nearest direc- tor who is also an ;agent,' or the, secretary,Durnin Ph ilhps, Dun - Isobel Miller wish's to :ex- gannon, ;phone . Dungannon 48. press her sincere thinks to• all who .So kindly 'remembered her in various ways, while she was 111tlSSII.IUuI.I.uu[IIIlIIU/ in the hospital. , Their' : thought-; fulness is :deeply appreciated. • Lakelet, Ontario R. H. GADKE kt.R. 1, Clifford All -Wells Caiaranteed .AUTOMOT1 VE echanical and body repairs, Wheel alignment' and' balance, ' Window replacement:, Radiator repairs. Protect against ,rust With Undaspray. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8, Hwy. Phone JA .4=7231 9' 't w ft 'ft :• • BRECKOW'S Goderich, Orttario ' CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quantity. Custom hutchering in Medical Massage Government •licensed abattoir. Pigs every, Tuesday. Beef from STEAM. SAUNA (Bath), And HIGH COLONICS Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET 11$ Anglesea; St. (Off Victoria) Goderich,, Ontario, Residence, JA..4 7617. Phones. Office, JA. 4-8281 • SEPTIC ;TANKS. CLEANED Septic ' tanks, cess pools, etc., eum" cleaned with mod rn equipment. All.Work. ar. anteed: Louis Blake, Ri Brus- sels, phone 442-w4. " May we extend our heartfelt thanks to all, our friends, :rela- • tives and neighbours' who helped Tri.. so' many Ways during our re- cent bereavement. Also we in- cerrely thank' those who sent floral+:tributes, Dr. Corrin, Dr. Jackson and :nurses and staff of iGoderich ,Alexandra General , and •MarineHospital, , Rev. Howard. •Strapp, the pallbearers and flo- wer bearers, Mr; Wm: Johnstone and Mr and Mrs.. Elliott Sandy,' Lorne 'Parrish and Family..• • " Ve. Sell ; Rural• • Ontario'! 1 SAVE THRU STARR 1 : ' gl▪ and order Canada's Biggest "Bargain • .Real • Estate Pictures ■ catalogue; ,describing' in .detail' •.747 listings on•.farins, acreages.( ' homes, businesses, lakes, rivers° sand, cottages. Send ••only. .50c■ !for. the New Summer . Edition: ■ APPRECIATION We would ` like to express our very • sincere • thanks. ' •to . our friends and neighbours for 'their great kindness shown• to us in the cutting, baling and storing of our hay for. •us. I .would .also.. like to thank those who'pro- vided machinery -and Many 'other, acts of kindness 'during' my ill- ness., With improved health I. hope. to .return some of that kind ness in `the near future. , This has been deeply., appreciated, Very sincerely, !Belle and !George Graham Remember, it 'takes but a Moment to place a Sentinel' Want. Ad and be money in poc- ket. To advertise, just phone 35. L. is DUPLICATOR supplies; bond paper, mirriieo payer, typewriter paper in pads and quantity, ink for Gestetrier „;machines, stencils and master sheets, • duplicator fluid, hectograph • machines and supplies, if we don't stook your requirements, we 'will be', glad ,to order for you. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow, Dead Stock i 1. EVE1ftETT PENNINGTON '1 • . Phone 392-6064; Teswater' tt. a' Hanover Phone 870. 0 ■ • Six offices td serve you a . 111 better — Orangeville; Ran-, 1 ■ Over, Owen Sound, :Flesh; . 141tRAY FARMS HoLyRooD The home Of choice meat.% GOVERNMENT INSPECTED KILLING wg luso no 'CIISTO$ and haug. your meat in modern coolerS as lting as desired. Pigs On Tuesdays and cattle .everY 101•4* -13, LuckiCri6EWR:qk Removal Service We, are licensed • to 'remove' your dead or crippled farm animals ' for sanitary disposal, Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Ph, Ooluet 444..24, Lucknow R.R., 2 Lucknow 24 -boar' ' service' Licence No, 173062•`